We're so fricking back

Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

  1. 7 months ago

    made for bukkake

  2. 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      no, they never were
      D2 was blizzard north, almost the entire team was let go ~2005
      meanwhile blizzard made WoW, which codified the "ilvl is the only stat that matters" standard of itemization that poisons every loot-based game to this day

      • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago

        With or without ilvl on a item, there would always be minmaxing, ilvl is just another parameter to look at

        • 7 months ago


          • 7 months ago

            I accept your concession

        • 7 months ago

 it isn't. when your ilvl isn't at the centre of things it means that you can have a very very good item that is of lower ilvl. it won't ever be perfect when affix tiers are level locked and they usually are but it can be very good and workable still.
          when everything is decided by the ilvl with the bases scaling alongside it it means you will have to frequently drop your well rolled items for higher ilvl random trash just for the base stats alone like damage or armor or whatever. it means there's no itemization throughout leveling since you swap items so frequently and all you care about is base type fitting your character and ilvl being as high as possible, looking at affixes is just a waste of time, whether they're good or bad it's a minor part of things and the item is going to be discarded very soon for higher ilvl anyway. it also means that come endgame every good item you could've gotten throughout campaign or whatever lower level activity there is isn't just non-optimal, it's downright useless because it lacks the base stats.

          • 7 months ago

            t. wrong

          • 7 months ago

            What you are talking about is sadly outdated design that they deliberately eschew nowadays. The goal is to have everyone on the same level of content so there's no separation and people are never "forced" to run what would be outdated content for themselves just so that someone in the group can get an old, but still, relevant item.
            The way it is now, every patch replaces all previous content with a new tier, and that means bringing everyone up to the new level and having ilvls jump hard enough to justify the new shit over old drops, no matter how powerful those effects were. You have people outright b***hing and moaning when an old tierset sims higher than a new one. It's a deliberate choice and, unfortunately, what the entire game is designed around now.

            You can get something sort of similar by playing a lvl 20 twink, which is what I do with most of my WoW time. You use items all across 9 expansions to eke out as much as you can, even resorting to lower lvl items to get specific enchants on them or dungeon quest drops for their baseline gem sockets.
            It's also really fun just oneshotting dungeon bosses and being accused of hacking.

      • 7 months ago

        This is incorrect. Ilvl did t become king until a few patches before burning crusade. In original WoW you could get by through knowing which stats benefit your class, granted a full set of high ilvl epics could have had the raw stats to make up for subpar stat combination but a slow blue weapon was always better than a fast purple weapon for instant attack damage, for example

    • 7 months ago

      They will never fix D4

    • 7 months ago

      >fix diablo 4
      they already got your 70-100$ lol

    • 7 months ago

      stop fricking playing blizzard games, its never (repeat, NEVER) going to get better
      >you used to be good at this
      homie you fricking KNOW that none of the same people who made the games you love are working there anymore

    • 7 months ago

      >used to be good at this
      By pure fluke. Did you think this downgrading studio who no one wants to even hire into now was going to learn from past mistakes?

    • 7 months ago

      They spent 10 years on that, and that's it. Just accept that they're not going to redo the whole game.

    • 7 months ago

      >playing video games to collect non-existent junk and see a fake number go up

      You deserve your misery, shit eater.

  3. 7 months ago

    >5 years from now
    >"We know we got off to a rocky start with War Within and Midnight, but we think part 3 will really put things back on course"

    • 7 months ago

      Meanwhile on Ganker:
      "We're so fricking back with The Last Titan!!!!"

  4. 7 months ago

    Surely this time
    Well surely this time
    Oh, this time it's finally getting fixed
    This time is it totally, we're so fricking back

    • 7 months ago

      And the cycle continues...


  5. 7 months ago

    And the cycle continues...

    • 7 months ago

      WoWomen always have that time of the month where they're "back" and they're "going home".

  6. 7 months ago

    What's The War Within's story? Who's the super-duper evil guy truly behind everything in the WarCraft universe?

    • 7 months ago

      They've run out of toybox villains.
      So now the fricking dagger that priests used in Legion is causing mischief.

      I hope you have to kill 10 Unstoppable Forces for boar guts. Maybe kill 12 Ashkandi's for Miguel's husband's son.

      • 7 months ago

        Oh, they actually remembered the possessed knife?
        >Maybe kill 12 Ashkandi's for Miguel's husband's son.
        Sounds fun.

      • 7 months ago

        They should have gone with the "Nzoth won in BFA and Shadowlands and Dragonflight was a dream" twist, because it would make much more sense for an underground themed WoW expansion

        • 7 months ago

          How'd they proceed from there and where?

          • 7 months ago

            You could do it a ton of ways but the end-goal would be to reach a "reset" to essentially recon everything post-vanilla, probably before AQ40 except the old gods wouldn't be an issue anymore and the story can head to a different direction since a lot of big names would be dead or locked away like the Jailer and Sargeras

          • 7 months ago

            >Nzoth slowly corrupting all of Azeroth and turning them into his black empire
            >all of Kalimdor has been taken over
            >new Horde capitol in Silvermoon
            >Alliance and Horde banding together not to become tentacle mind slaves
            >have to go into Kalimdor which is now an eldritch hell to defeat N'zoth who has manifested his physical self in what used to be Orgrimmar, think the visions of N'zoth x10000
            It literally writes itself.

            I would have the expansion start off with an expedition to Kalimdor as the sailors talk giving us the revelation the heroes were defeated and about to go insane when Wrathion seeing what's happening swallowed them all to protect them from the worst of N'zoth's influence (remember the black dragon scales were what gave the cloak insanity resistance) and so Wrathion sacrifices himself going completely mad while the heroes live on inside him only half insane dreaming the story of SL and DF, you could have the expedition then sight a corrupted Wrathion flying around tearing at himself and attacking anything nearby, we're there to stop him and save the saviors of Azeroth within. Or something like that. I've got 1,000 good ideas about how to manage this story already but that's because I actually like WoW and the characters.

            • 7 months ago

              >because Wrathion and Kalimdor are half in the black empire reality time doesn't function properly so the heroes don't age or starve
              >we managed to find them by tracking the Heart of Azeroth's magic , remember that fricking neck? You were still wearing it
              >after we defeat Wrathion we are stranded in corrupted Kalimdor which is EXTREMELY fricking hostile and it seems we saved the heroes only to die alongside them
              >we happen to crash land right on top of Gallywix's bunker where it is revealed he's the only normal living being still left on the continent somehow
              >>we force ourselves in as guests and ask how the hell he's still sane
              >turns out he has this whole collection of rare artifacts he swindled for just such an occasion and he was waiting for it all to blow over so he could swoop in on the real estate market of newly depopulated Kalimdor
              etc it goes on and on

              you could even show the evacuation of the major cities and continent as a raid, the last stand of Orgrimmar as everyone is trying to get a teleport or vehicle out

              Any fan of the game could write better than the slop Blizzard gives in all of 30s of effort.

              • 7 months ago

                >Nzoth slowly corrupting all of Azeroth and turning them into his black empire
                >all of Kalimdor has been taken over
                >new Horde capitol in Silvermoon
                >Alliance and Horde banding together not to become tentacle mind slaves
                >have to go into Kalimdor which is now an eldritch hell to defeat N'zoth who has manifested his physical self in what used to be Orgrimmar, think the visions of N'zoth x10000
                It literally writes itself.

                I would have the expansion start off with an expedition to Kalimdor as the sailors talk giving us the revelation the heroes were defeated and about to go insane when Wrathion seeing what's happening swallowed them all to protect them from the worst of N'zoth's influence (remember the black dragon scales were what gave the cloak insanity resistance) and so Wrathion sacrifices himself going completely mad while the heroes live on inside him only half insane dreaming the story of SL and DF, you could have the expedition then sight a corrupted Wrathion flying around tearing at himself and attacking anything nearby, we're there to stop him and save the saviors of Azeroth within. Or something like that. I've got 1,000 good ideas about how to manage this story already but that's because I actually like WoW and the characters.

                I want this so bad

                The void stole "her" hips.
                Or maybe she's revealing herself to be a brave FtM troon.

                instead we get more troon shit

        • 7 months ago

          Black Empire expansion sounded a lot better than the shit we got with Shadowlands.

    • 7 months ago

      Azeroth is a ‘world soul’ and the planet is an egg that’ll hatch to become a god
      Different factions want to influence what sort of god it becomes
      Each of the factions is ‘flawed’ because they each represent an extreme and so it’s up to (You), the hero, to create balance in the forces

      Light bad, void bad, order (titans) bad, etc

      • 7 months ago

        >Must protect wyett mann from le evil women and minorities.
        It was his pile of shit.

        • 7 months ago

          Azeroth’s soul is canonically female

          >the planet is an egg
          >the more influenced the egg, the sweeter the yolk
          troony agenda is real.

          The current judge of all souls is a FTM as of shadowlands so I wouldn’t worry about that

          • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago

        >the planet is an egg
        >the more influenced the egg, the sweeter the yolk
        troony agenda is real.

        • 7 months ago

          >eggs are now troony shit

          • 7 months ago

            Ganker worships trannies now.

            • 7 months ago

              there used to be 24/7 threads about traps before on Ganker


              they are trying to corrupt the titan soul to serve them, literally everything is corrupted in wow since like 18 years ago

              • 7 months ago

                More like 27 years because le retcon.
                >Medivh couldn't have just wanted power as a reason for working with demons to open the portal! HE WAS LE CORRUPTED BEFORE BEING BORNEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                Nobody has any fricking agency in these stupid fricking games.

              • 7 months ago

                traps aren't trannies

              • 7 months ago

                being an egg ks trad red pill as frick
                real men are egg and get fricked in the ass by big black wieners

                you freaking racist chuds wouldn't get it

          • 7 months ago


        • 7 months ago

          World egg is a concept more ancient than your entire bloodline and this entire species, dork.
          It is only natural that when chaos returns on the block or order retaliates all becomes derailed, including sex incohesiveness and nonsensical (to you) plotlines on meta-scale.

    • 7 months ago

      Basically there isn't one.
      The simple version is that four factions, each representing a fundamental force in the universe, have been waging war over Azeroth since literally forever because Azeroth is the strongest 'World Soul' (World Souls are god embryos).
      Because of this constant war, Azeroth and the beings that evolved on it represent a sort of balance of all four of the forces these factions represent.

      So, you see.
      This is a story about a World Crafted by War

  7. 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      It cracks me up that Anduin literally looks like the Brendan Frasier meme.

      • 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      always pissed me off the xpacs never came with at least a free month. you had to buy it and also subscribe

  8. 7 months ago

    oh fricking please...
    same shit with every announcement/release.
    >expansion gets announced
    >"WoW is back baby! this will fix everything!"
    >expansion gets released
    >"WOOOOOOOOW what a shitty expansion! they just fricked everything up!"
    >expansion gets announced
    >"WoW is back baby! this will fix everything!"
    >expansion gets released
    >"WOOOOOOOOW what a shitty expansion! they just fricked everything up!"
    >expansion gets announced
    >"WoW is back baby! this will fix everything!"
    >expansion gets released
    >"WOOOOOOOOW what a shitty expansion! they just fricked everything up!"
    >expansion gets announced
    >"WoW is back baby! this will fix everything!"
    >expansion gets released
    >"WOOOOOOOOW what a shitty expansion! they just fricked everything up!"
    >expansion gets announced
    >"WoW is back baby! this will fix everything!"
    >expansion gets released
    >"WOOOOOOOOW what a shitty expansion! they just fricked everything up!"

  9. 7 months ago

    It's actually pretty fun betauser survived shadowlands and got to do dragonflight.
    When even normie media is pissing on your story for being moronic you know you fricked up massively.

    • 7 months ago

      Who would have replaced him?
      Nobody wanted to inherit a dumpster fire that has a bunch of women and minorites pouring gasoline on it.
      He has his job because no one else wants it. He's the king of shit mountain because no rational man can stand the smell.

      • 7 months ago

        >Who would have replaced him

        Anon there are literally hundreds of WoW lore nerds with their own communities from Scrolls of Lore and MMOchampion alongside famous individuals like Nobbel87 and Red Shirt guy. There is an entire community of potential candidates more faithful to the lore than Danuser, but blizzard ignores that talent and hires goblina strippers for it instead

        • 7 months ago

          And, what? Those lore nerds take the mantle, walk into the office for the first day, and get a hundred screeching harpies and troons saying why X toxic thing needs a retcon and it was made by awful men so it has no place in the world, etc.
          You say frick off, write a coherent story, and get pushed out before it ships.
          Or you bend to the way the wind is blowing, and use the games story as your own deviantart fanfiction blog.

          Just because there are men FOR a job does not mean those men would be allowed to DO their job.

  10. 7 months ago

    ah yes the women journalists

    • 7 months ago

      >Arcane season 2 is "really good" says League of Legends boss
      Incredible journalism

      • 7 months ago

        pick one and only one. web marketing isn't journalism

  11. 7 months ago

    I dont think there is anything more psychotic in the world of video games than how people know WoW retail is shit yet somehow, every time, get hyped for the next expansion, then 2 weeks after release admit its shit, rinse and repeat for over a decade, absolutely metanl

  12. 7 months ago

    >WoW is shit now
    >Completely unsalvageable
    >Still desperately wish you could find a reason to resub and eke some joy out of it again
    Please tell me I'm not alone

    • 7 months ago

      I'm having fun with WOTLK classic. Found a good guild of some fellow dipshits and we get together to talk shit and smack easy bosses around every week in an expansion when the game was still mostly fun. It's gonna be over for real once Cata rolls around though - I'm not gonna fall for that one again and the seasonal stuff they're doing just isn't for me.

    • 7 months ago

      >muh pooor game waaaaaah
      Just buy the game you unthinking Black person just turn off you mind and enjoy the latest Marv- I mean Blizzard slop. You want it, Ion wants and Metzen wants it and will leave again if you don't.

      • 7 months ago

        >pic related
        I wonder if they updated Gazlowe's character yet?

      • 7 months ago

        why the frick do half the races even give a shit about this moronic nu world tree

        • 7 months ago

          In typical blizzard fashion, if the tree is burned somehow it burns the world. Something Something Fyrakk absorbs elf souls and unmakes the world.

          • 7 months ago

            So Fyrakk is the final boss of the Dragonflight expansion?

            • 7 months ago

              Yes and there won't be a 10.3 patch, confirming that Blizzard views Dragonflight as a flop on par with WoD and Sneedolands

            • 7 months ago

              Yep, if you hadn't noticed blizzard is bailing on DF early. There won't be a third patch.
              Megatr- I mean Iridikron got his void mcguffin (featured heavily in the War Within trailer) and escaped a time paradox through a void portal (???)

              So BFA basically ends with Fyrakk trying to burn the tree while his sister abandons her principles because her sister said "Sorry :(".
              With Metzen back, it's hard to say if Megatron's story will finish in the next expansion.

              So much for undoing the Titan's stain, muh proto-drake masterace amiright?

      • 7 months ago

        Metzen doesn't want it. If the side-games are any indication, he wants to completely disregard most of the cringe that happened while he was away.

    • 7 months ago

      I get the itch to resub all the time come a new expansion but the shit WoW has done to their game always holds me back
      >WoW token
      >Boosts bots abuse
      >refuses to implement actual evergreen content and double downs on focusing around raids and PvP
      >classic+ is ran by a skeleton crew that had the wow token by proxy day 1
      >classic+ was further raped by boosts
      >classic player base is just retail shitters since bwl
      >player base is so groomed they're defending the 3 day early access

      There's just nothing redeeming about WoW in the slightest. There's a positive feedback loop where the player base just enables the worst behaviors from Blizzard because they're so battered that the game just gets worse and worse over time. The player base has no self-awareness or self-respect. Ion was literally saying the 3 day early access is for people who don't have enough time to play the game but if someone doesn't have time to play the game what the frick is 3 days going to accomplish?

      • 7 months ago

        >player base is so groomed they're defending the 3 day early access
        you'll buy the game anyway so who cares? even if it were the first expansion not to turn into a buggy mess in the first days you have, what, two weeks to a month to get to level cap before real progression content is unlocked?

        • 7 months ago

          >you'll buy the game anyway so who cares?
          Yeah, that's what I expect from people who have no principles or self-respect
          >bro it's just server xfers
          >bro it's faction xfers
          >bro it's just a mount
          >bro it's just cosmetics
          >bro it's just class xfers
          >bro it's just a one-off boost
          >bro it's just a non-max level boost
          >bro it's just a WoW token
          >all while paying a sub and expansion fee

          And then people wonder why the game is so bad. It's why all of their games besides SC2 and HotS went down the shitter
          >Hearthstone has become an unbalanced mess designed to milk out as much money as possible
          >Battlegrounds was changed to remove the pass you could buy with gold to having to pay actual money
          >Diablo immortal was just a cash cow
          >The other new diablo game was a massive dumpster fire
          >They destroyed Overwatch and relabeled it as Overwatch 2
          >WoW rumble is literally a generic mobile game reskinned with wow characters
          >Somehow managed to completely frick up Warcraft III

    • 7 months ago

      The base game made by the original creators is so good that their will always be a small chance it could be good again. That's why you keep getting the feeling of wanting to come back and enjoy the game you remember.

      But then you log in to retail and realize how the game is being actively mutilated by a team of untalented women, queers and freakshows. Unfortunately, this game is entirely developed around speed runners and overly sensitive leftists. It's evident with how the entire game is balanced around M+ and the story is only about women, disabled people, and homosexual NPCs. The game can never be good again until they clean these people out of the company entirely and change the focus of the game.

  13. 7 months ago

    I checked out of the story long ago. Game itself is still pretty fun, love playing with my big beautiful Hunter.

    • 7 months ago

      >Everybody would have loved sexy strongfat Kul Tiran mommies
      >Create fatfat landwhales that even the "body-positivity" players fricking despise because they can't play dress-up Barbie roleplay with it
      Why did they frick it up so bad when it was so obvious what they should've done?

      • 7 months ago

        I think they're perfect. Big tall plump busty women.

        • 7 months ago

          They're just obese Americans

        • 7 months ago

          You have to mog one of the shorter pants to see their sexy belly in full view to make playing a KT worth it

    • 7 months ago

      unironically, the vulpera and dragqueers set the bar so unbelievably low that I'm not even that bothered by the morbidly obese race anymore
      they also have a funny PVP racial if you're DK

    • 7 months ago

      every time I see these fat fricks I crack up because they look exactly like my friends cancer ridden mom, if they have the little fortune teller hat on I can't handle it.

  14. 7 months ago

    Did they ever explain how they thought Shadowlands was a good idea?

    • 7 months ago

      No, it was soi devs trying to usurp the old lore with dumb shit.
      If was the old dev team, Shadowlands would have probably been 90% spooky ghost shit.

  15. 7 months ago

    >the devs aren't listening
    >ooh i think the devs are listening
    >the devs are listening
    >the devs aren't listening
    >ooh i think the devs are listening
    >the devs are listening
    >the devs aren't listening
    >ooh i think the devs are listening
    >the devs are listening
    >the devs aren't listening
    >ooh i think the devs are listening
    >the devs are listening

    • 7 months ago

      ||I like bellulars video||

  16. 7 months ago

    You will never feel the joy and sense of wonder when you played as a child/teenager again.
    The friends you used to know will never play again.
    Nothing will ever feel new or exciting again.
    You will always have that lingering feeling that you should be doing something else instead of playing WoW. it will only get worse as you get older.

    • 7 months ago

      >You will never feel the joy and sense of wonder when you played as a child/teenager again.
      agree. i was lucky enough to play in the beta and be there day one on its launch.
      also was able to catch the midnight launches for the expansions with blizzard devs since they did it at my local frys electronics a couple of times.

      >The friends you used to know will never play again.
      not entirely true. the friends i played with at launch jumped back on when classic was first released. though we didnt stick with it and went back to playing FF14
      >Nothing will ever feel new or exciting again.
      in WoWs case? yeah, most likely.
      >You will always have that lingering feeling that you should be doing something else instead of playing WoW. it will only get worse as you get older.
      other than getting back on with Classic. I havent really played the game since Mists.

    • 7 months ago

      this is why you should take up serial killing, it never gets old

    • 7 months ago

      >You will never feel the joy and sense of wonder when you played as a child/teenager again.
      >The friends you used to know will never play again.
      >Nothing will ever feel new or exciting again.
      >You will always have that lingering feeling that you should be doing something else instead of playing WoW. it will only get worse as you get older.
      ff14 gave me all these feelings. kys.

      • 7 months ago

        Same as vanilla. They only have a few canned responses in their repertoire. The next one is "you're just not skilled enough to play current wow"

  17. 7 months ago

    The game is 20 years old and has been shit for AT LEAST half of that at this point.

  18. 7 months ago

    >WoW lost its way with Battle for Azeroth, but Dragonflight will fix it
    >WoW lost its way with Warlords of Draenor, but Battle for Azeroth will fix it
    >WoW lost its way with Cataclysm, but Warlords of Draenor will fix it

    • 7 months ago

      >Battle for Azeroth
      i remember all that shit where they said Battle for Azeroth was supposed to bring the game back to its roots.
      i still liked that cinematic though...

      • 7 months ago

        bfa was kino and midwits were memed into hating it by streamers because the gearing sucked. Everything else about it was actually good except for the parts they had to abandon because streamertrannies were throwing a fit

        • 7 months ago

          >for the parts they had to abandon because streamertrannies were throwing a fit
          what parts?
          never played the expansion. already dropped wow years ago but i have friends that still play it so i just read things here and there sometimes.

          • 7 months ago

            bfa was garbage dont listen to that homosexual
            >but it was fine on the last patch where they unlocked everything and added vendors for corruptions
            have a nice day
            >verification not required

          • 7 months ago

            they abandoned warfronts, which was a pve gamemode that required a little bit of trial and error to become kino because people kept b***hing about it. They abandoned corrupted gear (gear that gave insane amounts of power but with certain drawbacks like reduced movespeed or increased damage taken), and they abandoned the x.3 patch, halfassing it so that we didn't even get a new zone, we just got old cataclysm and MoP zones that got "corrupted" and a half-assed Nyalotha raid. Something that could've been an expansion by itself was turned into a halfassed season because people b***hed so much about bfa that they dropped it halfway through development to make shadowlands

            • 7 months ago

              >they abandoned warfronts
              thank god, warfronts were a fricking snorefest, people were asking for pvp warfronts and blizzard told them to eat a dick

              >They abandoned corrupted gear
              what the frick are you talking about, they added corruption gear and then they added the vendor, next patch was the next expansion

              >half-assed Nyalotha raid

              traps aren't trannies

              >sucking dicks is not gay
              are we really back to 2016?

              • 7 months ago

                it's not gay, I only date women and trannies and sucked the latter's wiener before fricking her colon

              • 7 months ago

                >it’s not gay… sucked the wiener

              • 7 months ago

                >thank god, warfronts were a fricking snorefest
                because they didn't refine them you fricking homosexual. warfronts had the potential to be great, and youtubers shit on them so hard day 1 that they just gave up. Did you know that we missed out on a Quel'Thalas revamp because you homosexuals complained so much

              • 7 months ago

                wrarfronts will always be fricking garbage because killing npcs will never be hard, they needed to be pvp

                >we missed out on a Quel'Thalas
                who gives a frick about a dead city

            • 7 months ago

              so basically they dropped the expansions main gimmick? that sounds so fricking bad. lol

        • 7 months ago

          >bfa was kino
          Not even discussing azerite gear
          Shamans got an iou instead of class changes and so had to play a class designed around legion weapons and abilities, without them and frick them I guess?
          Island expeditions sucked and were abandoned
          Battlefronts sucked and were abandoned.
          Sylvanas' motivations completely contradicted each other and were obviously soft-retconned once the 'le jailor' story was clearly solidifying behind the scenes.
          Jaina just copy-pasted her MoP arc again and just sort of randomly gave up on the *dismantle* plan despite having no reason to after the battle patch.

          • 7 months ago

            >shamans were just legion class without weapons
            shamans were one of the most fun classed to play, I don't know about enh, but ele and resto were fun af, I played every spec (in the game) except enh.
            >island expeditions sucked
            yup, battlegrounds just sitting there untouched, maybe they don't like the high, exponential internet traffic game mode
            well maybe not, yup blizzard would be that moronic. like battlegrounds just sitting right there, the ultimate, most fun gamemode of all time in wow, untouched for half a decade.
            >the lore
            the what? Who is sylvanus. Is she a human the orcs want to kill.
            yes not enough hot voice actress.

            god I hate globohomosexual so much

        • 7 months ago

          You mean "Morally Gray", but without the "r".

        • 7 months ago

          You mean "Morally Gray", but without the "r".

          Sylvanas should never have been Warchief to begin with because the Forsaken were just fricking allies with the Horde. They were never actually supposed to be a part of it. Blizzard manages to continuously forget their own lore even though the Warcraft story is pretty fricking simple.

          • 7 months ago

            I blame both blizzard and moronic players from Cata. World of Sylvanascraft could have died considering Blizzard ignored the subject for two whole expansions.
            Yet they couldn't let go. Hard to say if it was the devs who made the call or the homosexual players who couldn't drop it got hired and became the devs.

            All I know is I wrote a paragraph to a lore forum homosexual about why Calia Menethil becoming the Forsaken Leader because "Sylvnas had to die" in 2012 and guess what fricking happened?

            • 7 months ago

              about why Calia Menethil becoming the Forsaken Leader was moronic*

        • 7 months ago

          Leveling was fricking soulful. Islands and Battlefronts could have been cool but they shit the bed. Azerite armor was fine unless you wanted to respec more than once in which case FRICK YOU. Corruptions were cool as frick. Mechagon was kino. The devs actively hated you if you played alts.

        • 7 months ago

          An expansion about faction war with little to no PvP content in it. Warfronts were a mistake and were an awesome idea for PvP.

          Literally WC3-style battlegrounds where you play as the peons and peasants.

          • 7 months ago

            BfA is a sad story because they actually had the players kinda hyped at the beginning and then just massively bungled everything about it

            It would've been the right time to rework pvp into an actually accessible thing, like it used to be in classic, and get people to actually fight for their faction
            Like imagine a reworked pvp system with warfronts allowing you to actually conquer places
            Imagine raids with pvp interactions that influence progression

            But they took the easy designable route on everything because of engagement-metric driven decisions by a management that panicked about falling subscriber numbers and profit-greedy CEOs, then cut their losses midway through and started pouring dev resources into the next expansion, resulting in massively rushed and halfassed content

            • 7 months ago

              PvP just got worse the more progressively flashier abilities got added with each xpack until it became a fricking mess of effects. Play Vanilla and see how easy it is to spot exactly every spell a class is using against you or a group, now try the same in retail. There's no saving it.

              • 7 months ago

                it's also just a complete mess with every spec having like 80 different abilities that you need to know in order to actually play the game against them

                wow pvp currently is played by a community of like 50 giga autists worldwide and the rest has no patience for this shit, especially because they force you to get clapped for like 500 games before you even get a chance due to gear

              • 7 months ago

                MMO pvp but especially WoW pvp should never have been balanced or try to become an esport. It was at its most fun when it was unbalanced, or when the balance depended on the scale of groups to balance an engagement (like AV or Southshore pvp).

              • 7 months ago

                They think they're monetizing the friction of new players, not taking into account they can just quit and do

  19. 7 months ago

    don't they say this with every expansion

  20. 7 months ago

    The marker word for a nothingburger that is not worth you attention

  21. 7 months ago

    I literally don't even know what race that elf is anymore, the lore and subraces are so jumbled up and fricked at this point

    • 7 months ago

      It's not an elf, it's the shadow priest dagger from legion that's been coped into a character on the basis it talked shit to you sometimes.

    • 7 months ago

      Old God dagger possessed a high elf Twilight Cultist. So technically a void elf.

  22. 7 months ago

  23. 7 months ago

    I don't play this game or any MMO while we're at it, but this shit clutters the Ganker catalog and every single time they state that the previous expansion was shit and that the next one will be the best one, how the frick do people still pay for this trash? Are they legitimately moronic?

    • 7 months ago

      >I don't play this game
      >how the frick do people still pay for this trash? Are they legitimately moronic?
      ok troony

      • 7 months ago

        >cut out half the post so it doesn't make sense so you can be mad at it
        mentally ill

  24. 7 months ago

    • 7 months ago

      i hate him so fricking much and can't wait for the day when he ropes

  25. 7 months ago

    hmm..... nah

    • 7 months ago

      >implied lack of consent
      >Don't want the raid boss to kill you? Just say no.
      >The raid boss cannot legally kill you if you don't give your consent.

    • 7 months ago

      It's hilarious when people want villains to not do villainous things.

    • 7 months ago

      We've reached a point where cartoonishly evil zombies who have been openly telling you they plan to kill all life on the planet since level 5 now need "consent" from their mind slave that they abducted, lobotomized, and did gruesome experiments on for months.

      And people dare to say this game remotely has its shit together.
      Go paint me some more fruit bowls, you fricking clowns.

    • 7 months ago

      this game is so fricking gay. I wanted to defend this by saying they turned "domination" into a specific school of magic with an implicit meaning that may not apply here, but after reading further they're just fricking homosexuals who don't like to write the no-no words. I hope Metzen fires every single one of these women. Because you know a fricking woman wrote this

      • 7 months ago

        You should see what they did with Illidan's harem in the Black Temple. Apparently he was bisexual all along.

        • 7 months ago

          i remember gnomes in the original BT, ilidan was always a homosexual

          • 7 months ago

            The gnomes and belves were only servants before. Now half of the women have been replaced with men.

      • 7 months ago

        >Metzen Won't Do Shit
        He isn't the saviour you think he is. It began with hi.

        • 7 months ago

          Be honest, of Warcraft's historical dev team, who COULD save it? Who is responsible for the lore people actually like?

    • 7 months ago



      as a white man with a frickload of disposable income, id have to say....................... nah

      Reminder, none of this is due to 'wokeness' this was a smokescreen play by c suite to distract people by getting them mad at the WOKES instead of all their diddling mates who were getting the company sued by state and federal regulators.

      • 7 months ago

        this was 2-3 years ago when blizzard was dealing with the lawsuits, nobody was complaining, they were just trying to gain rainbow points

        >defending a multi-billion dollar company, for free?
        imma have to say............................NOPE

        • 7 months ago

          Defending the company? I'm blaming the company, you know the officers who make the decisions?
          You're blaming some fricking intern like they have the power to make these choices without the nod from higher up.

          • 7 months ago

            Nope, you said something that sounded like you were defending Blizzard, you are a tainted homosexual from this moment onward.

            • 7 months ago

              >the blizzard shill is now blaming me
              frick off troony

            • 7 months ago

              Right, so you thought I said something you know I didn't but I am still wrong based purely on the optics of my comment?
              I didn't realise I was talking to an SJW.

        • 7 months ago

          Nobody is defending them, chief.
          Hell, my post was mocking the article you posted.
          Ease off the shitpost gas long enough to read.

        • 7 months ago

          You’re based, your posts are good, and troons are seething

        • 7 months ago

          Never forget their Jaina nerf in Hearthstone.

          • 7 months ago

            saved for future anti-shilling..... thanks

            • 7 months ago

              Nobody on Ganker plays wowshit anymore so you're wasting your time with "anti-shilling"

              • 7 months ago

                exactly what a shill would say

              • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago

        You're fricking moronic man
        it's always these types that end up being molesters and sex pests
        anywhere you have shit like this you also have sexual abuse, 100% even if it's not disclosed
        I promise you, you'll get word about sexual abuse in the offices of Arenanet in due time.

      • 7 months ago

        Till this day it wasn't proved anyone at company actually did anything seriously bad.

      • 7 months ago

        I honestly don't give a shit about their "real intentions" anymore. Their games are full of woke garbage, it seems every fricking character in DF is part of the alphabet mafia, half the quest logs are so full of "my husband my husband my husband" they may as well just have outright typed BY THE WAY I'M GAY in there. Hell, the entirety of the Overwatch panel this blizzcon couldn't go two sentences with spouting buzzwords like "diversity", "inclusivity". BRO WHERE'S THE GAMEPLAY
        And yet the company itself doesn't believe in any of that garbage, it's all performative. Their employees are breastmilk stealing sexpests, they still bend their knees to china. Remember when they put that troon in a DF showcase (to an emote-only twitch chat full of vomit emotes) and then it ditched the company for Riot?

        At best they are spineless panderers. At worse they are fully compromised. Blizzard is a dead company raping the corpses of the IPs I grew up with and deserves no less than bankrupcy and the actual subhuman morons still supporting them deserve to be ridiculed just as hard as mobile game players or gacha addicts.

        • 7 months ago


        • 7 months ago


        • 7 months ago

          >still watches blizzcon
          >still goes into threads of games he doesn't like by a company he doesn't like
          >other people are the subhumans btw

      • 7 months ago

        >Reminder, none of this is due to 'wokeness', it was just to pretend to be woke
        Oh okay then, carry on.

    • 7 months ago

      Reminder that people pay them to do this.

      >then they have the gall to complain to us when it happens

    • 7 months ago

      blizzard is just so fricking pathetic and gay, I could never play one of their homosexual Disney games ever again

    • 7 months ago

      World of Feelings

    • 7 months ago

      This is the most hilarious shit.
      They needed to remove the "lack of consent" bit here.
      So instead we're supposed to believe that this woman willingly went to the sadistic zombie man and said "h-hey... can you.. uhm... like.. lobotomize me? and then turn me into a drooling pet? it's kind of like a BDSM kink"
      My fricking sides.

  26. 7 months ago


  27. 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      It's absolutely hilarious how these people are such weak whiny b***hes the words maiden and consort send them into the depths of insanity.

      • 7 months ago

        this was 2-3 years ago when blizzard was dealing with the lawsuits, nobody was complaining, they were just trying to gain rainbow points

    • 7 months ago

      so when are they going to remove the entire mad doctor questline in hillsbrand foothills?

    • 7 months ago

      I remember this b***h from cata being one of the few npcs with some personality of her own, couldn't have that could we?

      • 7 months ago

        >b***h with personality
        My wife. Shame she got neutered in Legion.

    • 7 months ago

      >renaming "pearl necklace"
      That's how you know coomer morons are in charge

      • 7 months ago

        Meanwhile, other games have entire questlines revolving entirely around every single possible dick joke fathomable in rapid sucksession.

        • 7 months ago

          Why make interesting content when you can just change some hekkin problematic text

    • 7 months ago

      legitimately, unironically, removal of soul

  28. 7 months ago

    >so desperate for soul that they have to use it in the name
    >it just makes it even more soulless

  29. 7 months ago

    hmmmm..... nope

    • 7 months ago

      Why didn't they just make chat settings to filter out that content from appearing for players who don't want to see it?

      • 7 months ago

        because what if the fourth reich will emerge out of wow chat

    • 7 months ago

      Here it is. Funny to see the two stances juxtaposed.

      >9.2 is making me very happy because people keep saying my incubus makes them uncomfortable
      >And so when we think about things like /lick, /moan, pounce. Its worth nothing that, while these things can be used in good fun between consenting people, it also exists as a way to suddenly and forcefully create a sense of danger for women when they are trying to enjoy a game.
      Do you like things that make people comfortable or not?

      • 7 months ago

        It's okay when they make things that make others uncomfortable. Anyone else doing anything that makes them uncomfortable is a big no-no.

  30. 7 months ago

    It literally has SOUL in the name
    It's gonna be sovlfull, bros....

  31. 7 months ago

    as a white man with a frickload of disposable income, id have to say....................... nah

  32. 7 months ago

    im thinking... nope!

  33. 7 months ago

    that'll be a "no" from me chief........

    • 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      This has to be the most moronic thing people got angry over.

    • 7 months ago

      This has to be the most moronic thing people got angry over.

      The "dark-skinned Blood Elves" are the Night Elves.

      In the lore, all elves used to be the Night Elves who operated as a magocracy centered around the Well of Eternity, an endless source of magic. Their nobility were a caste of mages called the "Highborne." They used magic so much, their very essences became entwined with it. Then the Well of Eternity blew up and the flow of magic from it ceased. This crippled the surviving Highborne nobility, who were promptly overthrown by the Night Elf commoners and banished. These banished Highborne sailed across the sea until they reached Quel'thalas and created the Sunwell with a vial of the waters of the Well of Eternity, creating the Sunwell. However, the Highborne were left pale and stunted by their long withdrawal from magic, creating the High Elves we know today. After Quel'thalas was destroyed by the Scourge, Prince Kael'thas redubbed the remaining High Elves the "Blood Elves" in honor of the fallen and lead them into Outland. (And, yes, "Blood Elf" was originally just a political term to describe the followers of Kael'thas, not High Elves that had consumed fel magic, but Blizzard can't keep their lore straight)

      That's why dark-skinned Blood Elves make no fricking sense. They're already in the game, they're called Night Elves. Blood Elves are pale skinned because of the mutations suffered by their Highborne ancestors while they were suffering from magic withdrawal.

      More importantly, however, Blood Elves are a magical fantasy race, not humans with pointy ears. Thinking that it's important to include black and brown Blood Elves to be "inclusive" implies that the Blood Elves are human.

      • 7 months ago

        The worse part is that Warcraft already has black people as a tribe of humans in Stranglethorn but does frick all with them

      • 7 months ago

        It makes no sense because it's a fictional race. It is complete liberal to pretend that ethnic differences in humanity have nothing to do with a phenomenon called specialization based on genetic isolation and natural selection, but to treat it as some kind of rando variation like your eye color.

        Ergo any given fantasy race can have a "black, white or Asian" equivalent because it's a coat of paint even though even black people understand an elf ain't a fricking human.

    • 7 months ago

      >he doesn't like the choccy elves

      • 7 months ago

        >he doesn't like burnt toast
        not him but no, I don't

  34. 7 months ago

    im gonna have to............. decline

    • 7 months ago

      I am genuinely surprised that by WotLK Classic, they didn't blackwash Stormwind again and file it under #somechanges.
      The WotLK community loves wiener, so they would have cheered it on.

  35. 7 months ago

    ah yes can't wait for the max level when i can uhhhhhhhhh grind M+ infinitely and uhhhhhhhhhhh raid and uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

  36. 7 months ago

    how is Wow still going?

    • 7 months ago

      because it makes money
      >but it doesnt make as much as before
      so? as long as it makes money it will keep going

      • 7 months ago

        This, MMOs are surprisingly cheap to run
        >But server costs
        As the playerbase shrinks, so does the load they place on servers. On top of that, Blizzard has been able to get away with not only making garbage content, but less of it with each expansion and charge the same prices for all of it. They're still making a profit, but they're definitely not the giant they used to be.

    • 7 months ago

      >1 single store mount makes more money than the entire sc2 and all its dlc
      i fricking wonder

    • 7 months ago

      they're still getting 1+ million people to pay $15 a month. People also buy token to sell for gold. Then the paypiggies which is most mazed freak buy up every fricking mount special. Dropping $150 extra to get a single mount. Truly pathetic!

    • 7 months ago

      People say it has ''1mil'' but it is untrue
      barely caps out 500k subs a month
      horrible bot problem with absolute dead content and world

  37. 7 months ago

    I'm honestly surprised they haven't removed all of the armors and clothes that show any hint of skin on female models yet, or just replaced them with a body-covering single color.

    • 7 months ago

      Players can still bawd it out, but the developers had decided not to use lewd on future characters and dungeon drops.

    • 7 months ago

      I'm like 99% sure they removed shorts I had on my female character back in WoD. Can't find them anymore

  38. 7 months ago

    imma just take a lie down in the cosby suite and drink some b-milk i stole from the fridge, brb

  39. 7 months ago

    >WoW is so back!!!
    Retail gays are so desperate to convince themselves their shit game isn't dead

    Reminder: You're mounts/mogs/cheevos are worthless

  40. 7 months ago

    This time for sure.

    • 7 months ago

      That's outdated I'm afraid
      No more .3 patches

  41. 7 months ago

    >lost its way with shadowlands
    it lost its way 3 or more expansions before that

  42. 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago
      • 7 months ago

        Words cannot overstate how much I loathe the disney aesthetics they've gone with

  43. 7 months ago

    sex with elves

  44. 7 months ago

    um....................... no

    • 7 months ago

      Shadowlands zombie invasion was so much better than the Wrath one.
      Organized efforts to stop them could succeed in Wrath, in SL even one zombie could start a fricking town-destroying apocalypse. Shit was the one fun thing about SL.

  45. 7 months ago

    I waifued alleria in wc2. I can fix her. I can give her a baby. I can console her when turalyon eventually gets offed in a lore breaking loot pinata Dungeon.

  46. 7 months ago

    I don't know how stupid these people are. But if they think in any way they have improved from Shadowlands and didn't bleed more from the pivot the MMO genre is fricked. DF and Worldsoul are putting more holes in the ship while there's this strange narrative that somehow things are on the right track now. Fricking look at the data. Same mistakes as DF are going to be in Worldsoul and people are still going to be blaming Shadowlands when WW has less players than DF. Eject your esports players. Ban asmongold. Ban Bellular. Frick cosmetic rewards. Shrug off all this pretend bullshit over utopian gameplay loops where the pillars don't interfere with each other and nobody is cross pollinating other pillars. People don't give a shit about titles pets and mounts they want power. RPGs have always been about player power and the sweats b***hing about AP and causing DF has been the most insane shit in the world. The most hardcore group are advocating for anti RPG design because they can't control their mental illness. The game becomes an unfun wasteland because they get what they want. People leave because pets and toys aren't reward loops and they scratch their heads saying Shadowlands did it. Delves ain't gonna fix shit we're going further down boys they haven't seen rock bottom yet.

  47. 7 months ago
  48. 7 months ago

    >current wow sucks
    >new expansion comes out
    >everybody loves it for a month or two
    >then it sucks again until the new expansion is announced
    it's been this way for the last 15 years.

    • 7 months ago

      It was funny with dragonflight. All the wow streamers were talking about how great dragonflight is, how wow was back, how it was just like how it used to be, and then they were all on wow classic the entire time kek. Not even sure how that's supposed to work out.

      • 7 months ago

        I remember even whatshisname the british psycho dude
        >Dragonflight is GREAT! The greatest WoW has been in a long time, even!
        >But our viewership numbers went way down
        >And we really don't have any reason to play...
        >But this is WoW's best expansion since WoTLK!

  49. 7 months ago


  50. 7 months ago

    >The bareist minimum gets shown
    >its enough to get a reaction like this
    I can smell the desperation .

    • 7 months ago

      they've been desperate for years. it's really quite pathetic

    • 7 months ago

      They do this every time.
      >Blizzard has SAVED WoW
      >Blizzard finally listened
      >expansion launches
      >[Expansion] has FIXED WOW
      >3 months after expansion
      >What went wrong...
      >Why [Expansion] failed.
      >Blizzard we have a problem.
      >new patch is announced
      >X.1is fixing EVERYTHING
      and so on and so on these people have a formula designed to pander to the hype and disappointment cycle of the wowgays

      • 7 months ago

        So it's just like Sonic, Zelda, and Final Fantasy.

    • 7 months ago

      >The bareist minimum gets shown
      no it didn't
      was just 2 dudes talking
      features were just Shadowlands again, they're still doing 4 raiding difficulties and funneling people into M+, they're still doing the vault, they're still doing fake PVP numbers, shitty itemization with boring items, not going back on the muh feelings plot, not going back on the gay shit that they know for a fact is the biggest thing holding the game back.

      Let me put it like this, I started playing WoW when I was like 11 years old, and I thought it was all cool and gritty and shit.
      I could tell people "Yeah I play World of Warcraft, it's fricking sick, I'm a Mage, I turn people into sheep and shoot gigantic pyroblasts".
      11 year old me would never let a living soul know he played current World of Warcraft, because if I tell someone that I play it, and they google the game, the first thing they see is something embarrassingly gay, or weirdly sexual and fetishistic.
      It's more embarrassing than getting caught watching porn, cause it's fricked up and twisted.
      It will NEVER be back, so long as the vibe is off.

    • 7 months ago

      mmo content creators are all trash no matter what game it is, i have no clue why people bother to watch these wishy washy fricks

    • 7 months ago

      That narc guy is unironically a Gankertard who's entire channel is shilling a kickstarter scam while appealing to classicbucks.
      Having thousands of views on any video of his is hilarious.

      • 7 months ago

        It's possible that Ashes of Creation will wind up being vaporware or just be shit when it comes out, but it isn't a scam.

        Scammers don't buy a big brick-and-mortar studio and hire hundreds of developers.

        • 7 months ago

          Counterpoint: Star Citizen

          • 7 months ago

            Star Citizen isn't a scam, it's vaporware. You can actually play a rough alpha version of Star Citizen right now.

            What's more, if there's a scammy part of Star Citizen, it's that CIG is willing to continue increasing the scope of the game indefinitely to up the hype and bring in the whale bux, thus essentially keeping it vaporware in a permanent alpha state.

            Ashes of Creation has not increased in scope from the initial Kickstarter pitch. What's more, it's not nearly as ambitious as Star Citizen. Star Citizen is looking to create something that has essentially never been done before. Ashes of Creation wants to create a somewhat-ambitious mix of systems that have been implemented in other MMOs already. Namely, it's clearly been influenced by a lot of the shit that was in ArcheAge.

            yeah they do, what the frick do you mean?
            If Steven wants to scam people out of 3M dollars, do you think he will get every single person on the team in on it?
            He needs things to show to get more money, so he pays legit devs to do it, but he'll disappear before release and the game is never going to get off the ground.

            It's been said a million times but I'll say it again: There is no future for a highly graphically intensive MMO like Ashes of Creation.
            Things that become really popular are accessible from a hardware standpoint first.
            Fortnite, Genshin, Among Us, etc. by virtue of running on phones, these games run on the shittiest laptops and have no issues running on consoles either.
            Games like WoW are in the same category.
            Games like GW2 and ESO tried, but their optimization is shit on top of their aesthetics also being shit.
            Since I brought up aesthetics, if I told you to imagine something in the Ashes of Creation aesthetic, would you be able to?
            The artstyle is anemic and uninspiring. Impossibly generic.
            It's just not going to work.

            Scammers don't claim their game is fully funded and they don't need anymore money, either. They claim that they could just get across the finish line or add just one more cool feature if they just had a bit more money. Intrepid isn't doing that.

            Now, they ARE selling expensive alpha keys to anyone who wants to buy them, which might be a scam if Intrepid Studios was a not-for-profit charity. However, you will notice that they're a for-profit business and that it isn't generally regarded as a scam when for-profit businesses try to make a profit.

            Many popular MMOs were pretty graphics intensive when they first game out, including WoW actually. I remember when it first came out, some older machines couldn't run it and lower end computers like you might have gotten from Best Buy would chug a bit running it and you'd have to play in potato mode.

            "It doesn't have a unique artstyle" is a complaint you borrowed from Asmongold.

            • 7 months ago

              >Star Citizen isn't a scam, it's vaporware.
              It's a matter of perspective.
              Their business isn't making a game, it's milking whales with a promise of a game.
              I'd say stringing idiots along to squeeze as much money as possible out of them with no intention of actually releasing anything is very much a scam.
              The only scenario where SC is ever released is if/when whales finally decide to leave and they need to do a final squeeze. At that point the game will "release", but it still won't be finished.

              • 7 months ago

                >Their business isn't making a game, it's milking whales with a promise of a game.
                They have, in fact, made a game. You can play it right now. It's a buggy mess of an alpha that isn't yet anything like what was promised, but it does, in fact, exist. With ships and sci-fi cities and everything. In fact, they're now claiming that they're ready to start rolling out the singleplayer version.

                They are clearly developing something. What could be regarded as a scam is that they seem to be keeping the game in this permanent alpha stage while just promising players more and more to get money. So, if there's a scam, it's that the game that's being developed is designed more to string players along and get them to keep buying from the cash shop rather than to actually complete the game. So, the game itself isn't a scam, so much as the business practices around the game. The game itself is actually being made. Whether they have any intention of finishing their game within the next century is another question entirely.

              • 7 months ago

                >They have, in fact, made a game. You can play it right now.
                They don't even have properly functioning netcode or physics. If you pay me $1000 for a premium product and I get you the cheapest piece of shit from walmart, won't you feel scammed?

              • 7 months ago

                If I got something different from what I was being sold, sure. If I got the thing I wanted, but it turned out to not be as good as was I was lead to believe, it would be a rip off, but not a actual scam.

                The actual scam CIG is running is similar to what Yanderedev is doing with Yandere Simulator. Which is create small "hype" updates which bring in interest and donations, but don't get the game any closer to completion.

              • 7 months ago

                >thing I wanted
                It's missing 90% of the promised features, the ones it does have are barely functional, and it's 9 years and $700 million past the delivery date with no end in sight.
                The single player game only exists in short promo videos with no gameplay, same as it's been since 2015.
                I don't know about you, but to me it looks like they're doing the bare minimum to keep the scam going. Early adopters of pyramid schemes get paid too, you know.

            • 7 months ago

              >"It doesn't have a unique artstyle" is a complaint you borrowed from Asmongold.
              Are they wrong though? It looks like every other unreal game. Intrepid must nail this part if they intend to retain players.

        • 7 months ago

          yeah they do, what the frick do you mean?
          If Steven wants to scam people out of 3M dollars, do you think he will get every single person on the team in on it?
          He needs things to show to get more money, so he pays legit devs to do it, but he'll disappear before release and the game is never going to get off the ground.

          It's been said a million times but I'll say it again: There is no future for a highly graphically intensive MMO like Ashes of Creation.
          Things that become really popular are accessible from a hardware standpoint first.
          Fortnite, Genshin, Among Us, etc. by virtue of running on phones, these games run on the shittiest laptops and have no issues running on consoles either.
          Games like WoW are in the same category.
          Games like GW2 and ESO tried, but their optimization is shit on top of their aesthetics also being shit.
          Since I brought up aesthetics, if I told you to imagine something in the Ashes of Creation aesthetic, would you be able to?
          The artstyle is anemic and uninspiring. Impossibly generic.
          It's just not going to work.

        • 7 months ago

          Star Citizen isn't a scam, it's vaporware. You can actually play a rough alpha version of Star Citizen right now.

          What's more, if there's a scammy part of Star Citizen, it's that CIG is willing to continue increasing the scope of the game indefinitely to up the hype and bring in the whale bux, thus essentially keeping it vaporware in a permanent alpha state.

          Ashes of Creation has not increased in scope from the initial Kickstarter pitch. What's more, it's not nearly as ambitious as Star Citizen. Star Citizen is looking to create something that has essentially never been done before. Ashes of Creation wants to create a somewhat-ambitious mix of systems that have been implemented in other MMOs already. Namely, it's clearly been influenced by a lot of the shit that was in ArcheAge.

          Scammers don't claim their game is fully funded and they don't need anymore money, either. They claim that they could just get across the finish line or add just one more cool feature if they just had a bit more money. Intrepid isn't doing that.

          Now, they ARE selling expensive alpha keys to anyone who wants to buy them, which might be a scam if Intrepid Studios was a not-for-profit charity. However, you will notice that they're a for-profit business and that it isn't generally regarded as a scam when for-profit businesses try to make a profit.

          Many popular MMOs were pretty graphics intensive when they first game out, including WoW actually. I remember when it first came out, some older machines couldn't run it and lower end computers like you might have gotten from Best Buy would chug a bit running it and you'd have to play in potato mode.

          "It doesn't have a unique artstyle" is a complaint you borrowed from Asmongold.

          Kinda irrelevant to my point
          1. Narc is a Gankertard and drapes himself in the aesthetic of Ganker to appeal to Gankertards (which is sad in its own right)
          2. Regardless of whether ashes of creation is a scam. He's a scammer, he literally posts fanfiction copium about the game he knows isn't real in ways that impute he's talking about features and the like.

          Old God dagger possessed a high elf Twilight Cultist. So technically a void elf.

          Wait she's actually a high elf? So she's not even that old. I thought she was meant to be some ancient unfathomable being playing 4d chess. What were the vague whispers in legion? Just her being an obtuse c**t on purpose?

          • 7 months ago

            In BFA the Shadow Priest legendary weapon from Legion, a sentient dagger rumored to be a betrayed Old God, shows up again. You help her basically transfer her soul into the corpse of a high elf cultist named Inanis through a pact with N'zoth.

            Xal'atath then fricks off with her new body and the old dagger is used to help kill N'zoth at the end of the expansion.

            So no, the dagger is using a high elf as a body, what the being in the dagger is hasn't been made canon but probably a 6th old god that was butchered and turned into a dagger.

    • 7 months ago

      The Narc video was sarcastic.

      Narc is a confirmed Retail hater.

    • 7 months ago

      Were at the point where content creators have to shill, not out of genuinely being fooled or paid but out of desperation. Views for Warcraft news and just Warcraft in general is at a all time low and if Warcraft doesn't regain at least some of it's popularity, a lot of these channels will probably start to be untenable, money wise. I mean just compare Bellular's views for Legion/BFA to now or even fricking SL. Customer apathy is a big problem and if 3 "Expansion" announcements and Classic+ Lite can't bring in views it might actually be over.

    • 7 months ago

      >the views on the stuff
      holy hell wow really fell down.

    • 7 months ago

      holy frick i hate nixxiom so much

    • 7 months ago

      I honestly don't understand this. They barely gave any actual information at all with that presentation. Did they really just fall for Metzen doing growly voices and begging them to come back?

      • 7 months ago

        WoW fans are desperate morons who will grasp at even the flimsiest of straws if it can comfort them that their dying game has somehow been 'saved' from it's gradual and continuous decay.

      • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago

        It's time.... to come home.

        • 7 months ago

          Sounded good.
          Give me a reason. Giving me the names of three expansion is not a reason.

        • 7 months ago

          Frick off.

      • 7 months ago

        I saw somebody else point this out during the event; Every single person Vlizzard brought on stage for the opening ceremony was a limp wristed corporate mouth that had no excitement or passion. The closest you got was the Hearthstone lady and she was stuck presenting stuff people already knew about for a dying card game. Then Metzen came out and immediately started getting involved with the crowd.
        It's representative of what's gone on at Blizzard, especially with WoW for the past THREE expansions. Three whole expansions of being told to sit down and shut up because some shitty characters designed in board rooms have to fly around being invincible while they uproot as many parts of the lore as they can in the shitty new places that popped up out of nowhere. There's a reason Azshara is the best fricking character in BFA, and it's because at the very least she acted like a proper villain like she should. Same reason Denathrius was liked and why Garrosh's little cutscene was by far the best one in Shadowlands.
        Metzen comes out and goes "Hey we're gonna go fight some fricking Nerubians, later on we're gonna fight the Void in Quel'thalas, and the we're gonna go back to fricking Ulduar to see some cool Titan shit go down", and people are instantly on board because Jesus fricking Christ the last three expansion have been fricking awful. Dragonflight manages to be the best purely out of the fact that it's hyper generic filler rather than just egregiously painful slander against the setting.

        • 7 months ago

          Now process that Metzen was last second (month) addition and try to imaagine what would the whole show looked if there was no Metzen at any point.

          • 7 months ago

            If Metzen wasn't there this Blizzcon unironically would have killed Blizzard.

            • 7 months ago

              Indeed, I suspect somebody (with leftover brain) inside reached the same conclusion, hence the hasty come(home)back.

    • 7 months ago

      The worst part is that these videos proclaiming that the game has been 'saved' barely have anything of substance to say.
      I know because I've actually watched the Nixxiom one, it's just stupid fricking click-bait bullshit. The whole video is 15 mins of vapid rambling about nothing and re-stating parts of the announcement.

      • 7 months ago

        >re-stating parts of the announcement.
        This has been going on for fricking ever. I remember that Panzer girl used to just read mmo-champion news verbatim

    • 7 months ago

      YAS DOOD! This is the one! We're finally coming home!

      • 7 months ago

        it's pretty funny that people listen to a goblin that lives in his dead mother's attic with blood from his fricked up teeth on the walls and think he knows anything

        • 7 months ago

          I still can't fricking believe this moron got his own mother killed. Yeah, she was going to die pretty soon anyways but she couldn't function without him making him her, by anyone's definition, guardian and he just let her smoke on oxygen causing it to explode. He's so fricking lucky he wasn't her legal guardian

        • 7 months ago

          >it's pretty funny that people listen to a goblin
          Only if he shills the game.
          If he doesn't, he's that "filthy hating chud"

          • 7 months ago

            oh he'll shill it
            he can talk to the blizzard devs now and he got paid for that wow commercial for dragonflight that he appeared in for all of 2 seconds

            • 7 months ago
      • 7 months ago

        >the reddinfluencer double spaced assertions
        Zack la feint

      • 7 months ago

        Night Media and Microsoft/Activison have the same corporate conglomerate owners, along with YouTube and Twitch.
        It's insane how zoomers are even more corporate controlled than the boomers.

    • 7 months ago

      I haven't watched Narc in ages but I'm assuming that title is sarcastic and the video is probably just shitting on Blizzard as he usually does.

  51. 7 months ago

    >Worldsoul will undo all the setting damaging lore BfA and Shadowlands plastered everywhere with blackjack and hookers

  52. 7 months ago

    how much money does it actually cost to make a MMO?

    • 7 months ago

      Depends on how big you're making the base game, so it needs to be pretty big and costly to net a decent playerbase. High starting costs, cheap to maintain, so if you get that playerbase, it pays for itself rather quickly, then you get into profit territory. Issue is that fricking nobody plays these games anymore, not in the numbers you'd need to make back your initial investment before interest fizzles out.

      • 7 months ago

        why do incels play MMOs so much then?

        • 7 months ago

          It's actually volcel because MMOs are like a second job. MMO players remove themselves from the dating pool, but this is not always the case, sometimes they were never in the dating pool to begin with. That said, I actually once knew a married couple who played WoW together, got both of their kids into it, too.

    • 7 months ago

      >how much money does it actually cost to make a MMO?
      To make an MMO.

      • 7 months ago

        Not really because those games Save for the newest zelda are all usually new games World of Warcraft is a game that has shit tacked on and on and on for several years and every time they do it brings the overall quality of the game down atleast past wrath

        • 7 months ago

          you sure you got the right guy here?

  53. 7 months ago
  54. 7 months ago

    Why did the writers do absolutely nothing with that sword in Silithus for 5-6 years?

    • 7 months ago

      They realized they could copy the Ascians/Hydaelyn story once it concluded in Endwalker, you even have Hydaelyn talking to Anduin now

  55. 7 months ago

    shouldve just done WoW 2
    this shit is ass

    • 7 months ago

      WoW 2 would be suicide if they didn't do character migration

    • 7 months ago

      people have invested so much time and money into their characters that half if blizzards business model relies on sunk cost fallacy. Wow2 would likely abolish all the ingame store bought shit people paid stupid amounts of money for.

      • 7 months ago

        FFXI is still running just keep WoW on maintenance mode to continue milking the middle aged crack addicts and make WoW 2 a good game from scratch, not that they are even capable of this

    • 7 months ago

      >they should just make wow 2
      Yeah simply as that 🙂 just make game good!

  56. 7 months ago

    >Doesn't mention Dragonflight
    You deserve it for believing in them

  57. 7 months ago

    >playerbase spends all of dragonflight complaining about dragonflights awful "muh feelings" story
    >cinematic is literally zero action, and all "muh feelings"
    I can't believe you cucks actually believe this fixes anything. I unsubbed right after seeing that cinematic, this IP is dead.

    • 7 months ago

      >playerbase spends all of dragonflight complaining about dragonflights awful "muh feelings" story
      The only thing I complained about with the expansion was how much dragon flying sucks. I'm surprised there's still people who even care about the story.

    • 7 months ago

      >I unsubbed right after seeing that cinematic
      >I unsubbed
      You are just as braindead as the rest of them.

  58. 7 months ago

    female Draenei are so damned hot

  59. 7 months ago

    Thank you for posting a picture of my wife, isn't she beautiful?

  60. 7 months ago

    i don't give a shit about the boring light vs void shit. i don't care about titans and what they're up to. i want to be a lowly adventurer helping some peasant get wolf pelts, but most importantly i want the story to revolve around interesting characters that we can actually fricking care about. arthas, thrall and etc are so memorable because they have tangible stories, why would i give a shit about some random cosmic entities doing stuff

    • 7 months ago

      because the player character is canonically stronger than any of those characters now

      • 7 months ago

        idc, make them weaker again, find some bullshit reason

  61. 7 months ago

    Wow lost its way with the first expansion
    Anyone who thinks differently is an adhd slop eating moron (My wife)

  62. 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      Steve Danuser writing something so fricking dogshit that pyro has another meltdown will be IRL kino far better than anything that happens in wow itself.

    • 7 months ago

      Is he just going to cycle through them now.
      How long before he has another public meltdown after someone calls him out for beating his wife and kids
      or is that one of the other chasers

  63. 7 months ago

    if i wanna play vanilla should i play this era thing or private servers?

  64. 7 months ago

    And the wow cycle continues.

  65. 7 months ago

    they going to force feminism ~~*again*~~

    • 7 months ago

      sounds gay

    • 7 months ago

      I never really understood the voidshit with Alleria. Obviously, they want to go for this thematic juxtapoition with her husband cool ok. And they're going with 'power isn't good or evil it's how you use it' thing (which is a retcon, seeing as fel literally leeched the life out of draenor but ok), I get that.

      But why her? She was literally just a ranger, pure physical class. She never did anything magic or magic adjacent in WCII, she has no special connection to the void. She's not even really a void elf like the void elves are because her path was different.

      • 7 months ago

        Given all the weird shit with the void Ethereals I feel like some particular writer who paid attention in BC and wanted to really drill in the newer chronicles lore and needed a character to explore it.

        There really wasn't a viable rep for the new lore because Spriests basically had just gotten a complete lore revamp before legion, so they just went with some of the returning characters.

      • 7 months ago

        Do wowclowns actually believes this shit?
        He was the big guy, the alpha, the gigachad, he has everything, everyone loves him and want him to be the king of fricking PLANET
        And their son, the son of a white male and an elf was the chosen one

        They gave her void powers because equality

        • 7 months ago

          Their son did frick all.

  66. 7 months ago

    Too many women and homosexuals developing the game. Same reason everything sucks.

  67. 7 months ago

    We back Ganker?

  68. 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      I like their skin, the gems and rocky texture are a nice addition. But you just know the beard shit is a troon agenda.

  69. 7 months ago


    don't care still not playing your troon game

  70. 7 months ago

    Shits fricked.

  71. 7 months ago

    A game won't become soul just because you call it soul, morons.
    More like worldsoulless

    • 7 months ago

      thats exactly american thinking actually

  72. 7 months ago

    Behead Blizzdrones

  73. 7 months ago

    why don't they just make a good game?

    • 7 months ago

      the people who could code left for greener pastures

      • 7 months ago

        I legit can't believe this guy is actually real. Like what a embarrassment.

      • 7 months ago

        I legit can't believe this guy is actually real. Like what a embarrassment.

      • 7 months ago

        How did he even manage to get a wife and kids
        This is beyond my comprehension
        How is his wife not feeling second-hand embarassment from the online antics of the father of her child?

        • 7 months ago

          Girls like her like nerdy simps. Like Ethan Klein

        • 7 months ago

          He's paying for her kid and making money with her name plastered over his brand while she barely shows up between dates anymore.
          Once the income goes down enough she'll leave officially to protect the size of alimony and child payments.

  74. 7 months ago

    How will they fix it when most of the old guard is gone.
    Even Samwise left

  75. 7 months ago

    >actually enjoy levelling up and trying out different talents
    >get to level cap
    >game turns into a soulless lobby for M+, raiding, pvp

    every time
    i hope delves are OK

    • 7 months ago

      delves don't give you good enough gear from what they told us in QnAs.
      It's comparable to normals/heroics

    • 7 months ago

      t. islands 1.9

    • 7 months ago

      enjoy levelling up and trying out different talents
      >>get to level cap
      >>game turns into a soulless lobby for M+, raiding, pvp

      reminder that this more than anything is what killed wow
      "endgame" as a concept needs to be purged

  76. 7 months ago

    >wow is bad because.... quest logs have words i don't like!
    ok but it's still the best MMO in the market

    • 7 months ago

      Weird copium dose

    • 7 months ago

      Not even the biggest hardcore raiders agree with you:

      • 7 months ago

        >wow is bad because... e-celeb said so
        get some real friends and form your own opinions instead of downloading the latest NPC programming

        • 7 months ago

          said the blizzdrone npc

        • 7 months ago

          >plays retail WoW
          >calls others NPCs
          Bold move.

        • 7 months ago

          >wow is bad
          yes you fricking moron, stop giving blizzard money

  77. 7 months ago

    retoilet wow is still being made by the same blue hair's who though dracthyr deviant art scalies was an acceptable race.

    Not to mention the troony dwarves with female beards they are adding.

  78. 7 months ago

    they say if you install WoW, you instantly troon out, is this true?

    • 7 months ago

      no that creature trooned out because ion told the devs to play xiv so they could steal ideas

      • 7 months ago


  79. 7 months ago

    The things they are working on and self-awareness to point out what wasn't working and that they need to change the entire formula and delivery schedule of the content to keep up in the future is a very good sign. I liked basically everything that they have shown at BlizzCon, not least of all that they are FINALLY trying to bring out expansions quicker by having shorter content release cycles. My dream would be a yearly expansion but given that they are still working on their "seasonal" schedule I don't think that's happening.

    However, this is Blizzard we are talking about. Ion says a lot of things if the day is long enough and Blizzard has been saying that they wanna do faster expansion releases since fricking Burning Crusade.
    But I'll be damned, I'm actually cautiously optimistic for this one. Might even play it. Eventually. Not on release.

  80. 7 months ago

    Riley Reid if Elf

    • 7 months ago

      Knaifu might actually get more porn than Riley Reid

  81. 7 months ago

    >A is great
    >A is shit, but B will make it great
    >B is shit but C will make it great
    >C is shit but D will make it great

    Do people actually fall for this?

  82. 7 months ago

    • 7 months ago

      Some guy posted this in FFXIV threads to convince them that WoW's cutscenes are better.

      • 7 months ago

        No they fricking didn't.
        If anything that was false-flagging. Lying to stir up shit in such a transparent and obvious way that it ruins the purpose of lying in the first place.
        Just like you are doing now. Why can't people just talk about fricking video games anymore, it's all tribalistic shit-flinging.

        • 7 months ago

          >shit up every other MMO thread for well over a decade
          >things turn around for once
          >"h-hey now let's be reasonable, ugh stop the tribalism please!"
          Nah, keep crying Blizzcuck.

          • 7 months ago

            you are an annoying homosexual

        • 7 months ago

          Cope, wowtroon

  83. 7 months ago

    There's nothing sadder than people who genuinely believe this is still the same company as in 2004. Notice how barely anyone calls them ActiBlizz.

  84. 7 months ago

    Name one "bizarre narrative decisions" of Shadowlands. You won't because you can't.

    • 7 months ago

      >actually, this writer's pet who constantly did horrible shit was the good guy all along!

    • 7 months ago

      >destroyed all the mystery of the afterlife
      >destroyed every in-universe religion
      >retconned the architectural inspiration for the scourge originally being from nerubians
      >you took the fricking necrolord sigil directly into the fricking lair of the big bad you fricking moron
      and these are all just from the top of my head

    • 7 months ago

      >Jailer's plan is ???
      >Jailer is using a thing in Zereth Mortis, a place outside of fricking reality to craft after lives(?????) to activate the Forge of Souls beneath Icecrown Citdael, which actually was planned and built by the Lich King all along to siphon Azeroth's world soul somehow to do ???
      >The Jailer wants to "rewrite the laws of reality". What the frick does that mean? What is the endgoal of that? What would those new laws even be? Just that he can dominate shit? He can already do that.
      >"Actually I was good all the time, I was really just trying to protect us from ... from ...
      >Sylvanas starts a world war, genocides Teldrassil, unleashes an Old God that VERY NEARLY KILLS THE WORLD and is ripping reality apart but the Jailer acting entirely in character and doing nothing different than usual is now causing her to have a crisis of identity and betray him for literally no fricking reason and he REWARDS her for it by giving her soul back, which he has no reason to assume would actually kill her, given that he knows about Uther.
      >Mueh'zala, 2 seconds before you kick his shit in goes "Oh by the way here's all the things I caused that people wondered about bye, we'll never talk about this or mention me or my impact ever again"

    • 7 months ago

      Making a homosexual troony be a super special snowflake that didn't forget his previous life unlike basically everyone else in Bastion despite being there for a significantly longer period of time. This is on top of him being sent there SPECIFICALLY because he was such a "good fit" for it since you had to be specially picked to go to one of the 4 realms otherwise you would go to your normal afterlife

      Shadowlands is full of narrative moronation

    • 7 months ago

      entirety of sl is one giant shitshow. you name one decision that is not bizzare, asshat

  85. 7 months ago

    Metzen was WoD. Metzen is still WoD. His return (full powa) is a very bad news for us.

    • 7 months ago

      WoD (forma completado) would be fricking kino and the best expansion by a mile.

      I like their skin, the gems and rocky texture are a nice addition. But you just know the beard shit is a troon agenda.

      Femdwarf beards is just classic fantasy. I'm surprised it took this long.

      • 7 months ago

        >WoD would be kino if it wasn't shit

        • 7 months ago

          Learn to read dipshit
          I said it'd be kino if they finished it, not if it wasn't shit. It most likely still would be shit even IF we had 2 more raids, full garrison customization including zone and subzone placement, 2 more zones etc etc etc.
          Shit games can still be kino.

      • 7 months ago

        >Femdwarf beards is just classic fantasy.
        >trying to seriously pull the plausible deniability card with fricking ActiBlizz

        • 7 months ago

          Insisting that you can't do things purely because "the wokies" might like it is fricking brainrot. Drink bleach.

          • 7 months ago

            >doubling down on your moronation

          • 7 months ago

            Yeah dude, they totally decided to suddenly go "classic fantasy" (which btw never happened this way).

      • 7 months ago

        >Femdwarf beards is just classic fantasy.
        This is a myth btw and was treated as a joke back then.

  86. 7 months ago

    How come every WoW player is genetic dead end that deserves nothing but death to them and the people who enabled them?

    • 7 months ago

      have you seen what the game does to people?

  87. 7 months ago
  88. 7 months ago

    >XIV player
    >Be curious about WoW since shitposters keep saying that XIV is a troony game and to come back to "home" to worlo
    >Mfw this thread
    I've been had

    • 7 months ago

      I mean FFXIV is a troony game but WoW is a troony and furry game with less content

      • 7 months ago

        See, that's where I disagree.
        From this thread alone, I can see that WoW is pozzed as frick.

        Meanwhile XIV doesn't really have any of that sort of thing, no gay couples, no race color change, no painting change, fricking hell the first dungeon is STILL a pirate rape cave with rape slave in it and still a reference to a previous queen of a main city captured and raped in said cave.

        That sort of thing wouldn't exist in WoW today.

        BUT for some reason, trannies fricking love XIV and play it instead of the actual pozzed game made and changed for them.
        Really boggle the mind.

        • 7 months ago

          >no gay couples
          There's the male Midlander/Miqo'te couple who gives you the quest to help the Tonberries in the ARR post-2.0 content.

          • 7 months ago

            That's the only instance of an obvious gay couple, and isn't even shoved in your face, heck IIRC it's not even a main story dungeon so you can even ignore it lmao

          • 7 months ago

            iirc that was actually someone at the english team that did that and they got fired for it
            but that's just what i heard

            • 7 months ago

              So why didn't they change it, and why do the handsome men smile and make eyes at each other while they tell you about the situation?

      • 7 months ago

        >I mean FFXIV is a troony game
        Show proof that isn't just a years old screenshot of a random guy saying "trans rights" in chat. Because if that's all you have then literally every game is a troony game.

      • 7 months ago

        The best way of summarizing it is that the troons have taken over the asylum in WoW whether as the Jap devs haven't trooned out yet in FFXIV.

    • 7 months ago

      filter troony, furry, troon and woke and you're left with people actually playing videogames instead of pol tourists

      • 7 months ago

        The board will be empty except for 2 posts in the hgame general.
        Actually yeah, sounds like an improvement.

        • 7 months ago

          sounds about right
          most people just assume shit about the game based on 1-2 second webms and images that are often also manipulated
          whenever there's a dev highlight and a trans person is on screen for like 0,3 seconds of the 40 minute presentation that's all you're gonna see here

          I played both ffxiv and wow for a pretty long time now; claiming that wow stole elements from ffxiv is very reductive and selective. the only actual parallel you can draw is that ffxiv took the design philosophy of wow combat all the way back in ARR and that's about it
          Dragonflight is pretty okay, has quite a good amount of random stuff to occupy yourself with, progression has the best system since mop, all around a very player friendly expansion. The story is shit in the sense that it's very barebones and uninspired, which is a massive improvement over the shit we got before. It's like the opposite of ffxiv in that sense, because in that game there's barely anything to do but the story and characters are pretty good.

          • 7 months ago

            >most people just assume shit about the game based on 1-2 second webms and images that are often also manipulated
            >a trans person
            >Dragonflight is pretty okay
            Sounds like they made the correct assumption.

          • 7 months ago

            Preaching to the choir. Played both, quit XIV in 6.3 because I have ran out of content I want to do and they are insistent on not adding any more. Dungeons and raids seem repetitive the more I do of them, all classes play the same, and Dawntrail seems to be literally just more of the same. I need new shit. And I am almost pissed that WoW is doing more innovation than XIV.

            The only fake thing is the beard and the glasses. The original art is even gayer if you ask me. Someone post the unedited version please.

            It's literal fricking fanart from Reddit.

            • 7 months ago

              >WoW isn't that pozzed actually
              >btw I think FFXIV really sucks and is sooo bad, sister!

              • 7 months ago

                Did you reply to the wrong post
                No one said either of those things, not even remotely

                Looks the exact same as [...]

                Yes, that's what I said.

            • 7 months ago

              Looks the exact same as

              >It's fake

      • 7 months ago

        Yeah, and when I actually played WoW it turned out to be full of troony, furry, troon and woke shit. What now?

      • 7 months ago

        >just bury your head in the sand bro
        >years later: what went wrong?

        • 7 months ago

          Nightmare fuel on the right

          • 7 months ago

            It's fake, but the general style does fit well enough to fit right into Hearthstone.

            • 7 months ago

              The only fake thing is the beard and the glasses. The original art is even gayer if you ask me. Someone post the unedited version please.

            • 7 months ago

              >It's fake

              • 7 months ago

                Weird that it's so hamfisted

              • 7 months ago

                Me in the back, showing my big cheese to the cute draenei chick

            • 7 months ago

              >It's fake, but the general style does fit well enough to fit right into Hearthstone.

            • 7 months ago

              it's fanart that blizzard liked so much they hired him for official art, that's even worse.

      • 7 months ago

        The board will be empty except for 2 posts in the hgame general.
        Actually yeah, sounds like an improvement.

        sounds about right
        most people just assume shit about the game based on 1-2 second webms and images that are often also manipulated
        whenever there's a dev highlight and a trans person is on screen for like 0,3 seconds of the 40 minute presentation that's all you're gonna see here

        I played both ffxiv and wow for a pretty long time now; claiming that wow stole elements from ffxiv is very reductive and selective. the only actual parallel you can draw is that ffxiv took the design philosophy of wow combat all the way back in ARR and that's about it
        Dragonflight is pretty okay, has quite a good amount of random stuff to occupy yourself with, progression has the best system since mop, all around a very player friendly expansion. The story is shit in the sense that it's very barebones and uninspired, which is a massive improvement over the shit we got before. It's like the opposite of ffxiv in that sense, because in that game there's barely anything to do but the story and characters are pretty good.

        Preaching to the choir. Played both, quit XIV in 6.3 because I have ran out of content I want to do and they are insistent on not adding any more. Dungeons and raids seem repetitive the more I do of them, all classes play the same, and Dawntrail seems to be literally just more of the same. I need new shit. And I am almost pissed that WoW is doing more innovation than XIV.

        It's literal fricking fanart from Reddit.

        >let me be the voice of reason here, this whole thing about "wokeness" is so silly
        >both games have good and bad sides, but FFXIV is definitely shit and I won't play it anymore
        >btw I'm a troony and the source of the problem

  89. 7 months ago

    >course correct
    >blizzard more troony shit

  90. 7 months ago

    Also have they fired steve danuser?

    • 7 months ago

      >expansion trailers 15 years ago
      >the lich king raises a massive fricking undead dragon and it flies over an army of undead
      >expansion trailers today
      >therapy session featuring thrall and the son christie golden never had

      • 7 months ago

        >Military recruiting ads 20 years ago
        >High-tech weaponry, tactics, combat, sense of pride among men
        >Military ads now
        >Rebecca from some upper-middle class neighborhood with a bachelors in social science and two moms joins the military to push boxes

    • 7 months ago

      >Also have they fired steve danuser?
      He's been demoted and ahoved into the cuckshed. Now they just need tobdo the same to Golden, who was probably responsible for the abortion of a story in Dragonflight. If things are as they appear with TWW, she's also been shoved down.

      • 7 months ago

        He's still the Narrative Director.

  91. 7 months ago

    the art team carries the game heavily

    no real other mmo game out there that has classic fantasy races that don't just look like slightly different

    too bad the rest of the game is fricking shit

    • 7 months ago

      >the art team carries the game heavily

    • 7 months ago

      >the art team carries the game heavily
      Bro the game looks like utter fricking garbage what the FRICK are you talking about
      It's LAUGHABLE by today's standards

    • 7 months ago

      >the art team carries the game heavily

      • 7 months ago

        Drek'thars been in a wheelchair since cata prepatch

        • 7 months ago

          drek'thar is in a wheelchair because he's fricking geriatric and no in-universe magic can reverse damage done by age
          that homosexual dragon is in a wheelchair because he identifies as terminally handicapped

    • 7 months ago

      >the art team carries the game heavily
      do people ACTUALLY AND UNIRONICALLY think this disney reject slop looks good?

      • 7 months ago

        What the frick they made gnolls gay furries

      • 7 months ago

        you guys really need to stop just blindly reposting shit
        this is his actual model

        • 7 months ago

          it's the same fricking model you moron, they just gave him another set of armor

        • 7 months ago

          >look, it's actually just slightly better than complete garbage!

        • 7 months ago

          wow it... still looks like it was made by a furry reject who didn't cut it for pixar

          • 7 months ago

            it's the same fricking model you moron, they just gave him another set of armor

            >look, it's actually just slightly better than complete garbage!

            >the gnoll animal creature from 2005 was remade into a gnoll animal creature from 2020, what is this furry shit

            • 7 months ago

              the first one looks like the rabid savage gnolls are supposed to be, the second one looks like an inbred worgen and could pass as a furry's avatar. you are a dishonest moron not worth engaging if you deny this

              • 7 months ago

                they literally are the same except one is higher fidelity
                stop being obsessed with furries

              • 7 months ago

                are you autistic? seriously asking
                do you actually think


                looks the same too?

              • 7 months ago

                >image showing a mob from desolace and a mob from what looks like gorgrond

                i think you might have brain damage

              • 7 months ago

                bro those are the same mobs now
                left is before, right is after
                they replaced the left one with the right one
                as in, the left does not exist anymore, but now looks like the right instead
                does this clear things up

              • 7 months ago

                wow, autistic and moronic, the double whammy. they replaced the low poly hyenas with the new model you fricking inbred

              • 7 months ago

                You're either blind or you are denying that taking a feral creature with dirt, wounds and scars and making it sterile, rubbery and squeaky clean is a massive art-style shift.

        • 7 months ago

          yeah it looks fricking horrible

        • 7 months ago

          Why yellow, why is his fur so many colors?

        • 7 months ago

          its weird seeing a model from 2022 standing among a forest and land made from 1999

    • 7 months ago

      even that line is long past its credibility

  92. 7 months ago

    >Check out some streams/YT vids of 10.2
    >Escorting a big tree guy
    >Planting seeds(?)
    >Campaign quests

    Emerald Dream (the zone) looks cool, but is that really it? How many people are on the dev team at the moment? What are they all doing?

    • 7 months ago

      yes. timeless isle has done irreversible damage to endgame zone design

  93. 7 months ago

    >the game will be good, says company trying to sell it

  94. 7 months ago

    Why drones are so moronic?

    • 7 months ago

      years of nonstop FOMO and high time investment requirements has successfully shielded the blizzard cultist from experiencing better games while also further increasing the sunken cost with every passing day
      i honestly believe anyone still playing this dogshit game will keep playing it until they die or the game shuts down. and if the latter happens first the former will promptly follow

  95. 7 months ago

    >We're so fricking back
    That's some basedboy hype right there. OP getting excited because Blizzard went "but this time it will be cool, honest!" as if they haven't said the same before. What did you fricking expect, for them to say "oh yeah, we want to sell some shit you'll hate but we hope you'll buy anyway, you gullible moron"? Get out with that crap.

  96. 7 months ago

    When will people realise Legion was an accident (that also killed previous expansion instead of improving it but hey) and WoW will never get a good expansion again?

    • 7 months ago

      I've been saying this for years. The game is a hive of dorks who store self-worth at

    • 7 months ago

      The only thing that made it fun was borrowed powers that were obviously going to be removed. The whole aim of it was to strip down and streamline classes

  97. 7 months ago

    You'd never see Yoshida admit XIV lost its way lol. I respect blizzard admitting they fricked up.

    • 7 months ago

      The XIV team just openly blames the community when the changes they make and approve turn out shit.

      • 7 months ago

        okay but are they wrong? most moronic gameplay shit that came out of WoW was also indirectly caused by the community, especially addons

        • 7 months ago

          They're not, especially since some of the changes were a direct result of them taking and implementing fan feedback.
          I just think it's fricking cowardly to blame someone else when the choice YOU approved and designed your game around turned it into a fricking shitshow. At least have the balls to say "Yeah we tried that but we think it makes the game worse, as the community might agree now, so we're changing it back".
          Offloading every bit of responsibility as if they are just puppets on a string dancing to the official US forum's every whim is tiny dick behavior.

      • 7 months ago

        Kek true
        How the Japanese manage to be both stubborn and spineless I'll never know.

        • 7 months ago

          Wow does the exact same thing.Anything they do they'll says "you" asked for this, which is hilarious because with a million people someone definitely asked for anything you want

    • 7 months ago

      Yoshida admits when he's wrong or fricks up. Maybe it hasn't lost its way considering the playerbase grows with every expansion.

      • 7 months ago

        >growth = good
        Tumors and weight gain are good, more news from burgeristan at 10!

        • 7 months ago

          It's a much better game than it used to be. The only lesson they never seem to learn is how to make side content fun and sustainable. Bozja/Zadnor were almost there, the bosses were fun.

          • 7 months ago

            >The only lesson they never seem to learn is how to make side content fun and sustainable.
            Another piece of that is "rewarding". That's ultimately Bozja's biggest downfall, it's fricking irrelevant even for Relics, and the armor sets look like ass outside DRS Savage. Meanwhile Eureka STILL has an active playerbase because the rewards are fricking incredible, even though I consider the content of Eureka to be worse than Bozja. The highly punishing nature and inhospitable maps are a plus but the Bozja fights are just better in every regard.
            There's also Criterion dungeons which, in their third go this expansion, still are absolutely fricking worthless to play beyond a first clear for an achievement. And outside of that, they don't even do more side content, so you have tons of people quitting and decrying Endwalker as the worst because it does the least to add to the pool of content for people to do.

      • 7 months ago

        xiv is only growing because pozzard keep shooting themselves in the foot and there are zero other good MMOs in the market, anything else is pure copium

        It's a much better game than it used to be. The only lesson they never seem to learn is how to make side content fun and sustainable. Bozja/Zadnor were almost there, the bosses were fun.

        >spamming the same handful of fates for months at a time

        • 7 months ago

          Surely people can enjoy XIV despite WoW being dogshit

          • 7 months ago

            maybe if they're troons addicted to ERPing with other grown ass men (wig, dress and crotch wound optional)
            as miserable as WoW gets, XIV as an actual game is still inferior to WoW in every way

            • 7 months ago

              Sure, I bet your experience with XIV is listening to morons on Ganker

              • 7 months ago

                keep projecting. i played it when all my friends downloaded the NPC programming "blizzard is le bad" along with every other assmongoloid cultist a couple of years ago and pressured everyone else to jump on the bandwagon
                most of us quit before finishing the MSQ because we weren't even playing let alone together, we were just watching cutscenes and reading NPCs talk to each-other

              • 7 months ago

                Okay, so you're just a room temperature asmongold viewer, remember he still sticks to his guns that "Shadowlands is good"

              • 7 months ago

                >you're just a room temperature asmongold viewer
                for defending a game in which you do read for 90% of its content you really do fricking suck at it.

              • 7 months ago

                >I bought a heavily story based game, why am I spending so much time on story??
                There is no need to defend anything, you're just a stupid consumer idiot who did zero research into an informed purchase and literally just went with the fotm game completely blind.
                You deserve every bit of misery you got from that time you fricking idiot.

              • 7 months ago

                zero reading comprehension as well
                it is honestly baffling to me why you play that game let alone defend it

              • 7 months ago

                We feel the same about you WoWers. You are perpetually b***hing about the game and saying it sucks yet every time you all try to infest another game you instantly start crying wanting to turn it into WoW.

              • 7 months ago

                because the engine is still solid despite nu-blizzard shitting on that engine for years
                our games' movement is responsive, your game plays like it's on 90s dialup
                our game is fast and feels good to play, yours overcompensates with anime seizure inducing VFXs and a 2.5s cooldown
                your game is constantly held back by consoles
                it is honestly embarrassing to the genre that yours is the game blizzard are supposed to be scared of

              • 7 months ago

                And thus the dishonest poster fully reveals himself. You never played it and are just regurgitating Ganker shitposts like the other Anon called you out on earlier.

              • 7 months ago

                >You never played it
                why do you morons think this passes as a defence? even if i didn't pay a single cent to SE anyone can simply download the game and play it up to and including stormblood
                "playing the game" is not the big filter you homosexuals think it is

              • 7 months ago

                >literally nothing he said is completely true
                >"you never played the game!"
                cultist moment

              • 7 months ago

                nah it's a based take, shadowlands is probably the best expansion of all time. that absolute trainwreck of an expansion finally killed off "the itch" for me

            • 7 months ago

              >as miserable as WoW gets, XIV as an actual game is still inferior to WoW in every way
              I don't have much of a stake in this fight but I'll admit that it's not even "As miserable as WoW gets" - WoW already got so miserable for me quite a while ago, enough that whatever redeeming qualities it does have, the overall impression pales in comparison to what I can get from some other MMOs, including online FF games.

              You can have all that great content, but if you pile shit on it an then even remake that old great content to sacrifice it on the altar of troon mental illness, I'd rather not waste time on your product. It's just not worth it.

            • 7 months ago

              >maybe if they're troons addicted to ERPing with other grown ass men (wig, dress and crotch wound optional)
              But then they'd play WoW?

  98. 7 months ago

    I wish F2P was viable to just RP.
    I want to goon with gobbo bawds but I ain't paying a sub for that.

    • 7 months ago

      How is there not a gayRP private server with porno mods baked in?

      • 7 months ago

        There probably is but the type of people that ERP and could make something like that would gatekeep it hard and you'd have to know the right person to get in. Not that it's a bad thing but annoying if you're on the outside.

        • 7 months ago

          Sound like a miserable lot

        • 7 months ago

          Spill the beans anon. You are being way too specific to pull it out of your ass. I can hear the fricking "Teehee, oh, wherever could we find one?" as you typed this shit. Where's the fricking money, Lebowski.

          • 7 months ago

            I would if I had any, honestly I don't know of any like that.

            • 7 months ago

              >would gatekeep it hard
              >honestly I don't know of any like that
              You fricking prostituteson I know your fricking game. I am ONTO YOU.

              • 7 months ago

                kek I'm being serious, I just know how cliquey ERPers can be.

  99. 7 months ago

    >BfA was shit, Shadowlands will save worlo
    >Shadowlands was shit, Dragonshite will save worlo
    >Dragonshite was shit, the FFXIV triology will save worlo

    • 7 months ago

      Save the world? Probably not, but since it's not being made by the same people who keep on consistently churning out shit since a long time now, you at least have a good reason to doubt that that one will be shit.
      If FFXIV would be made by Blizzard, yeah, it'd be probably shit as well. Thankfully it's not and so it does indeed better.

  100. 7 months ago

    call me when all the blacked npcs are revealed to be dreadlords

    • 7 months ago


  101. 7 months ago

    shadowlands is fun because god made that expansion special. he actually calls himself the jailor, because hes imprisoned our souls in human bodies. if you read the quest text even a little bit, you'd have noticed all the heavy metaphors about spirituality and religion.

    damn this place is terrible. terrible, terrible terrible... its just awful.

    • 7 months ago

      its hell, were in hell. theres no other way to describe it. this is fricking terrible torture. it cant get worse. literally, he calls it hell.

      • 7 months ago

        David Bowie tried to warn us about Google

  102. 7 months ago

    10" troony wieners

    • 7 months ago

      god i wish cute trannies had wieners like that

  103. 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      What kind of accent will they have?

    • 7 months ago


  104. 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      it's different this time though because there won't be a .3

    • 7 months ago

      self correcting circle collapsed, because in last few exps troonydevs suck so bad they dont make it up to X.3s anymore

    • 7 months ago

      can confirm

      • 7 months ago

        >man with an ounce of critical thinking stays on reddit against all odds

  105. 7 months ago


    A game where homosexuals venture into the wild to enslave feral Black folk to please their bottoms would at the very least be funny, something Blizzard hasn't been in a decade

  106. 7 months ago

    question: do nuwowgays actually, unironically think their game isn't filled with trannies?
    do they remember goldshire?
    "futa horsewiener draenei"?
    "big green wiener" posting?
    If anything, wow might have been a considerable contributor for why there's so many people online today larping as women: because they started out doing it ingame

    • 7 months ago

      i don't play on RP servers

      • 7 months ago

        And? Doesn't change that WoW is infamous for Goldshire and the meme of having a race that 99.9% of people playing it play as "futas"

        • 7 months ago

          It's just more WoW player denial and projection. Goldshire is the nexus of degeneracy in online games, no other game even comes close to the level of weird, gay and troony shit you'll see there.

          • 7 months ago

            And they'll never accept it, no matter how obvious it is.

            • 7 months ago

              >Not interested if you don't do character positioning
              What? Using emotes and shit to make it vaguely look like two low poly models are having sex? kek
              >No any ingame male model
              That's a gay in denial.

        • 7 months ago

          and? again, i don't play on RP servers. i don't interact with any of those people.

          • 7 months ago

            And that's always the case with you mazed gays, isn't it?
            >I-I don't play on RP servers! I don't see it so it's not there!
            >I-I skip the quest text! I don't see it, so it isn't there!
            >I-I ignore the lore! I don't see it, so it isn't there!
            >I-I don't read the WQ names! I don't see it, so it isn't there!
            Just a constant and endless process of ostriching until you evolve into a mole because you spend most of your time with your head firmly stuck underground.

            • 7 months ago

              lemao, is that real?

              • 7 months ago


              • 7 months ago

                Fricking hell..

              • 7 months ago

                God the Centaur shit in DF was all gay.
                Gayer than the rest of the expansuon at least.

              • 7 months ago

                The Dragon Isles were gay as a whole.
                And all of the Woman Within zones will be, too.

              • 7 months ago

                >Did we just?
                >We did

              • 7 months ago

                This has been going on for a while. Somehow it got even worse from SL where the epic story makes you follow literal homosexual furries and a troony who becomes the god of the universe.

              • 7 months ago

                Quests in Classic:
                >These fricking Kobolds are causing us trouble, adventurer! Go kill them
                Quests in Retail:
                >Hey, can you go get me some things so I can make a gift for my husband?

                This shit is so fricking bad.
                I'm not even talking about the gay shit, I'm talking about treating a quest like a trip to the grocery store.
                It's supposed to be a quest. A quest! Not a fricking shopping trip.

              • 7 months ago

                >These fricking Kobolds are causing us trouble, adventurer! Go kill them
                It's funny, actually. In Dragonflight, there was a melty over a questline to wipe out a tribe of Gnolls because they were practicing plague magic and causing trouble and all that.
                Some wowgays were crying that wiping them all out was psychopathic and mean.

              • 7 months ago

                Sorry sis, we're vegans who believe in zero impact, and want that represented in-game

              • 7 months ago

                >These fricking Kobolds are causing us trouble, adventurer! Go kill them
                It's funny, actually. In Dragonflight, there was a melty over a questline to wipe out a tribe of Gnolls because they were practicing plague magic and causing trouble and all that.
                Some wowgays were crying that wiping them all out was psychopathic and mean.

                this game is unsalvageably pozzed.

              • 7 months ago

                >game keeps putting out based content
                >players whine about how right wing it is
                >"the game is pozzed"

              • 7 months ago

                Killing monsters isn't "right wing"
                It was just the norm until recently, when everyone became bleeding heart gays.

            • 7 months ago

              look the /misc/ tourist is getting triggered by words again!

              • 7 months ago

                Well, I guess I have that in common with nu-Blizzard shitslurpers.


            • 7 months ago

              Yeah retail is literally nauseating with how saturated it is with this sewage, it's the high fantasy version of pic related

              • 7 months ago

                They thought the troony god of afterlife was going to be the end of it.

            • 7 months ago

              wow's story died with the lich king
              i don't read anything i don't watch cutscenes i don't give a shit about (E)RP servers
              it is all just an excuse for the gameplay, and it is still the uncontested king of MMO gameplay
              simple as

              • 7 months ago

                >wow's story died with the lich king
                Then why are people horking about how Metzen is going to save WoW with a good story? If story doesn't matter?
                And just ignoring that it exists doesn't make it not exist. That's called denial.

              • 7 months ago

                >then why
                mentally buck broken addicts and shills, the same as always

  107. 7 months ago

    >Falling for blind marketing hype
    Nothing they've shown so far has been impressive enough to warrant playing this game over something else

    • 7 months ago

      Who's that character? I vaguely recall them from somewhere.

  108. 7 months ago

    The void stole "her" hips.
    Or maybe she's revealing herself to be a brave FtM troon.

    • 7 months ago

      not even the elves are allowed to be women anymore

      • 7 months ago

        have you ever seen someone with that hairstyle IRL?

        • 7 months ago

          yes, it looked moronic

    • 7 months ago

      not even the elves are allowed to be women anymore

      >They made the schizophrenic headcase who is constantly being told by THE VOICES to kill her husband, son, and sisters in the feminist symbol

    • 7 months ago

      >somehow manages to be soulless hideous and repulsive all at the same time
      how do they do it

      • 7 months ago

        They modeled her after Gankerirgins.

  109. 7 months ago

    Yeah, uh. I don't think so.

    • 7 months ago

      >it is the customer's fault that we have breastmilk stealing sexpests working at blizzard

    • 7 months ago

      >It's everyone elses fault we can't act like functional adults
      California, ladies and gentleman.

    • 7 months ago

      >im shit at my job but id rather blame everybody else
      the post

  110. 7 months ago

    Sneedolands unironically killed the game

  111. 7 months ago

    why do so many people watch Asmongold exactly? what is the appeal?

    • 7 months ago

      It's a milquetoast centrist libertarian type that says comfortable lies to make normalBlack folk feel better about themselves. He's the archetypical fence sitter and ironically people like him are the reason WoW is a trannified mess of a game.

  112. 7 months ago

    why are the centaur so fricking gay

    • 7 months ago

      why are you reading quest text from literal who npcs from a dogshit race you fricking nerd?

      • 7 months ago

        >why aren't you sticking your head in the ground like me? cmon dood mogsmountscheevos STOP PAYING ATTENTION"

        • 7 months ago

          >why aren't you yelling at clouds like me? cmon dude GET ANGRY AT THINGS YOU CAN'T CHANGE
          hard pass

          • 7 months ago

            Wow will never be good.

            • 7 months ago

              it's already the best of its kind.

              • 7 months ago

                well, it does excel at being a troony containment game yes

              • 7 months ago

                but enough about xiv

              • 7 months ago

                well, i wasn't talking about whatever lives in your head rent free
                i was talking about the premiere troony containment game with troony npcs and troony gods and troony trees and troony developers.

                world of ACKcraft

              • 7 months ago

                it's an MMO. you're supposed to play with other people, not NPCs. everyone who plays WoW outside of RP servers is a straight white dudebro and that's why WoW will always win over your catgirl erp chatroom "game"

              • 7 months ago

                >everyone who plays WoW outside of RP servers is a straight white dudebro

              • 7 months ago

                >no counterargument
                i accept your concession
                now go textfrick another sunnie+ in limsa lominsa

              • 7 months ago

                Oh man, you're completely delusional.
                Haha, what a joke.

              • 7 months ago

                whatever you say troon

              • 7 months ago

                sorry, i don't play the premiere troon containment game world of warcraft

              • 7 months ago

                a pronoun slider?

              • 7 months ago

                Yep! Been working on it since end of SL/begin of Dragonflight. Also the option to pick a male voice as a female and vice versa.
                They already changed male and female to body type 1 and 2, so expect these two "options" next.

              • 7 months ago

                And this is just the beginning.
                (That sounds like a threat.)

              • 7 months ago

                How about fixing the male Night Elf faces to not be so damned ugly and misshapen, you worthless hacks?

              • 7 months ago

                Did you mean: Pronoun options?

              • 7 months ago
              • 7 months ago

                >nothing on gameplay thoughever, that's over xour heads hihi

              • 7 months ago


              • 7 months ago

                if you don't like warcraft just LEAVE. dicky people love this gameplay, and you just aren't, get over it

    • 7 months ago

      >why are the centaur so fricking gay
      Why are there even Centaur on the dragon isles anyway. Aren't they all the result of copulation of a degenerate and a giant ugly big tittied earthen thing?

      • 7 months ago

        That's old chud lore by rapey metalheads.
        You don't actually mean to say you like that lore, do you? Are you some kind of woman hater?

  113. 7 months ago

    >played wow on and off for 15 years
    >took me until classic and shadowlands to realize I never enjoyed wows endgame in the first place

    • 7 months ago

      Welp, better late than never, as they say.

  114. 7 months ago

    My favorite is the nonbinary trees (they/them pls!)

    • 7 months ago

      Is this "her"?
      She/'ll never be a woman.

      • 7 months ago

        >joined november 2021
        >content designer
        >moronic shit being posted
        matches up

  115. 7 months ago

    Of course we can make a hahafunny joke about how the Dragon Isles were Azeroth's gay containment island, but we all know the War Within zones will be chock full of it as well.

  116. 7 months ago

    Still the only good thing they've added to WoW for the last several years.

    • 7 months ago

      in what way?

      • 7 months ago

        reeks of femoid tailored sexualization

        • 7 months ago

          it was actually a guy who made that apparently
          and he gloated about how it made "straight guys" uncomfortable
          this guy

          hmmmm..... nope

        • 7 months ago

          it was actually a guy who made that apparently
          and he gloated about how it made "straight guys" uncomfortable
          this guy [...]

          hmmmm..... nope

          Here it is. Funny to see the two stances juxtaposed.

          • 7 months ago

            >attractive women make me uncomfortable!

            How damaged does a man have to be to think this way?

            • 7 months ago

              "sexually abused as a child" damaged

              • 7 months ago

                Unless it was by an attractive woman, how does that work?

      • 7 months ago

        sexy nearly-nude twunk demon boy who lusts after his master.

        • 7 months ago

          you are a homosexual
          wow is for you. enjoy

          • 7 months ago

            I like the Succubus, too. I really wish Demonology Warlocks could have two minions out like Beast Mastery Hunters can have two pets.

  117. 7 months ago

    Nah. I don't have mental illness.

  118. 7 months ago

    imagine playing wow in 2023. you must be on hrt

    • 7 months ago

      >races fighting in the game
      >a game that promotes racism and war
      >y-you need to call me by my correct pronouns

  119. 7 months ago

    if Wow is so cucked then why do people play it?

    • 7 months ago

      they feel there's nothing else out there
      take your pick

    • 7 months ago

      hardstuck in their childhood
      the only thing that still reminds me of the carefree times when they were kids and not constantly worrying about bills, or relationships, or the world passing them by, or the world changing in ways that make it unidentifiable to them.
      Even as the game crumbles.

  120. 7 months ago

    another great thread sisters the xiv cultists will definitely rope themselves this time

    • 7 months ago

      This thread is about World of Warcraft, anon. Hope this helps.

      • 7 months ago

        yes i know, that doesn't stop the troons from trying to shittalk the king of MMOs because there's no content in their troon game other than being a porn addict with other grown-ass men

        • 7 months ago

          >their troon game other than being a porn addict with other grown-ass men
          Ah, I see we're talking about wow again.

          • 7 months ago

            dude just pay the server transfer off your RP containment realm already lmao

            • 7 months ago

              >if i put my head in the sand it doesnt exist wow is still based and redpilled if i put my head in the sand it doesnt exist wow is still based and redpi-ACK

  121. 7 months ago

    i was there in vanilla, '05
    look how they massacred my boy..
    glad i stopped playing in the burning crusade

    • 7 months ago

      and yet it still lives rent free in your head to the point you come cry in the threads
      >not a new IP

      • 7 months ago

        anyone who was there knows how great it was, back then
        i care
        take your zoomie buzzwords and frick off

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