>This blew boomers' minds in 2005

>This blew boomers' minds in 2005

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  1. 2 years ago

    sos cerdo

  2. 2 years ago

    You can't even have that these days because we've regressed due to "progress" and everything needs to be censored for western sensibilities now.

    • 2 years ago

      I mean last of us 2 was pretty gruesome

      • 2 years ago

        I'll applaud it for that but you gotta admit, this type of dismemberment doesn't show up that often in major games anymore.

        • 2 years ago

          Graphical improvements are being experienced

          • 2 years ago

            the jump from PS1 to PS2 is massive, compare the PS4 to PS5 and it's barely that much different

            • 2 years ago

              >the jump from PS1 to Dreamcast is massive
              ftfy zoomie

              although if we're bein even realer - console generations were a laughing stock when set against literally any arcade game of the same timeframe

              daytona hit arcades in '94 and competition did the snes have for it? fricking stunt race fx lmao

        • 2 years ago

          dismemberment was only common when graphics were too shit to tell what was happening. like baldur's gate enemies exploding into bits is just comical it's not gruesome like modern Lara Croft dying struggling and screaming while the devs jerked off.

          There's definitely a lot of fricked up people into that realistic gore shit, but they're mostly women watching movies.

          • 2 years ago

            >There's definitely a lot of fricked up people into that realistic gore shit, but they're mostly women watching movies.
            I'm into it and I'm not a woman. When I play an ultra violent game, I want to see limbs come off and guts spill. We have the technology for it and it's being wasted on emulating the clean Fortnite aesthetic.

            • 2 years ago

              Yeah, gore is just plain fun. It amplifies the weight of your actions, and makes whatever weapon you’re using feel that much powerful. It’s just fun to look at.

          • 2 years ago

            >dismemberment was only common when graphics were too shit to tell what was happening.
            Not at all. Games like Quake, HL, FEAR, and a shitload of other titles used to give you visceral feedback when you killed stuff. nowadays, devs got super lazy and just have enemies ragdoll on death. because frick making animations or something.

            • 2 years ago



              animations. Much more variety, and animations get old after you’ve seen them 20 times. Plus, in games where you can pick up bodies, it’s so much fun throwing them in fire, stacking them up, chucking them off roofs, etc.

              • 2 years ago

                >ragdolls and animations are mutually exclusive
                fricking moron

              • 2 years ago

                Of course not. But death animations for common enemies get so fricking tiring. Just have them get fricking blasted away by my shotty or axe.
                Also, don’t you hate when there’s a death animation where they stand there slowly dying for 2 seconds, causing you to use up ammo because you don’t know if they’re dead or not?

              • 2 years ago

                nah. games like RE series, Goldeneye, SOF1/2, TLOU, and COD had a variety of animations for deaths or damage based on locational attacks. stuff like HL2 & its physics-inspired bunch opted to use ragdolls since it was cheaper than actually animating or putting effort into it.

                I guess it's more realistic since people often just drop over dead much life in RL when struck by something. but most of these games couldn't even get that shit right since it just leads to cartoonish bullshit like their ragdolls flying into the stratosphere or something.

                you can have death animations that lead to ragdolls effects like the sperg replying to you mentioned. but it still just leads to stuff like the former if not programmed properly.

              • 2 years ago

                Any modern games that do this really well? TLOU1&2 are the best, for sure. But in games like COD, it really bugs me when a character has a death animation on stairs or any slope, and the animation plays like they’re on flat ground. So they hit the ground with half of their body floating in the air, and then half a second later their body switches to rag doll mode and goes limp. Really takes me out of it and looks sloppy as hell. I appreciate the non-sperg reply.

              • 2 years ago

                RE2R, RE7, & RE8 are the only other games that come to mind. but the shooting in these games is not very satisfactory. they're more based on shooting to disable your opponents and run around them rather than taking them head-on.

              • 2 years ago

                Does RE8 have ragdolls after animations? The animations themselves are great, but I remember only death animations. I could be wrong.

              • 2 years ago

                i think they just melt into puddles after getting knocked back.

              • 2 years ago

                Reminds me of L4D2 vs B4B
                >L4DT: shoot zombie wish shotgun, stumbles back, tears its chest open, second shot makes it dynamically fall over then ragdoll
                >B4B: shoot zombie with shotgun, continues to unflinchingly run towards you but the chest now has a red overlay. Second shot makes it ragdoll immediately
                Soul vs nugay shit

                Shit, L4D is definitely the best death animation into rag doll ever in a game. Nothing has surpassed it. Totally forgot about that one.

              • 2 years ago

                Half Life Alyx for sure. It's definitely set up in shooting over HL2.

        • 2 years ago

          Assassins creed
          TLOU2 is by far the best gore in a video game ever, though. You’re right, I want more fricking gore.

        • 2 years ago

          Because it's either unfitting for the game or viewed as an unnecessary waste of development time. Plenty of major games aren't even finished so asking for a non-gameplay related system to be added would only ruin things more.

        • 2 years ago

          Shadow of Mordor/War (that sequel has the dumbest fricking name)

          Like the other anon said, TLOU2 is the absolute best you will find. It’s actually super impressive.

      • 2 years ago

        Yes but western won't be angry about it mostly due to the leader of this studio being some kind of Wienberg

      • 2 years ago

        TLoU2 was made by Playstation's biggest studio which means that it gets a pass on so many things. Kind of how they had a quite graphical sex scene while plenty of other games will get censored for far less obscenity

    • 2 years ago

      >western sensibilities
      Sensi- what?

    • 2 years ago

      RE death scenes are fine since they don't happen often during normal gameplay. Not a fan of gratuitous gore though. Even Sekiro's constant stabbing mooks in the neck for every execution made me uncomfortable

      • 2 years ago

        >made me uncomfortable
        Are zoomers really this soft nowadays? Did you have to quit playing amogus because the impostor kills were too gruesome?

        • 2 years ago

          It's npt his fault, weakness was bred into him by an absentee father, an alcoholic and likely unfaithful mother and years and years of israeli conditioning. That alone takes years to unlearn.

        • 2 years ago

          cartoon violence isn't the same as photorealistic humans commiting graphic acts of violence

          • 2 years ago

            Go outside every now and then, if you think Sekiro is photorealistic you're out of touch with reality

          • 2 years ago

            go to the gore threads on gif and tell me if they disturb you.

            • 2 years ago

              They do. They should.

        • 2 years ago

          No dude, you get softer as you get older. I had no problem with this stuff as a kid but the older I get the more video game violence makes me wince.

          • 2 years ago

            homie what how are you not desensitized and now weaker

      • 2 years ago

        For some odd reason, killing with a sword bothers me less than with a gun. Maybe it's because I'm a real man, with a real noble legacy, and have probably had more warrior aristocratic ancestors than yours. Dumb b***h.
        The film Izo didn't make me flinch even a little bit, but something like Audition is too much for me.

        • 2 years ago

          Your ancestors are dead, b***h boy. Probably got their heads chopped off, or their blains blasted out.

          • 2 years ago

            > Probably got their heads chopped off
            It's cool if the sword had nice decorations and ornaments.

      • 2 years ago

        Die from cancer subhuman zoomer homosexual. Sekiro had weak gore compared to Ninja Gaiden II and it is because of subhumans like you ruining the industry. This is why I promote LGBTQ+, I am a teacher and I encourage all my zoomers to embrace LGTBQ+ so they end up getting aids or becoming trannies and kill themselves.

        • 2 years ago

          Ninja gayden sucks

    • 2 years ago

      Give me back Dead Space tier death scenes, where videos on youtube just showcasing deaths are 10+ minutes long

      • 2 years ago

        Best part of nu tomb raider

        • 2 years ago

          Couldn't finish this game because of shaky camera, it gave me headaches

      • 2 years ago

        Its literally coming back under another name. I saw a bit of the trailer where someones face gets fricking ripped off, I forget the new name though. In fact a Dead space spiritual successor and one or two knock offs were shown at one of the recent game showcases.

        • 2 years ago

          Callisto Protocol.

          • 2 years ago

            Thanks anon!

            • 2 years ago

              preorder it

        • 2 years ago

          Callisto Protocol.

          Any game that right away advertises itself as spiritual successor and "with le old devs" and shit like that is automatically a game that's probably shit
          Remember Outer Worlds, remember B4B, remember Yooka-Laylee. Don't fall for this shit and for the love of everything that is holy, don't preorder it

    • 2 years ago

      Wasn't this part actually censored in the Japanese version back then because Japs were/are touchy about beheadings due to some serial killer? Crash Bandicoot and Banjo Tooie were censored there for the same reason.

      • 2 years ago

        Japan has a lot of bizarre restrictions on depictions of violence in everything outside manga but they still act in an oddly reactive and haphazard way when new shit crops up. I remember GBA FFVI getting weirdly censored because of some kidnappings or some shit and that was just pixels bumping into each other

    • 2 years ago

      You mean because they don’t show the head coming off in later games? I think its a technical limitation of the models.

    • 2 years ago

      gratuitous violence is acceptable in the west, it's female(female) boobie that we can't have. ever.

      • 2 years ago

        Almost every Western AAA game has sex/nudity nowadays. Stop playing the victim, cúmbrain.

  3. 2 years ago

    in most shooters at the time when you shot an enemy they barely reacted, RE4 let you shoot the legs to make them stumble and fall, you could shoot the head to disorient them, shoot the thrown weapons in mid-air, blow a grenade up in their hands before they threw it, and that's just the basics
    it's a masterpiece, cope

    • 2 years ago

      Soldier of Fortune came out in 2001 and had all that

      • 2 years ago

        medal of honor came out in 1999 and had all that

        • 2 years ago

          it didn't

          re4 defined the third person shooter genre. not that somebody born in the 2000s would know anything about that.

          >Max Payne defined the third person shooter genre

          • 2 years ago

            false, also max payne helped kill the tps genre

          • 2 years ago

            No, it really didn't. Max Payne is a game where you're leaping around, slowing time, and blasting everything in order to get through the level. The game requires tight execution, careful planning, and gives you very little to let you recover from mistakes.
            Third person shooters ended up being about hiding behind cover, firing blind or peeking out sometimes, and moving to the next cover piece when you need a different angle. These had a lot of forgiveness when it came to mistakes. Regenerating health, going down before death, and the whole system of cover, all allowed for a player to keep making mistakes and going through levels.
            Max Payne is an exception to this and that's what makes it one of the greats. But make no mistake, it never really influenced the genre.

      • 2 years ago

        in most shooters at the time when you shot an enemy they barely reacted, RE4 let you shoot the legs to make them stumble and fall, you could shoot the head to disorient them, shoot the thrown weapons in mid-air, blow a grenade up in their hands before they threw it, and that's just the basics
        it's a masterpiece, cope

        >in most shooters at the time when you shot an enemy they barely reacted
        you're uneducated in the medium, it's that simple normalgay.
        >RE4 let you shoot the legs to make them stumble and fall, you could shoot the head to disorient them, shoot the thrown weapons in mid-air, blow a grenade up in their hands before they threw it
        cool, it too was doing basic fricking shit in the game like it's a technological breakthrough
        >just the basics
        yup it is
        >it's a masterpiece, cope
        Not only is RE4 a glorified rail shooter half the game is a escort quest frick off standardless shit eating homosexual.

        in most shooters at the time when you shot an enemy they barely reacted, RE4 let you shoot the legs to make them stumble and fall, you could shoot the head to disorient them, shoot the thrown weapons in mid-air, blow a grenade up in their hands before they threw it, and that's just the basics
        it's a masterpiece, cope

        these spergs are pretty much giving surface level responses to your post. but I definitely think that shooting, especially in PC shooters, felt like complete dogshit in comparison to RE4. at least the generation from 2002 to 2006. in comparison to shooters that ran on doom's engine, the build games, & quake's original engine.

    • 2 years ago

      GoldenEye had all that, and that was on a crappy console in '97.

    • 2 years ago

      Reminds me of L4D2 vs B4B
      >L4DT: shoot zombie wish shotgun, stumbles back, tears its chest open, second shot makes it dynamically fall over then ragdoll
      >B4B: shoot zombie with shotgun, continues to unflinchingly run towards you but the chest now has a red overlay. Second shot makes it ragdoll immediately
      Soul vs nugay shit

      • 2 years ago

        B4B has a stumble mechanic, different guns of different rarities and different weapon mods change how stumble works on infected
        there's even waepon mods that will stumble 100% of the time on the 1st shot only and then go back to doing regular stumble damage on repeat shots
        if you just watch the crowbcat video you can see he never understood the game mechanics

    • 2 years ago


      >This blew boomers' minds in 2005

      Can you still aee the girls panties in this remake?

      • 2 years ago

        Can't even see them in the VR version. When RE1 remake got remastered and ported Jill's panties in the RE3 costume got voided, too.

        • 2 years ago

          That must have been really difficult for you.

          • 2 years ago

            A kind soul replaced the costume and added them back.

            • 2 years ago

              Thank god, glad you made it through. Close call, eh?

    • 2 years ago

      god I really need to learn how to use VP9 encoding so I can post webms again

      • 2 years ago

        frick off google shill

    • 2 years ago

      >in most shooters at the time when you shot an enemy they barely reacted
      you're uneducated in the medium, it's that simple normalgay.
      >RE4 let you shoot the legs to make them stumble and fall, you could shoot the head to disorient them, shoot the thrown weapons in mid-air, blow a grenade up in their hands before they threw it
      cool, it too was doing basic fricking shit in the game like it's a technological breakthrough
      >just the basics
      yup it is
      >it's a masterpiece, cope
      Not only is RE4 a glorified rail shooter half the game is a escort quest frick off standardless shit eating homosexual.

      • 2 years ago

        >wow pic
        re4 was a leap backwards and just like valve and their loot box gambles and cod being cod, gaming can also trace much wrong with it today back to this game.

        How is it that an almost 18 year old game still manages to make people seethe?

  4. 2 years ago

    And where in modern games is this exactly?
    Even the very next numbered titled censored the head dismemberment.

    • 2 years ago

      Ghost of Tsushima lets you behead homies

  5. 2 years ago

    Zoomers are mad they will never experience the gigantic generational leaps we used to have. Actual improvements in technology and graphics.
    >zoomer have to settle for things like pee physics to blow their minds
    Yeah, you missed out.

    • 2 years ago

      >zoomers are mad they will never experience slowly climbing up from eating diarrhea to eating shit to eating normal food
      oh noooo

      • 2 years ago

        >zoomers are mad they don't need to play early 3d games with tank controls instead having superior control schemes and much more elaborate gameplay as default
        that's premium copium there.

        Triggered zoomers. You will never experience the golden years. It's over.

    • 2 years ago

      This. I remember the first time I got to play MGS2 on a friends PS2, blew my fricking wiener off with not only how good it looked but how smooth everything felt. These days the best you get is rock details going from 2K to 4K so no wonder they're all so angry.

    • 2 years ago

      >zoomers are mad they don't need to play early 3d games with tank controls instead having superior control schemes and much more elaborate gameplay as default
      that's premium copium there.

      • 2 years ago

        there's absolutely nothing wrong with RE4's control scheme. it's just not heterogeneous compared to other shooters at the time. but in the context of the game, there's never a moment where it absolutely demands mobility from you in response to combat situations. you can shoot an enemy pouncing towards you (knocking them back), throwing a telegraphed projectile, or shoot enemies in the limbs to disable for a short period of time or to activate a context-sensitive kick that knocks back loads of opponents. or you're given a context-sensitive dodge that allows evading moves that the former couldnt accomplish.

        tl;dr zoomers cant grasp anything outside of homogenous TPS controls. but not being able to crouch manually in most modern cover based shooters doesnt seem to bug them for some reason.

    • 2 years ago

      This guy gets it.
      The jump from snes to Playstation was literally fricking magic.

    • 2 years ago

      It blew my zoomer mind in 2017. A true gaming masterpiece doesn't age. The fact is theres always insufferable video game players who only play COD, or only play the most popular, and its best not to assume all zoomers are like that.

      I agree. But once you hit photorealism you can't get much more. I just wish they used all that processing power for new revolutionary gameplay previously impossible.

      I AM a feminist. I think men and women should be slaughtered equally in video games.


      Reminds me of L4D2 vs B4B
      >L4DT: shoot zombie wish shotgun, stumbles back, tears its chest open, second shot makes it dynamically fall over then ragdoll
      >B4B: shoot zombie with shotgun, continues to unflinchingly run towards you but the chest now has a red overlay. Second shot makes it ragdoll immediately
      Soul vs nugay shit

      This is true, no idea how Valve did it.

      >Boomers hated it in 2012

      RE6 had an insane story and is some of the most fun I've had co-op. RE5 too.

    • 2 years ago

      >wow pic
      re4 was a leap backwards and just like valve and their loot box gambles and cod being cod, gaming can also trace much wrong with it today back to this game.

    • 2 years ago

      this. i remember seeing super smash melee for the first time at a friends house and it was mind blowing.

  6. 2 years ago

    The pictures in gameinformer blew my mind as a kid. I never ended up playing it though, lmao.

    • 2 years ago

      What the frick are you waiting for? It's been ported to absolutely everything, give it a shot.

      • 2 years ago

        This, it still holds up. The controls are trash though.

    • 2 years ago

      damn, thats exactly what came to mind when i saw this thread. Sometimes i hate that i threw that stack of mags away

    • 2 years ago

      this was a magical time, during the release of RE4 came along the release of Shadow of the Colossus and Soul Calibur 3 and i play the shit out of them back then

  7. 2 years ago

    yeah, it did. it also still holds up as a good animation senpai. Capcom always had top tier animations and tech that still hold up today.

  8. 2 years ago

    yea, for how fricking awful it was
    I still can't believe they tried to rip off MGS with the codec calls because they were so creatively bankrupt.

  9. 2 years ago

    >Detrás de ti, imbécil.

  10. 2 years ago

    Gore and ragdoll should only be enabled for female models. Gore makes me uncomfortable when the victims are men, since men are already so badly shat on IRL.

    • 2 years ago

      Lmao pussy b***h

        • 2 years ago

          I AM a feminist. I think men and women should be slaughtered equally in video games.

  11. 2 years ago

    re4 defined the third person shooter genre. not that somebody born in the 2000s would know anything about that.

  12. 2 years ago

    Graphics peaked in 2005

    • 2 years ago

      I haven't played Ninja Gaiden in a long time, but I remember being astonished by the graphics on the original Xbox. I may just have boomer-goggles on, but I remember it as if the game had 360/PS3 graphics. The character models, from your pic, are certainly 360/PS3 quality.

    • 2 years ago

      wtf is wrong with her face?

  13. 2 years ago

    Final Fantasy X blew my mind

    • 2 years ago

      As a kid FFX had some of the coolest and intoxicating atmosphere. I only have strong memories of early game, but all that islander futuristic dystopia shit was just so frickin cool.

  14. 2 years ago

    Zoomers will never understand what it's like to experience real technological advances in video games

  15. 2 years ago

    I’m turning 31 soon and played this when I was ~15, yeah it was insane back then especially the detail. Like you could do this shit in GTA but it looked comical, in resident evil it was visceral and scary. Also definitely took it for granted what an amazing game this was since there were so many amazing games back then

    • 2 years ago

      Amazing games indeed

      • 2 years ago

        I want Tenchu back.

  16. 2 years ago

    The prequels also have gore but for some reasons RE4 gore looks more impact.

  17. 2 years ago

    >Boomers hated it in 2012

    • 2 years ago

      LP2 & RE6 are seriously underrated TPS games.

      • 2 years ago

        It's so unusual for a game to be bad in the way RE6 was, where the core gameplay and art is genuinely excellent and it's mostly the gimmicks that ruin it.

  18. 2 years ago

    It's that time again, homosexual.
    Post your first inventory.
    >TMP stock
    >Rifle semi
    >Broken Butterfly

  19. 2 years ago

    Meanwhile zoomers blow their load over trans flags ingame

  20. 2 years ago

    I dropped my jaw when my friend showed me that he could oneshot any parasite with a single flash grenade. Before I always sold them because they were taking space from explosive and fire grenades.
    The combination of treasures, or how you have to shoot the wood to close the well to get it non-dirty, those little details make the game good.

  21. 2 years ago

    Sure blew Leon's mind

  22. 2 years ago

    >boomer, zoomer, gen x, gen alpha

    This whole generational thing was invented by marketers to market shit to people and you keep perpetuating it like the sheep you are.

  23. 2 years ago

    ps1 games had decapitations too. re4 didnt blow anyones minds except gamecube zoomers who only played bing bing marios.

  24. 2 years ago

    RE4 was impressive but not because of its gore.

    • 2 years ago

      to be fair that first critical headshot that the player lands in their first playthrough is always a stunner

      • 2 years ago

        Satisfying sure but given the context of this thread it was hardly special in of itself - there has been numerous games with more graphic or OTT gore beforehand and RE4 wasn't (and isn't) mind blowing at the time for that aspect.

  25. 2 years ago

    Genuinely was mindblowing, it was rare as frick to have an enemy that can actually oneshot you.
    Most horror game at the didn't have anything like this at all at the time

    • 2 years ago

      > it was rare as frick to have an enemy that can actually oneshot you.
      It wasn't rare unless your only exposure to horror was in fact resident evil.

      • 2 years ago

        Hunters have been one shotting people since RE1

        • 2 years ago

          Re1 wasn't even special in that regard - clock tower did it years earlier and probably other games as well.

      • 2 years ago

        Hunters have been one shotting people since RE1

        Nah, Hunters only one shot and decap you if you're low health or on higher difficulties.
        The chainsaw dude was a special case, because no matter your health and what difficulty you were on, that guy will one shot you no matter what. It was a genuine holy shit moment
        Of course I'm only talking about games with health systems, stuff like metal slug or contra don't count.

        • 2 years ago

          Another big reason is because the guy was introduced very early on. You usually get enemies like these later in games.

  26. 2 years ago

    I remember playing this game for the first time. I had just gotten a GameCube and took it over to my friends house to play on a secondary tv in the basement. While I was there his older brother had just come back with his friends after stealing a porno tape of another of their friends parents. They played this on the big screen and I watched for a few minutes but just wanted to play more re4 so i walked away. I remember being pretty fearless during the chainsaw section because I could hear them laughing in the background about their friends dad in whitey tightys and the mom queefing a lot

  27. 2 years ago

    It genuinely was mind blowing at the time. The graphics were fantastic, the guns felt and sounded great, the animation work and reactiveness of the enemies when shot was uncommon at the time and extremely well executed, the encounter design was great, the pacing was on point for the most part, the setpieces were cool, and the VA work/writing gave it the perfect b-movie feel. It's a nearly perfect cohesive package. There's a reason it basically became the archetype for the modern llinear TPS.

  28. 2 years ago

    >make great game
    >refuse to improve the formula, opt instead for releasing the same game two more times and nearly killing the franchise
    why did they do it

    • 2 years ago

      Because it's a safe bet to just copy something you've already done than to try and innovate. And I'd argue they changed it too much with RE6. The controls are more complex and there's a lot of cool stuff you can do with them, but for some ungodly reason they decided to turn the campaigns into this hyper linear railroaded michael bay mess that felt more like you were playing an RE arcade game than an actual mainline title. If they stuck with making the encounter and progression design more like 4 or 5 and maybe cut back on the amount of campaigns people would remember 6 much more fondly.

  29. 2 years ago

    RE4 is less bad than the first 3 resident evils and being tolerable doesn't mean being good or being better than one stick for movement one stick for camera which is the objectively superior control sceheme.

  30. 2 years ago

    for the tenth time boomers are people from your grandparents generation why are millennials like this?

    • 2 years ago


      most millennials are raised by boomers (especially the dads), unless you're stretching them up to 1999 or 2000 maybe. or that old 82-2004 bs that nobody uses.

      silent gen are mostly our grandparents

  31. 2 years ago

    in retrospect, you can really say RE4 invented TPS.

  32. 2 years ago

    >Spanish speaking country
    >Locals chainsaw your head off
    how were they so accurate bros..

  33. 2 years ago


  34. 2 years ago

    Still looks better than majority of games today aside from wall textures.

  35. 2 years ago

    >that moment when you were so good at the game you had to look up all the deaths on youtube
    I still got decapitated by chainsaws all the time in mercenaries though
    specifically super salvador

  36. 2 years ago

    >homosexual zoomers think fortnite is great with all the purchasable skins and dancing

  37. 2 years ago

    I thought it was a great game. Not mind blowing but great. It took me back to winback 64. My biggest gripe was that it wasn't really zombies and too over the top. Also not dark/gritty enough.

  38. 2 years ago

    It's even more surprising now.

  39. 2 years ago

    >steam sale
    >literally zero interest in modern games
    >buy re4 because it's 5 bucks
    >starting playing, having a great time
    >pick up ashley
    >everything becomes 10 times more tedious

    Is there anything worse than escort missions?

    • 2 years ago

      >launch DDDA
      >look at escort mission destination, don't pick up mission yet
      >place portcrystal at destination
      >teleport back
      >take quest
      >teleport to destionation
      >free money
      Depends on the game

  40. 2 years ago

    Now someone post the image of a streamer acknowledging a viewer who donated his dad's money.

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