>Want to become a game developer as my dream job. >Pursue computer science major. >Too retarded for discrete math

>Want to become a game developer as my dream job
>Pursue computer science major
>Too moronic for discrete math


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  1. 9 months ago

    skill issue

    • 9 months ago

      Frick you

      • 9 months ago

        How the frick are you too moronic for discrete math, literally just attend classes, do homework, look up some books

        >Filtered by Science

        Just take Engimemeing and become a Computer memeingeer, it's the braindead route for normies, very popular on this board
        You'll still lack what it takes to do what you want tho, both routes (no degree, memengineering) lead to low level codemonkeying

        • 9 months ago

          Oh right I forgot, the languages depend on which kind of game/company you'd like to work for
          Scan their absurd job requirements and learn C++ for big companies and something else depending on the platform and needs

        • 9 months ago

          Depends what you specialize in. They both require the same math/physics, the only difference in lower division in my local school is cs take an assembley class & ds/algo class, but you should be learning that regardless of route.

          • 9 months ago

            >They both require the same maths/physics
            lol, lmao even

            Thankfully I'm not American when it comes to this field

            >is cs take an assembley class & ds/algo class
            Like 1/10 of an entry exam, yeah, huge
            Good luck I guess

            • 9 months ago

              To add to this,
              I mean, no offense but this just sounds insane (low standard)

              I'm not surprised since you're confirming what I knew about your system, but come on now

            • 9 months ago

              Could you give an example of what a proper standard would be for my amerigay brain?

              • 9 months ago

                >proper standard
                Doesn't exist since I'd just spam my own opinion, or a shared one, which is not a "standard"

                Compare a CS plan, checking each course program too, from a good Euro uni with an American one, same degree same type, undergrad
                It's usually pretty clear

                It's insane saying there's no difference in maths/physics between a CS and a CompEng degree, at least in eu

                There's a reason why the first is "Science" and usually under Maths and the other is "Engineering", more pratically oriented with an easier, smaller base shared program, before it even becomes "Computer"; which is also why a MSc in CompEng is needed if you want to keep your dignity, but a CS one is not

              • 9 months ago

                Usually the core is Theoretical CS+Maths, +CompEng and advanced programming in whatever langs are quoted at the moment, other than the classical ones
                With the opportunity, in your final year, to work on more research-y things (literally if lucky), both for your thesis and "last" exams depending on what you can and want to do

                The MSc is a proper specialization, but not highly deviating from the skill level you earned with your (usually late BSc), for example atm I can pick AI or Compsec, it's kind of an intro to the phd

              • 9 months ago

                I should clarify I was only talking on lower division classes. The European uni's seem to have wider breadths in their lower-division CS classes, where American uni's just have it split between CS & CE, so I do have to admire that.

              • 9 months ago

                Oh interesting to know
                Yes it's CS and CE here too, but they have a couple sub-divisions each, depending on the provided offer, both for the BSc and MSc
                They also belong to different departments

                >study advanced multi variable calculus, statistics, databases, algorithms, discrete maths, digital signal processing, image processing, operative systems, etc
                >work as a reactjs front end dev
                CS is a fricking scam

                Skill issue, unironically
                Unlucky, happens

              • 9 months ago

                Oh right, at least here anyways, CS belongs to uni in the maths+physics+natural sciences dep, CE belongs to a polytechnic, something like an institute of technology

              • 9 months ago

                Oh I forgot, CE being mostly engineering (mostly, how sad) has a national standard, CS does not, so it varies by quality and offer/path, but not wildly, it's still science
                CE is only interesting if you can get a good quality MSc, otherwise just become an unskilled entry codemonkey

              • 9 months ago

                You can find a lot just by googling the programs anyways


                Kinda sad how this mostly applies worldwide rn

                >you would have kept trying
                Come on now, getting a game published now is way different than it used to be, and this anon didn't even specify anything
                >humanities subhumans in game dev
                Those are called engineers and entry programmers, not shocking

  2. 9 months ago

    Why do you need discrete math for a game dev major? You definitely need it for computer science since that's theoretical stuff with algorithms, but not so much for programming games.

    • 9 months ago

      What you're talking about is a Computer Software degree. Computer Science is there to teach you how to make games, it's there to broadly educate you in Computer Science.

      Also yes, not everything is a canned clone shitbag unreal or unity project, and requires actual engine work, which does depend on advanced math.

    • 9 months ago

      Weed out class
      Universities want less CS majors and more history/art/philosophy/etc. majors so they intentionally make kids take math classes like calculus in the hopes of getting some to fail and change major

      • 9 months ago

        >Universities want less CS majors and more history/art/philosophy/etc.

        >Ill take shit I dont know what I am talking about for 400, Alex

        • 9 months ago

          Yes, they only want smarter kids to get CS degrees because it makes their school look better, but they still want kids who fail CS to continue attending the university to get money. It's a burgerland thing

          • 9 months ago

            >DOUBLE JEOPARDY

          • 9 months ago

            What kind of eleventh world clownery are you talking about?
            Oh sorry, just read the whole post

            Anyways, most Ganker keeps getting filtered by it, sad!

  3. 9 months ago

    simple indie games dont need advanced math to write, its basic algebra.
    so forget about writing the next Elden Ring and focus on the next Tetris and you'll be good

    • 9 months ago

      Why does Elden Ring need advanced maths?
      All gaming needs is basic physics (and by extension basic maths)

      • 9 months ago

        Nice bait, egineer-tier, have a free (you), you deserve it

  4. 9 months ago

    Just make games moron

  5. 9 months ago

    stumbled and cheated my way through crazy autistic math courses
    not once did I need to use anything more advanced than trigonometry while working
    even the bullshit moronic alien looking math squiggles in something like graphics papers boil down to for loops

  6. 9 months ago

    You will never develop a real game.
    You like the idea of developing games but you are too lazy to actually bother putting in the effort to make it real.
    You will constantly waste time of your life imagining games and game ideas that you'll never make real. You will NEVER bother with starting up an engine, let alone develop one yourself.
    You see, people who actually make things, they don't wait for arbitrary deadlines. They don't make threads on Ganker, crying about their incompetence. They just make 'em.
    You and I both, we can't create, we just consume.
    We don't have the drive, the inner fire. We aren't making shit.

    • 9 months ago

      This is the most wholesome motivational reply ITT

    • 9 months ago

      There's no such thing as laziness. The healthy human body has all the tools to be an active agent, but society beats the impetus out of you. One must understand that taking the reins of one's life necessarily means pissing off the people who want you to remain asleep.

      • 9 months ago

        >pissing off the people who want you to remain asleep.
        the only way you can do that is doing an expletive uponst billionaires

        • 9 months ago

          No, it can be as simple as insisting on dignity in the face of social superiors who want to degrade you.

    • 9 months ago

      I've been working on my game off and on for over a year (I'm 30 and have kids)

      so far I have:

      >written signup, login, and map viewing in python + phaser
      >phaser was going to take too much optimizing to not run like shit
      >write signup, login, map viewing in rails + react
      >decided I did need a real game framework + decided PWA's such bc apple hates them too much
      >write signup, login, map viewing in Java with a netty backend + godot client
      >godot is actually really nice
      >write an API client generator that uses reflection to analyze my server RPCs and then generate a gdscript client for it automagically. this was nice.
      >realize virtual threads will be permanent (non-preview) features in JDK 21
      >port signup and login to Helidon Nima (which uses virtual threads natively, Helidon is relatively established but Nima is a beta atm)

      I actually really like Nima server + godot client so far. Now that I've finally picked the frameworks I like, I'm looking forward to actually writing the fricking game. In the meantime I've thought up a lot of ideas so hopefully it wasn't just purely wasted implementation time since it gave me time to think.

  7. 9 months ago

    become YanDev

    • 9 months ago

      el creaturo de los pantanos

  8. 9 months ago

    >Too moronic for discrete math

  9. 9 months ago

    > too moronic for discrete math
    I am sorry to hear that anon, it should be one of the easiest subjects in math.

    • 9 months ago

      >I have never taken a proper combinatorics course

  10. 9 months ago

    >discrete math
    I'm pretty sure game dev uses mostly continuous math

  11. 9 months ago

    Just drop out and make a game. Prove that you want it.

  12. 9 months ago

    Why do you gamer gays keep trying to do CS? Playing games and programming games have frick all to do with each other. Maybe you should try becoming a 'game designer' or some shit? Let me guess though, you get filtered by basic art too?
    So, like, what skills do you actually even bring to the table? Ideas? They're probably shit anyway, and besides everyone has ideas; Ideas are worthless.

    tl;dr frick off and kys yourself.

    • 9 months ago

      > Let me guess though, you get filtered by basic art too?
      Not OP, but yes. I have absolutely no skills either on the artistic or technical side of game development. I only have vague ideas in my mind that never actually go anywhere since I’m often too lazy too even write them down. Despite this, I would like to make a game someday.

  13. 9 months ago

    Copy down the assigned textbook sections word for word, figure for figure. Go to reviews and tutoring if your school offers them. College math is significantly more work intensive than other classes, but it's doable if you put the work in.

  14. 9 months ago

    What discrete math concept(s) are you having trouble with?

  15. 9 months ago

    just do the homework and attend every practice lesson

  16. 9 months ago

    How the frick are you too moronic for discrete math, literally just attend classes, do homework, look up some books

  17. 9 months ago

    What kind of game do you want to make? In most game develpment, programming skill is secondary to skills in art, storytelling, and gameplay mechanics. Programmers in this industry tend to be the code monkeys for people who have these other skills.
    On the programming side, discrete math is more the abstract math behind programming languages in general. If you have a good grasp of programming already, you really just need to figure out how to translate what you know into a more mathy context.

  18. 9 months ago

    the videogame industry is evidently full of gay morons why would u want that

  19. 9 months ago

    you're a fricking moron for thinking being a game developer is a dream job
    you will make minion run mobile games and shit for literal children, you'll make less than other software developers and you'll work more than them
    how the frick did you even end up thinking working with your hobby wouldn't ruin your hobby, do you like to be told what to do?

    • 9 months ago

      >Least resentful engineer

      • 9 months ago

        more like software curryBlack person who switched away from game development
        i was moronic but so are you

        • 9 months ago

          >more like the same thing I said
          Huh, ok?

          Guess you're braindead enough to think I'm OP
          >Least illiterate engineer

          • 9 months ago

            ah sorry about that then

            • 9 months ago
  20. 9 months ago

    You don't really need it honestly, logic and graphs are all that matters in most cases and you can get extremely well done explanations on graphs online. Plus, the topic bring math, there are countless libs that don't make you reinwent the wheel. Just use what's been done by other people, lifes too short.

  21. 9 months ago

    >Engicope and baits
    Never change

  22. 9 months ago

    i'm getting filtered by discrete mathematics as well
    for reference, i'm 24 and only just reenrolled at uni. i'd started programming outside of university a couple years ago, and find the acttual programming classes easy and fun.
    but when it comes to discrete maths, i haven't touched maths since high school, and i feel like i'm going to have to relearn calculus and algebraic manipulation all over again. how do i speedrun the base-level maths i need for CS?

    • 9 months ago

      Git gud, skill issue
      There's a reason it's in the first year of CS in civilized countries, it's the first basic filter
      If you find an exploit for it, God save your cute soul for what math comes next

    • 9 months ago

      Git gud, skill issue
      There's a reason it's in the first year of CS in civilized countries, it's the first basic filter
      If you find an exploit for it, God save your cute soul for what math comes next

      So my tip is
      Go full schizo on both theory and practice

      Or pick engimemeing like every normie irl and on this board, that's the easy way if you just like programming

  23. 9 months ago

    >study advanced multi variable calculus, statistics, databases, algorithms, discrete maths, digital signal processing, image processing, operative systems, etc
    >work as a reactjs front end dev
    CS is a fricking scam

  24. 9 months ago

    You don't need to be a good programmer to be a game developer. Everything else is more important in game dev than programming. Art, music, design, story, focus on these.

  25. 9 months ago

    99& of the questions relevant to discrete structures come down to questions about trees or (more generalized) graphs - even your mathematical logic classes can largely be reduced questions about trees.

  26. 9 months ago

    brainlets can make unity games, what is your problem

  27. 9 months ago

    just use glut math libraries shit just works
    t. moronic who coded them from scratch

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