Warcraft RPG

Here is a thread for discussing the Warcraft RPG and associated Warcraft lore.

Did Kael'thas deserve better?
Why did Blizzard turn him into a loot pinata?

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  1. 3 months ago

    >Did Kael'thas deserve better?
    >Why did Blizzard turn him into a loot pinata?
    Btw is there a blood mage class in the RPG?

    • 3 months ago

      >Btw is there a blood mage class in the RPG?
      Is there any real difference between blood mage and mage?

      • 3 months ago

        In theory, yes. Bloodmages abandon frost magic in favor of doubling down into fel fire magic. WoW decided that wasn't a thing for mages to be able to do though, and made fel fire magic a warlock thing.

      • 3 months ago

        In theory, yes. Bloodmages abandon frost magic in favor of doubling down into fel fire magic. WoW decided that wasn't a thing for mages to be able to do though, and made fel fire magic a warlock thing.

        In WC3 the big difference was that Bloodmage heroes had the ability to steal mana from other units.
        Kael's spells in WC3 are
        >Flame Strike: a big fricking AoE fire nuke
        >Mana Drain: life drain for mana
        >Banish: sends target to the shadow realm, slowing them for the duration of the spell, making them immune to physical damage, and making them take extra damage from spells
        >Summon Pheonix: does what it says on the tin. The Phoenix will self-damage over time. When its HP reaches 0 it turns into an egg with a life timer. If the timer hits 0 before the egg takes lethal damage, the phoenix rises anew with full HP
        The biggest departure from other spellcasters in WC3 is the ability to steal mana directly from enemy units, which was also a big part of Blood Elves' racial identity when they were brought to WoW (see: the BC trailer where a blood elf consumes a mana wyrm on camera). I don't think Blood Mages specifically have very strong ties to fell magic, but the ability to consume magical energy from living beings, plus the highly offensive nature of their spells (contrasted to the archmage who summons a body, increases mana regen for friendlies, and has a mass teleport) seems to set them apart from your more achedmically minded mages from Dalaran.

        • 3 months ago

          >I don't think Blood Mages specifically have very strong ties to fell magic
          The description of the Blood Mage in the WC3 guidebook indicated a strong likelihood that they were involving wielding demonic magic. It's not explicit, but it's pretty likely, expecially when considering how the Blood Elves went in WoW.

          >"A mystical Hero, adept at controlling magic and ranged assaults. Though still members of the Alliance, the Blood Elves have begun to turn to the darkest parts of magic, abandoning the water and frost spells of the Kirin Tor for the fire and heat of what some people fear to be Demonic magic. Attacks land and air units."

      • 3 months ago

        In theory, yes. Bloodmages abandon frost magic in favor of doubling down into fel fire magic. WoW decided that wasn't a thing for mages to be able to do though, and made fel fire magic a warlock thing.

        In WC3 the big difference was that Bloodmage heroes had the ability to steal mana from other units.
        Kael's spells in WC3 are
        >Flame Strike: a big fricking AoE fire nuke
        >Mana Drain: life drain for mana
        >Banish: sends target to the shadow realm, slowing them for the duration of the spell, making them immune to physical damage, and making them take extra damage from spells
        >Summon Pheonix: does what it says on the tin. The Phoenix will self-damage over time. When its HP reaches 0 it turns into an egg with a life timer. If the timer hits 0 before the egg takes lethal damage, the phoenix rises anew with full HP
        The biggest departure from other spellcasters in WC3 is the ability to steal mana directly from enemy units, which was also a big part of Blood Elves' racial identity when they were brought to WoW (see: the BC trailer where a blood elf consumes a mana wyrm on camera). I don't think Blood Mages specifically have very strong ties to fell magic, but the ability to consume magical energy from living beings, plus the highly offensive nature of their spells (contrasted to the archmage who summons a body, increases mana regen for friendlies, and has a mass teleport) seems to set them apart from your more achedmically minded mages from Dalaran.

        >I don't think Blood Mages specifically have very strong ties to fell magic
        The description of the Blood Mage in the WC3 guidebook indicated a strong likelihood that they were involving wielding demonic magic. It's not explicit, but it's pretty likely, expecially when considering how the Blood Elves went in WoW.

        >"A mystical Hero, adept at controlling magic and ranged assaults. Though still members of the Alliance, the Blood Elves have begun to turn to the darkest parts of magic, abandoning the water and frost spells of the Kirin Tor for the fire and heat of what some people fear to be Demonic magic. Attacks land and air units."

        ALL arcane magic was diet fel back in WC3 (Though it wasn't CALLED Fel yet, fricking Felwood was already named Felwood before it got blighted by Fel even)

        But fire magic was treated as the closest to going over the edge.

        also the WoW movie kind of sucked ass

        Medivh being Garona's father from clapping orc cheeks on his interdimensional journeys was kind of a neat idea though

        That was the one good retcon.

        It's better to treat the movie as its own separate thing otherwise it's filled with retcons

        >Dalaran floating from the start
        >Doomhammer being a Frostwolf instead of a Blackrock
        >Mag'har orcs going to Azeroth
        >Blackhand getting killed by Lothar instead of Doomhammer
        >The humans winning the First War

        And that's from what I remember

        These all sucked.

        • 3 months ago

          >Fire magic treated as closest to going over the edge
          Kind of strange that the Archmage's basic attack was always fireballs. Maybe fire in that application wasn't that dangerous for the user?

          • 3 months ago

            It's the sheer amount used.

  2. 3 months ago

    TBC should simply be retconned out of the lore

  3. 3 months ago

    >Why did Blizzard turn him into a loot pinata?
    That was so many years and so many strata of lore-ruining ago that it's no longer relevant.

  4. 3 months ago

    been working on my WoW fanfic

    Should I make Jaina more initially antagonistic to her stepdaughter?

    I was thinking she may be envious that the girl is more talented than she is at the same age and hides it well, but I also wonder if it'd be better if she accepted it and teaches the girl to the best of her ability.

    • 3 months ago

      How emotionally mature is your Jaina supposed to be?

      • 3 months ago

        Battle for Azeroth so she's ruthless anti Horde mode

        Actually come to think of it, might be interesting if she molds her stepdaughter into a deadly magic weapon to unleash against the Horde

    • 3 months ago

      >Filomena gazed on as her father, the Buccaneer King, takes Lord Admiral Jaina Proudmoore's hands into his own

      • 3 months ago

        Thanks, didn't notice that

        Any thoughts on a good relationship with warmonger ruthless Jaina and a stepdaughter with magical talent?

        • 3 months ago

          At first maybe they'd be distant and awkward with each other but as they get to know each other they might grow to like each other, or maybe hate each other depending on how their personalities clash
          I don't think Jaina would fit into the evil stepmother archetype

          idk I'm not a stepmother or a stepdaughter so I can't tell you how they'd be like

          • 3 months ago

            I had a draft in mind for their relationship, but yeah I don't think Jaina fits into the evil stepmother archetype either.

            I was also thinking Jaina would sort of treat her as sort of a replacement for her apprentice who died in Theramore, Kinndy.

            I noticed in my draft notes, I had Varian remarry a Blood Elf to get them to rejoin the Alliance (and having a son and daughter with his new wife), and Vereesa remarries to another OC with his own daughters, so there will be quite a few stepmothers

  5. 3 months ago

    Warcraft died with the lich king, just let it rest anon.

  6. 3 months ago

    What would be the consequences of the Jade Serpent not being reborn?

    • 3 months ago

      The cycle would not continue

  7. 3 months ago

    Kael'thas had a very worthy raid boss encounter, they just needed to not do that stupid clumsy retcon and drag his corpse out to get 5-man grinded into dust

  8. 3 months ago

    >thread for discussing Warcraft lore
    It's been shit for years and it isn't getting any better. There's no fixing it at this point unless you functionally rewrite the whole thing from the ground up.
    >Why did Blizzard turn him into a loot pinata?
    Because he's an elf and that's all Blizzard thinks elves are good for

    • 3 months ago

      >elves are good for
      There's nothing elves are good for

      t. Garithos

  9. 3 months ago

    WoW spent it's first few years turning major lore characters into loot piñatas and only later realized they squandered good story ideas. Bringing Illidan back, finding Kael'thas and Vashj in the afterlives were all them milking their old lore one last time. And no, we never got a satisfying answer as to why KT betrayed his people and sided with the organization that sent him on the path of vengeance in the first place.

    I maintain if they want Warcraft's story to be good again they need to reset to the Classic era and write the story onwards from there. And yes, I realize that will never happen for many reasons.

    • 3 months ago

      New writers.

    • 3 months ago

      I just imagine that the WoW lore is the result of a not!Azathoth voidlord dreaming of the possibilities and making them manifest in a nightmare only the fans would understand.

      But given that Azeroth sounds a lot like Azathoth, maybe it was Azeroth as the Worldsoul that is the true threat all along and has been turning creation into a disney/pixar/woke corruption of its roots.

      • 3 months ago


        • 3 months ago

          You know I'm right

  10. 3 months ago

    How often did Onyxia comfort Anduin?

    • 3 months ago

      /ss/ is an objectively terrible fetish. Develop taste and post something like Alexstrasza x Ysera instead.

      • 3 months ago

        >/ss/ is an objectively terrible fetish.

        I thought /ss/ was the elite forces of Adolf Hitler, not a fetish.

        • 3 months ago

          I think the relevant nazi organization here would be the HJ.

        • 3 months ago

          I thought it meant shortstack

      • 3 months ago

        Is Alexstrasza x Ysera hotter if they're in humanoid or dragon form?

        • 3 months ago

          Dragon, but I'm the only one who likes lesbian feral stuff, so

          • 3 months ago

            You might be surprised, there's more weird fetishists than you think. Like that floor tile anon.

            • 3 months ago

              I think he's alone, too.

    • 3 months ago

      Nursing handjobs

    • 3 months ago

      Enough to make him gay

  11. 3 months ago

    >Love warcraft
    >Know too much warcraft lore
    >All my friends want to play a ttrpg together
    >No one wants to DM
    >Offer to DM in warcraft setting
    >"I'd rather just not play if you're going to use that one"
    I don't get why Faerun is acceptable to people but using a setting like warcraft or dragon age is so offputting.

    • 3 months ago

      Have you made it clear where in time the Warcraft setting is going to be? Are you going to make any changes to the official canon or leave it all as is?

      • 3 months ago

        They sound like buttholes, not gonna lie. What, because Blizzard fricked the lore up at some point they don't trust you to steer it right? Or is it just that they think a video game-related setting is somehow too nerdy for their roleplay adventure?

        After 2nd War, was going to be a sort of day of the dragons style in tone. They don't play warcraft but are very anti-rpg/jrpg settings. I've homebrewed with elements of wacraft before to success with them and told them as much but they don't want to try playing within that world at all.

        • 3 months ago

          Idk why when warcraft at its core is just generic fantasy, except with some actual moral nuance
          Well, sometimes

          • 3 months ago

            you know sometimes I forget how generic Warcraft is at it's core

            Warcraft 1 had some of the most generic stuff out there

    • 3 months ago

      They sound like buttholes, not gonna lie. What, because Blizzard fricked the lore up at some point they don't trust you to steer it right? Or is it just that they think a video game-related setting is somehow too nerdy for their roleplay adventure?

    • 3 months ago

      I used to play with a group that had mixed feelings on most of the post-RTS storytelling. It was a real pick-and-choose sort of style of pulling from the lore. I think the best thing you can do is start them in something familiar, like following the Fall of Lordaeron, and build up a familiar rapport with your interpretation of the setting and let them chime in if they'd like. There's a lot to explore in the era that goes well beyond just survival. The fate of the other kingdoms, for instance. Perhaps an elf among the group gets the news that their people are calling themselves Blood Elves now, and they disappear for a few sessions to come back with green eyes, and a totally shifted outlook (upon seeing just how bad things were). Imagine trying to find allies among the disparate, ruined kingdom of Stromgarde, or in the ruins of Dalaran-- only to get involved in their struggles as well.

      It works as a fantastic starting point, because the era itself was very character-focused. Knowing the future and the surrounding areas and what becomes of them, but having plenty of time before they come to that point lets your players and you have a lasting impact on the setting in a way that you can continue to build on for as long as your friends like to exist within it. It's really the best way to play in an already established setting: to carve out a niche in the coattails of its most iconic era, which for Warcraft, is ironically the most open to literally anything happening. Really, you just have to upsell the whole thing to them.

    • 3 months ago

      Well did they give a reason as to why they dont want to play in Azeroth? Otherwise its wild guessing.

    • 3 months ago

      Bro, I'd play that shit in a heartbeat. I can't find anyone running it.

  12. 3 months ago

    Ultimate shame for never releasing a Blademaster class. I made an Orc with a Japanese name and everything.

    • 3 months ago

      aren't Blademasters just hybrids of Rogue (Wind Walk, Crit) and Warriors (Bladestorm)?

      Not sure what Mirror Image would be though since they are illusions

      • 3 months ago

        I would say Monk/Warriors, making them Sword Saints.

        • 3 months ago

          Yeah Monk does fit them.

          Although it's strange that Blademasters are the only one to use katanas when every other orc uses axes and stuff

          • 3 months ago

            Grom used an ax. Swords were a big thing for the Burning Blade specifically.

            • 3 months ago

              Was Grom actually a Blademaster in lore or was he just one in game?

              • 3 months ago

                Just in game

      • 3 months ago

        >aren't WoW classes just poor concepts mashed together from cannibalized WC3 units?

    • 3 months ago

      I miss Japanese orcs.

      Besides them being obsessed with blades and having funny accents and names, there isn't really anything they have in common with Japan.
      I mean where are their feudal lords? Do they have an emperor? A shogun?
      They really aren't a very developed clan when it comes to history and culture.
      I mean their most famous member is Samuro and we don't have the slightest idea what happened to him after that Founding of Durotar mission.

      • 3 months ago

        Pre Horde, the burning blade was the "i study the blade" autism clan. During the Horde, they became what you posted. In the WoW era, they became less of a clan and more of a catch it all term for legion cultists.

        >The Burning Blade and Blademasters aren't actually Japanese they just are weebs larping as ones
        >The accent is fake even
        That'd be fricking hilarious

        • 3 months ago

          This would imply the existence of the actual Japanese in the Warcraft universe

          • 3 months ago

            >Blademasters don't even have a source for their unique mannerisms
            >One guy just acted weird and they all copied him

            • 3 months ago

              Sounds legit.

            • 3 months ago

              Isn't that how cultures emerge in real life?

  13. 3 months ago

    I miss Japanese orcs.

  14. 3 months ago

    What's the deal with the Burning Blade clan anyways?

    >Chieftain: None

    >Clan Colors: Orange

    >Background: The Burning Blade is not a clan as much as it is an elemental force of nature. Chaotic and unpredictable, the Burning Blade is a brotherhood of demented Orcs whose only objective is to raze and plunder with no regard for their own safety. This leaderless swarm is held in check by the Ogres - to be unleashed by the clans in times of urgent duress. The Burning Blade holds loyalty to no one and will attack any that they perceive to be a threat - even their fellow Orcs.

    >Domain: Nomadic

    • 3 months ago

      Literal Black folk, as it should be.

    • 3 months ago

      Pre Horde, the burning blade was the "i study the blade" autism clan. During the Horde, they became what you posted. In the WoW era, they became less of a clan and more of a catch it all term for legion cultists.

      • 3 months ago

        >start out as sword autists
        >degenerate into aimless sperg rage that makes them a danger to anyone and everyone around them
        Fits pretty well, really.

    • 3 months ago

      Seems like a weird juxtaposition for a Burning Blade Blademaster to be a frothing berserker while employing the most disciplined form of Orcish combat

  15. 3 months ago

    There have been talks about fixing Warcraft lore without retcons, but how about making some retcons of our own?

    I'll start:
    Instead of Dentarg being killed by Khadgar, he follows Ner'zhul into Azeroth and remains his servant after he becomes Lich King.
    In Northrend he forms a mercenary band of ogres and ice trolls to assist Arthas and by proxy Ner'zhul's plan.
    I'm not sure if he should die then or not but either way he ends up as a boss in the Icecrown raid.

    • 3 months ago

      That's a cool idea.

      But maybe Khadgar cuts off one of his heads and thinks it fatal, but Dentarg survives it.

      Then he runs with Ner'zhul with one if his heads still there.

      Then Arthas kills him and revives him with two heads, albeit the decapitated head is just a floating skull cause Dentarg didn't preserve the flesh.

    • 3 months ago

      >In WoD, Garrosh beats Thrall clean in the mak'gora but does not kill him, insisting he will watch and see as he exposes the failures in his philosophy of peace
      >However, when Garrosh returns to the Warsong encampment, he finds Grom with Gul'dan in his ear, who blames his steampunk direction for getting most of the Warlords killed off
      >Garrosh is exiled from the Iron Horde and is horrified to watch Grom be the first to DREEEEEENK the felblood once again, making him realize that the old ways of the Orcs will invariably lead to enslavement
      >Forced to swallow his pride, he appeals to the Horde and even Alliance to stop the monster he created
      >The final boss of WoD is not Archimonde 2: Felfire Boogaloo but Chaos Grom (still supported by Gul'dan like in the original encounter)
      >The expansion ends with Garrosh accepting his imprisonment for his crimes, but with the option to pull him out for a later conflict as a penal legion commander, finally at peace as he gets to do what he does best

      • 3 months ago

        do they still have the big ass trial during War Crimes?

        Cause that sounds like a neat fricking idea.

        • 3 months ago

          Yeah, that's between Pandaria and WoD timeline-wise.

          • 3 months ago

            Would Garrosh still sperg out at the end or does he just quietly accept everything?

            • 3 months ago

              Yeah, that's between Pandaria and WoD timeline-wise.

              Wait FRICK I got the dates mixed up, WoD happened after the trial

              I guess he just goes meekly to prison after

            • 3 months ago

              The post-WoD trial would essentially be a continuation of the one he sperged out of, taking into account those actions, but also him not killing Thrall and the sincere attempt at setting things right to avoid a straight death penalty.

              • 3 months ago

                Death Penalty was never on the table. The Celestials, who were the judges, didn't believe that Garrosh had to die.

              • 3 months ago

                Maybe not initially but with the added multiversal frickery it could've been on the table.

              • 3 months ago

                to be honest the Celestials using the trial to judge everyone else felt kind of strange

                Like what were they even using their judgments for?

              • 3 months ago

                The whole thing in general always felt like a contrived excuse to allow WoD to happen, which in an of itself ended up feeling like a contrived excuse to set things up for Legion.

              • 3 months ago

                I'm betting that Blizz was unprepared for the full Legion invasion after MoP so just came up with some shit to try and keep players happy in the meantime

              • 3 months ago

                I think it was going to be
                BC, Wrath, Cat, Leg.
                BC and Wrath wrap up plot lines from WC3, cat resets the stage from Classic and Leg wraps up the whole metaplot they have been elaborating on since WC3 started justifying WC1 + 2.
                Mists exists because they didn’t add Pandas in BC.

              • 3 months ago

                Wod existed to synergize with the wow movie but failed to match the release windows

              • 3 months ago

                also the WoW movie kind of sucked ass

                Medivh being Garona's father from clapping orc cheeks on his interdimensional journeys was kind of a neat idea though

              • 3 months ago

                also the WoW movie kind of sucked ass

                Medivh being Garona's father from clapping orc cheeks on his interdimensional journeys was kind of a neat idea though

                It's better to treat the movie as its own separate thing otherwise it's filled with retcons

                >Dalaran floating from the start
                >Doomhammer being a Frostwolf instead of a Blackrock
                >Mag'har orcs going to Azeroth
                >Blackhand getting killed by Lothar instead of Doomhammer
                >The humans winning the First War

                And that's from what I remember

              • 3 months ago

                the movie is in fact its own AU universe. Still, from a buisness standpoint it makes sense to have a movie about the first war coincide with an expansion that feature characters you got to see on the big screen (like Gul Dan)

      • 3 months ago

        very boring

        • 3 months ago

          >low IQ contrarian sperg
          lurk moar

  16. 3 months ago

    Whats the dream game you guys would want to run/play
    I would love to have a game where we are all goblins wheeling and dealing across the world in the name of fun and profit (but mostly profit)

    • 3 months ago

      A megacampaign starting from the First War to vanilla WoW

      • 3 months ago

        Anon beat me to it.

      • 3 months ago

        Reminder that "Orcs Must Die" is literally just warcraft if Kurt Russle was there

  17. 3 months ago

    >I shall join the faction that created the undead scourge that destroyed my homeland, killed my father, and murdered 90% of my people.
    >Because I am addicted to Fel magic of course!

    • 3 months ago

      if anything Kael'thas should have enslaved demons as mana batteries and warlock magic sources for his people as a cruel and humiliating punishment for demons

      Make him the "good guy with dark methods" antihero seen sometimes

      • 3 months ago

        Funnily enough thats close to what illidan was doing.
        All the elf boy had to do was stay loyal.

        • 3 months ago

          An Illidari faction would have been sick to have in vanilla WoW

    • 3 months ago

      Blood Elves should have never aligned with the horde. Snobby high culture elves squatting among mud huts with skulls and spikes and forging friendships with trolls and orcs and undead is beyond moronic and immersion breaking. Its especially ludicrous if these elves go "Yeah, Garithos and Jaina totally fricked us over." while drinking ogre piss with the orc who pillaged his very homeland within living memory, without suffering cognitive dissonance.

      • 3 months ago

        Undead alliance make sense because their leader is, you know, a psychotic Blood Elf woman.

        • 3 months ago

          I'm more curious why the undead were even part of the Horde

          She said she needed allies but what good military presence would the Horde offer? They're all the way in Kalimdor and any aid would need to be shipped over and take a lot of time.

          It'd make more sense if she reached out to the blood elves first.

      • 3 months ago

        It's all because ye' olde red vs blue mechanics that was made to make PvP easier.
        I remember my friend was convinced that Draenei should be part of the Horde, without making them Eredars. But still Akama in TFT mentioned that orcs were killing them en masse, putting this one in question.

    • 3 months ago

      Stop noticing things, alliance bot.

  18. 3 months ago

    Warcraft 4 works better if you assumed WoW was going to have EverQuest style Reputation/Faction mechanics.

    The Undead are the Undead, some may be friendly but clearly have some nasty motive for Londrean.
    The Horde and Allience are each three allied factions who each like you differently. As you are the mighty world-travelling hero.
    Night Elves are aloof and have their own area. Blood Elves you have to quest to get in unless you picked them at character creation.
    Each new race dropped in gets their own reputation meter.

  19. 3 months ago

    Still fricking around with troll prints, does this seem like the right size compared to an ogre? The ogre is already printed, so it's what i'm comparing them to.

    • 3 months ago

      You could scale the trolls up a bit. They aren't quite as tall as an ogre (~9ft), but they're still one of the tallest races on Azeroth(~7-8ft).

      The only actual issue I'm seeing though, is that ankles are way too twiggy on those troll models; their wrists shouldn't be thicker than their ankles.

      • 3 months ago

        They're all pretty hunched, the most upright one reaches the shoulders. And the ankle thing, yeah, but it's pretty hard to find twotoed models. No matter, these are supposed to be runty spearchuckers, the berserkers are the beefier guys from imagineminis.

    • 3 months ago

      Looks neat. What's the head gonna look like on that one that has a ball for a head?

      • 3 months ago

        An ogre? It's a modular set from battleyak.

        • 3 months ago

          Well do you have the model for the ogre head? I wanna see

          • 3 months ago

            They uh, turned out a bit runtier than i thought.

            Might be relevent, I'm working on an alliance themed army for OPR
            Draenai as proxies for angels and an excuse for a good horned pin up mini

            Sick, i printed some of those for a planned scarlet crusade team when i first started out, never really got whitemane right so it didn't go anywhere. Might give it another shot.

            • 3 months ago

              the head looks fine tbh, I like it

              What colour are you making it?

            • 3 months ago

              thats a pretty nice troll mon.

  20. 3 months ago

    Might be relevent, I'm working on an alliance themed army for OPR
    Draenai as proxies for angels and an excuse for a good horned pin up mini

    • 3 months ago

      Neat, can you show us what you're using for Draenie? I've been wanting to hash out an Alliance themed army for ages but can't seem to find a good solution for Draenie characters or troops. At least not one that doesn't involved heavy conversion work per figure.

      • 3 months ago

        Battleyak and imagineminis are the only two i know of that does draenei in 32/28mm, otherwise it's mostly pinups and statues that dont print well at a smaller scale. Or maybe artisan guild tieflings, just got to mess up the legs, but that's simple enough.

        • 3 months ago

          Awesome! Thanks, anon. 🙂

  21. 3 months ago

    Trolls are too cool for warcraft.

    • 3 months ago

      I actually agree.
      There is stuff that’s been ruined by Blizzard who don’t know what they are doing and stuff ruined by Blizzard who do know what they are doing but the stuff that’s off to the side and not part of the central Orc vs Human conflict is cool.

    • 3 months ago

      I actually agree.
      There is stuff that’s been ruined by Blizzard who don’t know what they are doing and stuff ruined by Blizzard who do know what they are doing but the stuff that’s off to the side and not part of the central Orc vs Human conflict is cool.

      I really liked all the subtypes of trolls

      Kind of pissed that Dark Trolls are just extinct. They should be part of a night elf allies faction

  22. 3 months ago

    Oh hey I actually have the first edition of this somewhere.
    >Did Kael'thas deserve better.
    He did.
    >Why did Blizzard turn him into a loot pinata?
    Because TBC's story was all over the place. Same with Illidan being a villain.

    • 3 months ago

      Following up on that:
      >Decide to DM with friends one day.
      >Offer a WoW idea to them while still keeping their characters as they are.
      >Give this backstory explaining that during the end of their last battle, the Dark Lord they had slain had torn open a portal to another dimension, and flung them into what he thought was their doom; instead they landed in Pre-Vanilla, Post Warcraft 3 Azeroth.
      >Land in the Barrens just outside Ratchet.
      >Their money is no good since its not Horde, Goblin, or Alliance mint, so they decide to do odd jobs around the town while picking up hints of something happening in the Wailing Caverns.
      >Players have never touched WoW so have them go around asking NPCs whats what.
      >Since ones a Drow, Dwarf, Orc, and Human, and its during the ceasefire between the Horde and Alliance, no one really bats an eye too much. The Drow is called a Night Elf much to her dismay, the Dwarf is having a blast, the Human is confused by the weird looks the Orcs give her, and the Orc herself has no idea how to interact with the ones there that do speak to her, as they approach her in Orcish but its not the Orcish she knows(Its like a Dane who only knows Danish going to Germany and being spoken too in German.)
      >Eventually they decide to go to the Wailing Caverns, but must complete a quest that has them take on the Murloc Shaman named Glumbo, the Doomsayer.
      >They take his head after a short but harsh battle, and have a decision to make: Return his head and his staff to the Goblin offering it and take the reward, or try and use the Staff in conjunction with the head for the Wailing Caverns dungeon.
      >Decide to stop here so we can pick it up next week.
      >This was in Spring 2020 - Covid happens.
      >Never pick this up again.

      • 3 months ago

        >This was in Spring 2020 - Covid happens.
        Funny but this was like a ttrpg renaissance for me. I completed 3 campaigns during the covid years. I 've never been this prolific as a GM, and that was just because people lacked their general excuses to flake.

        • 3 months ago

          See, normally we would've but the Dwarf and Human are highly immunocompromised so out of necessity we didn't meet up. We tried doing it online but it wasn't as bombastic or the same, so we ended up all playing Foxhole instead.

          • 3 months ago


            Have you thought of reviving the thing with the group?

            • 3 months ago

              I have, but we've all sort of moved on and begun doing our own thing. The Dwarf is a stay at home mom now, the Elf plays 40K and the Human is on a Traveler kick. I'll reach out to them but who knows.

              • 3 months ago

                Say anon, any chance there might be room for a random dork from /tg/?

      • 3 months ago

        Sounds fun

  23. 3 months ago

    Would it be in character for the Kirin Tor of Dalaran to see a powerful young mage as a weapon or asset to use against their enemies?

    • 3 months ago

      Sure, why not. The Kirin Tor are not a monolith. Each archmage in the hirarchy has probably either an own agenda or is part of some larger interest group. And they where perfectly fine with using young Kadghar as spy to get intel on Medivh

      • 3 months ago

        Which ones would most likely do it?
        >Aethas Sunreaver
        There's some others but I cannot recall them well.

        • 3 months ago

          Depends. Do you have a time era in mind? Who is this young mage supposed to be used against?

          • 3 months ago

            Pre WC3, after second war

            I was actually thinking it that the youth would turn his back on Dalaran after he sees his teacher's notebook espousing how he is a useful weapon. I did want the knowledge he was being molded as a weapon to he known among the Kirin Tor and to have most of their approval.

            As for against, he's just supposed to be a weapon in general against Dalaran's enemies. Also a noble of a strong family so the Kirin Tor feels it is weakening that family while strengthening Dalaran.

            • 3 months ago

              That would put Rhonin out of the picture, for at that point he probably wasnt an archmage yet. You could homebrew your own or just pic whomever you like most, really. Maybe its an early attempt to reform the Tirisgarde or create a new guardian of Tirisfal, just under strict Dalaran control. Maybe its a deterrant against new orcish agressions, the demons or some other force. Maybe he is of alteracii descent, because who cares about alterac nobles now anyways? Or maybe its Gilneas and he is another point of contention that ultimatly leads to the gilneas isolation. Could be Stormwind, with his family returning to rebuild but now lacking the next generation that was supposed to take over. Or a lordaeron family that later on is pushed or lured into the cult of the damned, because they played on their resentment towards the Kirin Tor

        • 3 months ago

          Aethas for sure.

  24. 3 months ago

    Does the WC RPG recreate the feeling of playing vanilla wow?

    I really liked being a nobody just wandering around exploring and doing small quests, and dungeon delving, until the game started focusing on endgame raids so much.

    • 3 months ago

      Thats less of a system thing and more dependent on your DM. At the end, the WC RPG is just DnD 3.5 with a few new things

      • 3 months ago

        Well, certain systems are more conducive towards heroic play, others towards mudcrawling.

        I guess 3.5 is fine. I'd prefer a bespoke system though. I w fan made one

    • 3 months ago

      They have quite a lot of prestige bits in the 3.5 books, higher classes and set gear and artifacts, but you aren't beholden to use most of it and can stick to a low to mid level romp through some dungeon locales. The general power level of the setting is a step up compared to WoW's though by merit of being more fleshed out on stuff like the various defensive capabilities of the major capitals.

  25. 3 months ago

    I wish Daybreak Miniatures would make a modular Orc Grunts set, would buy immediately. They’re the best Warcraft-inspired sculptors in 3D printing imo

    • 3 months ago

      Wait that's not Blizzard official?

      Cause holy crap it looks almost 100% Warcraft orc

      • 3 months ago

        >Wait that's not Blizzard official?
        It is
        It's the grunt from Reforged

        • 3 months ago


          Googling Daybreak Miniatures orc, it looks quite Warcraft-y still

    • 3 months ago


      Googling Daybreak Miniatures orc, it looks quite Warcraft-y still

      Because of these posts I discovered Daybreak Miniatures and promptly ordered some orcs and dwarves. Thanks, bros.

      I genuinely love the Warcraft artstyle, especially when it comes to dwarves and orcs. GW-style orcs look extremely moronic, goofy, and unthreatening. GW's dwarves look like gay babies without knees. Daybreak Minis seems to borrow heavily from Warcraft in the anatomy and artstyle of their races and I fricking love that. I'm so sick of gay baby dwarves and goofy gorilla orcs.

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