What is necessary to be able to enjoy video games?

What is necessary to be able to enjoy video games?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Open mind.

  2. 2 years ago

    Not being old and jaded. 98% of all Gankerayntelments sadly don't qualify.

  3. 2 years ago

    >What is necessary to be able to enjoy video games?
    a very small iq and a limited mindset

    • 2 years ago

      Pretty much this

      As you get older, the magic begins to wear off. You dont see a tense life or death firefight, you see crappy physics, low quality shooting sounds which give you an ear ache, and dumb death animations where the ragdoll ends up lodging face first into the environment. You dont see a deadly dragon boss with a magical chest, you see a crappy sprite with a long HP bar and a random number generator "chest" behind it.

      The magic of games wears off after youve played enough of them and have a feeling for what the skeleton underneath looks like. Doubly so when you have responsibilities and it becomes increasingly difficult to justify hours for minor dopamine bursts

      • 2 years ago

        Frick I'm depressed.

      • 2 years ago

        Try paradox games

        • 2 years ago

          >try tabletop painting simulators
          If I wanted to use a computer to only to see colors and imagine things happening I would go to reddit and read some erotica you fricktard
          What the frick do you people see in such boring ass games holy fricking shit

          • 2 years ago

            >reading erotica

            yeah you might lack the brains for it pal

            • 2 years ago

              not sure how that makes playing static 2D map coloring games on multi GHz CPUs any less of a fricking waste of potential
              go play checkers on your $8000 triple monitor PC, homosexual

      • 2 years ago

        Your post demonstrates a basic failure to understand what a game is, or why you would play one.

        >the game doesn't trick me into thinking it's real
        When you suspend your disbelief, you aren't pretending that a game or book or whatever else is real.
        You don't enjoy it because you think it's real. You enjoy it for other reasons, and by suspending your disbelief you are ignoring those aspects irrelevant to enjoyment.
        Some day you will die and everything you have done will crumble to dust.
        The fact you haven't killed yourself yet is proof that you can ignore at least this fact to continue living, yet ignoring that a video game is not real goes beyond you.

        For instance when I play mine sweeper, I understand that the mines are not real and there is no anger of me dying if I click them.
        But I also understand that I enjoy playing the game because I enjoy turning my brain off and getting into a flow state when I'm tired, and I enjoy watching myself slowly get better at something.

        >all you've doing is waiting for a bar to tick down until you get a random dopamine hit
        In a bad game, yes. But as it turns out, there are many other things that people do in games which are a lot more fun and generally rewarding.
        The fact that you have realised basic dopamine boxes aren't very fun is a sign that you are an adult, and so you won't enjoy child's games that only have that form of gameplay.
        The dopamine hit in a real videogame is the punctuation to a set of fun mechanical interactions. Instead of trying and failing to trick you into getting a dopamine hit, you get one for the actual biological reason you would usually get one: because you did something you enjoyed.

        For instance when I play TF2, there is no in-game reward for killing an opponent or for winning a game.
        I play it and get dopamine hits because I am successfully outmanoeuvring and outthinking an opponent.
        I derive enjoyment from mental, social, and physical stimulation.
        As do most other humans.

        • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago

            >anon posts a long and detailed post

      • 2 years ago

        Getting old is awful. I wonder how some people say they enjoy it. Maybe I'm just a loser homosexual

      • 2 years ago

        >I've only ever played shooters and have never even heard of strategy games
        that's nice dear

      • 2 years ago

        you sound bitter that you spent too many hours playing shit games with a tryhard mindset rather than just enjoying yourself.

      • 2 years ago

        and that's what you get for playing crappy number-go-up games, moron, it just took you a decade to realize that.
        play a game where the limits are in yourself, not in the game designer's imagination. many skill/strategy based games can be played for years without ever reaching optimality

        this is what you gays get for playing games with non-continuous possibility spaces

      • 2 years ago

        Go back in time when everything isn't so shit is the only thing to do, but it is impossible. Sometimes I listen to my old game music just to feel something.

        Extremely self aware and based post

        Your post demonstrates a basic failure to understand what a game is, or why you would play one.

        >the game doesn't trick me into thinking it's real
        When you suspend your disbelief, you aren't pretending that a game or book or whatever else is real.
        You don't enjoy it because you think it's real. You enjoy it for other reasons, and by suspending your disbelief you are ignoring those aspects irrelevant to enjoyment.
        Some day you will die and everything you have done will crumble to dust.
        The fact you haven't killed yourself yet is proof that you can ignore at least this fact to continue living, yet ignoring that a video game is not real goes beyond you.

        For instance when I play mine sweeper, I understand that the mines are not real and there is no anger of me dying if I click them.
        But I also understand that I enjoy playing the game because I enjoy turning my brain off and getting into a flow state when I'm tired, and I enjoy watching myself slowly get better at something.

        >all you've doing is waiting for a bar to tick down until you get a random dopamine hit
        In a bad game, yes. But as it turns out, there are many other things that people do in games which are a lot more fun and generally rewarding.
        The fact that you have realised basic dopamine boxes aren't very fun is a sign that you are an adult, and so you won't enjoy child's games that only have that form of gameplay.
        The dopamine hit in a real videogame is the punctuation to a set of fun mechanical interactions. Instead of trying and failing to trick you into getting a dopamine hit, you get one for the actual biological reason you would usually get one: because you did something you enjoyed.

        For instance when I play TF2, there is no in-game reward for killing an opponent or for winning a game.
        I play it and get dopamine hits because I am successfully outmanoeuvring and outthinking an opponent.
        I derive enjoyment from mental, social, and physical stimulation.
        As do most other humans.

        >lmao just turn ur brain off bro
        Many such cases

        Cope harder homosexuals. You will (never) go back in time when you were happy.

        • 2 years ago

          >>lmao just turn ur brain off bro
          Clearly you either haven't read my post or don't have the capacity for intelligent thought give I explain why this isn't what you are doing in a simple enough way for a moron to understand.
          Allow me to explain again:
          Thinking abstractly is not turning your brain off.
          It actually takes more mental effort to filter out unnecessary information that it does to look at something and see only surface details.

          • 2 years ago

            >don't have the capacity for intelligent thought
            where do you think we are?
            not him but yours was the only good post in this thread

            • 2 years ago

              >yours was the only good post in this thread
              Thanks anon.

      • 2 years ago

        You're a jaded cynical depressed loser. That's why you can't get enjoyment out of games. By your same logic thered be no reason to read books or watch movies/shows since they all boil down to the same basic principles and nothing breaks out of that so you've already seen it all.

        • 2 years ago

          Not him but I've reached the same conclusion with book and movies/shows.

          If you haven't given up media then you haven't grown up.

          • 2 years ago

            >he thinks anon statement applies only to media

      • 2 years ago

        i think that games haven't really improved by any aspect since 2007, i always waited for games that offer full scale environment destruction or in action games having robust permutations for movements.
        non of that was ever achieved this whole industry gives the impression of a scam.
        instead we get really gay games now with slightly better graphic, but the functionality overall is the same

        • 2 years ago

          >instead we get really gay games now with slightly better graphic, but the functionality overall is the same
          If only it was that well. That would be so much better than what we actually got.
          Most games that were any good are now completely canceled. As in another one is not even coming.
          They all follow the same pattern:
          >(2007-10) last decent game comes out, graphics/simulation greatly improved
          >(10-16) Playable game, many features removed, better graphics
          >(16-22) Huge hype, unplayable trash game released, generally hated, series canceled

          Elder scrolls, fallout, mass effect, battlefield, battlefront, CD-project-red games, deus ex, GTA, every AAA RTS, diablo, bioshock...

          >It's not something you can do for hours every day.
          Holy frick, are you playing games for hours every day?
          You need a therapy, man

          I don't have time to play games. I'm too busy making stuff. But a hobby needs to be something you can do for hours every day.

      • 2 years ago

        This kind of reductive cynical logic could be applied to literally anything, including social gatherings, sex, traveling and having an important job.

        Why you are browsing Ganker when anons are collections of subatomic particles following extremely recognizable patterns of behavior and the posts binary computation simulating ink on a board? Why do you care about loving relationships when you will never look at a woman now with the gleam of innocence you saw your childhood crush? How do you go out with friends to drink knowing that it is just an act of chemically altering your brain with a substance so that It releases dopamine and you have the illusion of feeling good? What's the point of having hope if that's a biological survival mechanism which in the end means nothing because we will all die?

        If while having sex what you are thinking is that's just chemicals in your brain tricking you into finding an otherwise gross gaping hole alluring so that you can reproduce and thus satisfy a desire for perpetuation which is ultimately futile, therefore making you limp; have a nice day. I don't even say this to insult, killing yourself is just the most rational action you can do if that's how you approach the world.

        • 2 years ago

          >This kind of reductive cynical logic could be applied to literally anything, including social gatherings, sex, traveling and having an important job.

          But this is absolutely and unironically true. Im 31 and a newly qualified doc working in internal med. 90% of what I do probably falls under 15 seperate algorithmic pathways. You could train someone 3 months to do what I spent 6 years training to do. They wouldn't do it perfectly, but more than well enough to provide value

          The same applies to sex. Roosh decided to turn his back on sex altogether after writing over a dozen books on the matter and sleeping with hundreds of women, and ended up becoming an ascetic. At a certain point the fun stops coming and you really see youre playing out the same scenarios over and over, with only the window dressing being what somewhat varies.

          >I've only ever played shooters and have never even heard of strategy games
          that's nice dear

          I wrote my post with all games in mind, including strategy games. Apart from at the highest levels, even strategy is boiled down to some combination of certain predictable defensive or offensive algorithms. There are probably only 5 to 10 viable strategies and you end up doing your best to perfect one or two of them. Its nothing more than rock-paper-scissors when you strip away most of the fluff.

          The only games that may be immune to this are good story games, as a good story is timeless and has both subjective and objective value, regardless of whether its delivered in the form of a game, movie or book. Regretably only about 3 or 4 such games come to mind.

          • 2 years ago

            >Regretably only about 3 or 4 such games come to mind.
            Which ones?

            • 2 years ago

              Mgs2, deus ex, deus ex revolutions (the one with the transhumanism stuff), kingdom come deliverance

              Theres probably a few more but these are the ones which immediately come to mind. Point is, even if its double, triple or 10x the number I listed, its still an extreme minority

            • 2 years ago

              Shoujo Ramune

          • 2 years ago

            >Apart from at the highest levels, even strategy is boiled down to some combination of certain predictable defensive or offensive algorithms. There are probably only 5 to 10 viable strategies and you end up doing your best to perfect one or two of them.

            While a ton of what happens in strategy games is obviously forced, there's quite a number of strategy games where you genuinely do have to adapt in novel ways to random situations. Notably Chess/Go take a lot more nuanced strategies to "play out", but even shittier designed strategy video games can be well designed enough to resist attempts to algorithmically crack them for hundreds to thousands of hours.

            To me, how good a strategy game is, is how long you can play it before 80% of what you're doing is boilerplate. Even badly designed strategy games like say, Fire Emblem can be made interesting with a good romhack which turns a single map into a strategy puzzle.

          • 2 years ago

            You are mistunderstanding. I didn't said those examples in my post are objectively wrong, the implication is that it is a self-defeating way of approaching life.
            When you look at an ambition you have, say to take revenge on the murderer of your son, there's two approaches you could take:
            1) I will avenge someone important to me. Get the world rid of a psychopath. And essentially not let me and family be walked over. I love my son and won't let this go unpunished.
            2) I am only attached to my son because of my biological drive to protect myself which is then extended into my offspring. He's not special anyway, I could have another son. In the end killing his murderer would mean nothing, punishing him would only activate chemicals in my brain to simulate a sense of relief and power. My son is simply a collection of atoms like everyone else, or like a rock even. He nor I matter.

            Both claims are ''true'', but nobody can possibly exist in the world by acting with the second in mind. Life would be meaningless.
            Just because you can reduce experiences to subatomic particles doesn't mean they can't have meaning to you on other levels. Humans follow patterns of behavior but we nevertheless get invested in those patterns and we can give strong reasons to that investment. In the same way that a game is binary code and pixels in a sense, but also a way to have fun with friends, stimulate your imagination, learn about the world, extrapolate thought experiments and challenge yourself.

            I'm 29 and getting old does make you a bit more jaded (though I actually think it improves experiences in some ways), In the same way that getting even older makes you less able to do physical activities. But the moment you become physically weak enough to be unable to move or jaded enough to approach anything with joy is when you're dead. Never go full jaded.

      • 2 years ago

        I've been playing Crusader: No Remorse on my laptop for the last few days and I'm having a blast despite the horrible controls.
        I don't entirely disagree with you, though. I recently wiped my old gaming PC and put it in the attic because I just wasn't having fun with most games anymore.

      • 2 years ago

        >As you get older [...] you have responsibilities and it becomes increasingly difficult to justify hours for minor dopamine bursts
        This is some weapons grade copium. You don't have time to play games anymore, therefore you convince yourself that they aren't worthwhile anyway. The fox and the grapes.
        I certainly play fewer games than I used to and I have issues with the direction the industry is moving in. But nothing can stop Elden Ring from being a beautiful, spellbinding adventure.

      • 2 years ago

        Try rimworld

    • 2 years ago

      I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact "World of Linux," or as I refer to it, "Linux Fantasy XIV." Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather a role-playing game around which those with no accomplishments can desperately form some sort of identity. You start off with your OS in an incomplete state, then you perform easily searchable, tedious manual quests trying to piece it together into something that is barely functional for a small set of tasks. Other Linux players congratulate you on playing the game and on your level progression, giving you a false sense of accomplishment for your virtual progress.

      If you thought you were getting a real OS, you just don't understand Linux.

      • 2 years ago

        >you learn how to use a computer and can easily do tasks lusers of other OSes could only dream of.
        The amount of times I've seen 200+ line python script used to do what a single line of shell script does with no effort would make you puke.

        • 2 years ago

          you suck at python

          • 2 years ago

            No shit, I've literally never used it in my life. furthermore

      • 2 years ago
  4. 2 years ago


  5. 2 years ago

    Good games.

  6. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Is this AC or AC Competizione?

      • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago


          Is this AC or AC Competizione?

          >just spend thousands on proprietary software (you'll lose access if you stop paying the subscription btw 🙂
          >just spend hundreds to thousands (to tens of thousands even) on proprietary hardware
          >to experience low refresh rates, SDE, and low fov
          >get banned for saying Black person like that one driver and obviously manner lesser things that would get you banned
          >just race against people with many years of experience and/or race professionally

          Even if you are somewhat competitive against people playing stuff like this you're wasting your time if you aren't already a professional driver. The average joe getting into iracing is never going to get to the top and perhaps that doesn't matter for them. BUT the investment of time and money to get even competitive is not worth it. (other more casualized games are fine)

          • 2 years ago

            thats crazy

    • 2 years ago

      a decent rig with ultrawide or three screens also works wonders

  7. 2 years ago

    not having depression is a start

  8. 2 years ago

    local multiplayer and some friends

  9. 2 years ago

    mostly pvp.

  10. 2 years ago

    a good video game - bcrawl and brogue are good starting points

  11. 2 years ago

    Programming ability.

  12. 2 years ago

    misogyny and transphobia

  13. 2 years ago

    A device that runs the video game
    The video game
    A device that outputs the video game from the aforementioned device
    A human interface device, depending on the game there might be even two or more needed (if you want to play games in local mulitplayer)
    And time so that you can sit down and play the game with as few breaks as possible in your session.

    • 2 years ago

      You forgot:
      A non-zogged society that produces enjoyable video games.

  14. 2 years ago

    Free time.
    All the other morons are talking out of their asses. What you need is a stress free life and time to invest in the systems of the virtual worlds you are trying to interact with.
    Playing 1-2h after a long day/week of work is not fun.

  15. 2 years ago

    I like some games. I just don't like the constant lgbt being forced down my throat. The new Spider-Man game has lgbt flags all over the place. Someone modded the game and replaced the flags with white ones or American flags or British flags whatever you chose. He got banned from Steam over it.

    • 2 years ago

      >He got banned from Steam over it.
      I hope this was a typo and you don't just blatantly follow stories without having the factual details. They (plural) got banned from nexusmods and moddb over it, Why would Value ban people for modding a Sony game?

      • 2 years ago

        It’s not a typo. It’s Ganker where most of the things you read are mostly made up bullshit or larping.

      • 2 years ago

        I like some games. I just don't like the constant lgbt being forced down my throat. The new Spider-Man game has lgbt flags all over the place. Someone modded the game and replaced the flags with white ones or American flags or British flags whatever you chose. He got banned from Steam over it.

        ~~*modding*~~ is a terrible blight on gaming (even though people make it out to be the opposite) and why I can't stand videogames anymore. If there isn't a good modpack I just don't even want to deal with some games anymore and that's a minor detail compared to even worse things going on.

        >devs make a skeleton of a game BUT THEY ADD mod support
        >morons make mod for it instead of building from the ground up (to note im not against all proprietary games like this but games like kerbal space program should be FOSS they're boosted by their mod support and the modders end up making a better game controlled by the devs instead of making a FOSS game in the first place)
        >devs make bank and 99.99% of modders get nothing out of it

        Another issue is the reliance on homosexual sites like moddb, nexus, AND STEAM. They limit creative freedom (censorship) and the access to it (paywalls; accounts that need to be made to access mods). Steam is praised by such smooth brain morons that fall for the propaganda put out there. Steam honestly could be blamed for ruining gaming with their DRM, licensing of licenses, taking 30% from devs making the devs greedier as well, tracking of all users with steam64 IDs, and hiding mods behind a paywall. It's pretty obvious that steam loves their monopoly on games so similar to microsoft & github & many other similar situations.

        What happened to steamworkshopdownloader?
        >Valve has requested that we stop retrieving and redistributing content. We are not interested in the consequences of non-compliance. This site was maintained by hobbyists and dealing with legal is not part of the hobby.

        I just can't see myself having a hobby so reliant on steam and other forces in the gaming industry that want to castrate the freedom that it could have.

        thats crazy

        Paying so much for such a terrible looking game.. assetto corsa and beamng are far more compelling options (can you even pirate iracing?).

    • 2 years ago

      Do you rage at the planet when a rainbow forms in the sky?

      • 2 years ago

        That's kind of a dumb thing to say, since natural rainbows have nothing to do with lgbt

  16. 2 years ago

    Curiosity, I guess?
    I don't play video game anymore but I get the similar "dopamine hit" from doing CTF.

  17. 2 years ago

    What game is that?

    • 2 years ago

      Baldur's Gate II

  18. 2 years ago

    having a small brain and low iq

  19. 2 years ago

    Game must be easy to play, but hard to master

  20. 2 years ago

    Why would you play games in the first place? You like shooting? Then try airsoft. Exploring? Try rock climbing. Racing? You can buy some old car and go to the nearest race track. Doing these things in virtual reality is inferior to real thing in every case scenario

    • 2 years ago

      What about things that are impossible in real life?

      • 2 years ago

        like what?

        • 2 years ago

          Like visiting places that don't exist, go through plots that wouldn't happen to you, usage of magic or sci fi tech

          • 2 years ago

            there are so many things you can do in real life and you are just throwing them away for some imaginary stuff?
            Visit some other countries, meet new people, try drugs. Just leave your room

            • 2 years ago

              >Playing video games isn't good for you, you should do hard drugs instead

        • 2 years ago

          If you've played airsoft you know there's not that many events in most areas. It's not something you can do for hours every day. Plus they're pretty far from real guns (very short range).

          Good shooting games like STALKER are much more than a simple deathmatch like usual airsoft. There are events where you can roleplay while camping out and play with airsoft guns but those are a once-per-year type thing. Fun as frick though.

          Then there's magic/fantasy, sci-fi or just shooters with vehicles which are basically impossible.

          • 2 years ago

            >It's not something you can do for hours every day.
            Holy frick, are you playing games for hours every day?
            You need a therapy, man

      • 2 years ago

        Like visiting places that don't exist, go through plots that wouldn't happen to you, usage of magic or sci fi tech

        >our ancestors for millions of years
        have survived and thrived without cope and without fantasy and were very happy
        >suddenly we live in a world of cope and fantasy and nobody is happy
        The problem is you. You probably don't even know what you want to do, or what you want out of life so you consume media like a mindless drone.
        Go outside homosexual, make friends with dope people, do things with them, heal from your traumatic past and endless coping and put yourself back together into a functioning human.

        • 2 years ago

          keep seething while I have fun

          • 2 years ago

            >he will become another Last Man
            Many such cases

            This is why nobody will remember your name

            • 2 years ago

              >You enjoy entertainment media so you're one of John B. Calhoun's Beautiful Ones
              Yeah because you devote 100% of your free time to the legacy you'll leave behind.
              b***h I MAKE games. For reasons that I would hope are obvious, for me to make games I also need to play them.
              When I get a letter from someone who's played one of my games telling me about how I inspired them, I don't think to myself "Boy, I wish I didn't waste my life playing worthless video games."
              You can leave a positive mark on the world by doing anything, anything at all, if you're passionate and sincere and strive to do your best. You can't see that, obviously. Much easier to shit on everyone who doesn't fit into your little preconceived box of acceptable activities, acceptable people.`

    • 2 years ago

      You can't throw grenades or rocket launchers in real life without dying.
      >can buy some old car and go to the nearest race track
      I already do that, but I can't go get a F1 car and crash multiple times without repercussions.
      You gotta understand computers allow you to explore risk-free universes where the limit is the imagination of the programmer. The real world has severe constraints to imagination.

      like what?

      Like flying a supersonic jet. As "possible" as it might be, it is either prohibitively expensive or just impractical.

    • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      First off, not every game is meant to simulate real life 1 to 1. Some games are abstractions like chess and board games.
      Second, a lot of what games do is impossible to replicate. Even if we disregard the aesthetic (magic, sci-fi) and get down only to fundamentals (epic adventure, romance) those are, albeit possible, hardly accessible; good luck living life and death situations in real life, or get any experience close to it that isn't a simulation.
      Lastly, convenience. Even in pure simulations, like Asseto Corsa, I am given access to run at maximum speed in a ferrari. I don't have a ferrari nor I can run in one without the risk of crashing and dying.

  21. 2 years ago

    grow up

  22. 2 years ago

    Skip the newer video games (except VR, it is a cool novelty). Play Divinity II

  23. 2 years ago

    Playing games from before 2013.

  24. 2 years ago

    Bachelor's at least

  25. 2 years ago

    If you lot the ability to enjoy games, you‘re not getting it back.

  26. 2 years ago

    i stopped playing games at like 20 dont really know why i just cant stand them for more than 5 minutes
    i just watch anime instead

  27. 2 years ago

    itt: teenagers confusing jadedness with intelligence

    • 2 years ago

      As sad as it is, I think many of these people are adults (from an age perspective at least).

  28. 2 years ago

    >downloaded rimworld the other week
    >played 100 hours already

    • 2 years ago

      >bought a switch oled two weeks ago + mario kart
      >already at 150 hours

      • 2 years ago

        based franz j enjoyer
        >ak name

  29. 2 years ago

    a computer

  30. 2 years ago

    find games that better resonate with your interest? when i was younger it was platformers, then building/sandbox, then rpg's and now strategy/citybuilders/economy

  31. 2 years ago

    I still enjoy the odd video game, but I'm exclusively a strategy gamer at this point.

    Honestly all video games get tedious. First person shooters were fun... when I was 12. After more of a decade of press W, point mouse, click shit gets stale. Competitive multiplayer is not worth what you put into it and you need to put in a lot to get any enjoyment out of it at all. Any single player game I play now either has its difficulty ramped to the point of being tedious or I just roll the game totally over.

    The only thing I play nowadays are well designed strategy games with strong random aspects and I get bored of them eventually. To me, workaholism has become more rewarding and interesting.

  32. 2 years ago

    a pea brain and self-loathing

  33. 2 years ago

    Here is my list for older classic games that are still worth relaxing with in 2022 that you might not have already played to death. All can run easily on $200 new laptop bought today. Hell they can run a $60 evolve III laptop from Microcenter.
    Arcanum (see pic)
    Deus Ex
    Civ 4 or 5 is both acceptable
    Heroes of Might and Magic 3
    X-com: UFO Defense and Terror From The Deep.

  34. 2 years ago

    cokey cola

  35. 2 years ago

    I don't know, I either enjoy a game or I don't.

  36. 2 years ago

    outside the UI, BG2 still looks fricking great 22 years later

  37. 2 years ago

    Being a kid. That's the last time any adult gamer has actually enjoyed video games, even if they tell you (and themselves) otherwise.

  38. 2 years ago


    In more specific terms, intelligence, so the ability to learn and adapt, and time for leisure activities. Otherwise you completely suck at games and get frustrated.

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