What makes it better than?

What makes it better than 3?

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  1. 2 months ago

    I think it's because it's more fluid and fun all the way through. Sure 3 has great levels... To a point, it feels like after carnival night zone I always start losing interest. Both sonic 1 and 2 feel fresh and snappy all the way through

    • 2 months ago

      Sonic 2 just flows better imo, 3 is very nice in all aspects but its just.. a bit too much?
      too many levels, too much shit going on, too many special moves.
      Sonic 2 just feels like a neat little game, its like they took Sonic 1 and made it warmer and more comfy and released it.

      it's not broken into two parts - you only need to buy one game

      Sonic 3 is just Sonic 3. If you played Knuckles, you did not play the authentic game, and play the bloated slop version

  2. 2 months ago

    chemical plant

  3. 2 months ago

    Sonic 2 just flows better imo, 3 is very nice in all aspects but its just.. a bit too much?
    too many levels, too much shit going on, too many special moves.
    Sonic 2 just feels like a neat little game, its like they took Sonic 1 and made it warmer and more comfy and released it.

  4. 2 months ago

    oil ocean

  5. 2 months ago

    In S2 you're actually playing the highspeed/pinball sections, while S3 just performs those things on rails while all you do is watch.

  6. 2 months ago

    it's not broken into two parts - you only need to buy one game

  7. 2 months ago

    actual gameplay instead of set piece slop

  8. 2 months ago

    no carnival night, sandopolis, or Marble gardens to force you to slog them. Metropolis zone is a b***h and a half because of its enemy placement, but the stages themselves are still fun to navigate

    • 2 months ago

      I always liked Carnival Night just for the music and the ambience so I didn't mind it, but Sandopolis and Marble Garden are absolute SLOGS. IMO, any sonic game with a 3-act zone structure ends up feeling kind of like a slog. I have no idea why they went back to 3 acts after Sonic 2 proved 2 was perfect.

      Sonic 2 turns to a slow and painful slog after Casino Night. Sonic 1 is the only one of the Genesis games that paced itself right.

      >Sonic 1 is the only one of the Genesis games that paced itself right.
      Sonic 1 literally turns into a slow and painful slog in the second zone.

      • 2 months ago

        >Sonic 1 literally turns into a slow and painful slog in the second zone.
        I never noticed, usually because aside from a couple spots, I can still maintain a decent pace.

        More importantly, the game is short. Once you go past the third or fourth zone, a Sonic game starts overstaying its welcome, but by that time in Sonic 1, you're already almost done with the game and so you get your fill before the fatigue sets in.

    • 2 months ago

      I genuinely enjoy Sandopolis. Act 2 is kinda long, but i'll take the sand rooms over the out of place water sections of Carnival Night act 2 anyday.

      Sonic 2 turns to a slow and painful slog after Casino Night. Sonic 1 is the only one of the Genesis games that paced itself right.

      >Sonic 2 turns to a slow and painful slog after Casino Night
      What? Hilltop and Mystic Caves are hardly a slog at all. Even Oil Ocean isn't that bad, honestly.

      • 2 months ago

        >Hill Top: Palette-swapped Emerald Hill, now with lava, a boring-ass zone coming off the high of Casino Night
        >Mystic Cave: Actively punishes you for running blindly with crushing traps and vines you have to pull to open doors before falling into pits
        >Oil Ocean: Hard to get a good pace going due to all the obstacles you have you navigate around
        >Metropolis: A three-act test in endurance

  9. 2 months ago

    Shorter and more varied zones that flow better and mostly don't overstay their welcome unlike half the zones in Sonic 3.

    • 2 months ago

      Sonic 2 turns to a slow and painful slog after Casino Night. Sonic 1 is the only one of the Genesis games that paced itself right.

      • 2 months ago

        Sonic 2 doesn't become a slog for me until Oil Ocean and Metropolis which is the latter part of the game. Sonic 1 on the other hand is slow slog for all of Marble and Labyrinth and half of Spring Yard which amounts to half the game.

  10. 2 months ago

    >Can't control the moment of morphing into SuperSonic when rings ≥ 50

    >Tails can't fly as a controllable character

    • 2 months ago

      >Can't control the moment of morphing into SuperSonic when rings ≥ 50
      >Tails can't fly as a controllable character

      Play Sonic 2 Absolute

  11. 2 months ago

    I don't think there's a Zone in Sonic 2 that I dislike. They all range from good to great.

  12. 2 months ago

    Vanilla 2?
    No way unless we are talking about standalone 3.
    Absolute is a legit contender, I agree.

  13. 2 months ago

    It's not stupid long like 3K, it's less cinematic than 3K, it doesn't have all those bubble shields, it has music that wasn't composed by Michael Jackson and has more of an identity because of that

    I do think it comes close and it's down to a matter of preference

  14. 2 months ago

    The music is slightly better (from 10/10 to 11/10)

  15. 2 months ago

    I dunno, Metropolis is awful. They should have scrapped it and kept Hidden Palace

  16. 2 months ago

    I don't like either as much as 1 but of those two, I prefer 3

    • 2 months ago

      Actually, lemme take that back.
      I dislike how 3 has so much stop-and-go though I still prefer the gameplay, especially special stages, overall. 2 is a breeze through since, as has been discussed multiple times already, the stages generally just flow but the power ups from 3 and the general exploration factor make it more my thing. Still prefer 1 to either, tho.

  17. 2 months ago

    I kept running out of time in Sonic 3 which never happened in 2. They should really have gotten rid of the timer by then.

  18. 2 months ago

    Sonic 3 is a million times better you just don't think so because Marble Garden as level 3 fricking sucks ass, especially coming off the previous 2 zones. Sonic 3 would genuinely just be a better game if Marble Garden wasn't in it. I know everyone likes to hate on Sandopolis but its not nearly as long or slow.

    Meanwhile the only good levels in Sonic 2 are Emerald Hill, Chemical Plant and Aquatic Ruin(if you don't fall down). The rest range from not good to actually awful. I unironically think Sonic 1 is a better game than 2. Marble Zones a pace breaker for sure but the rest of its good. Even Labyrinth Zone is just fine, slow for sure, but you can at least keep moving forward if you don't suck ass.

  19. 2 months ago

    More consistent, Sonic 3 & Knuckles is a bit all over the place alot of slow or tedious zones
    >Marble Garden Zone
    >Carnival Night Zone
    >Flying Battery Zone
    >Sandopolios Zone

  20. 2 months ago

    It isn't, but people need to stop treating S3&K like a one-session game. It has save files for a reason.

  21. 2 months ago

    Tails cute

  22. 2 months ago

    in 3, Sonic looks derpy instead of way past

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