What was the point of her?

What was the point of her?

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Unattended Children Pitbull Club Shirt $21.68

  1. 9 months ago
  2. 9 months ago

    >tight-like cleavage

    • 9 months ago

      Agreed. More outfits need body hosiery.

  3. 9 months ago

    Another victim of cut content, most likely. I sometimes wonder how FFXIII would have turned out if it wasn't for it's troubled development.

    • 9 months ago

      Nah it's deliberate shitposting by narrator.

    • 9 months ago

      "Cut content" would imply they had a plan or vision for her in the first place, and based on what we know about 13's development, that probably isn't the case.

      She was almost certainly just designed to look cool and mysterious in trailers first and foremost and then they had to find some way to work her into the actual game once it all started coming together near the end of development

    • 9 months ago

      Nevermind her, what was the point of this guy?

      They were designed for trailers and then an incompetent monkey had to write a story that included them in 2 lunch breaks.

  4. 9 months ago

    i can only remember evil pope and flat face god statue, all other antagonists from ff13 have been erased from my brain

  5. 9 months ago

    >What was the point of her?

    To kill millions.

  6. 9 months ago

    I'm thinking of replaying XIII, are there any mods that improve the combat?

    • 9 months ago

      her beautiful cleavage

      get a trainer that lets you instantly fill the atb gauge

  7. 9 months ago

    to be hot

  8. 9 months ago

    I definitely remember her being in XIII, but I wouldn't be able to say a scene she was in to save my life.

  9. 9 months ago

    Nevermind her, what was the point of this guy?

    • 9 months ago

      >"Do you think we want to kill our own people?!?"
      >Meanwhile news articles are talking about people wanting more purges

      I feel like 13 needed 2 more drafts and less Toriyama writing the script between fap sessions

      • 9 months ago

        To be fair, most people thought that the purges were just peaceful relocating to quarantine any who might be infected with Pulse cooties. Only the upper-echelon of the government knew that they were actually massacres.

        But I agree with the sentiment, 13 definitely needed to have its script revised a couple times. It really falls apart towards the end
        >We're not here to kill Orphan. We're here to kill YOU, Barthandelus!
        >oh shit, is that Orphan? This fricker needs to die
        >oh no Cocoon is falling, who could've seen that coming
        >well it's a good thing the lesbians know how to fuse together and crystallize the whole thing
        >oh no now we're all crystals
        >well it's a good thing that god decided to fix us because we did such a good job
        >we're only gonna explain that in the sequel btw

        • 9 months ago

          >most people thought that the purges were just peaceful relocating
          You'd think the name "purge" would have given it away

        • 9 months ago

          >To be fair, most people thought that the purges were just peaceful relocating to quarantine any who might be infected with Pulse cooties. Only the upper-echelon of the government knew that they were actually massacres
          I'm surprised no one ever talked about le Holocaust allegory in this game...

        • 9 months ago

          Here's an idea: instead of Cid just doing nothing and then dying, what if Cid was a mechanic. You know like all the other Cids. Cid recognizes that Cocoon being kept afloat by the same things that keep turning them into monsters is probably a bad thing but everyone else is so haplessly devoted to the Fal'Cie that the idea of life outside of their care is inconceivable. So he and his group start scouring all that broken shit from the War of Transgression to find a way to usurp control of Cocoon from Orphan.

          So when Barthandelus threatens the party with turning into Ceith and he claims they'll just turn more people until they get what they want, the party can be secured in the knowledge that even if they die, Cid will have already solved the problem. Which Barthandelus can find out somehow and realize their plan is fricked if humans found a way to survive without their help. So instead the riots can occur because Barthandelus told everyone that Cid was hanging out around Pulse equipment and therefore ate probably Pulse L'Cie conspiring against them. So the riots are instead rooted in their rampant paranoia leading to everyone attacking the group who's trying to help them. And Lightning can still fight Orphan, not to just wish upon a star and hope for a miracle, but to disable it so Cid's new device can put control of Cocoon in the hands of people. Literally taking control of their fate from the Fal'Cie. And at that point everyone can realize what frick ups they were and can learn to live free of control.

        • 9 months ago

          I really loved that
          >We are not going to do your plan in which you want us to murder Orphan
          >Proceeds to murder Orphan.

        • 9 months ago

          >We're not here to kill Orphan. We're here to kill YOU, Barthandelus!
          >oh shit, is that Orphan? This fricker needs to die
          >oh no Cocoon is falling, who could've seen that coming
          >well it's a good thing the lesbians know how to fuse together and crystallize the whole thing
          >oh no now we're all crystals
          >well it's a good thing that god decided to fix us because we did such a good job
          >we're only gonna explain that in the sequel btw

          • 9 months ago

            >>we're only gonna explain that in the sequel btw
            explain what. the sequel is not really canon. pulse took back the power. the end.

            • 9 months ago

              >explain what
              How they uncrystalized after getting their "reward" for completing their focus. There's normally only 2 fates for a l'cie, either monster or crystal. Back to a normal person isn't an option.

              • 9 months ago
              • 9 months ago

                This is truly one of the worst final boss designs in any damn game.
                >let's just mix and match some mechanical crap and call it a day

              • 9 months ago

                >How they uncrystalized after getting their "reward" for completing their focus.
                >Back to a normal person isn't an option.
                I explained it:
                yes it is an option. the fal'cie that crystalize them are dead and Pulse got back his crystal.
                the sequels are not really canon. cocoon is saved.

                I thought that tattoo changing stuff was just their timelimit

                yes it's exactly what it is. only it's not explained properly, the crystal grows and 2 things can happen:
                >You become powerful enough and at level 13 you become Ragnarok
                >At level 13 you become a mindless monster "Cie'th" because you didn't become powerful enough and the power of the crystal takes over
                just like Naruto with Sage power. those who can't balance it become mindless beasts.

    • 9 months ago

      They might have had plans for her to play a role in Sazh's arc but like others mentioned, the development of FFXIII was such a clusterfrick that they couldn't make any of it happen.

      I don't think even SE knew. He was shot in a climactic scene and then returned with no one acknowledging his survival. Then died again.

      • 9 months ago

        Sazh's arc makes me angry because the ingredients for a good tale were all there. The shit about Serah being made into a L'Cie always came off as fricking asinine. We don't even know how she became a L'Cie, only that she did. Did she just go exploring the Bodum Vestige for no reason and get branded?

        With Sazh though, I can see why his situation felt hopeless. He was just taking his son on a field trip to spend time with him. It was a totally innocent outing that ended in disaster because of circumstances entirely outside of his control. Dahj is what, 9 years old? And his choices were to identify Vanille, which leads to him effectively dying, or not identify Vanille, which leads to him effectively dying. If the game wanted to tell a story about gods derailing people's lives for their own bullshit then Sazh is the posterboy for that. Sazh doesn't want to change the world, he just wants his son back. But his story basically stops the second he gets his eidolon. Everything revolves around Barthandelus talking shit, Lightning being mad, and Fang and Vanille being set up to fix everything.

        • 9 months ago

          I feel you. Sazh was the only character whose arc was decent. He and Vanille actually had chemistry together, with the twist that Vanille knew all along that she was the reason his son was turned. It's a shame that right after his arc is done they forget about all of that and Sazh never talks to Vanille again. But then again, FFXIII writing.

          • 9 months ago

            Everyone receives a lot of development except Fang, but she comes in so late that she's already made up her mind about everything.

          • 9 months ago

            Sazh was the only character being bearable in this game.
            Fang isn't actually in the game. She might as well be stuck in the manual for all the exposure she gets.
            Vanille, Hope and Snow are all beyond insufferable.
            Lightning is just a narcissistic butthole with ADHD.

    • 9 months ago

      The helicopter fight was pretty neat tbh
      But both he and Jihl were such disappointment story-wise

  10. 9 months ago

    neuron activation

  11. 9 months ago

    What was the point of it?

    • 9 months ago

      One man's obsession with a waifu he conceived in a fever dream

      • 9 months ago

        Okay but don't hijack a AAA franchise just to make fanfiction of your waifu

        • 9 months ago

          Lightning is largely irrelevant in FF13 as Vanille is really the main character

        • 9 months ago

          He didn't hijack the franchise at all though.
          Sakaguchi left, Kitase took over as leader of the FF division. The mandate was to then start churning out sequels, mobile trash & FF VII like hits after the merger.

          The following thing happened to the FF development teams in this era:
          >Yasumi Matsuno - Director
          Has a mental breakdown during the development of XII and is butthurt over Sakaguchi leaving. Leaves Square-enix.
          >Hiroyuki Itou - Director, battle systems
          The man who invented ATB, Directed FF V, VI & IX. Is brought on to save development of XII.
          >Nomura - Director, artist
          Literally working on KH, third birthday and then FF Versus XIII.
          >Tabata - mobile game dev
          mobile game dev responsible for doing mobile trash. At this point he's doing Crisis Core and his part of the FABULANOVACRISTALIISSSS shit with Type-0 too. Oh he's also doing the third birthday too because as a joke Nomura fell behind and Shinji Hashimoto wanted to play a sick practical joke. He would later be forced to do the same with Versus XIII > XV.

          Other directors? What directors. Everyone at the classic level was involved in ports & remakes for handhelds. The only person they had left was Motomu Toriyama. Which brings us onto creatives.
          >Nobuo Uematsu
          Left because they moved the offices
          Went to XIV team and XVI team, embroiled in UI hell like Itou
          >Akihiko Yoshida
          >Masaharu Iwata

          >Yoshinori Kitase
          Fat man is now the head of FF. Doesn't direct, dictates mobile ports, doesn't do scenario. Is now a fat controller.
          >Motomu Toriyama
          Directs FFX-2, the first real job game in years under Kitase's direction, has a transformation fetish & is decent battleplanner
          >Kazushige Nojima
          Is not yet writing about Tidus being exploded, is free to rewrite Toriyama's fever dream.

          • 9 months ago

            Oh and what happened to the rest of Nojima's writing & scenario crew? Too many to fit. They were mostly at work in the leagues of FFVII compilation stuff like dirge of cerberus, crisis core, type-0 & parts of the XIII universe. Once we warp back around to XV clearing up development with Tabata and VIIR entering production with the XIII sequel team from CBUI we see them return to the fold.
            Also I forgot Hideo Minaba too who'd left SE after Matsuno's defection to join Cygames.

            Square-Enix's lack of talent around the time was poor product management by Kitase & Hashimoto.
            They had directors but had them all working on either recapturing the magic & success of VII & X for their playstation era fans or porting classic FF games. One development team leaving for Namco/Cygames/mental health wards was all it took for their to be room for 2 more XIII games since Nomura's title had stalled.
            You might be asking what happened to the XI team and what is now CBUIII? Surely they could have done something FF related? They did. They worked on XIV 2.0 and dragon quest stuff.

            It took years to truly recover from Kitase's spinoff nightmares.
            Good directors did show up here and there but then they'd leave the company. Team Asano eventually formed out of 4WoL & the bravely team and got to escape handheld hell. They're still not allowed to touch the FF brand tho which is still under Kitase's direct supervision. What happened to Itou?
            He was locked in a basement until they let him release a battle system concept as an indie game which was panned since all the marketing was centred around FROM THE CREATOR OF THE FINAL FANTASY BATTLE SYSTEM and was not intended for that casual market in any way.

      • 9 months ago

        Nomura's lowest point

        • 9 months ago


          Do you think Square is run by just one person?

          • 9 months ago

            yes, they all literally look the same

            • 9 months ago

              company used to have different stories, music, games, and other shit
              company get reorganized, censored, and government managed because it "became the nations face"
              no longer allowed/wanted to do this/that
              have to appeal to largest audience aka cost a lot of money, can be streamed and shown to both grandparents, ultra religious, any race/creed/nationality AND make money

              this factor above DESTROYS anything that doesn't get finished with little to no intelligence, can't be hard/tough to do, can't have any actual presence, nothing can be controversial, and needs to make money

              FF is actually DEAD, it just exists as a word/brand to sell crap

              women no longer allowed to have breasts/no breasts unless they look horrible/troony/whatever the US/CHINESE WANT and it must be so easy they can play it(hold a button and/or randomly hit buttons to play)

              can't show women/children/animals or anything else looking good or funding/censors/tariffs will roll heads/shut down funding/companies

              we live in a instant censorship(cancel culture) society aka why TIFA no longer is allowed to have large breasts(wears a fricking BINDER, on a heterosexual female with actual interest in a male character), no allowance of making fun of transgender characters without any self awareness and/or class(they do exist in games, just that no one will actually comment on the good/bad depictions and openly frick games that have even a little social commentary on life at large)

              look how that shit is spammed, trolled, and thread/board/janitored in every online community and potential community both real and imagined

              • 9 months ago

                >cant show children looking good
                you should have frontloaded your post with this because we all knew where it was going

    • 9 months ago

      To make my dick erect and spew white fluids.

    • 9 months ago

      To make my dick erect and spew white fluids.


      Lightning Is A Goddess

      • 9 months ago

        id be a lightinggay if her ass looked like this

        • 9 months ago

          I love you, Goddess and Heroine...

          "She walks in beauty, like the night
          Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
          And all that’s best of dark and bright
          Meet in her aspect and her eyes;
          Thus mellowed to that tender light
          Which heaven to gaudy day denies.

          One shade the more, one ray the less,
          Had half impaired the nameless grace
          Which waves in every raven tress,
          Or softly lightens o’er her face;
          Where thoughts serenely sweet express,
          How pure, how dear their dwelling-place.

          And on that cheek, and o’er that brow,
          So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,
          The smiles that win, the tints that glow,
          But tell of days in goodness spent,
          A mind at peace with all below,
          A heart whose love is innocent!"

        • 9 months ago

          her flat ass was so disappointing. especially since they gave her bigger breasts in XIII-3

    • 9 months ago

      There is no point to it. Absolute dumpster fire of a game.

    • 9 months ago

      Always thought it was a allegory for the Bosnian Civil War

    • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago


  12. 9 months ago

    Being the hottest character in the game.

  13. 9 months ago

    It showed that the fal'cie only use humans as tools.

  14. 9 months ago

    >When even side-character in XIII has better face than main heroine in XVI.
    Damn she is so gorgeous she is even better than main heroines.

  15. 9 months ago

    Titty fricking

  16. 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      2 and 7

    • 9 months ago

      Adult Hope

    • 9 months ago

      Who is #2? I don't recognize her.

    • 9 months ago

      >has no glasses
      Did they add those to complete the milf look?

      • 9 months ago

        That/sexy librarian. Jill does seem like she's meant to be a sexy English teacher.

    • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      Vanille all the way. Akword shota x genki e-girlbait is the purest form of love

      My autistic wife is cute. CUTE. She also has a great butt

    • 9 months ago

      the best girls are on the left end.

  17. 9 months ago

    I had a teacher that looked kind of like her, but at the time I didn't even fathom doing stuff with her, she was extremely sweet too
    now I remember middle school, thanks

  18. 9 months ago

    I remember pre-release people were theorising she would be the main villain of FF13 and the new "sephiroth"
    Then the final game came out and she's just like some secretary to the pope and has like 2 minutes of screentime then dies offscreen.

    • 9 months ago

      Such a great model wasted.

    • 9 months ago

      She dies onscreen.
      >Main party crashes into the ship, she is the one sending alarms and organizing the forces to kill them, gets increasingly more nervous as she keeps failing.
      >Party arrives into her and Bart's room, she gets all smug and goes "well well well I guess it's time you faced me(despite the fact she was a nervous wreck in the previous cutscene)
      >Bart goes "nah that's just filler, let's get to main dish, which is me. Goodbye, b***h" and stabs her on the back.

      • 9 months ago

        she is so forgettable it may as well have been offscreen

        • 9 months ago

          breasts were memorable so she was a DLC boss fight/party monster in 13-2.

  19. 9 months ago

    What was the point of her?

    • 9 months ago

      She's the oracle going around waking up the astrals, performing the rites with them so that noctis can gain their favor as part of the prophecy, she is healing people sick from the starscourge and it is her death that results in the starscourge spreading faster than ever before, as she was holding it back which took immense strain on her body. She is also childhood friends with Noctis and its her relationship with him with encourages him to keep moving forward even after bad things keep happening to him and those he cares about. She was bethrothed to Noct as part of a political wedding, while the wedding itself was just a front to be something Niflheim offered to lower Lucis's guard, Noct and Luna actually already liked each other anyway so the two were never against the wedding.
      She is beloved in world as a celebrity and is basically the Zelda of FFXV's world

      • 9 months ago

        I think reading your sentence took longer than her entire screentime of FFXV

        • 9 months ago

          She has more screentime in XV than Zack and Sephiroth combined have in FF7. She has more screentime in XV than Kairi, Namine and Xion combined have in KH3. She has more dialog in XV than Jill has the entirety of FF16.

          • 9 months ago

            >brings up better games unprovoked

            Hi Barry

            • 9 months ago

              XV is better than all of those games, yes. have a nice day already SBK91.

          • 9 months ago

            Even if that's true, the fact that people still say she didn't get enough screentime means that she lacked impact.

            • 9 months ago

              No they say she didn't get enough screentime because she died as soon as she reunites with noct and then a bunch of scenes happen afterwards, and people wanted to see that stuff before she died.
              It's the same exact thing people say about Ace from one piece where we got his whole backstory and flashback only after he died

          • 9 months ago

            >She has more screentime in XV than Zack and Sephiroth combined have in FF7
            Is this including the dlc?

            • 9 months ago

              >Is this including the dlc?

              it's a Barry shitpost so I doubt he is actually telling the truth

            • 9 months ago

              >Is this including the dlc?

              it's a Barry shitpost so I doubt he is actually telling the truth

              Literally base XV
              Hell zack had even less screentime in Japanese launch FF7, his entire death scene wasn't even in the game, that was added 9 months later for the international/western release, so 3 million people who bought ff7 in Japan at launch never saw that zack death scene/him dragging cloud to midgar

              >Is this including the dlc?

              it's a Barry shitpost so I doubt he is actually telling the truth

              have a nice day already SBK91

  20. 9 months ago

    Wasted potential.
    She was LITERALLY the only villain in the game who had any kind of connection to the main characters (i.e. Sazh). The only one whose plot could have had a satisfying payoff, and they decided to have space pope kill her in a cutscene.

  21. 9 months ago

    FFXIII plot was several times rewritten during development. That's why you had a lot of lines that are different in EN version. Many times they gave a script to localization team and just rewrote it later

    • 9 months ago

      Okay but you have to be aware of what the characters know and how the plot is structured. Like a common criticism is that it ends on a deus ex machina. All signs point to Ragnorok being the end of Cocoon. Every character, good and bad, acknowledges that Ragnorok is the end of Cocoon. The party has no way of subverting Ragnorok being the end of Cocoon. And after Orphan dies, they summon Ragnorok which means the end of Cocoon. The writers had to answer the question of how do the characters win when it's all said and done. I mean the villains every ambition was fulfilled. By rights, Barthandelus won right? So then a solution has to come from nowhere and then explained in the next game. Was 13 always planned to be a Trilogy? Because that ending didn't look like a sequel hook, it just looked incompetent.

    • 9 months ago

      >FFXIII plot was several times rewritten during development.
      it doesn't matter. the director butchered the story not the writers.

  22. 9 months ago


  23. 9 months ago

    FFXIII-2's time travel doesn't make any sense but otherwise I thought the story was way more enjoyable than the original's.

  24. 9 months ago

    Christ all those nothing characters showing up for like 5 minutes never to be seen again. Completely forgot about that. One more reason to be utterly annoyed by this game. The writing was fricking subterranean. And that's even when reading all the logs and keeping up with the general plot points/world building.

  25. 9 months ago

    to be hot in a trailer

  26. 9 months ago

    it's says something when all the shitposts "defending" FFXV all tell the critic to kill themselves instead of actually defending the game.

    Maybe the game actually sucks ass. Especially when the devs went on to make Forspoken and it bombed so hard it killed the studio and XVI's sales had to balance out the losses

    • 9 months ago

      It says something when the person malding over XV is literally the homosexual SBK91 from Gamefaqs who has been exposed for over 7 fricking years as shitposting over XV with the same tired bullshit and debunked arguments
      You want to see a failure look at FF16, literally tanked SE's stock in the quarter it released it, no other game had anything to do with tanking the stock as hard as FF16 did
      The fricking Forspoken devs literally worked on FF16 and FF7R too, guess they are bad because of Forspoken devs huh

      • 9 months ago

        You do know that no one knows what the frick you're talking about @psxbnin. Only losers/lolcow watchers follow your side-account anyways

        • 9 months ago

          SBK91 you are literally a lolcow that has been getting BTFO here and on gamefaqs for over a decade.

          • 9 months ago

            Maximilliandood and Barry interacting on Twitter wasn't on my bingo card

            Whatever you say @Bazztek (@psxbnin). I don't know what that acronym means

            • 9 months ago

              >two completely unrelated people
              SBK91 you need to stop coping, you have been outed for years

              • 9 months ago

                A huge coincidence you would requote yourself when Max doesn't stand by what you said. Owning it to the eceleb right?

              • 9 months ago

                I guess you can't fricking read because you're an ESL seamonkey

              • 9 months ago

                And what are you? An Abo shitposter from Melbourne that's who. You're not even white

              • 9 months ago

                You're literally a Philipino subhuman seamonkey zoomer who wasn't even fricking alive when FF7 came out let alone when FF13 was in development, have a nice day.

  27. 9 months ago

    Hope x Lightning or Hope x Vanille?

    What was the better pairing?

    • 9 months ago

      Vanille all the way. Akword shota x genki e-girlbait is the purest form of love

      • 9 months ago

        I do a lot of b***hing about 13 but visually it actually holds up 2 console generations later.

        • 9 months ago

          That's just FF13 in a nutshell. It's a really pretty girl who's also kind of dumb

          • 9 months ago

            you talk like ywbaw

        • 9 months ago

          I'll admit my bias but I think every Final Fantasy game holds up pretty well visually.

  28. 9 months ago

    How are her boobs darker than her face, is she wearing like a pantyhose bodysuit?

    • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago


  29. 9 months ago

    Isn't her point to provide doubt in Sahz? She's there for his character arc with his son and provides nothing else to the story.

    • 9 months ago

      The idea that she supposed to see Sazh as a tool. The Pulse L'Cie went missing after the Bodum Vestige blew up and everyone scattered in different directions. So Jihl thought if she captured a few of them then the rest would show up to rescue them. I don't know why she thinks this? For the first half of the game the party doesn't like each other which is why they scattered in the first place? But somehow the party actually does show up to rescue Sazh and Vanille. Because she somehow knew Fang would drag them all out to save her girlfriend? And the party is WAY more powerful than she thought they'd be. So her plan still failed on every level just for her to be killed by her boss.

      • 9 months ago

        She has no reason to assume they split the party because they hated each other. They could be doing that so it would be harder to capture all of them.

  30. 9 months ago

    I thought that was Nonsunnerjack from the thumbnail.

  31. 9 months ago

    I hope they will announce the Lightning trilogy remaster for PS5 soon

    FF13 was my first FF and is one of the few FF games I've ever finished.

  32. 9 months ago

    what was the point of this whole game

    • 9 months ago

      On a company level? To show off the power of the PS3 in a time where the X360 was shitting all over it because the PS3 Cell was too confusing for most developers

      On a personal level? Toriyama spending millions of SE's dollars to bring his waifu to life

  33. 9 months ago

    Should have been more involved with Sazh and his shit

  34. 9 months ago

    cut content

  35. 9 months ago

    the other thread dieded. if anyone has story lore questions im here lol. (i have no life)

    • 9 months ago

      I guess the big one I have is the question of how this all started: how was Serah branded? Are you seriously going to tell me NO ONE noticed the Bodum Vestige until recently? It's a giant demon tower in the middle of town that has what everyone considers to be a Demon god inside of it, these paranoid buttholes should've blown it to Timbuktu long before Serah could get close enough to get branded. The fact that Serah lives on Cocoon and therefore has the same biases makes me wonder why she also wasn't freaked out by it

      • 9 months ago

        NTA, but IIRC the Pulse Vestige has been in Bodum for hundreds of years and people just assumed it's a statue. When Vanille and Fang woke up, the fal'cie also woke up. Serah was branded when she was passing through the vestige.

        • 9 months ago

          >everyone was defrosted at the end of 13?
          Pulse granted crystal fragments with the ultimate goal of destroying Lindzei's fal'Cie. After the destruction of Orphan that goal was complete and Pulse simply took the crystal fragments back. their powers as well. that's why i think XIII-2 is not really canon. Lightning still has her powers. which makes no sense to me.
          the Vestige just like everything from Pulse was considered some sort of cursed. it's that simple.
          >The Pulse Vestige was a landmark in Bodhum and did not have an entrance until thirteen days before the Purge.
          >It was taken to Cocoon in secret by Barthandelus in the aftermath of the War of Transgression. >The entrance formed when Fang and Vanille, who were inside the ruins, awoke from crystal stasis.
          >Serah Farron accidentally found the entrance and was turned into a l'Cie by the fal'Cie Anima when she ventured inside out of curiosity.

          Wait so did Barthadelus know Fang and Vanille waking up was imminent and set up the Vestige being close enough for someone being close to it? Like someone moving Mt. Rushmore to a nearby town so some curious fool trying to understand what just happened to get cursed. This isn't me Frodoposting by the way, I genuinely do appreciate the explanation. I'm just to understand the order of events since, in game, it seems to jump from Snow and Serah watching the fireworks to Serah trying to break up with Snow because she got branded.

          • 9 months ago

            maybe Bart thought it was time because the population of Cocoon was enough for the sacrifice.

            • 9 months ago

              Okay so putting it together, and let me know if I'm wrong because I'm mashing together the stuff I remember from the game and your explanations, the actual war is between Lindzei (whom I guess represents Cocoon?) And Pulse. The Fal'Cie are their servants and humans are just slaves caught in the middle. Fal'Cie conscript humans to fight for them but it's Lindzei and Pulse who actually gives you power via crystal. But the crystal is cancerous. You either do your job and get frozen as crystal or the crystal metastasizes until you turn into a crystal zombie. I don't know if being frozen is actually like heaven or if you're effectively dead but no matter who wins, you lose.

              But I guess Lindzei left Cocoon? Or at least Lindzei was so far away that the Fal'Cie on Cocoon was willing to kill everyone, including themselves, to bring their god back. I guess it begs the question of where did Lindzei go? Or why Lindzei and Pulse split from each other in the first place. I know the War of Transgression was Pulse picking a fight with Cocoon, a fight Pulse lost BTW. Which leads me to wonder why Pulse was spiteful enough to turn every human on Pulse into Ceith until the war grinded to a halt. But charitable enough to throw the gang a bone for stopping Cocoon's genocide text message.

              Or maybe the takeaway is that I should just play 13-2 and LR. There must've been a better way to set this up though.

              • 9 months ago

                You're needlessly complicating things. Cid explains before his boss fight what the goal of Cocoon and Gran Pulse is; to crash the place so that everyone dies and the overload rips open Etro's Gate and they're reunited with their maker in death.

          • 9 months ago

            Serah got branded offscreen when she entered the Vestige some time after Fang and Vanille woke up. She was already branded during the fireworks scene with Snow.

    • 9 months ago

      But if you don't want to deal with all of that shit can you explain why exactly everyone was defrosted at the end of 13?

      • 9 months ago

        >everyone was defrosted at the end of 13?
        Pulse granted crystal fragments with the ultimate goal of destroying Lindzei's fal'Cie. After the destruction of Orphan that goal was complete and Pulse simply took the crystal fragments back. their powers as well. that's why i think XIII-2 is not really canon. Lightning still has her powers. which makes no sense to me.

        I guess the big one I have is the question of how this all started: how was Serah branded? Are you seriously going to tell me NO ONE noticed the Bodum Vestige until recently? It's a giant demon tower in the middle of town that has what everyone considers to be a Demon god inside of it, these paranoid buttholes should've blown it to Timbuktu long before Serah could get close enough to get branded. The fact that Serah lives on Cocoon and therefore has the same biases makes me wonder why she also wasn't freaked out by it

        the Vestige just like everything from Pulse was considered some sort of cursed. it's that simple.
        >The Pulse Vestige was a landmark in Bodhum and did not have an entrance until thirteen days before the Purge.
        >It was taken to Cocoon in secret by Barthandelus in the aftermath of the War of Transgression. >The entrance formed when Fang and Vanille, who were inside the ruins, awoke from crystal stasis.
        >Serah Farron accidentally found the entrance and was turned into a l'Cie by the fal'Cie Anima when she ventured inside out of curiosity.

        • 9 months ago

          >Lightning still has her powers. which makes no sense to me.
          She and Hope both got l'cie'd again.

      • 9 months ago

        >The (Pulse or Cocoon) fal'cie are demi gods that chose humans to become l'cie
        >By choosing them the planet god (Pulse or Lindzei) gives fragments of their crystal to said chosen humans
        >the greater goal is the destruction of each other planet god
        >the demi gods instruct the human slaves with smaller goals (Focus) which align with the destruction plan
        >the crystal fragments are like sage power in naruto
        >the longer a crystal is in you the more it grows
        >you must balance the power of the crystal with your inner power or the crystal takes over
        >in which case you turn into a monster (cie'th)
        >the point of the "Focus" is that you do as the demi god commands you
        >so that the demi god REWARDS you by freezing you into a crystal
        >stopping the crystal growing and turning you into a cie'th
        >if your own power growth matches up with the crystal power
        >you become sage/ragnarol
        to sum up:
        >the demi gods chose which humans will serve
        >it's the planet god that grants power through a crystal fragment
        >but it's the demi god that can freeze the human and the crystal growth as a reward for completing a small task, the Focus
        end game comes.
        >the fal'cie that freeze you into a crystal since you completed the Focus are destroyed
        >the God Pulse takes back his crystal fragment

        • 9 months ago

          This is actually wrong. Pulse and Lindzei's goals have nothing to do with destroying each other. Pulse's goal is to see if the Maker (Bhunivelze) is somewhere in the physical world, Lindzei's is to open the door to the Unseen Realm (afterlife/spirit world) and see if God is there.
          Cocoon was a mass sacrifice to try to rip the gate to the afterlife open by flooding it with souls.

          • 9 months ago

            Anon, don't argue with him, save your time. It's just pointless. He's a literal moron.

          • 9 months ago

            >This is actually wrong. Pulse and Lindzei's goals have nothing to do with destroying each other
            are you are right it's an oversimplification because it's irrelevant to what im actually trying to explain which is the process of l'cie to monster cie'th to crystal to ragnarok etc.

            Anon, don't argue with him, save your time. It's just pointless. He's a literal moron.

            >He's a literal moron.
            this is you, a frickton of headcanon released after FF XIII.

            Final Fantasy XIII Episode Zero -Promise-, a web novel, later made into a CD drama, takes place in the weeks leading up to the events of Final Fantasy XIII.
            Final Fantasy XIII Gaiden Shōsetsu: Yumemiru Mayu, Akatsuki ni Otsu, a six-chapter novella included in the Final Fantasy XIII Ultimania Omega, taking place from the time of the discovery of the Pulse fal'Cie in Bodhum through the events of Final Fantasy XIII.
            Final Fantasy XIII -Episode i-, a novella released with Final Fantasy XIII International Ultimate Hits in Japan, which acts as an epilogue to Final Fantasy XIII, covering direct events following the game's ending.
            Final Fantasy XIII-2 Fragments Before, a novella that delves into events between Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy XIII-2, filling some of the second game's narrative gaps.
            Final Fantasy XIII-2 Fragments After, a second novella set during and after the events of Final Fantasy XIII-2, completing the story arcs begun in Fragments Before and filling in further narrative gaps revolving around some of the secondary characters.

      • 9 months ago

        Etro defrosted them and erased their brands. Don't listen this dude

        >everyone was defrosted at the end of 13?
        Pulse granted crystal fragments with the ultimate goal of destroying Lindzei's fal'Cie. After the destruction of Orphan that goal was complete and Pulse simply took the crystal fragments back. their powers as well. that's why i think XIII-2 is not really canon. Lightning still has her powers. which makes no sense to me.
        the Vestige just like everything from Pulse was considered some sort of cursed. it's that simple.
        >The Pulse Vestige was a landmark in Bodhum and did not have an entrance until thirteen days before the Purge.
        >It was taken to Cocoon in secret by Barthandelus in the aftermath of the War of Transgression. >The entrance formed when Fang and Vanille, who were inside the ruins, awoke from crystal stasis.
        >Serah Farron accidentally found the entrance and was turned into a l'Cie by the fal'Cie Anima when she ventured inside out of curiosity.

        Source: Final Fantasy XIII-2 Fragments After.
        >Regardless, Etro granted Lightning's wish. To aid Vanille and Fang, and make Lightning and the others' brands disappear. Granting salvation to the l'Cie who bore much sin.
        Why Lightning can use magic in XIII-2 without a brand.
        >She did not have a brand, but she could use magic. Maybe this phenomenon was to be attributed to Valhalla. This was after she had been confronted with a succession of strange happenings. She felt that this was the most valid interpretation.

        • 9 months ago

          Nice breasts on Hope's mom

          • 9 months ago

            Moms are tough

        • 9 months ago

          >Don't listen this dude
          >Etro defrosted them and erased their brands
          You literally say the same thing I said only you replaced Pulse with Etro.

          The reason XIII-2 and LR were made was that the ending of XIII was confusing and Toriyama took advantage of that and decided to make shit up pretending it was part of his plan.
          literally headcanon tier.

          XIII-2 and LR are not canon:
          >Cocoon is saved
          >No underworld soul imbalance bullshit
          >Pulse got back his crystal fragments/fal'cie are dead
          >Meaning the marks are gone and the party unfroze

          if you believe otherwise please be specific.

          • 9 months ago

            >You literally say the same thing I said only you replaced Pulse with Etro.
            Yes, and this is a big difference. Pulse has nothing to do with returning from Cie'th form (shown here

            ), Brands erasing and defrosting party from Crystal stasis.
            >The reason XIII-2 and LR were made was that the ending of XIII was confusing and Toriyama took advantage of that and decided to make shit up pretending it was part of his plan.
            Literally headcanon tier.

            >Etro defrosted them and erased their brands
            it was not Etro's brand tho. it makes more sense that Pulse did it. i think the sequels are "What if" tier.

            >it was not Etro's brand tho. it makes more sense that Pulse did it.
            And Dajh's brand wasn't Pulses's too, yet Dajh is without a brand in the end of XIII. Looks like Etro can erase every brand huh.

            • 9 months ago

              >Pulse has nothing to do with returning from Cie'th form (shown here

              ), Brands erasing and defrosting party from Crystal stasis.
              Brother, you will need to explain this to me. Because you just repeat the same thing over and over and make no sense. Your picture makes no sense.

              Of course Pulse does everything because it is HIS crystal fragment that gave them power. The brand is gone because he takes the crystal back. Also the freezing is gone because the fal'cie that did the freezing are dead.

              >And Dajh's brand wasn't Pulses's too
              No of course it wasn't Pulse's, it was Lindzei's. Again Im begging for an answer: WTF DOES ETRO HAVE TO DO WITH Lindzei and Pulse crystals.
              >Literally headcanon tier.
              no at all. Nojima penned the original game. Toriyama filled in the sequels/spin offs.

              >it's Pulse's Brand/crystal fragment. they complete the job and he takes it back. wtf does Etro have to do with anything. also it's the fal'cie that do the freezing/unfreezing. Etro doing anything is spin off tier nonsense.
              Etro's always been sympathetic to humans and the situation the fal'Cie put them in.
              >I honestly don't even remember how they rationalize Cocoon falling in XIII-2, it's been so many years since i played the game and i totally forgot.

              >Etro's always been sympathetic
              My good brother: WTF DOES ETRO HAVE TO DO WITH ANYTHING THAT RELATES TO PULSE AND Lindzei. PLs explain.
              I don't understand.

              • 9 months ago

                >My good brother: WTF DOES ETRO HAVE TO DO WITH ANYTHING THAT RELATES TO PULSE AND Lindzei. PLs explain.
                She was made at the same time as Pulse and Lindzei, has all the same powers, except she can't make lesser fal'Cie like the two of them can. A lot of lore shenanigans happen, and she ends up in the Unseen Realm like what Cid describes in XIII. From there, she can look upon the world given that she's a goddess and she sees l'Cie suffer and sends them Eidolons to either help them overcome their grief or kill themselves to prevent turning into crystals. This doesn't happen with all of them, just some, but it's to be expected because not everyone's Focus was to destroy Cocoon and most were much more mundane (all the Crystal stones that give you missions in XIII).
                A giant flan damages the crystal so much it falls.

              • 9 months ago

                > WTF DOES ETRO HAVE TO DO WITH Lindzei and Pulse crystals.
                XIII's world is based on a very soft magic lore. I don't know how she did it, yet she is the one who erased the brands. It is what it is, deal with it lmao. The mechanism of erasing/defrosting is unknown but the lore, the official lore, not your headcanon, has a concrete answer to what happened with to crystallised Dajh, Serah, Lightning etc.

                >Specially for you:
                Bro you are so stubborn i will have to accuse you of being an ESL:

                Yes, we do know that the reason Cocoon was not destroyed the first time Fang transformed into Ragnarok is Lindzei. That means little about l'cie being crystalized and even less about Etro.

                >Yes, we do know that the reason Cocoon was not destroyed the first time Fang transformed into Ragnarok is Lindzei.
                Are you fricking moronic?
                >The Goddess pitied the fools who so blindly bowed to Lindzei's will
                >The Goddess
                >She robbed Ragnarok of power putting the l'Cie to an early crystal sleep
                Are you really that braindead? Lindzei is not a Goddess. There's only 2 Goddesses in FNC lore: Mwynn and Etro.

              • 9 months ago

                >yet she is the one who erased the brands
                You are using XIII-2 lore to justify XIII-2. The party are Pulse l'cie with pulse's fragments. Dajh and Cid are Lindzei l'cie with Lindzei's fragments.
                >Are you really that braindead? Lindzei is not a Goddess.
                that's my fault but it still means nothing. it has nothing to do with completing a Focus in the first place. wtf was the point of posting this?

                Once again the story, the one Nojima penned, is simple: the fal'cie are dead and Pulse got his fragment back. people did not understand that so Toriyama made his XIII-2 headcanon about Deus Ex Machina Etro.

              • 9 months ago

                >Once again the story, the one Nojima penned, is simple: the fal'cie are dead and Pulse got his fragment back. people did not understand that so Toriyama made his XIII-2 headcanon about Deus Ex Machina Etro.
                Final Fantasy XIII writers:
                Motomu Toriyama
                Daisuke Watanabe

              • 9 months ago

                Nojima wrote the concept and you probably know this. In XIII all the characters are equally important. No one is a chosen hero. If anything Fang is the more important character. Lightning is as important as Snow, just a random person. I'm not hating just making sense of this.

                The problem with FF XIII-2 is that it tries to make Lightning into a super special princess warrior. That's Toriyama's head canon. Lightning is only important if you use Etro as a Deus ex machina. Which he did taking advantage of the confusion over the ending of XIII.

                The Goddess saving Cocoon in the War of Transgression means nothing about freezing of l'cie that completed their Focus. I don't even understand why you posted that quote.

              • 9 months ago

                Nojima wrote the concept of the FNC, not FF XIII.

              • 9 months ago

                >Nojima wrote the concept of the FNC
                Yes this is before 2016. The FNC was meant to be a trilogy of separate games. FF XIII was never meant to be a trilogy. It was only decided after the other projects were stalling and Square wanted to make money back from the expensive engine. it has nothing to do with all the FF XIII-2 headcanon you see here

                >This is actually wrong. Pulse and Lindzei's goals have nothing to do with destroying each other
                are you are right it's an oversimplification because it's irrelevant to what im actually trying to explain which is the process of l'cie to monster cie'th to crystal to ragnarok etc.
                >He's a literal moron.
                this is you, a frickton of headcanon released after FF XIII.

                Final Fantasy XIII Episode Zero -Promise-, a web novel, later made into a CD drama, takes place in the weeks leading up to the events of Final Fantasy XIII.
                Final Fantasy XIII Gaiden Shōsetsu: Yumemiru Mayu, Akatsuki ni Otsu, a six-chapter novella included in the Final Fantasy XIII Ultimania Omega, taking place from the time of the discovery of the Pulse fal'Cie in Bodhum through the events of Final Fantasy XIII.
                Final Fantasy XIII -Episode i-, a novella released with Final Fantasy XIII International Ultimate Hits in Japan, which acts as an epilogue to Final Fantasy XIII, covering direct events following the game's ending.
                Final Fantasy XIII-2 Fragments Before, a novella that delves into events between Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy XIII-2, filling some of the second game's narrative gaps.
                Final Fantasy XIII-2 Fragments After, a second novella set during and after the events of Final Fantasy XIII-2, completing the story arcs begun in Fragments Before and filling in further narrative gaps revolving around some of the secondary characters.

              • 9 months ago
              • 9 months ago

                Who released Dajh from crystal stasis and erased his brand, stupid monkey?

              • 9 months ago

                >stupid monkey?
                lol bro i don't remember how many years it's been since i met someone as stubborn as you. why are you being a dick instead of posting facts: you have been trying to justify FF XIII-2 being canon with... XIII-2 lore this entire thread.
                Dajh was released from stasis because the fal'cie are dead. and yes like Cid he is a special one because he has a Lindsei brand. (which you actually don't see erased in the video I posted above because you were too busy calling me names)

                And then Toriyama decided he was going to make his this his magnum opus to his waifu and he did. And thus we got the trilogy where he meets his waifu in France.

                >And then Toriyama
                yes i agree. he took advantage of the confusion over the first game's ending and the management of Square wanting to make money on this proprietary engine since the other projects were going badly. and he made his head canon. i played it. i enjoyed it. it's still MAKING SHIT UP THAT CONTRADICTS THE VERY ENDING OF THE FIRST GAME. Also ruins Lightning from a perfectly fine solider character to the gaygiest warrior princess.

                Yes, I could have done a better job. lolz

              • 9 months ago

                >Dajh was released from stasis because the fal'cie are dead.
                What part of the Datalog, script or Ultimania states that if Fal'Cie dies his l'Cie will return from Crystal Stasis? Any statements that Pulse released heroes from Crystal Stasis?

              • 9 months ago

                the ending.

                >FF XIII ending (5:45 mark)

                >Same scene in FF XIII-2 literally telling you it didn't happen.

                this is the most shameless headcanon ever introduced in a mainstream game ever. toriyama is the ultimate waifu gay

                don't try to outweeb me. your justification for Lightning having powers in -2 was literally: "strange happenings lol"

              • 9 months ago

                Nothing in the ending shows Pulse did shit to them, nothing in the ending tells Pulse has power to return l'Cie from Crystal Stasis. I don't see Pulse in the ending cutscene. Where's Pulse? Show me Pulse in the ending cutscene. What I see is that Etro's Eye is closing, you dumb monkey. Try better next time.
                >B-but Toriyama s-subverted Nojima's work on FNC...h-he did that...o-okay?

              • 9 months ago

                >erased his brand, stupid monkey?
                >brand is not erased in the video of the ending

                >FF XIII ending (5:45 mark)

                >Same scene in FF XIII-2 literally telling you it didn't happen.

                this is the most shameless headcanon ever introduced in a mainstream game ever. toriyama is the ultimate waifu gay

              • 9 months ago

                >wtf was the point of posting this?
                To show you, stupid monkey, that FNC lore is a fricking clusterfrick. It doesn't explain how Etro can turn people into Crystal stasis, how she can reverse them from Cie'th form, how she can return them from Crystal stasis, yet, nevertheless, this very FNC lore states pretty clearly that:
                1) She turned Vanille and Fang into crystal during War of Transgression (source: XIII's fricking Datalog, Analect IV. The Heavenly Deceit).
                2) She returned the rest of the party from Cie'th form in the end of XIII (source: visual storytelling, play the fricking game).
                3) She erased brands and returned the rest of the party from Crystal stasis (source: Final Fantasy XIII-2 Fragments Before).
                And now I'm not writing this for you, but for other anons who really want to know the explanations of the lore.

                >Lindzei is not a Goddess.
                Yes, she is. She's not that Goddess talked about there (Etro), but Lindzei is a girl.

                >Lindzei is a girl.
                Yes, you fricking moron. A girl. Here's your girl, picrelated.

                For a franchise that focuses on story telling; this has to be an all time low for FF.
                Pic related is the ending of FF XIII. Vanille and Fang sacrifice themselves to save Cocoon and the rest are unfrozen by Pulse because they did such a good job. Lightning is a nobody like everyone else.
                Toriyama had the nerve to make a "sequel" where he says lol nope, that didn't happen you imagined it because he wanted to turn HIS favorite character into a chosen superhero. I dare ANYONE to show me a more moronic moment in the history of FF.

                I guess you're just a shitposter then.
                God, I'm out of this circus.

              • 9 months ago

                >And now I'm not writing this for you
                >that FNC lore
                >source: Final Fantasy XIII-2
                my brother in weeb: YOU ARE JUSTIFYING FF XIII-2 WITH FF XIII-2 lore. is that too complicated to understand?
                >1) She turned Vanille and Fang into crystal
                yes you repeat that but that's irrelevant to people turning into crystals after completing their focus.
                >source: visual storytelling

                XIII-2 are LR are spin offs/what if stories because this is NOTHING IN FF XIII that needs implies that Etro did anything about the very end.

              • 9 months ago

                >Yes, you fricking moron. A girl. Here's your girl, picrelated.
                I was just correcting your misconception. Bhunivelze & Pulse are gods and Mwynn, Etro, Lindzei & Lightning are goddesses.

              • 9 months ago

                >Lindzei is not a Goddess.
                Yes, she is. She's not that Goddess talked about there (Etro), but Lindzei is a girl.

        • 9 months ago

          >Etro defrosted them and erased their brands
          it was not Etro's brand tho. it makes more sense that Pulse did it. i think the sequels are "What if" tier.

          • 9 months ago

            Etro's powerful, why wouldn't she just unfreeze them?

            • 9 months ago

              it's Pulse's Brand/crystal fragment. they complete the job and he takes it back. wtf does Etro have to do with anything. also it's the fal'cie that do the freezing/unfreezing. Etro doing anything is spin off tier nonsense.

              I honestly don't even remember how they rationalize Cocoon falling in XIII-2, it's been so many years since i played the game and i totally forgot.

              • 9 months ago

                >it's Pulse's Brand/crystal fragment. they complete the job and he takes it back. wtf does Etro have to do with anything. also it's the fal'cie that do the freezing/unfreezing. Etro doing anything is spin off tier nonsense.
                Etro's always been sympathetic to humans and the situation the fal'Cie put them in.
                >I honestly don't even remember how they rationalize Cocoon falling in XIII-2, it's been so many years since i played the game and i totally forgot.

              • 9 months ago

                >also it's the fal'cie that do the freezing/unfreezing.Etro doing anything is spin off tier nonsense.
                This is the clearest evidence that you both don't understand the lore of the trilogy and haven't even bothered to read XIII's original datalog.
                Specially for you:
                >Ragnarok took wing; made to smite Cocoon, and thereby deliver us our everlasting peace. But Her Providence would not let it be. The Goddess pitied the fools who so blindly bowed to Lindzei's will, and so She robbed Ragnarok of power, putting the l'Cie to an early crystal sleep, Focus yet incomplete.

              • 9 months ago

                >Specially for you:
                Bro you are so stubborn i will have to accuse you of being an ESL:

                Yes, we do know that the reason Cocoon was not destroyed the first time Fang transformed into Ragnarok is Lindzei. That means little about l'cie being crystalized and even less about Etro.

              • 9 months ago

                took wing; made to smite Cocoon, and thereby deliver us our everlasting peace. But Her Providence would not let it be. The Goddess pitied the fools who so blindly bowed to Lindzei's will, and so She robbed Ragnarok of power, putting the l'Cie to an early crystal sleep, Focus yet incomplete.
                This says that Lindzei froze Pulse l'cie that had turnt into Ragnarok to prevent them from destroying Cocoon. Completely different from freezing someone that completed their Focus.

        • 9 months ago

          >Why Lightning can use magic in XIII-2 without a brand.
          >it just happened bro
          what you quoted explains nothing

    • 9 months ago

      Ok, how the hell does throwing ooze and bone fragments onto a sword make attaching a particle accelerator more effective? The weapon upgrading system NEVER made sense to me unless this is some AMP shit.

    • 9 months ago

      Q: What the frick happened between XIII-2 and LR (ie the world, border, the PEOPLE)
      Q: what are your thoughts on Noel taking a backseat despite getting attention and powerful throughout XIII-2?

      • 9 months ago

        >Q: What the frick happened between XIII-2 and LR (ie the world, border, the PEOPLE)
        as a lore guy i honestly gave up on the sequels and don't consider them canon. Lightning has powers because... she just does.

    • 9 months ago

      what was the protagonists' plan with orphan? all they had to do was... nothing. they know killing orphan destroys cocoon and yet they still go through with it.
      preferably by citing things that are actually in the first game

  36. 9 months ago
  37. 9 months ago

    Reminder that she has a very interesting boss battle in XIII-2
    She is dlc though because SE are greedy fricks

  38. 9 months ago


  39. 9 months ago

    What's with the kingdom hearts clothing design?

  40. 9 months ago

    What was the point of the entire Lightning trilogy?

    • 9 months ago

      >What was the point of the entire Lightning trilogy?
      lol it's a trilogy IF you want it to be.
      the first game has a perfect ending:
      >the demi gods were planning the destruction of cocoon as a >sacrifice to big daddy god.
      >you save the day.
      >the end
      i gave up trying to make sense of the other two games. you can perfectly well ignore them.

      • 9 months ago

        Don't bother actually trying to explain the lore or whatever to me. It's not going to stick. I never even finished the first game, far from it. It's a wonder that I even managed to get as far as I did. I just know, or I think I know, Lightning is supposed to be the focal point of the three games?

    • 9 months ago

      For Toriyama to meet his wife Lightning in France after the third game. I'm not joking.

  41. 9 months ago

    >they shafted her so hard they don't even remember what they wanted to do with her so they just made her into a XIII-2 boss DLC which does not expand her character niche or story or appeal in any way shape or form
    >tfw bought it anyway

  42. 9 months ago

    I could be wrong but i feel Toriyama is to blame. The story/lore of the game is good. the director was not good enough to deliver it properly.

    >Bart trains the party to become Super Sayan/Ragnarok to kill Oprhan
    >The crystal inside them is growing as shown by the gradual mark change
    >Bart needs ONE of them to reach power level 13 and become Ragnarok
    >The OVERALL concept of the game is that the party never had a common goal
    >At the very end of the game they finally work together and use power level 12 times 6
    >Kill Oprhan, Cocoon goes down
    >Fang and Vanille together reach power level 13 and become Ragnarok and save the day
    >the fal'cie that froze them into a crystal die
    >pulse takes back the crystal

    • 9 months ago

      They had an entire franchise based around FFXIII ready to go, with Versus XIII planned after XIII. That's probably why they fleshed out the lore that much. We all know what happened to Versus XIII and FNC.

    • 9 months ago

      I thought that tattoo changing stuff was just their timelimit

  43. 9 months ago

    >hot white woman
    >needs a point for existing

  44. 9 months ago

    to live and die in the FMV dimension. doesnt even have an ingame model

  45. 9 months ago

    Kind of a waste of a character, isn't she?

  46. 9 months ago

    i never knew that this is something i desperately need women to wear

  47. 9 months ago

    To makes penises hard

  48. 9 months ago

    To get people to buy the game. Unironically. She was in all the promotional material.

    • 9 months ago

      no she waeint

  49. 9 months ago


  50. 9 months ago

    You know, as much as I may say I'm a Lightninggay now, as a teen a blew way too many loads to Vanille.

    • 9 months ago

      >That one scene where she's moaning like a little bawd.

      • 9 months ago

        Vanille is for hardcore appreciation, care and love .

        • 9 months ago

          Vanille's already taken by Fang

  51. 9 months ago

    Lightning X Snow
    Hope X Vanille
    Serah X Noel
    Fang X Sazh (platonically as parents)
    Caius X Stupid autistic b***h


    • 9 months ago



      Do you think Square is run by just one person?

      At this point "Nomura" has become a word for "thing I don't like"

  52. 9 months ago

    Honest XIII-2 is the worst entry and I don't know why people shill it as the best. I still like it but I love the original and LR way more.

    • 9 months ago

      >Honest XIII-2 is the worst entry and I don't know why people shill it as the best.
      I see a lotta praise for the monster mechanic, telling the story up front and "focusing on a small cast" but really, yeah. It's still not a very good game. It wasn't my first mon capture game so it didn't do anything for me there, the XIII lore aspect was ridiculous and went off the rails.
      They'd prob say LIGHTNING RETURNS was the best if they could get their head around the battle system. It was the tightest of the 3 with another incoherent plot. Only they really, really don't like the battle system.

      Best thing I can say about the trilogy as a whole is the monster extinction stuff in LR is neat and I like the limited window concept. XIII-2 isn't worth replaying, ever. Same for XIII, they lack mechanical depth on any level and there's no mods to fix that.

  53. 9 months ago

    What's with the influx of FFXIII trilogy threads?

    • 9 months ago

      >FFXIII trilogy threads?
      it's mostly lore gaygin. you see the original game ending up in a confusing way and the director took advantage of this fact to literally make his headcanon sequel without the original writers.

  54. 9 months ago

    For me it's Chocococolina!

    • 9 months ago

      Fapped to her once.

  55. 9 months ago

    Some boobs for the cinematic trailers.

  56. 9 months ago

    XIII actually has more forgettable side characters than XVI

  57. 9 months ago

    For a franchise that focuses on story telling; this has to be an all time low for FF.
    Pic related is the ending of FF XIII. Vanille and Fang sacrifice themselves to save Cocoon and the rest are unfrozen by Pulse because they did such a good job. Lightning is a nobody like everyone else.
    Toriyama had the nerve to make a "sequel" where he says lol nope, that didn't happen you imagined it because he wanted to turn HIS favorite character into a chosen superhero. I dare ANYONE to show me a more moronic moment in the history of FF.

    • 9 months ago


  58. 9 months ago

    Where the hell is Lindsay

  59. 9 months ago

    This game felt like it was first written as some kind of light novel/visual novel rather than to be a game's story, there's also a kind of melancholic/mopey toney throughout the game that's also very characteristic of light novels.
    But man it was such a good looking game, like props to the arts department, the game was colourful, beautiful and had a unique visual identity in a time where most games were just brown grimdark slops.

  60. 9 months ago

    I'm not going to lie, I didn't even notice she had glasses on

  61. 9 months ago

    When did Lazy Procrastinator videos get so fricking bad?

    • 9 months ago

      No seriously. He's two steps away from full bimbofication. Man his aerith videos were so good.... Wtf happened

    • 9 months ago

      Making a Tifa video broke him.

  62. 9 months ago

    >People unironically arguing about the plotline of a trilogy that was literally designed to culminate with Lightning ending up in France to spiritually be with Toriyama
    If you look at the series through that lens, a ton of shit makes more sense.

    • 9 months ago

      >Toriyama is a Lightninggay and a Francegay
      >In the ending of LR, Lightning says "soon we'll be together"
      Actually that makes sense

      • 9 months ago

        God bless his dress up fetish at least.

    • 9 months ago

      unironically arguing about the plotline of a trilogy
      lol the point is that it was never a trilogy to begin with. Nojima and Watanabe and Toriyama originally didn't write a trilogy. XIII has a perfect ending. Toriyama made it into a trilogy because of his infinite gayotry.

      • 9 months ago

        And then Toriyama decided he was going to make his this his magnum opus to his waifu and he did. And thus we got the trilogy where he meets his waifu in France.

    • 9 months ago

      >Toriyama is a Lightninggay and a Francegay
      >In the ending of LR, Lightning says "soon we'll be together"
      Actually that makes sense

      >Toriyama is a Lightninggay and a Francegay
      >In the ending of LR, Lightning says "soon we'll be together"
      Actually that makes sense

      Toriyama visited France two weeks before Lightning Return's release. I bet he visited that pier.

  63. 9 months ago

    V A N I L L E
    My love.

  64. 9 months ago

    Vanille - a never-ending source of inspiration and encouragement.

  65. 9 months ago

    Vanille - the last beacon of hope for Final Fantasy and gaming in general.

  66. 9 months ago

    3DCG is so low brow, you guys should jack off to gacha doujins like everyone else.

  67. 9 months ago

    to have massively wasted potential and underuse her apparently because squenix are definitely good at their jobs. man jihl was fricking kino, took the quistis appeal from the hospital cinematic and then stuck her on the bad guys side.

  68. 9 months ago

    Vanille - Queen of cuteness AND adorable silliness. Her motto:
    >Leave charming turboautism to me!

    • 9 months ago

      V A N I L L E

      so pissed i jerk offd to her only to find out later she's a dyke

      • 9 months ago

        Anon she's not a dyke. Fang is like a sister to her.
        And if she is, then I CAN FIX HER .

  69. 9 months ago

    V A N I L L E

  70. 9 months ago

    She killed millions.
    But on the other hand she saved millions!

  71. 9 months ago

    >FF XIII ending (5:45 mark)

    >Same scene in FF XIII-2 literally telling you it didn't happen.

    this is the most shameless headcanon ever introduced in a mainstream game ever. toriyama is the ultimate waifu gay

  72. 9 months ago

    I only played XIII, what was it supposed to have in common with Versus and Type Zero? If I recall it was just the same mythology is that right?

    • 9 months ago

      the god system. ultimate it means nothing but it's very interesting if you dig into the development hell and evolution of XV's story.

      • 9 months ago

        A lot of the concepts still remain. Crystal stasis, floating souls, l'Cie with a task...

  73. 9 months ago

    Vanille - no, she's not the best...


  74. 9 months ago

    I don't understand much about graphics, but is the reason XIII looks so good even now because of static lightning? I heard it takes more effort but it allows for more artistic expression compared to dynamic, is that right?

  75. 9 months ago

    Vanille - some scientists describe her as a miracle of the world. The scientific community doesn't a definite answer as to what Vanille is, but everyone agrees on the fact that her existence is precious to the world and that humanity must protect Vanille at all costs.

  76. 9 months ago

    Still my favorite FF character design, charming voice and personality too

    • 9 months ago

      Cool design but ugly voice.

  77. 9 months ago
  78. 9 months ago

    Here's why we are being SO hypocritical here: The story of Caius, Yuel and Noel is good. It's a solid proper jrpg story. And they fricking ruined it by trying to shoehorn a Lightning story into it. They could have made another Etro stan and make this an interesting side story without the gibberish convoluted XIII character tie in nonsense that everyone hated. I don't know if it was Toriyama or the eternally moronic SE management that thought "if we pretend this is a direct sequel to FF XIII, we will force people to buy it". It could have been a superb FF XIII indirect sequel if they ignore Lightning and the other characters of the first game because guess what, their story is done, they won, they lost their marks the end. The point of their story was that they were nobodies to begin with. But no. They decided to FORCE a direct sequel out of XIII and make Lightning into the warrior goddess.

  79. 9 months ago

    Cid Raines
    True Hero

    • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago


  80. 9 months ago
  81. 9 months ago

    ikedori musume vanille

  82. 9 months ago

    Versus XIII

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