What went wrong with FF7R?

What went wrong with FF7R?

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Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 4 weeks ago

    people don't wanna pay full price multiple times for one game being artificially broken into pieces with shitloads of boring padding
    also Black folk

    • 4 weeks ago

      90% wrong but got this part right
      >also Black folk

      • 4 weeks ago

        No. It's accurate

      • 4 weeks ago

        No. It's accurate


        people don't wanna pay full price multiple times for one game being artificially broken into pieces with shitloads of boring padding

        also Black folk
        >90% wrong but got this part right
        >>also Black folk
        not even 35 year old. it's like for 37-40 year old millenials. Any younger and they would be too young to have played such a complicated game.

    • 4 weeks ago

      true also the first game was a literal scam that burned all good will with fans.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Each game has a shit ton of content, what are you talking about? Splitting the game into 3 parts doesn't mean there isn't a lot going on. Rebirth has 6 huge regions and 230 enemies and bosses, hours and hours of story content, 100+ hours on a first playthrough. 16 pales in comparison.
      People who think they could have crammed all of FF7, a game that was relatively simple with pre-rendered backdrops with a top down view and turn-based combat, into a modern game with fully realized environments, characters, and enemies, without cutting a shit ton of things are delusional. You ungrateful shits would be complaining about the cut content too. Anyone else could only dream of a remake expanding on everything from the original game instead of just cutting it. Not even a square enix shill, I've only played like 4 different FF games and hated KH for the longest time.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >People who think they could have crammed all of FF7, a game that was relatively simple with pre-rendered backdrops with a top down view and turn-based combat, into a modern game with fully realized environments, characters, and enemies, without cutting a shit ton of things are delusional.
        morons like you completely fell for the SE's gaslighting campaign when they announced it would be multiple games. The truth is: FF7 IS NOT A BIG GAME. It has Midgar, a couple towns, and a few dungeons, It ABSOLUTELY could have been made into a single game, and any denial of this is pure cope. FF7, "upgraded to modern AAA standards " is NOT bigger than Witcher 3, Ubislop open world games, hell even FF15 (which is shit but big shit).
        Stop lying to yourself over this. If you like the padding thats fine, just admit it. But they clearly could have cut most of it and made 1 game. And everyone, including yourself would have enjoyed it more. It would have been more successful, too.
        These remakes are just an exercise in morons trying to convince themselves and others that "this is what I really wanted all along! hey did you see Tifa's breasts?!"

        • 4 weeks ago

          > The truth is: FF7 IS NOT A BIG GAME
          Facts, the only reason it was on three discs was to trick the player

      • 4 weeks ago

        10 gil has been deposited into your chocobank

    • 4 weeks ago

      >People don't wanna pay full price multiple times for one game being broken into pieces with shitloads of boring padding
      Ironic considering Soulsborne games are just that, the same game over and over again. One could say the same for Monster Hunter.
      Square seems to be punished for trying something new instead of giving into whiny babies who have no concept of what the original game was but swear up and down that they have "played it".

      • 4 weeks ago

        you can play each of those games without playing any of the other games. playing rebirtth without playing remake is jumping in halfway into a movie.

  2. 4 weeks ago

    It's episodic. Like 80% of people don't finish games so they feel like they can't even play Rebirth since they didn't finish the last one

    • 4 weeks ago

      i 100%'d the original 7
      i didn't finish Remake so i can't play Rebirth

      • 4 weeks ago

        It's episodic. Like 80% of people don't finish games so they feel like they can't even play Rebirth since they didn't finish the last one

        Yeah i didnt finish the remake either. It was that bad.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Also didn't finish. Additionally compounding it is I am not going to buy a PS5 for one fricking game anyways.

        I realized that what made FF7 (and the others before it) special was it was a product of its time and technology. Everything that made the old games charming doesn't translate to modern day.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >should've released one game
      Ironic. SE got greedy and it broke their spine. Kek.

  3. 4 weeks ago

    >The Remake wasn't a remake
    >fans not buying the shit sequel
    >Square is surprised for some reason

    • 4 weeks ago

      Weakest part of rebirth is that it follows the original too closely, and ends in such a way that they can adjust the plot based on feedback.
      The game is made by cowards who have no solid vision.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Completely wrong, the worst part of the game is the final chapter where it goes off the wall. It completely failed to stick the landing

  4. 4 weeks ago

    >game for 35y old boomers
    >release it on a console for teenagers
    a real mystery

    • 4 weeks ago

      >gets released on pc after a year
      >will be EGS exclusive again
      >only fortnite kids use that store

      • 4 weeks ago

        then it'll release a year after that on steam, again costing full $70

        • 4 weeks ago

          Wasnt it 80? Its currently 50% off for 40 bucks on steam rn i think

          • 4 weeks ago

            Reminder that this game is fully cracked, please dont reward Square for their ultra israelite tactics cuz theyre bleeding money out of their ass with flops like Forspoken (but making 2 BILLION fricking dollars off of a japan only moble DQ game)

            • 4 weeks ago

              I guess we got screwed harder here. Most games are actually less in euros.

            • 4 weeks ago

              i fricking hate square so much
              i was so hyped for tactics ogre reborn, 60$ for a fricking 30 years old game
              Fricking morons

              • 4 weeks ago

                Pirate everything, find a cracker you trust and if anything, donate the money you wouldve gave to square to them to continue their work.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >hyped for tactics ogre reborn
                Hyped for an inferior version? Or does your mouth gape anytime something gets released on Steam so you can show a bunch random people that you have it?

            • 4 weeks ago

              It's going for 28$ on greenman.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Fine. I’ll wait til it’s on steam. In the meantime, squenix can keep having meetings about why they aren’t making money and deliberately being obtuse.

  5. 4 weeks ago

    Time janny bullshit killed it for me.

  6. 4 weeks ago

    >Sequel to a sequel
    >PS5 exclusive
    >people were expecting an actual remake
    >10 fricking years to get the full story.

  7. 4 weeks ago

    Despite how bad FF16 is and how it doesn't even feel like Final Fantasy (just stop calling them RPGs and start calling them action games), it's at least a new game that's not split in three parts.

    • 4 weeks ago

      FF has been slowly moving away from turn based rpgs for like the last 5 games becoming more action based. Then again ff games are barely "rpgs" to begin with anyway.

    • 4 weeks ago

      FF hasn't been turn based since FFX, 20 goddamn years ago.
      Fricking tourists that parrot this moronic bullshit to try to fit in need to get the frick out of my FF threads.

      • 4 weeks ago

        FFXI and FFXIV shouldn't even be numbered entries. They just are as a testament to how corrupt Squareenix is.
        XII, XIII are shit entries and neither are ARPG, XV is the first action RPG, followed by VIIR, XVI and VIIR2. All shit games btw.

        This is a turn based franchise.

        • 4 weeks ago

          20. Years.

        • 4 weeks ago

          XII is better than X however

    • 4 weeks ago

      I bought and played XVI and not FF7R but I would be very, very surprised if 7R is a worse game. XVI was atrocious.

      I literally assume anyone who doesn't like XVI is just bad at action games.

      • 4 weeks ago

        I haven't beat XVI because I'm not a fan of western movie games. That and the combat in XVI is just spamming the same moves over and over again. It has no real depth in its combat system.

      • 4 weeks ago

        I don't think that's the case, I think most of them just didn't play it. XVI combat has a little bit of depth to it and is fairly fun, but the game is so braindead mindnumbingly easy that even someone who button mashes one attack would not find it difficult.

  8. 4 weeks ago

    needlessly added black characters, gay background characters, return of the time jannies and annoying a frick Chadley and c**t killed the hype for me.

    • 4 weeks ago

      At this rate, Part 3 will require you to have sex.
      These games just aren't for you.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >final fantasy vii part 3 requires you to prove you have had sex to buy the game
        These leaks are starting to get unbelievable

      • 4 weeks ago

        Doesn't seem like they're for anyone with those sales numbers

    • 4 weeks ago

      Youre trying way too hard. You dont have to try too hard to shit on a game thats kind of already shit my dude? Chill. But hey at least you didnt say woke

    • 4 weeks ago

      >gay background characters
      Since when was the game pozzed?

  9. 4 weeks ago

    What do you mean people dont wanna pay 70 USD for part 2 of a ???? part series

    (sony fans are inbred for going along with this at all, also see a remaster of a 4 year old game)

  10. 4 weeks ago

    I hope they simply cancel part 3.

    Would be fricking hilarious.

  11. 4 weeks ago

    I bought and played XVI and not FF7R but I would be very, very surprised if 7R is a worse game. XVI was atrocious.

    • 4 weeks ago

      both shit, doesn't really matter which one is slightly less so
      time for turn based 17 with pre rendered backgrounds, 50 CGI cutscenes, and a good blend of depression kino and comedy in a scifi fantasy setting
      oh wait what is that? 17 is being developed as a first person shooter set in america? ah well maybe 18 then

    • 4 weeks ago

      -push X-
      -walk forward 10 feet-
      -45 minute cutscene about how politics are like potatoes-

      EPIC story telling Square, my GOD, all 20 people that played this game should be astounded.

  12. 4 weeks ago

    >What went wrong with FF7R?

    • 4 weeks ago

      >not FF7

    • 4 weeks ago

      Is that climbing section an actual screenshot?

      • 4 weeks ago

        The colors are adjusted on it, but yes, the (thankfully few and small) climbing sections have the infamous yellow paint.

      • 4 weeks ago

        There's more yellow paint than a Home Depot, I'm afraid.

    • 4 weeks ago

      are Cid and Vincent really not usable?

      • 4 weeks ago

        Vincent literally just chilling near the end sitting on his ass, and Cid is reduced to a busboy without a hint of the original's vitriol.

        • 4 weeks ago

          are Cid and Vincent really not usable?

          They hit Cid with a whole bottle of Respect Wahman.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >No beating women
            >Ass chin
            >Frickboi southern drawl
            That shit isn't Cid, its Dudley Do Right with a plane

            • 4 weeks ago

              Dudley Do-Right was Canadian, you fricking moron.

              • 4 weeks ago

                That yes man abomination definitely isn't Cid

              • 4 weeks ago

                >I know the character better than the people who created the character, my headcanon is objective

                lol frick off back to Bluesky or whatever the more pozzed version of twitter/x is called.

              • 4 weeks ago

                I played OG. Where's my drunken abuse scenes?

              • 4 weeks ago

                >I know the character better than the people who created the character, my headcanon is objective
                Are you intentionally being this moronic?

    • 4 weeks ago

      Where are they getting these people to motion cap these npc's? They look uncanny as shit, seriously just compare them to Barret. Its like their not even the same race. Do they just go to some poor country and promise them jobs for being motion captures in their AAA games?

  13. 4 weeks ago

    People are sick of smug, subversive storylines like “The fans are the villains this time. It’s your fault if you don’t like the changes we made!”
    The Plotergeists/History homies represent FF7 fanboys who just want to relive the same storyline over and over. If you mock your fans with Remake, don’t be surprised when they don’t show up for the sequel.

  14. 4 weeks ago

    Sweet Baby partnership, rehiring the FF15/Forspoken developers, outsourcing npc production to pajeets, etc

  15. 4 weeks ago

    16 didnt interest me but i was sold on ff7 with cloud crossdressing. That was so hot

  16. 4 weeks ago

    How fricked is square if even ff7 cant make them money? I guess they can still milk ff14 troons to survive for a while longer

    • 4 weeks ago

      FF XIV and DQ are all they have. And DQ will simply never be an international brand like FF. Too Japanese. Sony will probably buy them soon.

      • 4 weeks ago

        DQ's over since Toriyama is dead. So SE has nothing

        • 4 weeks ago

          So? They can get someone like toyotaro to design the characters

          • 4 weeks ago

            Second rate garbage

        • 4 weeks ago

          Toriyama's been phoning it in since the Cell saga ended

          • 4 weeks ago

            Toriyama phoned in Dragon Ball, but he actually enjoyed making monster designs.

            • 4 weeks ago

              This. It was just supposed to be a Journey to the West parody.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Dragon Quest is bigger than about anything else in Japan, like Dragon Ball in the west there's no way corporate suits are gonna cease its money landslide just because the original artist died. If anything unless the Toriyama family still has nuanced copyrights on his style you might see a lot more copycats try to fill his niche.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >I guess they can still milk ff14 troons to survive for a while longer
      They're planning another decade of milking.

    • 4 weeks ago

      They have a japan only Dragon Quest mobile game that just got them 2 billion dollars, they're fine.

      • 4 weeks ago

        It's no secret that the S-E mobile division generates the majority of the revenue for the company

        • 4 weeks ago

          Only to people who open their eyes a little, most mouth breaking gays in here go UH FORSPOKEN FLOPPED, SQUARE IS FINISHED, without a frickin clue.

      • 4 weeks ago

        gonna rule when squenix just goes all in on mobile, and 40 year old boomers act surprised.
        this actually is gonna happen to the entire industry for the most part, but the squenixgays will seethe especially hard

        • 4 weeks ago

          its absolutely gonna be more of a thing but i feel like japs and mobile shit is more luck than anything. DQ Walk doesnt do anything unique or fancy, they just got frickin lucky with a good IP and the right amount of autism in Japland

          Not everyone has an IP for that kinda shit.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >Not everyone has an IP for that kinda shit.
            yeah it wont be everything, just a lot of it. and well watch some IPs die trying it too.

  17. 4 weeks ago


    • 4 weeks ago

      >Walking as gameplay app
      Oof. I can see why this never came stateside. Pokemon Go was the only game to ever get away with that.

      • 4 weeks ago

        you find the right IP, anything works, even for amerifats

    • 4 weeks ago

      You will WALK

  18. 4 weeks ago


  19. 4 weeks ago

    Sequel to a bait-and-switch

  20. 4 weeks ago

    they let toriyama out of his cage

  21. 4 weeks ago

    just because a game doesn't sell well doesn't mean it's shit
    I thought you subhumans liked being contrarian homosexuals?
    FF7 Rebirth was an instant classic
    seethe 😉

  22. 4 weeks ago

    Talk to me about playing these FF7 reimagining's when they give Tifas boobs back.

    • 4 weeks ago

      It never left moron

      • 4 weeks ago

        A Rebirth shill conveniently ignoring Rebirth's censorship and the retroactive censorship of Remake. Typical.

  23. 4 weeks ago

    >bait and switch potential customers about a FF7 remake
    >its just more Nomura schizo writing taking place in is some odd alt continuity that expects you to have played the original game and side games
    >the sequel flops

    • 4 weeks ago

      it expect you to have played the original but it actively disrespect the original.

      who was that for?!?

    • 4 weeks ago

      Nojima was the director and he's the hardcore Aerithgay so most of the changes are probably on him. But they're all complicit, this is just a disservice to everything people played 30 years ago. It's like if you remade Bridge to Terabithia but time traveling ghosts save Leslie. Nobody wants to see that shit unless they're mentally fricking ill.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Do you really need to play the side games to understand Rebirth? Not everyone has autism on the level of Kingdom Hearts fans. Where they need 100 hours of backstory just to understand what the frick is going on. This is also why modern Star Wars and Marvel are flopping. Too much homework.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >Do you really need to play the side games to understand Rebirth?
        Not at all, just Remake is necessary and the original helps. There's some nods to CC and DC, but they're not anything that will leave someone out of the loop.

      • 4 weeks ago

        you do need to play FFVII Ever Crisis to understand who the frick Glenn is and why he's important.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >why he's important.
          hes not important at all

  24. 4 weeks ago

    I played through both and Rebirth was definitely weaker because the hype train for Remake derailed after all the subverting of expectations. Fans didn’t want to be got twice and too long had passed between games and a pandemic lockdown didn’t force people inside to warrant the time spent on it. If you take out all the Farcry radio towers bullshit from Rebirth, there’s barely any game left besides narrative set pieces.

  25. 4 weeks ago

    Its all Jenover.

  26. 4 weeks ago

    They want to be paid $70 for a digital copy. (lol)

    • 4 weeks ago

      Three fricking times lol. SE has become worse than actual israelites

  27. 4 weeks ago

    j-action kino wins https://youtu.be/LFi-Xv_5ERc?si=mJR2PHU7UwMlvFCO

    • 4 weeks ago

      'kino' didn't sell well, zoomie-kun.

      • 4 weeks ago

        It filtered millions of rpggays, yes.

        • 4 weeks ago
          • 4 weeks ago

            Yes. It filtered millions.

            • 4 weeks ago

              Anyone who likes ff7 hates the demakeslop. The fact that this flopped is fantastic but if the goyim ate it up it would be equally bad

        • 4 weeks ago

          SE needs to go back to turn based if it wants to live.

  28. 4 weeks ago

    It isn't FF7 and FF7 is what people actually wanted. Squeenix is braindead.

  29. 4 weeks ago

    >ff7 is the one that saved them
    >now it's gonna kill them
    holy frick shit full circle

    • 4 weeks ago

      Eh its a combo finisher by flopspoken, ff16 and ff7. All complete shit, but the ff7 remake is a true travesty of another proportion.

    • 4 weeks ago

      The first FF was the one that saved them.

  30. 4 weeks ago

    This is more of a sign that PS5 is irrelevant. I have one and won't buy these two games on it because I'll be able to get it on PC eventually.

  31. 4 weeks ago

    >is 4th best seller of the year despite being on 1 platform out of a viable 5, surrounded by competition that is on all 5 platforms

    FF is literally fine and with more games like XVI and Rebirth, the reputation has turned around a lot for the better since the days of 13 and 15. They just need to do away with exclusivity, the perception against it has aggresively changed in the past 2 years.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >"turned around for the better"
      >lowest selling FF ever
      SE touched the DEI money, they've lost any credibility.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >>is 4th best seller of the year
      *on the ps5

      • 4 weeks ago

        No, across all markets and platforms. Sorry that Square broke your winstreak that month tendie, but you might be allowed to play the games on switch 2 maybe (if it's actually more powerful than a smartphone for once, lmao).

  32. 4 weeks ago

    no turned based no buy

    >phantom homies
    >gay couples

    • 4 weeks ago

      no garnet ass no buy

  33. 4 weeks ago

    >2 80 hour 79.99 USD RPGs to get to the end of disc 1 for a game that was 19.99 USD <1 year after it came out
    >still not even through disc 2 yet
    >whole thing an obvious attempt to retcon the OG to have a ridiculous happy ending that doesn't fit the world or franchise it's supposed to be set in at all
    >OG7 ends bittersweet, AC ends bittersweet, DoC ends bittersweet, CC ends bittersweet
    >everything it does do the OG did it does worse
    >everything it adds makes it even more worse
    >4 years between releases so it'll take 10+ years to be done with the whole thing from announcement to final DLC

    This is the biggest waste of time, effort, energy, and talent I've honestly ever seen. It's such a gargantuan failure in every single way. All people wanted was a remake.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >All people wanted was a remake.
      you think you do, but you dont!

      just goes to show boomer japs are just as out of touch as american boomers... honestly these directors need to just frick off and let younger generations take over

    • 4 weeks ago

      >still not even through disc 2 yet
      no shit, disc 3 is one dungeon lmao

    • 4 weeks ago

      12 years. FF7R was first announced 2015. At a bare minimum it's 3 years from now for the next one, so that's 2027. Then there will likely be post game DLC. So a minimum of 12 years will have passed since the first trailer in 2015. 12 years. For this. People born the day the trailer came out will be nearly teenaged. People who were around 25 will be getting close to 40. 12 years. For this. 12 years.

  34. 4 weeks ago

    Re the ff7 remakes really THAT fricking bad?
    I am not a FF gay so pardon my ignorance but isn't FF7 one of the most beloved games ever? Why would they frick it up so badly? Why not just make a 1 to 1 remake of the game?

    • 4 weeks ago

      The problem is that its a game that appeals to morons that liked advent children and dirge of cerberus

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Re the ff7 remakes really THAT fricking bad?
      Remake sucks, Rebirth is (mostly) very good. It's just that "It gets good 50 hours and an extra purchase later" is not an easy pitch.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >Rebirth is (mostly) very good. It's just that "It gets good 50 hours and an extra purchase later" is not an easy pitch.
        But it's not, it's much better than Remake but everything about it is worse than what other action RPG games are doing

    • 4 weeks ago

      No one cares about them.
      No one will ever care about them.

    • 4 weeks ago

      they're not bad games but they shouldn't have called it a remake to begin with. imagine it like this anon
      >the "remake" is actually a sequel
      >you'll end up visiting the same places but the story will be different
      >you'll need to buy 3 different games to fully experience that sequel
      >completely changed the combat
      at the end of the day this really doesn't appeal to fans of the original and FF doesn't have a pull with younger people

  35. 4 weeks ago

    I'll tell you again-
    They stranded it on the ps5. SE is moronic.

  36. 4 weeks ago

    > Boomer franchise
    > stuck a 500 dollar console
    > 1st game wasn't well received by og fans

    zoomers aren't into these types of games, they rather play Genshin Impact or some other gacha shit.

  37. 4 weeks ago

    They made it exclusive to a dying console that nobody owned or wanted.

  38. 4 weeks ago

    >$400+ purchase for PS5 (if you can find one)
    >at least $40 purchase for FF7:P1 so you understand what's going on
    >$70+ purchase for FF7:P2
    >middle part of story
    >4 years later for no visual upgrades or gameplay improvements
    >linear corridors with sidling between cracks replaced with empty "open world" with Ubisoft towers and bad qtes/minigames

  39. 4 weeks ago

    You can't regain the audience's trust once you introduce such a bafflingly stupid concept as time janitor ghosts.

  40. 4 weeks ago

    I haven't played the first part yet and also I just can't be assed to put 40+ hours into part 1 then start another 100 hours into the part 2 afterwards. I'll probably just wait until the full complete edition with all three parts is out and get it on sale

  41. 4 weeks ago

    anyone can pick up and play 16 without playing prior games but you need to have played part 1 of 7 remake to play part 2

  42. 4 weeks ago

    >PS5 exclusive
    >first one sucked
    >entire project is just one giant padding to draw out the game to the point where it isn't even FF7 anymore
    >FF in 2024 the year of our lord Jesus Christ

  43. 4 weeks ago

    What I wanted: Final Fantasy VII
    What I got: Advent Children: The Game

  44. 4 weeks ago

    Apparently people dont like good, fun games because

  45. 4 weeks ago

    >remember watching that nignog that streamed redditbirth a day or two early
    >he got frustrated as hell trying to brute force the card game tournament on the boat to costa
    >people tried to tell him how to do it and he just got even more frustrated
    >funnily enough, he praised the combat
    reminder who ARPG slop is for - actual morons

    • 4 weeks ago

      sleepyBlack person was a hero. he was trying to save us from this game.

  46. 4 weeks ago

    >hourly schizo threads

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Lost to Dragon's Slopma 2
      Good lord what a piece of shit.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >1 platform vs 3
        how did p3 demake lose to suicide squad?

    • 4 weeks ago

      >digital sales not included

      • 4 weeks ago

        >muh heckin' digital!
        Didn't save Remake either. SE is dead.

        • 4 weeks ago

          im arguing that it probably did much worse than 4th since digital from nintendo and xbox aren't included, and it says it only includes sales that the publishers have released - and sony hasn't released shit about redditbirth sales other than first week sales

          • 4 weeks ago

            Of course they wouldn't, releasing that data would sink the spot price lol

    • 4 weeks ago

      >doesnt even track shit like palworld or enshrouded that sold millions

      • 4 weeks ago

        He's desperate, especially after SE posted a major financial loss related to this game

  47. 4 weeks ago

    Most modern gamers just don't care about Final Fantasy in general especially zoomers. Its a dead brand.

  48. 4 weeks ago

    Should have just remade FF7 instead of this stunt they're failing to pull off

  49. 4 weeks ago

    Having beat the first game and then refusing to buy the second, I just think Nojima doesn't get FF7. The pieces are there, the characters are even written like themselves, but the actual core themes and narrative has been hijacked to be something that only a 10-year old could like. It reada like my edgy fanfictions from when I was 12, or hell, like Bleedman, if someone remembers that guy around here.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I had no more desire to play the rest of the trilogy after Remake ended with a fricking overindulgent Sephiroth fight.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Breaking Bizarro Sephs muh preggernants barrier was bad enough, the climb up his back with the yellow paint and a QTE afterward nearly made me shut it off right there.

      • 4 weeks ago

        But anon isn't it cool how you fly through the air inside a giant tornado cutting down buildings like they were butter? Isn't that what FF7 was always about? Being fricking Goku?

        • 4 weeks ago

          You can't have homies in a row anymore. You MUST have action slop. Its 'kino'.

        • 4 weeks ago


          • 4 weeks ago


        • 4 weeks ago

          The worst part is that I can enjoy over the top action if it fits. I liked the eidolon fights in FFXVI, I thought most looked fricking awesome.
          But Cloud flying, teleporting, cleaving buildings in half and then, in the next story beats, jobbing to a snake or some Corel prison thugs just ruins it for me.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I had no more desire to play the rest of the trilogy after Remake ended with a fricking overindulgent Sephiroth fight.

      But anon isn't it cool how you fly through the air inside a giant tornado cutting down buildings like they were butter? Isn't that what FF7 was always about? Being fricking Goku?


      You can't have homies in a row anymore. You MUST have action slop. Its 'kino'.

      I'll just say it. Anyone who likes any of the games in the "Compilation of FF7" (except the base game itself) or Advent Children should never ever write fiction in their life.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Who cares about the writing?

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Bleedman, if someone remembers that guy around here.
      None of the zoomer homosexuals itt do, but I know exactly what you mean and you're 100% correct.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Bleedman, if someone remembers that guy around here.
      None of the zoomer homosexuals itt do, but I know exactly what you mean and you're 100% correct.

      People only remember bleedman because of the dicky.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Nah, you're just wearing your nostalgia goggles too tight. FFVII, when looked at objectively, was always a silly cringe unducing narrative full of characters that ranged from whiny emogays to laughably edgy characters straight out of an angsty teenager's notebook doodles. The story was badly written and riddled with potholes, and any emotional weight was quickly shattered to dust by some silly cartoonish activity that immediately followed. It was never anything deep or poingant, it's just that when you were an angsty teenager yourself you thought it was. But you know what? For the format it was in and the time it was released in, it all worked somehow, and was a satisfying, memorable experience that was easy to enjoy if you were within the target demographic and maybe a little older.

      The moral of the story when it comes to Remake/Rebirth is be careful what you wish for. FFVII should have never been remade, nor should 99.7% of video games. They are products of their time even moreso than tv shows/films are, because they are so dependent on the technology that is available to them and the standards set within the limitations of said technology. FFVII worked so well because it came out at a time when primative graphics, midi music, mind numbing gameplay, broken grammar, plotholes out the ass, and dialog delivered strictly through text with no audible voices whatsoever were all perfectly acceptable, and the entire narrative and experience was crafted under those conditions and the assumptions that came with them. FFVII was a product of it's time that would never have been what it was had it been developed at any other point in history, and remaking it was an awful idea.

      • 4 weeks ago

        NTA but quality of the writing aside, I do think he's correct in saying Remake and Rebirth don't "get" FF7. They clearly base themselves off of Advent Children and DoC rather than the original game.

  50. 4 weeks ago

    >advertise a remake
    >it's actually a sequel/alt timeline
    >split into 3 parts not all on the same console
    Fricking shocker

  51. 4 weeks ago

    >Not a Remake
    >Episodic could have worked but part 1 was so bad it killed the hype
    >Making Final Fantasy an action RPG but it has worse gameplay than every other action RPG whether it's Souls-likes, Dragons Dogma, Mon Hun, Zelda etc.
    >Less character customization than all of those RPGs on top of worse gameplay
    >Made the game open world but instead of making interesting locations they still lock content behind "VR missions"
    >The story changes are all widely hated
    >Despite having a shallow open world, bad gameplay and no customization they spent a ton of time and money adding tons of pointless cutscenes
    The one and only redeeming factor is that the character personalities generally come across well both in Remake and in Rebirth, Yuffie is cute, Aerith has more of a fun and endearing personality, Tifa is still a bawd etc. It's just a shame about everything else. They need to fire Tetsuya from the company completely, launch whoever designed Chadley/VR missions into orbit and anyone else who had a hand in making decisions related to the gameplay should be demoted

  52. 4 weeks ago

    The bottom line is that Final Fantasy VII's brand power has nearly evaporated. In the absence of that brand power, the game itself is just not going to cut it. It's full of tedious busywork, clashing artstyles, inconsistent graphics quality, mechanical bloat, quest bloat, it's poorly paced, it's not a complete story, it expects the player to have played not just VII and Remake but half a dozen other compilation games as well, it's fricking expensive, it's a PS5 exclusive etc.

    Who the FRICK gives a shit about this game?

    • 4 weeks ago

      you do if you go into every thread which is hourly.

  53. 4 weeks ago

    and yet 7R is the 4th highest selling game of the year

    and XVI sold well so selling less than a game that sold 3 million IN A WEEK is not bad.

    Of course Barry, the OP, is a dumbass and has a hateboner for 7 Rebirth and anything else that is not Forspoken or FFXV

    • 4 weeks ago

      Anon Square themselves said XVI underperformed and they're significantly restructuring the company based on that, if Square can admit it, why can't you? You're as bad as the schizo you're projecting against

    • 4 weeks ago

      ff15 sold twice as much as shitsteen and stillbirth combined.
      barry won in the end.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >both got sold off in broken pieces waiting for fixes
        something in common

    • 4 weeks ago

      3 million is little for the budget I spend

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Can't even beat Itsuno's Slopma 2 globally
      A new low for SE.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Can't even beat Itsuno's Slopma 2 globally
      A new low for SE.

      If you lower expecations then it's fine. Final Fantasy is now an AA tier franchise comparable to Dragons Dogma, Nioh or Code Vein. You can no longer compare it to AAA games like Fromsoft Souls-likes, Monster Hunter, Nintendo games, Resident Evil, Dragons Quest etc. Which is fine not every game needs to be AAA. If Square adjusts the game budget accordingly and accept they don't have any AAA IPs they will do better financially

      • 4 weeks ago

        3 will undoubtedly be hit with budget cuts now if we're going by that.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >and yet 7R is the 4th highest selling game of the year

      In a year we're not even halfway through and all but one or two games released have bombed financially, that's not saying a whole lot.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >and yet 7R is the 4th highest selling game of the year
      4th place out of four contestants is not the win you think it is. There have been only four triple aye games released thus far in '24. It's doing atrociously bad.
      I mean frick anon, you know they're called "triple a" because they're supposed to be unable to do anything but provide massive returns on investment right anon? By definition a triple A game doing anything besides selling gangbusters is a failure.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >of 2024!
      wow nothing else big has released
      its losing to a fricking looter shooter based on a cult hit movie and to fricking Dragon dogma a sequel to a niche jank fantasy rpg from only a decade ago and losing to tekken 8 which has never done better than ff before

      ff7r is the mosr demanded of FF in history and 7r2 is THE part that mattered the most because its covering THE ff7 scene, and its losing to those literal whos

      ff16 was already a flop and the lowest selling mainline FF in history

      • 4 weeks ago

        >FFXVI is over 100GB
        Gee I wonder why it flopped.

      • 4 weeks ago

        They blame the slow adaption of the PS5 but yet continue to put their games on just the ps5? If they know the problem why not use the solution?

  54. 4 weeks ago

    FF16 had the advantage of being an original self-contained game. FF7 Rebirth is the second (or third if you count FF7 Reunion as the second part) title of this new sequel series.

    Besides Rebirth's ending leaking during launch week most likely prevented people from buying it. Once Part 3 teases Aerith making a comeback people will get interested again and might buy Rebirth in anticipation.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Kitase said she's dead for good.

  55. 4 weeks ago

    >remake is just more compilationshit, pissing off anyone who doesn't like the compilation (almost all old FF7 fans) and confuses newbies
    >spoil that surprise at the end of the first game
    What did they expect?

  56. 4 weeks ago

    >Episodic games
    The only episodic game I ever played to the end was Walking Dead. By the 2nd or 3rd episode of the first game, nobody I knew was still playing it to keep up with the story. These episodics games probably have shit retention.

  57. 4 weeks ago

    Would be hilarious if we get another ending relagated to a fricking book.

  58. 4 weeks ago

    and now we're gonna get more garbage like FF13 and FF15 insteal of kino games like Rebirth and 16

    You all have god awful garbage taste frick you zoomers tards

    • 4 weeks ago

      15 is more kino than slopbirth and slopshitxteen

  59. 4 weeks ago

    People lost interest when SE started marketing it as an ubislop game.

  60. 4 weeks ago
    • 4 weeks ago

      Why does Cloud look like a modded character in his own fricking game

      • 4 weeks ago

        Anime man in a hyper realistic PBR environment. His face looks like a balloon. It's why Crapcom switched to face scanning anything else looks uncanny. Square is still stuck in 7th gen. 15 is the only that attempts a slightly realistic tilt.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Why did they spend so much time and money making these pointless cringe cutscenes

      • 4 weeks ago

        Cause its a heckin moverino and that's the only way to keep zoomies in a chair

      • 4 weeks ago

        Cause Nomura thinks it's "cool".

  61. 4 weeks ago

    >This "Cid" will never verbally abuse women
    Shit game shit series shit company

  62. 4 weeks ago

    you can only bait people once

  63. 4 weeks ago

    barry won bigly

  64. 4 weeks ago

    Nomura lost. Well, when did he ever win anyway kek.

  65. 4 weeks ago

    Do you think the FF "remakes" would have been better received if they were more transparent about what they were going for with Remake before it released? I remember when I bought a DVD for the first Eva rebuild when I was a teenager they specifically mentioned their intentions to go in a different direction on it.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I doubt it considering the reputation the Compilation of FFVII has.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Do you think the FF "remakes" would have been better received if they were more transparent about what they were going for with Remake before it released?
      Yes, absolutely yes.

  66. 4 weeks ago

    FFXVI was a bad game. That killed all the hype for the series which is a shame because Rebirth is actually fricking incredible.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Rebirth is actually fricking incredible.

      • 4 weeks ago

        nah frick you it's great

        • 4 weeks ago

          Only if you enjoy the lowest kind of slop.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >cloud will never beat the shit out of aerith with his bare hands
            shit game

      • 4 weeks ago

        that's not constructive. That's counterproductive.

        • 4 weeks ago

          No it is constructive.
          He's too far gone. If he kills himself, the society as a whole improves.

          • 4 weeks ago

            as long as one is still breathing, they might as well make life harder for everyone else.

  67. 4 weeks ago

    So did people actually dislike remake? I couldn't finish that shit myself

    • 4 weeks ago

      The promise that they could take the story to a completely different direction was exciting.
      Rebirth failed at delivering that.

  68. 4 weeks ago

    Is it true that Nomura is the most hated dev(for jap?) by Ganker?

  69. 4 weeks ago

    They lost goodwill by not committing to one side or the other.
    Either make a remake or make a sequel, doing both means you're only doing things half-way and thus it comes out half-assed.

  70. 4 weeks ago

    Using FF7 as source material.

  71. 4 weeks ago

    >Take a beloved game that has been in need a remake for more than a decade
    >say you will remake it
    >oh actually we are gonna rebuild of evangelion it
    >oh and it is gonna be split up into an undisclosed number of episodes

    Honestly it is like they were fricking trying to make it fail. It is a game for nobody. People who missed ff7 the first time around and were excited to see it with modern gameplay sensibilities were disappointed because it wasn't actually ff7. People who played it in the past and loved are probably too put off by gameplay changes to want to play it, and/or are put off because they also simply wanted a remake. Many of whom were left after the previous two groups dismissed it probably got put off by its episodic nature, a notoriously hard sell in the game industry because frankly even high profile companies aren't guaranteed to even fricking finish them, and it is harder judge it from a review standpoint because the game is literally unfinished until all parts come out. Add to that, people are just naturally gonna peel off between installments of an episodic game (that doesn't sell you the entire game, anyways), so the market cap of episode 2 is necessarily the number of copies the previous episode sold, but they aren't gonna sell that much.
    It was just a fricking mistake on every possible metric.

    • 4 weeks ago

      A sequel to a game not selling even half the first means the first one probably shit the bed. For example Surge 1 is mediocre at best, but 2 is actually a pretty good Souls clone. But it flopped because no one wanted Surge 2. It's pretty obvious a substantial number of players just opted out after Remake. I can't blame them. It's just denial at this point to pretend this was a good idea. Then you've got PS5 exclusivity hamstringing it even further.

  72. 4 weeks ago

    It actually causes SE to lose 200 billions or something? HAHAHAHA

    • 4 weeks ago

      So it's already way over for REunion? At this point why not just cancelled it? Some internet seething is way better than another 200 billions lost.


  73. 4 weeks ago

    >What went wrong with FF7R?

    A Part 2 can never outsell a Part 1. I doubt the sales for Rebirth could have surpassed 2/3rds of Remakes; quality is irrelevant.

    • 4 weeks ago

      So it's already way over for REunion? At this point why not just cancelled it? Some internet seething is way better than another 200 billions lost.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Anecdotally, everyone I know who bought Remake thought it was an actual remake, never finished it, and don't know what Rebirth is.

  74. 4 weeks ago

    Square doesn't realize people go for brands because they seek a certain experience.
    If I go to McDonalds, I want a certain kind of burguer. If I go to KFC, a certain kind of chicken. This also happens to video game franchises.
    If I play a Street Fighter game, I'm after a certain genre/gameplay: a 2D fighter. All 3D Street Fighters failed. Likewise, if I boot a Final Fantasy Game, I'm looking for a 3-4 Black folk in a row JRPG gameplay.

    It's not that I dislike action or action RPG games - I had a lot of fun with Gran Blue and playing Siegfried. But I don't want to have Metal Slug combat when I'm playing Super Mario, just as I don't want action gameplay when I'm playing Final Fantasy.

  75. 4 weeks ago

    FF16 had a much better demo

    that is all

  76. 4 weeks ago

    Second part of a series.

    7R project is at 10 million sales so far.

  77. 4 weeks ago

    I liked both of them. Rebirth was a slightly better game than XVI all things considered. Being a sales gay must be miserable.

  78. 4 weeks ago

    No one wanted this kingdom hearts multiverse bullshit.

  79. 4 weeks ago

    ff16 killed FF

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Remake sold more than OG
      >Rebirth didn't even break top 10
      Lmfao. People will STILL sit here and act like this dumpster fire idea of a stealth sequel was a good idea.
      Just lol

      • 4 weeks ago

        Remake is on PS4, PS5 and PC. Rebirth is still trapped solely on PS5, which no one has r wants to get. There's your problem.

  80. 4 weeks ago

    >make games 70 freedom bucks
    >wonder why people don’t buy multiple games

  81. 4 weeks ago

    >Square wanted to make the LOTR of vidya
    >they made the Hobbit instead


  82. 4 weeks ago

    It is impossible to live up to the standards set by nostalgic delusions

    You can ask 100 people to spend a month animating a scene, fans will still say pic rel was “better in their minds”

    • 4 weeks ago

      Picrel is perfect tho
      Sephiroth doesn't even T-pose in the remake. It's such garbage

      • 4 weeks ago

        >Picrel is perfect tho

        • 4 weeks ago

          That's a bug with the PC version. We both know we played it on the PSX and there weren't ;O mouths.

  83. 4 weeks ago

    the first game killed any momentum this remake could ever had, it alienated the OG fans and the newcomers weren't all that interested in it, this is a game for nobody.

  84. 4 weeks ago

    Discord raid thread.

  85. 4 weeks ago

    its to soulless
    everywhere you look you are assaulted by some stone formation
    same with Elden Shit

    what going on with japs ? why cant they make good environments anymore ?

    • 4 weeks ago

      Unreal engine rocks hurt my eyes idk why

  86. 4 weeks ago

    >What went wrong
    Only people who played the previous game would play Rebirth.
    This fact alone greatly reduces the number of potential players compared to a completely new entry.
    Also, "Remake" was highly divisve among fans so at least a quarter of the people who bought "Remake" would not even consider buying "Rebirth".
    Out of the 3/4th of "Remake"-players that remain, not everyone will also buy "Rebirth".
    It is logical to assume that the maximum number of "Rebirth"-sales would be about half that of "Remake" AT BEST.
    Now take into consideration that word of mouth spread about how bad of a game "Rebirth" actually is, and that number shrinks even more.

  87. 4 weeks ago

    Clive fricking won.

  88. 4 weeks ago

    Ff7R released at a wrong time. I can’t be arsed to buy every video game released.
    I’ll be one of those individuals buying a copy in a couple months.

  89. 4 weeks ago

    10/10 game that
    >wasnt the best rpg
    >wasnt the best action
    >wasnt the best action rpg
    >wasnt the best jrpg
    >wasnt the best story
    >wasnt the best music
    >wasnt released on pc

  90. 4 weeks ago


  91. 4 weeks ago

    I want to cut off Torgals paws and watch Torgal try to move in that condition.

  92. 4 weeks ago

    Direct sequel.

  93. 4 weeks ago

    Need schizo Cloud to beat the shit out of Elena with his bare hands

  94. 4 weeks ago

    I'm interested in those games, but why in the hell shouldn't I wait 2034 to buy the full trilogy definitive edition for 10 bucks? There's already more than enough games to play.

  95. 4 weeks ago

    How did barry win? Ff15 sold more than both XVI and VII rebirth put together and was considered a failure

    • 4 weeks ago

      Its 9 years old and you could get it on sale. If it was a success they sure as frick wouldn't have canceled the final DLC about the main villain to make people even care about Ardyn.

  96. 4 weeks ago

    more than one poster has said something I don't like, so we're being raided

  97. 4 weeks ago

    >Ganker still doesn't know rebirth sold 5 billion copies digitally

    • 4 weeks ago

      2 million globally. Couldn't even beat Itsuno's Slopma 2 lmao

      • 4 weeks ago

        Its crazy that the word of mouth for FF16 and Dogma 2 soured within a week but Rebirth still has pretty good word of mouth when its comes to the content in the game.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Rebirth sold less than 16 and DD2, word of mouth means jack shit when you don't make the sale.

        • 4 weeks ago

          That's survivorship bias. Remake turned away a bunch of potential buyers, the only people left to play Rebirth are those immune to compilation cringe and enjoy weeb shit, who of course will sing its praises

        • 4 weeks ago

          >word of mouth for FF16...soured within a week

          • 4 weeks ago

            It did though. Side quests, pacing, limited moveset, nonexistent RPG stuff, awful villain. The demo and sponsoring so many people to play the demo, which sets up the game to have political intrigue and all these factions interacting and the real game does not do that. They just timeskip to Clive leaving the Bastards, which skips a whole part of his life that would have been interesting

            • 4 weeks ago

              He was a slave mercenary, he didn't have anything interesting happen during that time. He says so himself, you'd know if you played the game.

        • 4 weeks ago

          And why do you say that? Because you follow FF ecelebs who keep talking about it because there's nothing else to focus on for the next few years?
          Or because we have daily "what the frick went wrong" barry threads every day?

        • 4 weeks ago

          And it's crazy that you and the 5 other schizos who get on this website to defend Rebirth daily are still talking about both of them. Curious, really.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Don't need to defend something getting a part 3, I don't have shares in the company. Dogma 2 is still mixed on Steam and people realized how frick all variety it has. 16 had 2 DLCs and you maybe got 1 thread for each on release talking about "the boss was cool" and nothing else. Like who the frick wants 20-30 or longer cooldowns in an action game?

            He was a slave mercenary, he didn't have anything interesting happen during that time. He says so himself, you'd know if you played the game.

            He would be the eyes for us to see interesting things though. Like the fall of Rosaria, Empire's mass spread over the continent and Waloed actually making moves. One of the things people wanted the most from either DLCs or just the main game was seeing Cid in Waloed, fallout with Barnabas, and just more Benedikta

            • 4 weeks ago

              >Don't need to defend something getting a part 3,
              And yet you are here, using the same script you always do. Again, curious.

  98. 4 weeks ago

    If they made a FF7 spinoff game where the gameplay would be impregnating Aerith, tifa and yuffie over and over again it would sell 3 billion garantueed copies. Why dont they?

  99. 4 weeks ago

    XV won

  100. 4 weeks ago

    >What went wrong with FF7R?
    Nothing, it's good. Sony should keep doing exclusive deals, we like exclusive.
    Doesn't matter if they lose money, as long as we get to play, and others have to watch 😀

  101. 4 weeks ago

    We beat FF 16 two times, still no Pc.
    Very good, GTA6 should also be on console only for long

    • 4 weeks ago

      why are u trans?

      • 4 weeks ago

        Why would you want an axe wound.
        Get Ps5, get in shape, super cut n buff, nice n straight. Play stella blade(Uncesored on physical).
        Pre order Death Strand 2 coming this Holiday season(Also Not on Pc)

        • 4 weeks ago

          Does your cat follow you everywhere in the house? lol

  102. 4 weeks ago

    It's sad because I really liked Remake. The two chapters where Cloud meets Aerith are so kino. The music, going through the church, the slums, the subway tunnel, the mafia town. I won't even get to play Rebirth for years because Square doesn't care about their PC fans

  103. 4 weeks ago

    The first part of the Remake was already bad. I never finished it. Why should I buy Rebirth, huh?

  104. 4 weeks ago

    Let's think about this logically, FF7 remake sold 7million, had a loads of assets for part 2 already made, part 3 already has the vast majority of its assets made, they've kept like 80% of the same team for all 3 games, 3 lots of sony exclusivity money(I assume for part 3_, EGS exclusivity money(I pray to God just for intergrade), yet people still think the FF7 remakes are flops?

    Do you morons even know the definitions of word you use? Fricking. Morons.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Let me ask you this:
      OG FFVII was talked about for thirty years.
      How many years do you think people will continue talking about the Remake trilogy, once it's done? One? Five? Ten? Part 2 is almost forgotten in a couple of months.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Ganker will continue to seethe about it for the rest of time, part 3 will be bundled with the previous 2, so sales will skyrocket (If for nothing other than hours per dollar), Rebirth is one of the best games ever made, none of what you said addresses any of the points made in the post you replied to, why'd you reply at all?

        • 4 weeks ago

          I don't see them ever bundling them, honestly. At least not in a way where you can seamlessly play through all of them. They'd have to be like Ground Zeroes/The Phantom Pain, where you choose which game you play in the main menu. Rebirth added (bad) changes to the combat, they can't (or, rather, won't) retroactively implement those into Remake.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Cultural irrelevancy is a way a game flops. Not being sold, not being talked about.

          Assuming shit about part 3 and everyone buying the bundle is wishful thinking. If no one cares about FF in 2027 or 2028, no one will buy the bundle.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >exclusivity during the peak of the PS vs Xbox war
      Sony exclusivity money must have been insane

    • 4 weeks ago

      >streamlined development = lower development costs
      Rebirth's development costs are probably the lowest its been in a long time, for a AAA FF game.

      • 4 weeks ago

        I will believe literally anything if it allows me to spin any possible negative Rebirth information into something positive

        • 4 weeks ago


          kek frick off doomsissy

        • 4 weeks ago

          Literally me

  105. 4 weeks ago

    Imagine if they used these resources to create new Final Fantasy games from people the auditory actually wants, like god damn Yoko Taro instead of wasting them on remakes of something that should have never been touched again.

    • 4 weeks ago

      The FF name is just for boomers, I am not sure if people want a game with 17 at the end of it.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Im a boomer(millenial) and I want a Final Fantasy with Bravely Default under the name.

  106. 4 weeks ago

    ya'll need to have sex, touch grass and protect Israel.

  107. 4 weeks ago

    XVI was better. It's that simple.

  108. 4 weeks ago

    >We are remaking ff7!
    >actually we are not! LMAO!
    Also, FF7 was pretty generic when it came out anyway. Most of the plot is basically a rehash of 4 and people are realizing that.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Most of the plot is basically a rehash of 4
      Sounds like an absolutely brainlet take. Let me guess, you got this from a youtuber, you stupid Black person.

      • 4 weeks ago

        You see, both 4 and 7 have a major antagonistic faction the protagonist worked for in the past! Just a rehash, clear as day.
        Both games have a Cid involved with airship engineering, too.

        • 4 weeks ago

          And characters are killed (except they never are dead)

        • 4 weeks ago

          >One of the girls is from a secret ancient race
          >Main threat is from space

    • 4 weeks ago

      It's honestly more of a rehash of 3

  109. 4 weeks ago

    Dunno. I am waiting until the entire story is released. Which assume is 3 games? Then Ill buy a pack for all the games on sale. Not in a huge rush to play this.

  110. 4 weeks ago

    My only issue with Rebirth is it taking inspiration from westoid pieces of shit (Ubisoft open world, yellow paint climbing sections) rather than double down on what they did with Remake.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Square’s been following outdated trends for a while now. It’s either too long of development times of they’re simply out of touch.
      Look at how even the 2DHD titles are somewhat missing their mark despite initial success.

      • 4 weeks ago

        I'm surprised they didn't make a FF with zombies after the zombie craze of the 2010s

        • 4 weeks ago

          They did say they were taking inspiration from CoD for FF13, that's why it was so linear.

  111. 4 weeks ago

    >wow! I really want to play FF7 again, but in 17 parts and with a completely different story!
    said no one ever

  112. 4 weeks ago

    Listened too much to weeaboos and otakutards and turned the cringeneter to 11.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Yuffie can handle my balls

  113. 4 weeks ago

    FFXV and XVI were so shit nobody is touching another FF game.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Both of those games feel like they were made by amateur devs with absolutely no experience making basic game design mistakes.

  114. 4 weeks ago

    Collectathon map bullshit
    Side quests that are boring as shit.

  115. 4 weeks ago

    Being on a console nobody fricking owns or wants to own. I want to play this game but I'm not shilling out over 500 burger dollars for ONE GAME

  116. 4 weeks ago

    >gaming sales peaked during a period where people where locked inside and had a lot of disposable income
    >people are now free to go wherever they want and also can socialize again
    >somehow devs didn't see that coming
    >also user base is shifting to PC
    guess we need another ~~*pandemic*~~

  117. 4 weeks ago

    rpgs already have bad rep of story/gameplay taking too long time invest to finish and square thinks episodic format fixes it lmao

  118. 4 weeks ago

    Square lost

  119. 4 weeks ago

    i quit the first one after noticing the backdrop to midgar was low res jpeg, ff7 deserves better than modern sqeenix can do
    naturally i'm not interested in its sequel

  120. 4 weeks ago

    nothing. it will be sold again and again. Square made the right choice by going episodic.

  121. 4 weeks ago

    >tfw you like OG FF7.
    >tfw you like Remake.
    >tfw you like Rebirth.
    >tfw you love the cast even more because they're more fleshed out and still faithful (mostly) to the original.
    >tfw you don't mind the padding because you get to spend more time with the cast.
    >tfw you don't mind the story alteration (not 100% on it but yeah) because it keeps the game afresh and (imo) not necessarily betray the OG.
    >tfw you understand the OG game and knows that it is too big and vast so it make sense for Remake to be a trilogy.
    >tfw you don't mind the trilogy format since it keeps the discussion for the game longer instead of it vaporing after one month or so.
    >tfw you're an FF fanboy and only play it for the story, not necessarily the game mechanics so it makes you simply have low expectation for new entries.
    >tfw you're not a consoomer who spends $80 a month for gaming so that you don't mind buying the whole trilogy released every 4 years.
    >tfw you get to save Aerith this time.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Blatant Jimbo falseflag

    • 4 weeks ago

      You are a consoomer because you are spending $200 so you can jerk off to an unfaithful bastardization because you just want to "spend time" with characters regardless how it affects their arc or the games plot. You also are spreading the lie that the OG is to big for a single game remake so you are a moron. You are a fanboy but not a fan. have a nice day.

      • 4 weeks ago

        It's Jimbo falseflagging to make remake fans look bad

      • 4 weeks ago

        Wow you're rude. Everything I said I mean it though.

  122. 4 weeks ago

    the original is just better.

  123. 4 weeks ago

    The less a game sells the better it is

  124. 4 weeks ago

    It’s not on PC and nobody owns a ps5

  125. 4 weeks ago

    They killed Aerith.
    There are too many fricking mini games.
    The combat is too easy and very boring.

  126. 4 weeks ago

    That’s what you get when you try to appease Aerithgays. Now you’ve got them thinking Cloud and Aerith will hook up via some moronic timeline shit, they’re obsessing over this shit, and they’re going to release 4 years of pent-up expectations and subsequent ass-blast the moment Tifa goes in the lifestream and unfricks Cloud’s brain

  127. 4 weeks ago

    Even if the Game was a 10

  128. 4 weeks ago

    They should have remade the best final fantasy, VI__

    • 4 weeks ago

      FF8 is the only one that needs a remake. But modern SE would just destroy the stuff that was good and soulful while making the bad stuff worse.

  129. 4 weeks ago

    For me it was the ethics department.

  130. 4 weeks ago

    >every jap dev goes multiplatform and has big success
    >SE goes PS5 and dies

    • 4 weeks ago

      >every jap dev goes multiplatform and has big success
      Except the most successful one.

      • 4 weeks ago

        They are a toy, not a video game company.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Maybe that's why they're better.

  131. 4 weeks ago

    Everyone realised FF7 is fricking garbage after the first remake.

    • 4 weeks ago


  132. 4 weeks ago

    >Remake turned a lot of people off to begin with and Rebirth is more of the same time jannie nonsense
    >Rebirth is the 2nd entry in the trilogy which means there’s no point in playing it if you haven’t been through Remake yet
    >No point in buying Rebirth now since they’ll releases a DLC upgrade version in a year or two and then when Requiem/moronation launches they’ll bundle it as a trilogy pack to get people to play it for the same price

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