Which one would have benefited the most from a third version?

Which one would have benefited the most from a third version?

Ape Out Shirt $21.68

DMT Has Friends For Me Shirt $21.68

Ape Out Shirt $21.68

  1. 7 months ago

    x and y are actually decent games that would benefit from more development time and content
    sword and shield are just dogshit

  2. 7 months ago


  3. 7 months ago

    XY are easily the worst games in the franchise, they are unsalvagable. SwSh is already decent but a third version would have the potential to be a great game

    • 7 months ago

      >SwSh is already decent but a third version would have the potential to be a great game

      • 7 months ago

        What's wrong with SWSH?

      • 7 months ago

        me when someone tries to claim platinum is good

  4. 7 months ago

    SwSh's dlc was enough to make it an ok enough game, XY could have used a third version.

    • 7 months ago

      SWSH'S main game and storyline was definitely undercooked though. The story and characters could have used more time

  5. 7 months ago

    XY hands down.
    They brought is a breadth of new features that were actually GOOD, SOUL and/or FUN, but just ended up not using them to even a fraction of their potential. And then those features got cut from next titles.

    • 7 months ago

      >They brought is a breadth of new features that were actually GOOD, SOUL and/or FUN
      Name them.

      • 7 months ago

        Mega Evolution
        Berry Breeding
        Friend Safaris
        The PSS
        Riding on Pokemon
        >t-those have no soul!
        You're wrong and dumb and also homosexual

        • 7 months ago

          Mega evolutions are the definition of soulless. Literally jumping the shark, pandering cashgrabs that ape other franchises.

        • 7 months ago

          >Mega Evolution
          Meg, a different take on forms that led to gimmicky nonsense.
          >Berry Breeding
          It also came at the expense of longer berry farming in general so no.
          >Friend Safaris
          Yeah, locking mon to an online feature that's going to die is such a great idea.
          >The PSS
          Literally just an evolution of the C-gear
          >Riding on Pokemon
          Completely worthless and added nothing to the game since riding pokemon was only possible in a select few areas rather than in general.

          • 7 months ago

            >It also came at the expense of longer berry farming in general
            >Yeah, locking mon to an online feature that's going to die is such a great idea.
            You're right, dream world in gen 5 was a moronic idea
            Not sure what your points have to do with XY though

            • 7 months ago

              The fun part being that no HAs are locked to the dream world as of bw2 with the introduction of hidden grottoes not to mention the dream radar.
              The same can't be said about XY given that the majority of HA mon are only found in the friend safari given the limited amount of mon that can be found in hordes.

              As for berries, well, the fact that you can just buy them from join avenue faster than you can grow most berries. God forbid if you try to grow one of the stat up berries like a Liechi Berry because that takes 4 real world days to grow.

              • 7 months ago

                >given that the majority of HA mon are only found in the friend safari
                Damn then it sure is a good thing I can still use the friend safari without online, huh?

                >As for berries, well, the fact that you can just buy them from join avenue faster

              • 7 months ago

                Berry hybridization is a kino mechanic and I wish berry planting was actually implemented into the world (like in Gens 3-4) rather than being restricted only to one area detached from the rest of the game. If only there was another release to give the game a second pass and improve on its foundation or something

                >Damn then it sure is a good thing I can still use the friend safari without online, huh?
                You cannot use it without online and it will become inaccessible on new save files this coming April - just like in Gen 5
                It is faster, that doesn't make it more fun

              • 7 months ago

                >Damn then it sure is a good thing I can still use the friend safari without online, huh?
                With a limited set of pokemon and you have to give up the ability to restart the game which is a death sentence for a game as devoid of content as XY.

                Hate to break it to you but one day is considerably faster than 4.
                And join avenue can net you x4 the stat berries each day so you can get 16 in that time frame.
                The max yield, as in you do everything perfectly over 4 days in XY is... 10.

                Why don't you pick an easier target than gen 5 like gen 4 or something?

              • 7 months ago

                >With a limited set of pokemon and you have to give up the ability to restart the game which is a death sentence for a game as devoid of content as XY.
                Not even, you can't enter your own Safari. The mechanic is entirely reliant on 3DS online

              • 7 months ago

                If you restart the game you lose the pokemon that require connectivity to obtain.
                That also means you lose the ability to obtain hidden abilities since that unlocks with the third pokemon.

                >With a limited set of pokemon

                >you have to give up the ability to restart the game
                not really. I can catch all the HAs I need, then store them or trade them to another game, start a new save, then trade them back.

                >a game as devoid of content as XY.
                And it's even sadder than gen 5 is even more devoid of content.

                >Hate to break it to you but one day is considerably faster than 4
                You can't buy berries in one day in BW2.

                >Not even, you can't enter your own Safari
                Thanks for admitting you've never actually played the Friend Safari ever and you're a disingenuous shitposter.

                Yes, a limited set of pokemon.

                >then store them or trade them to another game, start a new save, then trade them back.
                And then you'll never be able to obtain HAs in the friend safari again.

                >And it's even sadder than gen 5 is even more devoid of content.
                Pretty sure no matter what I say you're going to attack gen 5 like I care so whatever.

                >You can't buy berries in one day in BW2.
                Yes, yes you can. With a florist in join avenue you can buy berries and they refresh daily.

              • 7 months ago

                >With a limited set of pokemon

                >you have to give up the ability to restart the game
                not really. I can catch all the HAs I need, then store them or trade them to another game, start a new save, then trade them back.

                >a game as devoid of content as XY.
                And it's even sadder than gen 5 is even more devoid of content.

                >Hate to break it to you but one day is considerably faster than 4
                You can't buy berries in one day in BW2.

                >With a limited set of pokemon and you have to give up the ability to restart the game which is a death sentence for a game as devoid of content as XY.
                Not even, you can't enter your own Safari. The mechanic is entirely reliant on 3DS online

                >Not even, you can't enter your own Safari
                Thanks for admitting you've never actually played the Friend Safari ever and you're a disingenuous shitposter.

              • 7 months ago

                >Thanks for admitting you've never actually played the Friend Safari ever and you're a disingenuous shitposter.
                I have literally every single possible Safari, all with HAs unlocked. You can't enter your own safari.

                I know it's the same guy shitposting in every thread but I swear he hates XY more than everyone else does

        • 7 months ago

          Friend Safari was a terrible idea, tho.

          All the others were good.

      • 7 months ago

        trainer customization
        super training
        berry farming mutations
        horde battles
        streak based triple and rotation battles

        honestly XY doesn't even need a 3rd version, it was already more polished than gen 5 and most of gen 4. But a third version would be neat to see what they would expand.

        • 7 months ago

          >A bunch of shitty gimmicks that do nothing

          • 7 months ago

            And yet they included them anyway. Goes to show how much more finished the game is compared to Gen 5.

            • 7 months ago

              >A bunch of shitty gimmicks that do nothing

              • 7 months ago

                >he's mindbroken

              • 7 months ago

                >Xhe has no argument.

              • 7 months ago

                I gave you an argument in

                And yet they included them anyway. Goes to show how much more finished the game is compared to Gen 5.

                but you didn't even acknowledge it and just repeated your shitpost because your brain melted and you have nothing to defend gen 5

          • 7 months ago

            Better than having a bunch of features that do something, but are shit and absolutely no fun to experience, like open areas in SwSh.

        • 7 months ago

          >trainer customization
          Woefully limited on the male side.
          >super training
          The only good part was obtaining reset bags otherwise it was a worthless feature. Hence why it was removed in the following games.
          Not to mention it was made invalid by another point on your list.
          Same deal but even more useless given it made the game easier and it was already the easiest game in the series due to both the exp share and the capture exp that they didn't factor in.
          >berry farming mutations

          >horde battles
          Yes, this was actually a good feature and made EV training the fastest it ever was until the vitamin cap was removed.
          >streak based triple and rotation battles
          Yeah, that's a battle mode introduced by gen 5. Adding it to the Maison doesn't make it a gen 6 feature.

          • 7 months ago

            >Woefully limited on the male side.
            you know what's even more limited? not being able to customize my trainer at all in gen 5

            >The only good part was obtaining reset bags
            and playing fun minigames
            and being able to obtain useful items like evolutionary stones

            >Same deal but even more useless
            Interacting with your Pokemon is useless? Do you even like Pokemon?

            >doesn't even have an argument for berries because his brain broke

            >Adding it to the Maison doesn't make it a gen 6 feature.
            How do I do streak based triple and rotation battles in gen 5?

            • 7 months ago

              >not being able to customize my trainer at all in gen 5
              Which means it isn't a point of criticism for gen 5.
              >and playing fun minigames
              >and being able to obtain useful items like evolutionary stones
              Ah yes, farming a very boring rng laden mini game. So much "fun" than just buying it like pretty much every other pokemon game.

              >Interacting with your Pokemon is useless?
              Yes, yes it is. If I wanted to play with a vpet I'd just use one of my digimon ones, which is vastly superior to amie in every way. And again it makes the game too easy.
              't even have an argument for berries because his brain broke
              No it's because I knew you were samegayging, although I did forget to click my other post.

              >How do I do streak based triple and rotation battles in gen 5?
              You can complain about gen 5 all you want but those are battle modes created by gen 5 and nothing can change that.

              • 7 months ago

                >Which means it isn't a point of criticism for gen 5.
                Yes it is.

                >Ah yes, farming a very boring rng laden mini game
                It's not boring or RNG based though. I'm sorry you're bad at the game.

                >Yes, yes it is
                Why are you playing Pokemon if you don't like Pokemon?

                >It's too easy
                Why are you playing Pokemon if you don't like Pokemon?

                >No it's because I knew you were samegayging
                I'm sorry you're moronic and can't comprehend more than one person realizing gen 5 is shit

                >but those are battle modes created by gen 5
                Cool, then how do I do streak based triple and rotation battles in gen 5?

              • 7 months ago

                >Yes it is
                No because they never intended to have customization. You can't criticise something that doesn't exist.

                >It's not boring or RNG based though
                Except it is. It's shoot the target and you only get a chance at an item which is boring and rng based.

                >Why are you playing Pokemon if you don't like Pokemon?
                Because I like pokemon, what I don't like are pointless features that do next to nothing.
                And not every pokemon is as brain dead easy as XY was. Trying to fail is more difficult than anything else in that game.

                >and can't comprehend more than one person realizing gen 5 is shit
                This isn't even about gen 5, it's about gen 6. Meaning that as much as you want to whine about gen 5 it won't change the criticism of gen 6.
                Also you're easy to spot and the supposed other guy died just as I got you to focus on me.

                >then how do I do streak based triple and rotation battles in gen 5?
                Again, triples and rotations were gen 5 battle modes. This is like saying XY didn't introduce hordes because ORAS had a trainer horde battle.

              • 7 months ago

                >No because they never intended to have customization
                Yes, because the game is rushed and unfinished. The game intending to be shit doesn't stop it from being shit.

                >Except it is
                Except it isn't. I'm sorry you're bad at the game.

                >Because I like pokemon
                Evidently not.

                >And not every pokemon is as brain dead easy
                Good job, you either 1. lied and revealed yourself as a disingenuous shitposter or 2. told the truth and revealed yourself as a gigantic moron who isn't worth listening to.

                >as much as you want to whine about gen 5 it won't change the criticism of gen 6.
                Ok. Glad we agree Gen 5 is worse than 6.

                >Again, triples and rotations were gen 5 battle modes.
                Cool so how do I do streak based triple and rotation battles in gen 5?

              • 7 months ago

                >because the game is rushed and unfinished
                But enough about XY.

                >I'm sorry you're bad at the game.
                It's not a skill based game anon, there's nothing to be bad at.

                >Evidently not.
                Believe it or not monster tamer games aren't about petting.

                > 1. lied and revealed yourself as a disingenuous shitposter or 2. told the truth and revealed yourself as a gigantic moron who isn't worth listening to.
                Or option 3. XY is the easiest game in the series.
                You can rule out option one because I'm not being antagonistic or spreading misinformation and option 2 is out because I know more about the games than you do which makes you mad.

                >Glad we agree Gen 5 is worse than 6.
                Even if it was this isn't about gen 5.

                >Cool so how do I do streak based triple and rotation battles in gen 5?
                >This is like saying XY didn't introduce hordes because ORAS had a trainer horde battle.

                >i-it was intended to have less content
                you can use this argument for literally all your critiques of XY.

                At least you admit gen 6 has no content.

              • 7 months ago

                >i-it was intended to have less content
                you can use this argument for literally all your critiques of XY.

              • 7 months ago

                >you can use this argument for literally all your critiques of XY.
                NTA but no, XY was very much an incomplete game with so much of its lore going unexplained and the story generally being a mess. Not to mention all of the "dungeons" that were just one room.

              • 7 months ago

                > XY was very much an incomplete game with so much of its lore going unexplained
                Nope. It was just intended to never have those things.

              • 7 months ago

                You can't use that excuse when they clearly meant for there to be more. The datamine and SM confirm this.

              • 7 months ago

                > You can't use that excuse when they clearly meant for there to be more
                Nope. There was never intended to be more.

              • 7 months ago

                Tell that to Eternal Floette.

              • 7 months ago

                Zygarde's moves were also in game but unobtainable and the mega Lati

              • 7 months ago

                >BW2 is unfinished because of the God Stone
                Glad we agree.

              • 7 months ago

                God stone was bw1 and they changed it for bw2.
                Nice try.

              • 7 months ago

                >and they changed it for bw2

              • 7 months ago

                Yes, yes they did. The God stone was clearly meant to be Kyurem's stone like the black and white stone but it was changed in place of the DNA splicers, while the item still exists in the data we know it wasn't meant to be used.
                The same can't be said about Floette which was just thrown away like like the rest of the trash XY was.

              • 7 months ago

                > while the item still exists in the data we know it wasn't meant to be used.
                So just like Floette. Glad you agree XY is finished and it was intended not to have more.

              • 7 months ago

                >So just like Floette
                The only problem is that we don't know a thing about Floette. Not to mention XY was the only game to not have an expansion of some kind.

                Unless you can find an interview about it or a third version magically pops up, you're out of luck.

              • 7 months ago

                >The only problem is that we don't know a thing about Floette
                Yes we do. Pay attention to the game.

              • 7 months ago

                Development wise anon.
                We know it was in the game but it isn't used for anything because XY was woefully unfinished much like SM.

              • 7 months ago

                >Development wise anon.
                Ok then we don't know what the God Stone is either. Glad we agree BW2 is unfinished.

              • 7 months ago

                Yes, we do. We know for a fact that it was related to Kyurem's and was changed when they decided to go with a sequel.

                You can't say the same for XY.

                But there's no point to this, you've clearly started looping so whatever bot is posting clearly can't continue.

              • 7 months ago

                >Yes, we do
                No, we don't.

                >and was changed when they decided to go with a sequel
                [citation needed]

              • 7 months ago

                >he needs a citation for B2W2 existing
                I can’t help you anon.

              • 7 months ago

                BW2 is unfinished because it doesn't use the God Stone. So yes I need a citation.

          • 7 months ago

            I can tell you only play the games for competitive because you'd get stomped at smogon.

            • 7 months ago

              That doesn't even make sense.

              • 7 months ago

                If you played at smogon you'd get stomped.
                So you play the actual game instead and stomp random kids with your meta teams.

              • 7 months ago

                What does that have to do with with anything?

              • 7 months ago

                Your replies indicate that you care about nothing but competitive. Yet, you play the actual games, rather than the proper competitive platform.
                Jesus, man, did you have trouble with those "connect the dots" puzzles as a kid or something?

              • 7 months ago

                >Your replies indicate that you care about nothing but competitive.
                Yes because pokemon is only petting and competitive, there's no collection or exploration to it at all.

                The again there wasn't much of that in XY so I'm not surprised you believe that.

              • 7 months ago

                The thing with exploration in XY was that routes and areas were either very good, or painfully simple. Shows that they first designed some of them and then rushed the rest. Perfect fix for a 3rd version.
                XY had more collecting than any of the games before it (since aside from a full national pokedex of pokemon to collect, all the TMs, items and whatever, you could also collect clothes) and most of the games after it (only SMUSUM match it, everything after was worse in the collecting department).

              • 7 months ago

                >The thing with exploration in XY was that routes and areas were either very good, or painfully simple.
                Eh, they weren't very good in general. A lot of them didn't have the same kind of nooks and crannies to explore that you would see in gen 1 to 5.
                >XY had more collecting than any of the games before it
                In terms of pokemon count sure but there were also less methods than ever before making it feel extremely repetitive. You either caught it like normal or transferred, very little hidden areas, roamer were removed and the only optional dungeon with new pokemon was Terminus. It felt more like your hand was being held when you tried to explore the region rather than being able to explore it and find hidden spawn areas like the previous games.

      • 7 months ago

        Berry Farming
        Interactable battle terrain
        Amie minigames
        Hyper Training
        Horde battles
        Consecutive fishing
        Trainer videos
        Roller skate tricks

        • 7 months ago

          Read the thread.
          Most of those are negatives.

          • 7 months ago

            They are "negatives" for SwShitstains, who hate games better than their favourite.

        • 7 months ago

          >Interactable battle terrain
          Loved this shit. Annoyed as hell they dropped it straight after.

      • 7 months ago

        inverse battles

  6. 7 months ago

    There were a lot of good things about XY that felt underexplored or underdeveloped, but nothing could have saved SwSh

  7. 7 months ago

    SwSh would need a total rework to be decent, that's not something a third version can fix.

    • 7 months ago

      That's literally what Platinum did

      • 7 months ago

        DP had a lot of merits that were either bogged down by poor execution or rendered unenjoyable by the game's performance

        • 7 months ago

          Like SWSH

          • 7 months ago

            b-but you dont understand.. i grew up with gen 4 it’s not the same thing…

            • 7 months ago

              you have to be moronic to compare gimmick region #3 to DP

              • 7 months ago

                You mean "Hoenn and RS but worse" DP?

              • 7 months ago

                rs is also shit compared to DP

              • 7 months ago

                take your (You)

          • 7 months ago

            there is nothing good about swsh

            • 7 months ago

              You gays are so annoying. I think an inability to find praiseworthy or positive aspects about media you don't enjoy or hate has to be a mark of low IQ or some kind of mental illness.

              • 7 months ago

                there is nothing good about swsh that is unique to swsh (the ability to capture and battle pokemon) or isn't just a default expectation of a AAA console game (the UI is functional and responsive). does that satisfy your reddit pedantry

              • 7 months ago

                You're right because the things SWSH did well have already been improved by later games like the Wild Area or were done better in previous games like the angsty rival. It doesn't mean that with more polish the games themselves couldn't have been better and more enjoyable. A game doesn't need to be the peak of its series to be good and enjoyable.

              • 7 months ago

                >the things SWSH did well like the Wild Area

              • 7 months ago

                Yeah the wild area was done well in the DLC, sorry you didn't play the game. Which btw would be included in the base game in a hypothetical 3rd version

              • 7 months ago

                >the wild area was done well in the DLC

              • 7 months ago

                What's your point? That it has bad graphics?

              • 7 months ago

                that it has bad graphics, that it has bad art direction born from reused handheld assets, that a supposed open world area has absolutely nothing in it that isn't immediately adjacent to the player, that it was sold as dlc

              • 7 months ago

                Hey, now, anon, it's not completely empty. There's a tree in the background

              • 7 months ago

                Cool, I agree it has bad graphics, and that the overworld Pokémon spawns and item locations were improved in PLA and SV. I'm not a moronic shill for any game and can look at its positives and negatives.

                It still has decent level design and more importantly provides a fresh and nice change of pace from the linear story which isn't something other games do. If you want to play a linear campaign you can stick to the Galar story, if you want to play an open world area, you can change to the Isle of Armor at any time during the gym challenge. It's a unique experience not really available in any other game. I agree it would be better if it weren't DLC, good thing we're talking about a hypothetical 3rd version where the DLC would be included.

              • 7 months ago

                >It still has decent level design
                it is literally open, empty space that does not impede your progress in any way. there is no level design, the only gameplay is catching wild pokemon - which is not unique to swsh
                >and nice change of pace from the linear story
                sure, that's fair
                >which isn't something other games do
                absolutely incorrect. gens 1-4 all have optional routes and dungeons to break up the pace of the story, the difference is that they actually have level design. and even gens 5-7 still let you pause the game to go catch wild pokemon if you wanted

                I appreciate that you gave an earnest reply but the Wild Area is an incredibly watered-down version of the same gameplay loop Pokemon has been doing for 30 years - it has no merits unique to SwSh. if anything it's more restrictive than older titles since the game prevents you from catching higher-leveled Pokemon despite the gameplay otherwise being the exact same

              • 7 months ago

                >Doesn't impede your progress
                It impedes your progress in the same way the other wild area in the main game does, by locking areas behind the Rotom Bike's upgrades as you progress through the game.

                >absolutely incorrect. gens 1-4 all have optional routes and dungeons to break up the pace of the story
                Fair, but you're still playing through ultimately a linear region. You can explore optional areas between point A and B, but outside of some non linearity for a few gyms (a progressively smaller amount of non linearity per generation) you don't really have the freedom to explore basically an entire new fully open subregion outside of gen 2's postgame.

              • 7 months ago

                Sounds like Scarlet and Violet, guess this is the future of the franchise.

              • 7 months ago

                I think all of the Gen 1-7 games have their own merits and all the rabid shitposting on this board is clearly more about fandom wars than the actual games

                I can't believe this is not only an actual game screenshot, it's what Joe chose to promote the DLC with. What an absolute circus of a release cycle lol

              • 7 months ago

                >like the Wild Area
                bait or moronation, pick one

        • 7 months ago

          >DP had a lot of merits
          not really
          even platinum is still dogshit and is worse than xy

          • 7 months ago

            How do make a Secret Base in XY?

          • 7 months ago

            Who are you trying to fool exactly?
            The only game that's worse than XY is SM. Hell the fricking side mode in XY was making videos, what kind of dumbass thought that was a good idea?

  8. 7 months ago

    XY was fricking trash, so I guess it could use a third version, don't know if that will help it much.

  9. 7 months ago


  10. 7 months ago

    Gen 6 was treated as a 3DS tech demo. It had all the foundations to expand on the concepts of Life (X) and Death (Y) and what it means to interput that cycle (with zygarde) as they paralleled a lot of norse mythology. Instead they only focused on mega evolution and threw Zygarde shit into the next gen. Gen 6 needs a third definitive version.

    • 7 months ago

      >Gen 6 was treated as a 3DS tech demo
      and yet it was more polished than gen 5 and DPPt

      • 7 months ago

        >DP had a lot of merits
        not really
        even platinum is still dogshit and is worse than xy

        This is your brain on HRT

  11. 7 months ago

    nothing could have saved XY. boring short piss easy shitty soulless games that killed the series.

    • 7 months ago

      >literal facebook poll
      who the frick cares moron

  12. 7 months ago


  13. 7 months ago

    kalos has exactly 1 fan and it's a schizophrenic shitposter on /vp/ kek

  14. 7 months ago

    XY. I like the originals, but, a third Zygarde version would spare me to buy UsUm.

    SwSh is decent, considering all.

  15. 7 months ago

    XY is fricking garbage and one of the worst games in the series.

    SwSh is really good with DLC

  16. 7 months ago

    unova fans are the most disingenuous posters on /vp/

    they are utterly incapable of actually defending their games

  17. 7 months ago

    Kalosgays are the worst posters here. They can't even defend their games

  18. 7 months ago

    When you don’t breed your pokemon to be better I can see why these games are called to be like shit. The next games would benefit getting rid of every QoL in breeding Pokemon has made to grab gold in the battle frontier.

    • 7 months ago

      What the frick are you talking about?

  19. 7 months ago

    XY because it's shit. SwSh can stand on it's own feet.

  20. 7 months ago

    Kalos is just boring on a fundamental level. Galar's tournament setting is at least a cool base to expand on.

  21. 7 months ago

    XY just needed more meat on the bones which is what 3rd version were for. SwSh needed a redone base game.

  22. 7 months ago

    XY, and it's not even a question.

  23. 7 months ago

    >any 3rd version of SwSh would still have cut moves, no NatDex, permanent Exp.Share
    >Pokémon Z would still have the Gen 6 NatDex, Exp on toggle, Triple Battles, all 48 Megas and more
    We truly were robbed eh lads

  24. 7 months ago

    Z could've turned XY from an okay game to a good game.
    SWSH cannot be salvaged.

  25. 7 months ago

    What would a third dog even be? Bow dog?

    • 7 months ago

      Spear dog

    • 7 months ago


  26. 7 months ago

    People would go for SWSH because it has better new Pokemon, better characters, and far superior charisma. XY is very boring in every way and you can barely tell that it has any personality (it really doesn't).

  27. 7 months ago

    no third version would have fixed XY being entirely written about a stupid gimmick. would rather eat chalk than sit through any of that dialogue again. SwSh in comparison was only stupid, in fact it was actually kind of fun at times - i'd even call the characters good. it certainly wasn't unbearably obnoxious like XY and the mystery of mega evolution.

  28. 7 months ago

    People would go for SWSH because most people on this board were 10 years old when it released/it was their first pogeymans game, so they have nostalgia for it.

  29. 7 months ago

    There was nothing more to be done with SWSH story wise. They could definitely flesh out and polish the region like having the last 2 gyms actually be something but otherwise I don't think it needs a third game since it got DLC.
    With Kalos we could have gotten context for what Zygarde actually does and tie up loose ends like eternal flower Floette never getting distributed. They could have also tweaked the controls to be more like ORAS instead of forcing the skates upon you.

  30. 7 months ago

    XY for sure. They very much suffer from a lot of empty space between you getting your Mega Ring and the end game.

    • 7 months ago

      >They very much suffer from a lot of empty space between you getting your Mega Ring and the end game

  31. 7 months ago

    Definitely XY. SwSh literally got their third version because that's what DLC basically is.

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