Would a Steam OS console sell?

Would a Steam OS console sell?

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  1. 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago

      that was before proton

      • 2 months ago


        • 2 months ago

          Or before Proton became significant. You know what he meant, c**t.

    • 2 months ago

      Before proton (had to launch the windows version of steam using wine yourself, comparability was also much worse) and not made by valve themselves

    • 2 months ago

      They should try this one again. Build the cheapest x86 box possible that runs games fine in 1080p, bundle it up with a steam controller that uses Deck layout, sell it for lowest price possible and aim for around $300-$400, I imagine it would have a good shot at being properly popular. Two problems they had back in days were releasing it for >=$800, and releasing it before Proton became what it is nowadays. Back in steam machine days, proton was still trash, now it's nearly transparent for average joe both in terms of performance and compatibility

      I'd probably buy a box, both for casual vidya sessions and for media player. Deck can also handle HDR at this point, so it has no downsides compared to ordinary PC when connected to a TV.

      • 2 months ago

        Wouldn't that just be a permanently docked Deck?

        • 2 months ago

          Deck is underpowered for TV use, it's also restricted by size and wattage, and yet it can more or less do 1080p in less demanding games. I imagine it's not impossible that designing a device with no size/power/heat restrictions would probably allow them to put silly low price tag on something significantly beefier. Doesn't have to be top-tier performance, just cheap and okay enough power-wise, this is how I see it succeeding.

          Anyone willing to put >$800 into PC will just build one, but display-less deck with way better performance for the same-ish price, that's something no one really offers, aside of consoles, but consoles are not PCs and can't run PC vidya.

          • 2 months ago

            >Anyone willing to put >$800 into PC will just build one, but display-less deck with way better performance for the same-ish price, that's something no one really offers, aside of consoles, but consoles are not PCs and can't run PC vidya.
            That's the thing too, Valve would likely undercut the price of any PC you'd be able to build relative to the specs, just like they did for the Deck. Yeah if you want a full fat workhorse desktop that's not really gaming focused, build one, but if you want a gaming PC, I can easily see Valve knocking a couple hundred bucks off the price of whatever you could build one for.

            • 2 months ago

              >That's the thing too, Valve would likely undercut the price of any PC you'd be able to build relative to the specs, just like they did for the Deck. Yeah if you want a full fat workhorse desktop that's not really gaming focused, build one, but if you want a gaming PC, I can easily see Valve knocking a couple hundred bucks off the price of whatever you could build one for.
              That is what I am hoping for. Valve is the only company that could sell the steam console at a loss because they are huge. A home console with SteamOS, over 100k PC games, emulation, free online and the option to do whatever you want would be a hit, that is, if they price it right.

        • 2 months ago

          valve is not moronic and wants to cover all the markets
          >tv box
          whatever new steam machines will be
          >powerful system
          actual pc

          right now they are lacking the second thing and are definitely working on it

          • 2 months ago

            Man, cannot wait for the Valve console. I don't think that they can frick it up. Consolegays know that Valve will offer a better product and service.

        • 2 months ago

          Basically yea, but obviously it would be way stronger.

      • 2 months ago

        Deck is underpowered for TV use, it's also restricted by size and wattage, and yet it can more or less do 1080p in less demanding games. I imagine it's not impossible that designing a device with no size/power/heat restrictions would probably allow them to put silly low price tag on something significantly beefier. Doesn't have to be top-tier performance, just cheap and okay enough power-wise, this is how I see it succeeding.

        Anyone willing to put >$800 into PC will just build one, but display-less deck with way better performance for the same-ish price, that's something no one really offers, aside of consoles, but consoles are not PCs and can't run PC vidya.

        >Anyone willing to put >$800 into PC will just build one, but display-less deck with way better performance for the same-ish price, that's something no one really offers, aside of consoles, but consoles are not PCs and can't run PC vidya.
        That's the thing too, Valve would likely undercut the price of any PC you'd be able to build relative to the specs, just like they did for the Deck. Yeah if you want a full fat workhorse desktop that's not really gaming focused, build one, but if you want a gaming PC, I can easily see Valve knocking a couple hundred bucks off the price of whatever you could build one for.

        >That's the thing too, Valve would likely undercut the price of any PC you'd be able to build relative to the specs, just like they did for the Deck. Yeah if you want a full fat workhorse desktop that's not really gaming focused, build one, but if you want a gaming PC, I can easily see Valve knocking a couple hundred bucks off the price of whatever you could build one for.
        That is what I am hoping for. Valve is the only company that could sell the steam console at a loss because they are huge. A home console with SteamOS, over 100k PC games, emulation, free online and the option to do whatever you want would be a hit, that is, if they price it right.

        That seems like such the obvious path to take to me, I wonder why Valve has not even hinted at being interested in moving the steamos ecosystem in that direction yet.
        Perhaps the idea of a mid-range console is more niche than we're accounting for around here? I know it'd be right up my alley, but I can't say for sure if it would be that interesting to most normalgays. I picture them being more impulsive and preferring to buy like a big beefy playstation that does all the 4Ks and all the fps that marketing's told them about rather than a "lesser" console from some company most of them haven't even heard of.

        • 2 months ago

          >That seems like such the obvious path to take to me, I wonder why Valve has not even hinted at being interested in moving the steamos ecosystem in that direction yet.
          But they are doing that, right now actually.

          • 2 months ago

            Are they? Last I heard about something like that was what

            Yes. I think that the same dude leaked the Steam Deck. Exicting times for PC gaming are ahead.

            posted about and I believe that was found to just be some old prototype. So unless I'm wrong or I missed some news since then, they've only shown interest in continuing the Steam Deck line so far.

        • 2 months ago

          >That seems like such the obvious path to take to me, I wonder why Valve has not even hinted at being interested in moving the steamos ecosystem in that direction yet.
          There has been hints, along with a new VR headset. I would assume the reason they haven't done it yet is wariness because the original did so poorly and a console like that would be aimed more towards the casual crowd. A handheld is a companion device to PC with more hardcore fans can be interested in, but something like a console is more of a replacement that appeals to less tech savvy people. It would need to be as simple and easy to use as possible and the Deck is what they're using to learn from and prep themselves for these next steps.

        • 2 months ago

          midrange products in general are kind of dying out
          everything i see these days is either high end or low end

  2. 2 months ago

    Would a Switch console sell?

  3. 2 months ago

    Console players are too moronic to deal with Linux even if you make guides for them.

    • 2 months ago

      This. They wouldn't be able to handle it. They're the macgays of gaming.

    • 2 months ago

      >Console players are too moronic
      Nah we're just too smart to have to deal with computers. Time is money. Give me something that just werks.

      • 2 months ago

        And when your thing that "just werks" breaks, do you fix it or replace it?

        • 2 months ago

          Dunno lol

          • 2 months ago

            Ah yes, definitely more intelligent

            • 2 months ago

              True. I am.

      • 2 months ago

        yet apparently you're too stupid to want your entertainment to run at acceptable standards lmao

    • 2 months ago

      i guarantee you don't even use linux

      • 2 months ago

        "linux is complicated" is one of the biggest moron memes ever perpetuated, if you've ever used the cmd prompt in windows for literally anything, if you can use /ipconfig flushdns, you can figure out linux

        • 2 months ago

          You grossly overestimate normalgays. Most can barely operate a PC at this point in general, and many of them were born with a fricking smartphone in their hands.

        • 2 months ago

          I consider myself slightly technical (with respect to the general population) but at best I assume you put that in and it swaps your IP. I rarely use the command prompt and would be surprised of more than 15% of the users on this site do so regularly either. I don't necessarily think linux is this insurmountable challenge but what mostly stops me is just the sheer amount of unknowns for hopping OSs like "how technical do I actually need to be" "how the frick will I troubleshoot a system I don't know", compatibilities, there being a million custom OSs which is right for me and will it have enough users to find help for my problems, etc. At some point I'll make the hop, but I'll do it when I need a whole new computer rather than waste 4 hours being moronic and without my PC until I figure out how to get windows running again.

          My moronation, hesitation and laziness are the same qualities that make everyone else intimidated at the thought of linux. It would help a lot if everyone had the opportunity to casually just "check out" linux, but bestbuy isn't packing that shit.

          • 2 months ago

            Flushdns just dumps the resolver cache on your system so the next time you hit up pornhub it will forward the request to your nominated dns server instead of using the last cached ip address for the URL on your computer.

            • 2 months ago

              thanks, you too.

              To easily check out Linux you can make a "live USB" or something, which is essentially a portable system drive. It works reasonably well as a rescue tool, and with a fast drive (or nvme in enclosure) it works fairly well.

              That said, [...] is completely correct. Linux is a last resort at best for anyone who uses their computer as a general computing/entertainment platform instead of A) a hobby in itself or B) a single-purpose tool you'll only need to set up once and occasionally update. You'll notice every single time someone reminds you of the statistic that "uh well actually Linux is the most popular OS in the world" they're talking exclusively of use where nobody ever actually interacts with "Linux". The "general purpose" platform as it stands - Ubuntu, Arch, Debian, whatever - is the North Korea of operating systems: impressive only to itself, an existence of abject misery. I would hazard to say that Linux users are in fact the least technically-literate PC owners based on the "roadblocks" they run into when attempting to use Windows.

              Thanks for live usb tip, I'll probably give that a try some time. Damn though about the rest of it. I just want to play videogames and be free from microshaft.

          • 2 months ago

            To easily check out Linux you can make a "live USB" or something, which is essentially a portable system drive. It works reasonably well as a rescue tool, and with a fast drive (or nvme in enclosure) it works fairly well.

            That said,

            I'm a lifelong PCgay and Linux is "hot poker in eyeballs" level of torture. The level of incompetence and brokenness on display coupled with unearned smugness of its userbase makes my every attempt to use it a living hell.

            EVERY successful consumer application of Linux (SteamOS, Android, OSX) completely wallpapers over the decades of miserable incompetence on the part of its developers and enthusiasts by hiding all their """work""" behind multiple layers of obfuscation.

            Every complaint raised will be replied to with either, "well then you make it better" or "well then don't do that". There is never a surprise easy solution. It's always, at best, a long string of obtuse steps relying on layers upon layers of dependencies and command prompts.

            If you put two buttons in front of me, one to give me a harem of e-girl frickslaves and eternal life and riches, and the other to kill every single person who's ever quoted that homosexual white Black person who publicly eats shit he finds on his feet (Richard Stallman), I'd press the second button so hard I'd break a table made of solid diamond.

            All of you should have a nice day.

            is completely correct. Linux is a last resort at best for anyone who uses their computer as a general computing/entertainment platform instead of A) a hobby in itself or B) a single-purpose tool you'll only need to set up once and occasionally update. You'll notice every single time someone reminds you of the statistic that "uh well actually Linux is the most popular OS in the world" they're talking exclusively of use where nobody ever actually interacts with "Linux". The "general purpose" platform as it stands - Ubuntu, Arch, Debian, whatever - is the North Korea of operating systems: impressive only to itself, an existence of abject misery. I would hazard to say that Linux users are in fact the least technically-literate PC owners based on the "roadblocks" they run into when attempting to use Windows.

        • 2 months ago

          You don't even need the command line for linux anymore and even when you did that was never the hardest or most frustrating part. This post just reads as so out of touch.

      • 2 months ago

        I'm on Arch right now watching YouTube with ytdlp.

    • 2 months ago

      SteamOS big picture mode is way more user friendly than the surface tile homosexualry currently plaguing Xbox.

    • 2 months ago

      This. They'll always always go on about muh plug and play. Even if muh plug and play is an inferior experience.

      • 2 months ago

        In most cases it's a superior experience. Especially for normies like me who have no interest in tinkering with settings.

        • 2 months ago

          They always say that then they're jelly when PC players mention a mod that changes an annoying feature.

          • 2 months ago

            Not really.

            • 2 months ago

              yes really

    • 2 months ago

      That's the beauty of the deck, you barely have to tinker with anything and you'll get notifications for what to expect, even just for little things like a keyboard prompt.

  4. 2 months ago

    Consoles are dying. We're at a point where for the first time in about thirty years, consoles are down to two relevant competitors, not three.

    • 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago

      Nintendo is the only console

      • 2 months ago

        Nintendo’s a handheld. Xbox is basically an app now instead of a device. PlayStation is a DVD player. There are no consoles.

        • 2 months ago

          its called blu ray grandpa

  5. 2 months ago

    The deck already is basically already a console
    I've been using it docked while I save up for a new PC after my laptop's HDD shit itself

    • 2 months ago

      the deck has a dock? I thought it was exclusively portable

      • 2 months ago

        it's compatible with laptop docks, valve's isn't worth it imo get one from JSAUX

      • 2 months ago

        it's legit a mini pc, you can hook a keyboard and mouse up to it and everything. or use a PS5 or switch controller with it. incredibly based device that's starting to show it's age, a deck 2 would be awesome.

        • 2 months ago

          Can confirm. Currently using my Steam Deck as my main PC while my real main PC upscales pornography at ~4 FPS for most of the past year.

          • 2 months ago

            Patrician SOVL

    • 2 months ago

      Good morning sir

      • 2 months ago

        thanks jeet

  6. 2 months ago

    You mean like a Steamdeck?

  7. 2 months ago

    ...you mean a Steam Machine?
    They already tried that.
    Steam Deck is the closest thing Valve ever had to not having a complete abortion of a hardware device, and it happened by realizing that "oh... Nintendo had a good idea with the Switch".

    • 2 months ago

      What's wrong with the Index? I heard the Steam Controller is good too.

      • 2 months ago

        Steam controller was discontinued.
        Lot of people are predicting Index is going to go the same way, but honestly too early to tell.

        • 2 months ago

          "An abortion of a hardware device" meant a device that didn't achieve market success then? OK then.

          • 2 months ago

            Your problem was the phrase? It was an abortion of a hardware device.

            • 2 months ago

              Yes because that phrase usually implies it was objectively bad, not that it wasn't popular. Those are different things. There are plenty of good products/games/etc out there that ended up being commercial failures.

              • 2 months ago

                It was nonsense that nobody wanted. Generally it's why the majority of people no longer trusts Valve hardware, because they (generally rightfully) assume it'll lose support really quickly.
                Index is their first one that actually was something a non-negligible number of people actually wanted.

              • 2 months ago

                So you don't actually have a problem with the Index then, which is what I asked you about in the first place.

              • 2 months ago

                Are you confusing anons here?

              • 2 months ago

                My steam link still gets updates

              • 2 months ago

                So does the steam controller.
                Also, I don't get the updooter mindset.
                If a thing still works and does what it's supposed to, it doesn't fricking need updates. Arguably, you should never fricking "fix" something that isn't broken.

              • 2 months ago

                It works good enough for me. Most morons tried to use it with their dogshit at&t modem and it fly so well

      • 2 months ago

        nothing, was absolute top shelf VR for a long time and iirc is still a good option but expensive
        steam's only real hardware failures are:
        >the steam machines, OS trolled by microsoft into shipping with windows instead of linux, plus steam OS was NOWHERE CLOSE to mature enough to actually bother shipping it out on anything. steam machines evolved into the steam deck
        >steam controller, the layout is crap and the paddles got trolled by fricking microsoft again (this time through corsair/ironburg inventions; microsoft paid for a license on a patent they know is complete bunk, valve successfully filed an appeal on the ruling for this and got their patent thrown out. this lawsuit is also the only reason any of SCUF's controllers exist btw, the steam controller forced them to act on it and release actual hardware). again succeeded by the controls on the steam deck, codenamed "neptune"

        • 2 months ago

          I won't argue about the layout of the controller because I never used it, but if those touch pads were anywhere near the ones on the Steam Deck then the controller ought to have been good.

          • 2 months ago

            their positioning was awkward and the left trackpad was intended to be used as a replacement for a d-pad on top of the actual trackpad function, the Steam Deck is an objectively better version of it in all respects. that said the trackpad idea in the first place is absolute dynamite and i love the steam deck, one of the major failings of all of the clones that have entered the market by major PC manufacturers is that they don't copy the trackpads (in large part because they can't, since they insist on using windows and are too lazy to make their own software for trackpad controlling, let alone partner with steam to get their own bespoke methods of trackpad use working through steam)

      • 2 months ago

        Steam Controller was trash, I picked one up for $5 when Valve abandoned it and had a fire sale to clear their remaining inventory. Everything about it was a step down from my Xbox 360 controller, the buttons were so stiff and unresponsive.

        • 2 months ago

          I'm trans btw, not that it should matter.

    • 2 months ago

      Steam Deck is closer to a fricking sony xperia or GPD win than it is to a nintendo switch

      it is a laptop with a custom APU and a controller bolted on

      • 2 months ago

        In practice, yes, but the Switch popularized the view of a console as a handheld. It happened before, yes, but normies need to have it normalized by something to accept it first.

    • 2 months ago

      Valve said the Switch has nothing to do with it. They wanted to take what they learned with the Steam Machines and create competition in the UMPC space, basically introducing good portability for PC because no matter who wins their hardware their, Valve will win on the software side. Deck is also to push Linux and Proton, opening up doors to other ventures, like another go at a proper Steam Machine, which failed the first time around because it relied on the developers supporting it, rather than Valve doing the heavy lifting like with the Deck.
      Deck is also nowhere remotely close to an "abortion of a device". It could sell one fricking unit and it would still be by far the best handheld ever created. People who care about sales and not what they're getting out of their purchase aren't consuming the product, they're consuming the scum off a corporation's boots.

      • 2 months ago

        >Valve said the Switch has nothing to do with it
        >nothing to do with it
        >Valve said

        • 2 months ago

          "valve saw switch and went POGGERS" is Ganker console warrior cope and dipshit games journo theories

          • 2 months ago

            anon, I have a PC
            pretending the Switch didn't influence their decision is some serious drone-mind shit
            I don't blame them for the PR speak, but I'll still laugh at drones who eat it up

            • 2 months ago

              it's a fricking UMPC, claim the switch was inspired by the GPD win while you're at it

              • 2 months ago

                Anon, we're not talking about "in-the-know" hobbyists.
                We're talking about normies at large. What do you think popularized?

              • 2 months ago

                GPD Win was inspired by DS if anything. Look at it dumbass.

          • 2 months ago

            It's reality. I largely stopped buying games for PC because of switch, and now I've entirely stopped buying games for Switch because of Steam Deck. I'd sell my Nintendo account along with my Switch and all its games if that was possible, it's dead to me.

        • 2 months ago

          I don't think Valve would care to lie about that, they don't give a shit about petty consolewars or fanboyism. Why should it matter to them? It's not like UMPCs haven't been made before and if they wanted it to be like the Switch they would've made the controller detachable and come with a dock.

        • 2 months ago

          What would be the point of lying? Handhelds have existed for 30 years and Switch isn't even the best selling one.

          • 2 months ago

            Not that anon but I think the point he's trying to get at is that the Switch showed that conventional game design was feasible and even desirable for handhelds, if you look at most of the GBA/DS/PSP library the majority of games on those platforms are designed with an average session time of like 20 minutes, you have Witcher 3 on the switch.

            • 2 months ago

              Nah, handhelds have always had lengthy rpgs or adventure games on them in pixel art form that aren't really meant to be played in bite sized chunks. I don't think that perception has anything to do with the switch itself, UMPCs have existed for more than long enough to know this already for those who've used them, and more the fact that there was a huge gap in specs from handhelds to consoles. Handhelds just were not capable of playing what was considered "bigger" games with more impressive visuals and regardless of game length or design those more impressive looking games gave people the impression that they were somehow fundamentally different in how they were meant to be played.

            • 2 months ago

              PSP had full fledged GTA and God of War games

          • 2 months ago

            Valve's standard position on any given subject is aloof disinterest. If you asked them if the Steam Controller was influenced by the NES gamepad they'd say "NES? What, the Nintendo Entertainment System? None of us have heard of it. Did it play videogames?"

            • 2 months ago

              That's kind of my point. I don't think Valve gives a single shit what Nintendo is doing. They wanted to push Linux and portability is a ripe financial venue for PC to spur competition where no matter who wins the hardware space, Valve wins the software side, so that's what Valve went for.

              • 2 months ago

                And Switch normalized it, which pushed Valve to go that direction.
                That's everyone else's point.

              • 2 months ago

                Normalized what? Handhelds have been extremely popular for decades. You can still credit popularizing handhelds to Nintendo, it'd just be with the gameboy, not the switch.

              • 2 months ago

                Several people have been spoonfeeding you on this for several posts already. Go back up the reply chain at this point.
                It's pretty clear you just want to pretend Valve went this direction out of nowhere for some silly reason, so no point trying to convince this single anon of what everyone else already knows.

              • 2 months ago

                If you think I'm somehow ignoring what you've been saying than I'll do the same
                >It's pretty clear you just want to pretend Valve went this direction out of nowhere for some silly reason
                I've explained this already.
                You've given no reason for me to think Valve is lying for absolutely no reason other than to just to pettily avoid crediting Nintendo when getting PC into the handheld space to push Linux and spur competition benefits them massively. Thinking they're lying is just fanboyism to try and credit it to Nintendo. If Valve said yeah we took inspiration from the Switch absolutely nothing would change because it literally does not matter.

              • 2 months ago

                If you say so.

              • 2 months ago

                Valve says so.

              • 2 months ago

                Yes, we covered your listening to corporate PR.

              • 2 months ago

                This argument is moronic. What difference does it make beyond fanboy gloating? Assume Valve says Nintendo inspired them to make the Deck. How does that change anything at all? Do they have to pay royalties to Nintendo now? Is that why you think they lied about it?
                They are not fanboys arguing in pathetic little consolewar spats on tibetan basketweaving forums, they are a business that creates whatever products and services benefit them. If the Switch is why they made the Deck they would've just said that.

              • 2 months ago

                Is you say so, sure.

              • 2 months ago

                It's also taking everything they learned from their failure with the Steam Machine. They tried to get into the console market first, but relied on devs having to do everything to support it and Linux was nowhere near ready, so it failed miserably. They took that, decided to make Proton so games would naturally support it without having to do a thing and went for a largely untapped market for PC in the form of a handheld. The Deck is a brilliant device in execution and purpose. The Deck could've sold one unit and while it wouldn't have been a success for Valve it would still be a phenomenal system for whoever bought it, something you would never get in a million years from consoles that rely on splurging on exclusivity for limited support.

                Supposedly Valve is taking what they learned from it and going to try and reapply it back to their failed home console idea, along with deckard. It'll be interesting to see what they do hardware wise over the next few years after they finally cracked the formula.

              • 2 months ago

                They just conveniently only had this line of thinking after the release of the switch

              • 2 months ago

                Anon, leave them alone. We dont' need another 20 posts from them going on about "Swtich had nothing to do with the timing, Valve doesn't pay attention to trends, they're 100% original on everything all the time"

              • 2 months ago

                What line of thinking? The steam machine predates the switch by several years. Valve was always trying to get into this market.

              • 2 months ago

                nta, likely the opening Switch created for a full handheld version of a "console" rather than one solely with handheld gaming in mind.

              • 2 months ago

                the switch predates the deck

              • 2 months ago

                The deck is a steam machine. They were working on linux and proton, the whole reason the deck is a success.

              • 2 months ago

                a portable one

              • 2 months ago

                Yeah, a portable one.

              • 2 months ago

                now tell me was the first steam machine portable?

              • 2 months ago

                No. How is that relevant?

              • 2 months ago

                you're such a fricking moron

              • 2 months ago

                Don't get pissy, not my fault you can't explain yourself.

              • 2 months ago

                Can't explain myself? Have you tried reading the thread you moron? We're talking about how the deck copied the switch.

              • 2 months ago

                >We're talking about how the deck copied the switch
                lmao nah, if that were true the deck would be waaaay shittier

              • 2 months ago

                >hey guys look at my subject opinion rather than the objective similarities between the two systems

              • 2 months ago

                >We're talking about how the deck copied the switch.
                Okay. What exactly did it copy?

                Thats its unique concept not some detachable controller shit

                Oh, you think HDMI is some magic unique feature and not just a basic thing any PC can do. Now I get it. Alright.

              • 2 months ago

                Huh didn't realize people were just playing any pc on the bus and train then going home and continuing where they left off silly me I should have paid more attention to my surroundings, and here I thought the switch changed everything!

              • 2 months ago

                If you're seriously trying to argue they copied portability you are legitimately stupid.

              • 2 months ago

                They did copy portability

              • 2 months ago
              • 2 months ago

                Big picture mode has existed since 2012, so I don't think you realize who's copying who here

                If anyone's copying anyone at all, I don't care enough to claim Nintendo is.

              • 2 months ago

                you must be trolling at this point

              • 2 months ago

                he BTFO'd you and you have no argument

              • 2 months ago

                What? Nintendo really invented rectangular images of games with a slideshow UI now too? Damn Nintendo is on top of this shit. Valve just needs to keep learning from them and playing catch-up.

                never said nintendo invented big picture mode schizo morons

              • 2 months ago

                And you choose to say that instead of clarifying what you're actually trying to claim was copied. Curious.

              • 2 months ago

                Because its obvious to anyone with eyes. Hence all the comparisons in the first place.

              • 2 months ago

                What? Nintendo really invented rectangular images of games with a slideshow UI now too? Damn Nintendo is on top of this shit. Valve just needs to keep learning from them and playing catch-up.

              • 2 months ago

                The switch isn't a pc

              • 2 months ago

                A mobile phone isn't a pc either, while we're making pointless comments.

              • 2 months ago

                The switch couldn't have normalised portability for pc because it's not a pc.

              • 2 months ago

                That wasn't the discussion.

          • 2 months ago

            Switch normalized standard console-type gaming on handhelds. Nobody is saying Valve is "omg copying", theyr'e just being intelligent and jumping in that market with an offering that goes beyond what the Switch allows.
            But it's blatantly obvious what pushed them towards making that hardware. It's also incredibly standard for a company to PR their way around not crediting other companies as the inspiration/model.
            It's not a big deal, but it's silly to take it as face value.

          • 2 months ago

            saving face, avoiding potential lawsuits, not trying to say something that could be misconstrued by the press, wanting to avoid direct comparisons with the best selling console of all time for your niche little product experiment?

        • 2 months ago

          If the switch was such an important influence to the Deck development, why is the Deck lacking the most recognizable feature of the Switch?

          • 2 months ago

            why is the switch lite?

      • 2 months ago

        I wish the d-pad was swapped with the left joystick.

  8. 2 months ago

    Can we get some serious development on Steam OS for desktops yet? I think Steam OS should be a serious contender for most gamer's daily driver OS. That would be the ideal anyway. The potential is there if only Valve wants to actually put the resources into it.

  9. 2 months ago

    It wouldn't be a console, but yeah. A beefy PC with the convenience of a console would be great. Take everything they've learned from the deck, keep improving linux and proton, and make it easy to swap out parts and you're golden. Technically anyone can just make their own already, but an official solution is part of that convenience and valve would likely sell it for cheaper than you could build one for. Would be another final nail for consoles.

    • 2 months ago

      The one upside of consoles is that they're all standardized. So swapping parts is a no go.

      • 2 months ago

        This wouldn't be a console though, it doesn't have that downside of extremely specific hardware that needs to be designed for, it doesn't need to be standardized, just like a pc doesn't. Putting out a base steam machine that devs can target, but people can upgrade if they want isn't going to ruin compatibility with anything, only improve it.

  10. 2 months ago

    >Steam deck gets competitors
    >the other competitors don't include the touchpads

    To me the beauty of the SD is that you can easily play PC centric games on it with some controller layout tinkering
    It's nice being able to setup the left touchpad to use as hotkeys and shit

    • 2 months ago

      They didn't learn a damn thing from the deck, it's frustrating.

    • 2 months ago

      They didn't learn a damn thing from the deck, it's frustrating.

      This. These morons don't even get what makes the deck the best choice. By just leaving out touchpads your robbing players of 90% of all games in existence

  11. 2 months ago

    I'm a lifelong PCgay and Linux is "hot poker in eyeballs" level of torture. The level of incompetence and brokenness on display coupled with unearned smugness of its userbase makes my every attempt to use it a living hell.

    EVERY successful consumer application of Linux (SteamOS, Android, OSX) completely wallpapers over the decades of miserable incompetence on the part of its developers and enthusiasts by hiding all their """work""" behind multiple layers of obfuscation.

    Every complaint raised will be replied to with either, "well then you make it better" or "well then don't do that". There is never a surprise easy solution. It's always, at best, a long string of obtuse steps relying on layers upon layers of dependencies and command prompts.

    If you put two buttons in front of me, one to give me a harem of e-girl frickslaves and eternal life and riches, and the other to kill every single person who's ever quoted that homosexual white Black person who publicly eats shit he finds on his feet (Richard Stallman), I'd press the second button so hard I'd break a table made of solid diamond.

    All of you should have a nice day.

    • 2 months ago

      and i was using linux before most of those homosexuals were even born

    • 2 months ago

      Right, but what you describe is good. Because it means you CAN do a bunch of obtuse steps to fix shit.
      When windows explodes it's "lol have you run sfc /scannow" or "pls reinstall :("

      • 2 months ago

        >When windows explodes it's "lol have you run sfc /scannow" or "pls reinstall :("
        Refer to last sentence here:

        To easily check out Linux you can make a "live USB" or something, which is essentially a portable system drive. It works reasonably well as a rescue tool, and with a fast drive (or nvme in enclosure) it works fairly well.

        That said, [...] is completely correct. Linux is a last resort at best for anyone who uses their computer as a general computing/entertainment platform instead of A) a hobby in itself or B) a single-purpose tool you'll only need to set up once and occasionally update. You'll notice every single time someone reminds you of the statistic that "uh well actually Linux is the most popular OS in the world" they're talking exclusively of use where nobody ever actually interacts with "Linux". The "general purpose" platform as it stands - Ubuntu, Arch, Debian, whatever - is the North Korea of operating systems: impressive only to itself, an existence of abject misery. I would hazard to say that Linux users are in fact the least technically-literate PC owners based on the "roadblocks" they run into when attempting to use Windows.

    • 2 months ago

      Actually there usually is an easy solution its just that either no one knows it, or they're not terminally online playing free tech support.

    • 2 months ago

      stallman is a israelite though

    • 2 months ago

      >If you put two buttons in front of me, one to give me a harem of e-girl frickslaves and eternal life and riches, and the other to kill every single person who's ever quoted that homosexual white Black person who publicly eats shit he finds on his feet (Richard Stallman), I'd press the second button so hard I'd break a table made of solid diamond.

  12. 2 months ago

    You mean a regular Linux PC?
    Hell no it won't

  13. 2 months ago

    >Would a Steam OS console sell?

    Depends on the specs. You could just buy one of those 'mini PC's and install SteamOS on it yourself for the same effect as a Steam console. I think keeping it as a handheld probably makes the most sense overall.

  14. 2 months ago

    If it's affordable and powerful? Yes

    • 2 months ago

      Ease of use is the most important factor.

  15. 2 months ago

    I would rather just get an official SteamOS ISO and make my own steam OS console out of a beelink mini pc or something, but valve is taking their sweet ass time with that and I'm wondering if it's because they're waiting for explicit sync to merge with Nvidia GPUs.

    Speaking of companies taking their sweet ass time...

  16. 2 months ago

    valve drones gonna drone

    • 2 months ago

      Is you say so, sure.

      Why are you dumbass tendies even in here? You see a deck and lose your marbles. Go talk about what games you're playing this year in your switch threads or something.

      • 2 months ago

        I literally own a PC anon. I don't have a Switch.
        Stop being a mindless valve drone. Seeing a good opportunity because the Switch normalized something doesn't lessen the Deck being a good device.

        • 2 months ago

          Then why do you care to argue about it? This is something only tendies would give a shit about enough to claim valve is outright lying so they can jerk off over the significance of the switch. Corporations and devs say when others inspired or influenced them all the time and the switch didn't normalize anything. Pokemon was a lengthy game that wasn't very pickup and play for small amounts of time all the way back on the original gameboy, what is this "console-like game" nonsense.

          • 2 months ago

            >why talk about a topic on a board about discussing video games and related items
            I'm not sure anon. Why are you arguing about how Switch normalized something making it a viable time to create and release such a device so upsetting? The end result is the same.

            It's obviously everyone just talking.

            • 2 months ago

              >Why are you arguing about how Switch normalized something making it a viable time to create and release such a device so upsetting?
              Of course from a corporate standpoint the end result is the same and they couldn't care less about these arguments, which is a good reason for them not to bother lying about it, but tendies are annoying. They constantly invade these threads and stir shit up. Someone laughing at the idea that valve is telling the truth so they can attribute the deck to the switch while being snarkily dismissive and calling anyone who disagrees a valve drone is a very tendie thing to do.

              • 2 months ago

                I'm not a tendie, jesus. I've been using PC before Steam even existed, and remember when people used to be annoyed at Valve for forcing us to install it to play Half-Life 2.

                Even this "console war" crap used to be solely for the console players. PC players just played PC games and didn't get involve. Didn't used to be like this.

                The Deck being created and released because the Switch normalized something and created an opportunity is the most basic and obvious observation. That's it. It's not a big deal.

                You went all nuts over it because you're focused on some "console war" crap that PC gamers shouldn't even be bothering with.

              • 2 months ago

                >I'm not a tendie, jesus
                Didn't say you were in that post, just saying whoever was making those posts sure sounds an awful lot like one.
                It's consolewar crap because it's intentionally framed like consolewar crap, hence the whole laughing and saying they're lying about it and calling people valve drones.
                >because the Switch normalized something
                You keep saying this and it makes zero sense. You seem to think every game on handhelds used to be exclusively bite sized experiences designed around levels and playing for only 15-30 minutes at a time when that was never the case and consoles had plenty of games designed like that too.

              • 2 months ago

                Is you say so dude.
                Look, you're obviously way more invested in denying what anyone else sees clear as day. I don't get it, but there really isn't any point in trying to convince a single anon about what several have already pointed out way earlier in the thread.

              • 2 months ago

                You can try to fall back on ad populum, but I'm not the one who initially disagreed with you, several others have disagreed with you as well and you're still invested enough to be arguing with me, so touche.

              • 2 months ago

                If you say so.

  17. 2 months ago

    At this point with everything they've gained from the deck? Yes.

  18. 2 months ago

    No. That's just a normal PC, there's no market for that.

  19. 2 months ago

    Aren't they currently developing just that? I am pretty sure that it was leaked?

  20. 2 months ago

    All the real gaming hardware is on nvidia so no, it in fact won't work. Deck and basement fatsos setups work because nobody but morons expect them to handle serious tasks and for small scale stuff linux may work. Larger console will only work if valve pays nvidia enough to write drivers for them which is not happening.

    • 2 months ago

      >Larger console will only work if valve pays nvidia
      PS5 and Xbox are AMD moron. The only one who uses nvidia is the weakest of the bunch by far, Nintendo.

      • 2 months ago

        >PS5 and Xbox
        wow two pieces of shit with no games, great argument troony
        pc and switch are both nvidia and all the games are there

        • 2 months ago

          ROG Ally, Ayaneo, Legion Go, all use AMD. GPD 3 uses Intel.
          None of these systems use nvidia and they all btfo the one that does in terms of specs and capability. Nobody goes with nvidia for these systems because they're stupid expensive for no real benefit.
          >pc is nvidia
          PC is whatever you want.

          • 2 months ago

            >ROG Ally, Ayaneo, Legion Go
            bad deck clones with no idea wtf are they doing
            >PC is whatever you want
            if you want it to actually work no

            • 2 months ago

              >bad deck clones with no idea wtf are they doing
              Yet they're still vastly more powerful and capable than the one system that uses nvidia.

              • 2 months ago

                >they are vastly more powerful than a system using a decade old hardware from a streaming device
                your power really helps you when your hell-oven on wangblows rapes your entire battery in half an hour to play AAA goyslop

              • 2 months ago


              • 2 months ago

                Yes, vastly.

                >they are vastly more powerful than a system using a decade old hardware from a streaming device
                your power really helps you when your hell-oven on wangblows rapes your entire battery in half an hour to play AAA goyslop

                So which is it? You want all that "real" power of nvidia or a good battery life? good luck getting both.

              • 2 months ago

                dlss alone will save portables and low power devices no matter how much you will cope about it
                amd has nothing but dysfunctional software

              • 2 months ago

                DLSS is not magic, you are tech illiterate. If you want to pay a premium for this over AMD, go ahead

              • 2 months ago


        • 2 months ago

          what a moronic statement, you completely missed the point

  21. 2 months ago

    >Would a Steam OS console sell?
    Steam Deck is by far the most popular PC handheld. So, the answer is YES.

  22. 2 months ago

    The answer is a clear no you stupid moron. And the biggest reason is that there are far too many PC games that just don't work with controllers or have such a fricked bind scheme. Binary Domain is probably a perfect example. Unless Valve tells these developers they HAVE TO add good controller support, a Steam console will never work. Even the Steam Deck has a bunch of "verified" games that aren't plug and play. Shits a joke and it's a shame Valve never got on their asses.

    • 2 months ago

      >that just don't work with controllers or have such a fricked bind scheme
      Steam input fixes all that. You can bind whatever you like, add controller support to whatever you like. And if a game doesn't have a control scheme that just works out of the box that game isn't marked as verified.
      >Even the Steam Deck has a bunch of "verified" games that aren't plug and play
      Like what? The number of times I've had any real issue with playing a game on the deck, verified or not, was exactly once, and it wasn't even the game itself, but ea's shitty app. And I've got a library of 1.5k games as the deck plows through them.

    • 2 months ago

      The same argument was made about the deck. If you buy a console you don't expect it to have every game available you just make sure you have whats compatible. Same shit with building your own pc and finding out its not powerful enough to play every game. The thing valve said though is that if they're successful developers will start to optimize or modify their games to work on the deck, or the machine, because they'll have more potential consumers.

  23. 2 months ago

    >eric tries to pretend switch is a handheld when it's not and never positioned as one

  24. 2 months ago

    Pretty sure that Valve is making that next. Wasn't it leaked?

    • 2 months ago

      >Steam Machine 2: Trust us this time
      I hope so, that would be hilarious

      • 2 months ago

        >Trust us this time
        After the deck? Yeah, it's practically impossible to frick up, all they'd have to do is just make it more powerful and put it in a bigger box.

        • 2 months ago

          Why would you think the Deck existing would make another crack at Steam Machines work?
          What's the angle there to make it successful? If anything, the Deck would likely make a Steam Machine less viable.

          • 2 months ago

            >Why would you think the Deck existing would make another crack at Steam Machines work?
            Because the deck is literally a steam machine just in a different form factor. The steam machine was not a complete failure, valve took it and learned from it. The deck serves the purpose of a handheld, a steam machine would serve the purpose of a console, those things tend to coexist side by side. A steam machine would be for someone who wants all the benefits of a pc with the power of a home console without any of the hassle, which is what the deck brought to the handheld space.

            • 2 months ago

              The Deck works because the Switch made the idea a normal thing in the market, and Valve took that opportunity.
              There isn't a reason for a Steam Machine. That's just called a PC. The Deck existing means that if someone doesn't have a PC, they'll probably get a Deck. Or they'll have both a PC and a Deck.

              • 2 months ago

                >There isn't a reason for a Steam Machine. That's just called a PC
                You do not own a deck if you think that. The reason consoles are popular is because they are braindead easy and convenient to use, that is what the steam machine aims to achieve for pc, it's what the deck does for handhelds after learning from its initial failure. If normalgays could just come home, sit on their couch, push the power button and either be right back where they left off in a game or press a to start a game in their massive steam library, that's what valve is gunning for. And portability and handhelds were always a normal thing in this market.

              • 2 months ago

                And the Steam Machine failed.
                The Deck, however, succeeded. It provides something a PC doesn't. A Steam Machine has no use when a person is just going to get a PC. Most normal people only have so much money, we aren't talking about purely hobbyists.

              • 2 months ago

                >And the Steam Machine failed.
                It has been explained over and over again in this thread why it failed and why the deck went on to succeed. It was ridiculously expensive/confusing pricing and linux was not ready for the steam machine, it relied on devs putting in all the work to support it, which of course none of them did. Valve solved that with the deck, all they'd have to do is put it back into a steam machine. Likely the only reason they haven't yet is because they want to keep improving the deck, proton, verifying games and ensure it's as braindead easy of an experience as possible for audience it's gunning for.

              • 2 months ago

                >And the Steam Machine failed
                >steam machines which valve didn't even produce themselves

              • 2 months ago

                >The Deck works because the Switch made the idea a normal thing in the market, and Valve took that opportunity.
                The Deck works because it solved UMPCs and is a fricking amazing handheld. It doesn't take the one unique aspect of the Switch, the detachable controllers. If you want a UMPC that was clearly Switch inspired, it's the Legion Go.

              • 2 months ago

                Anon, you can't possibly think the reason people got Switches was because of detachable controllers. Come the frick on.

              • 2 months ago

                So they got it because of something other systems have done since the 90s? What exactly are you trying to say?

              • 2 months ago

                ...so you ARE saying people bought the Switch because it "has detachable controllers".

              • 2 months ago

                No, I'm trying to say a portable is not exactly a unique concept brought into being by the Switch. I have no clue what you're trying to argue here.

              • 2 months ago

                Of course you don't.
                Have a good day anon.

              • 2 months ago

                The switch is a portable console

              • 2 months ago


              • 2 months ago

                Thats its unique concept not some detachable controller shit

          • 2 months ago

            moron, Valve didn't even make the first geenration of Steam machines. They were mostly built by 3rd party. They were overpriced as shit and proton wasn't at the level it is today. It makes perfect sense for Valve to do it.
            >free online
            >100k of PC games
            >you can pirate on it
            >you can emulate
            >Valve is the only company that can sell it at a slight loss due to how huge they are

          • 2 months ago

            The first steam machines weren't even completely standardized, didn't have complete support in the store, little marketing, and worst of all the compatibility was complete dogshit. Now they also have the consumer side happy with their track record. People like to bet on a winner.

            • 2 months ago

              >People like to bet on a winner.
              valve doesn't have that track record with hardware just yet. the deck is honestly their first success that has any kind of staying power.
              keep in mind i'm not saying it's can't be successful. just that this would not count as "betting on a winner"

    • 2 months ago

      Yes. I think that the same dude leaked the Steam Deck. Exicting times for PC gaming are ahead.

      • 2 months ago

        >tyler mcBlack person
        >right about literally anything ever

  25. 2 months ago

    >Changed SteamOS from Debian based to arch based
    >Have an immutable file system
    Isn't that like half the fun with using arch?
    t. I use arch btw.

    • 2 months ago

      maybe they just don't want to deal with debian and their love of stale years old packages

  26. 2 months ago

    >moron is arguing that the only reason that switch is selling is because of joycons

  27. 2 months ago

    >YOOOOOO is that a controller that comes off the console???? holy shit Imma buy 140 million

  28. 2 months ago

    >Selling essentially a desktop PC through a store that only people who own a PC use

    • 2 months ago

      They would have to actually find proper distributors and retailers for this one, yeah. Part of the reason why they haven't gone for it yet.

    • 2 months ago

      deck is sold in literal stores in japan so nothing stops them from selling not on steam

  29. 2 months ago

    I doubt it, unless it's significantly cheaper than what I can build myself. And if it's that cheap, what's stopping companies from buying hundreds of these as work computers.
    I don't see a world where a "Steam Box" succeeds to be honest. It would be smarter if the Steam Deck 2 supported external GPUs, and the official dock had a slot for some sort of attachable "GPU module". Imagine something like pic related, but bigger and with a fan.

    • 2 months ago

      Probably for the same reason they don't buy a deck for that purpose despite most companies not needing a powerful system. Companies are fine getting cheap computers without any fancy graphics processing, it'd be a waste for them to buy a steam machine and then go through the hassle of installing windows on it.

      • 2 months ago

        The Deck is very, very, very slow compared to desktop computers of the same price. You're paying a massive premium for its portability.

        By the way, I mentioned two scenarios:
        1 - The "Steam Box" is not cheaper than what people can build themselves by buying individual components. In this case, who is buying this thing?
        2 - It IS cheaper than building your own PC, because Valve sells these below cost: like a console, but unlike a console it's not locked down. In this case they could become attractive for companies, like the PS3 back in the day https://phys.org/news/2010-12-air-playstation-3s-supercomputer.html . Sony removed the option to install Linux on the PS3 because of this.

        Also I didn't mean companies would buy these for office work, but for compute. Like AI stuff, or video editing.

        Are you a person who has prof. knowledge about such hardware / tech stuff?


        >buying hundreds of these as work computers.
        it won't be as cheap as some absolute trash tier pc bought in bulk or those small hp/dell shitboxes

        See reply above:
        >I didn't mean companies would buy these for office work, but for compute. Like AI stuff, or video editing.

        • 2 months ago

          I noticed that your comment makes me think that you are a prof dev or IT guy

          • 2 months ago

            No, I'm just a tech enthusiast.
            I was thinking of something like this, an external GPU the average user can easily install: all they have to do is push it in, like a SNES cartridge. Since the port is just USB4, other companies can also launch their own "Steam Deck 2 compatible" eGPUs. If you already own an external graphics card enclosure like this one https://www.razer.com/gaming-egpus/razer-core-x (well, this one specifically is Thunderbolt and not USB, but you get the idea), it's also supported.

            Deck (especially LCD) is NOT "very very very slow" compared to a desktop of the same price unless you buy used. And that's even without subtracting $100 for a terrible monitor and gamepad to have pseudo-parity with what's built-in.

            I don't understand you tards, every conversation is a mix of "it's overpriced goynix dogshit" and "they're selling it at a loss so it didn't count." How can it be sold at a loss if it's a also a ripoff?

            You cannot build a PC for $400 using new components that can play all but the newest AAAslop at good framerates. And if you want to factor in used components, then you can also buy used a Deck for $250-300.

            You can easily build a desktop PC that shits on the Steam Deck for $600. And I mean like four times faster, buying new components. A RX 6600 is $200.

            • 2 months ago

              Do you perhaps know why there are no true next gen graphic games? Somehow the games don't all look the same but the amazing effect of next gen is a bit missing.

              • 2 months ago

                NTA but it's just because graphics can already be pushed pretty fricking far in terms of quality. You're not gonna get big noticeable jumps like going from blocky 2D sprites to early 3D to actually impressive looking 3D in the span of a couple of generation anymore. It's more about polishing what we already have nowadays, it's much more incremental, and that's not as impressive looking from the consumer side of things.

              • 2 months ago

                It's a mix of "the GPU in the PS5 is not THAT much faster than the GPU in the PS4" and "we now aim for higher resolutions and framerates" and "10-to-15 years ago, devs became really good at 'faking' good graphics."
                Also, mid-gen console upgrades made next-gen consoles comparatively less impressive: the jump from Xbox One to Series X is massive, from Xbox One X to Series X not so much.

                About the first point, the GPU in the PS5 (6600XT-equivalent) is "only" 5-ish times faster than the one in the PS4 (7850-equivalent). The upgrades this generation focused mostly on CPU and storage.

        • 2 months ago

          People buying them as cheaper regular computers and valve not making their money back from steam is an interesting problem I hadn't thought about. Not sure how you'd prevent that without either raising the price or taking full control over distribution again, neither of which are ideal. I would assume valve would just go with the latter again and try to limit how many people could buy at once.

        • 2 months ago

          Deck (especially LCD) is NOT "very very very slow" compared to a desktop of the same price unless you buy used. And that's even without subtracting $100 for a terrible monitor and gamepad to have pseudo-parity with what's built-in.

          I don't understand you tards, every conversation is a mix of "it's overpriced goynix dogshit" and "they're selling it at a loss so it didn't count." How can it be sold at a loss if it's a also a ripoff?

          You cannot build a PC for $400 using new components that can play all but the newest AAAslop at good framerates. And if you want to factor in used components, then you can also buy used a Deck for $250-300.

        • 2 months ago

          And is my assumption true of you or you just a normal guy?

    • 2 months ago

      Are you a person who has prof. knowledge about such hardware / tech stuff?

    • 2 months ago

      >buying hundreds of these as work computers.
      it won't be as cheap as some absolute trash tier pc bought in bulk or those small hp/dell shitboxes

  30. 2 months ago

    I can't believe this thread is like 50 posts of some valve drone reeling at anons observing the timing of the Deck capitalizing on Switch's popularity, and claiming any observation of such are tendies.
    It's fricking weird.

    • 2 months ago

      Sure you can, you've been salty this entire time. Can't even respond properly, have to skew the narrative and cry in some isolated post that meanie weenie Valve copied poor Nintendo and everyone needs to know and agree that it happened and how dare they if they don't.

  31. 2 months ago

    Well, the Deck exists and is selling.

    • 2 months ago

      Theyr'e talking about a non-handheld SteamOS console.
      Like has already existed and failed.
      They're confused because they think the only reason Switch did well was because it had "disconnectible controllers"

      • 2 months ago

        the biggest reason they failed was because they didn't play games, which is the whole reason valve started developing proton

        but I agree, I don't really see what the appeal or market would be other than consolegays, I guess

      • 2 months ago

        That probably wouldn't sell unless it's VERY cheap.

      • 2 months ago


        the biggest reason they failed was because they didn't play games, which is the whole reason valve started developing proton

        but I agree, I don't really see what the appeal or market would be other than consolegays, I guess

        >other than consolegays
        That's exactly the market valve wants to tap into. If they can get in on consoles and capture the normalgays, consoles are fricking over, they're done. They'd be forced to make their own pc solutions that are just as convenient or drop out. They cannot compete with an open platform on anything other than the convenience of a locked down system. If pc takes that convenience away while having the shitloads of games, far better sales, control schemes, free online, emulation, basically do whatever you want if you want to, there's no reason for a console to exist.

  32. 2 months ago

    Got a steam deck for Christmas and its a blessing for when going on vacation and if I want to get couple games in bed or the misses is using my gaming pc.

    That being said its no substitute for an actual powerhouse gaming PC. That 800p small ass screen feels like i'm back in the stone age when I got my 4k/120hz 1ms OLED monitor, Steam OLED pales in comparison. And it pains my ass having to go to the lowest settings on all the modern AAA games all because Valve decided to cheap out on both the CPU and GPU.

    Steam deck is a compliment to your primary gaming needs not a replacement.

  33. 2 months ago

    yes. nerds who say "lol it's just a pc" don't get it

  34. 2 months ago

    steam dick cannot be used as a pc
    it's a console

  35. 2 months ago

    Can't they make it an official OS for gaming?
    I'm tired of Windows and Linux is too complicated.

    • 2 months ago

      wish granted, no need to thank me, just install one of the noob linux distros
      microsoft is actively trying to maim windows while linux grows stronger with each proton and wine update

  36. 2 months ago

    Console gays are too moronic to get good deals on games that you can play on any PC or deck

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