Yes, it's DMC6. That's why it's great

It's DMC6 as a non-mission based linear game, with Final Fantasy environment, with Final Fantasy towns and sidequests, and some FF window dressing. And it's fricking awesome.

I saw nobody b***hing about Stranger of Paradise being a blatant Nioh reskin. This was part of the understanding.

> It's not a real Final Fantasy game!
It feels more FF than shit like 13 and 15 that is for sure. There are towns, the npcs actually matter and have names. And if you do their sidequests you can get to know them better just like in old FF games where NPC interactions mattered
> Sidequests are shit
Yes, some give you no real rewards. But sidequests compared to 15 are great. A lot of inspiration from Witcher 3 and Nier Automata. Even if a sidequest is just a fetch quest, it usually has some good lore to it (like the 'Girls Pet' thing). And some of the sidequests marked with a plus unlock things you definitely dont want to miss.
> Combat is simplistic
Bullshit. Your precious ATB turn based combat WAS simplistic. Not this. It's like 100% DMC5 and gives you all the tools you need to style on enemies, and be creative. Torgal is your DMC5 V Shadow companion, you can use him to extend combos or start an air juggle. You can use Garuda to do insane air juggles combined with enemy step. You can use Ramuh to set up AOEs and then ignite them with another move for more damage.

Combat is amazing in this game and ppl who say it's shit or dumbed down have no idea what they are talking about and they likely suck at any DMC game.

> Also 4ch, frick your fricking garbage captcha system, holy shit it fricking sucks monkey dick balls. Garbage site

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  1. 12 months ago

    Your ATB turn based shit IS boring and simplistic. Don't @ me, I played all your precious Final Fantasy games, been gaming since the 90s. It's fricking dogshit. All you did in these games like FF7 was either dodge random encounters at a certain point when you were overlevelled or select some overpowered summon to get your regular mob encounters over with as you go to the next cutscene. That's your precious 'FF' roleplaying there.
    > Story is shit
    Compared to what? FF7R the fricking anime cringe fest? FF15 the Korean boyband on a roadtrip simulator? FF9 the kiddie regression of FF7/FF8? FF10 the corridor borefest with a half baked love story? Give me a fricking break dude. Compared to those games' stories this might as well be Shakespeare, and that's including a fricking contrived space alien McGuffin thrown in there. Story has NEVER been great in FF

    It has an amazing DMC combat loop, it throws out the old boring action RPG template and puts in its place a fleshed out character action combat loop, it has writing and characters that are not embarrassing weeb shit and doesn't make you ashamed as a 30+ something adult to play it. What's the problem?

    "It's not an RPG, it's not real FF"? You have been saying this since FF7. It's always 'this game is terrible, the previous game was so much better'. Ppl even doing this revisionism now for the dogshit that was FF15, when almost everyone universally agreed this game was terrible and an unfinished clusterfrick. Even 7R got dunked on for literal years for its time jannies nonsense but now we have contrarians going how great it is. Give it a rest already, you guys are never satisfied.

    • 12 months ago
      • 12 months ago

        Throw real criticism at the game instead of the dogshit you guys have been throwing at it.

        Like I've been playing it for 30 hours and I haven't even encountered this 'gay' scene you guys shitpost about all day. If you were to believe /v you'd think this game is a gayfest for 40 hours straight, meanwhile I haven't seen a single gay scene so far in over 30 hours. So holy shit you get to see two men kissing for over 5 seconds in a 40 hour long game, HOLY FRICKING SHIT, GAME RUINED GUISE.

        Now here IS legit criticism:
        * Should have had a PC port day one. I feel like I have to put up with a shitty version of the game and it's ruining my overall enjoyment levels cuz I have to either put up with unstable 60fps or put up with 30fps high res mode that looks like shit on my OLED cuz of the excessive motion blur
        * Should have had some way to make it way harder on NG. This whole 'play this 40 hour game and then replay it again on higher difficulty' is like dude, how many ppl are going to be doing that really? Maybe like 2 to 5% of ppl buying or playing the game. It's a busy year, in about two months we have AC6 and then other games and by that time this game will be forgotten. Make the first playthrough matter the most and don't hold back, or just give ppl all the difficulties unlocked from the start.

        I understand if NG+ is built around all eikons being unlocked and all, but shit, it should still be WAY more challenging than it is on first playthrough.
        * Should have had Bloody Palace unlocked from the start. Not sure when it's unlocked (Yoshi-P said in an interview it had it so I believe him), but still not good enough.

        • 12 months ago

          >legit criticism
          >should've had a PC port day 1

    • 12 months ago

      stfu OP, nobody cares

      didnt read
      this game is basically what happens when you admire dmc combat but want it to be accessible to people who've never played any games before and wrapped in jrpg trappings

      you forget about overpowered charater trope

    • 12 months ago
    • 12 months ago
    • 12 months ago

      >this game is terrible, the previous game was so much better
      yes, welcome to the "Soul/soulless" moron board, there are literally no new games these gayots like it

    • 12 months ago

      >Compared to what
      Lost Oddysey

      • 12 months ago

        Lost Odyssey has nothing except the soundtrack and a good first disk. The combat is somehow slower than FF9s and there is no reason to ever not have more than 1 mortal in your party because they are objectively worse at being anything other than literal Guardian Forces for the immortals

        But you didnt play the game, you just keep mentioning it to make yourself seem like a true scotsman seasoned REAL FF!!! sage on the mountain

        The OST is 10000x better than XVIs though I'll give you that

    • 12 months ago

      I can't tell who's more autistic. You or the one anon who tried to claim that DMC 3 or 5 was a role playing game. Played it with my neighbor who had a ps5. For me the problem with ff16 is the pace at which you get new powers. Feels slow. Also some more actual weapon variety like bows and dragons lances would have been nice. Most of the side quest are kind of shit. Hell the boss fights have QTEs or turn into some shit from asura's wrath. I think ff16 would have been better if it was a more tightly pace experience or even mission base instead of still trying to pretent to be a rpg.
      >I saw nobody b***hing about Stranger of Paradise being a blatant Nioh reskin. This was part of the understanding.
      To be fair, that's because it was made by the nioh devs and a spin off.

      FF9 was good.

      • 12 months ago

        You've touched on an issue that I'm worried might become a theme from what I've been seeing around. It's people giving massive passes to faults in new games in established franchises by deflecting to games of "lower" standing (e.g. spinoffs or low budget games). See also: how people love to justify the overworld reuse in TotK because MUH YAKUZA DID IT.

        • 12 months ago

          Maybe. Strangers of paradise was fine. But I was playing it with a friend of mine on at his play. As for TotK I don't play Zelda but know that TotK is a mainline game.

          >For me the problem with ff16 is the pace at which you get new powers. Feels slow.
          I've only got Phoenix/Ifrit/Garuda so far and tbh I'm not sure I'd even want to use Titan much just because the control scheme for Eikon swapping will get as convoluted as swapping more than 2 weapons in DMC. Garuda and Phoenix/Ifrit give me enough options I think. That said I guess I'm not very far?

          The story's pacing is ass. It peaked in the intro.

          >The story's pacing is ass. It peaked in the intro.
          That's mostly due to it having a decent pace. Clive's time with the other slave soldiers and him finding a new hide away felt rushed.

          You can only select 3 eikons in your loadout so that wont be an issue. You could transfer abilities from eikons you are not using tho by mastering them, a lot become assignable to any eikon once you di that

          The transfer I g abilities thing was a good decision.

      • 12 months ago

        >For me the problem with ff16 is the pace at which you get new powers. Feels slow.
        I've only got Phoenix/Ifrit/Garuda so far and tbh I'm not sure I'd even want to use Titan much just because the control scheme for Eikon swapping will get as convoluted as swapping more than 2 weapons in DMC. Garuda and Phoenix/Ifrit give me enough options I think. That said I guess I'm not very far?

        The story's pacing is ass. It peaked in the intro.

        • 12 months ago

          You can only select 3 eikons in your loadout so that wont be an issue. You could transfer abilities from eikons you are not using tho by mastering them, a lot become assignable to any eikon once you di that

          • 12 months ago

            oh that's pretty based, I haven't upgraded garuda's ability wheel much at all but I don't use the default moves much, it's all about that devil bringer

    • 12 months ago

      >Your ATB turn based shit IS boring and simplistic.
      Why do zoomer morons want every fricking game/movie/song/tv show to be IDENTICAL to all the other slop that's out there.

      • 12 months ago

        They want slop because it's easy to consume, they want to treat games like burgers, just shovel it down and forget about it

      • 12 months ago

        This is the thing that I really dislike. All games seem to slowly be turning into the same basic thing. Back in the PS2 era if you compared God of War to Final Fantasy they were totally different games. In the modern era they are basically the same though with both of them changing and meeting in the middle. I don’t want all games to be the same I liked variety. I liked having both action games and turn based games.

        • 12 months ago

          It's the issue of inflating budgets and costs. Games have to make safe choices and try to chase after market trends, or stick to established things that sell.

    • 12 months ago

      I'm sorry but are we pretending that DMC5 was good?? It's not and it was shat on when it first came out and I am still shitting on it now. FF16 following in DMC5's footsteps was NOT a good thing.

    • 12 months ago

      >Gameplay loop

      All you needed to say to immediately out yourself as a Redditor

    • 12 months ago

      It's really, really good for all the reasons you mentioned. But the old FF's were still really, really good, too. Been playing them since day 1, 1987 and I love 16 alongside the others, and I love DMC.

  2. 12 months ago

    Didn't read, LOL!

    • 12 months ago

      *Can't read

  3. 12 months ago

    As both a FF and DMC fan i'm loving this game, i don't think SE has released anything that good in two decades

    • 12 months ago

      Agreed I'm having a blast
      Hating wienersuckers here are as bad as resetera homosexuals

  4. 12 months ago

    This shit has literally nothing in common with DMC, comparing it to DMC is insulting to DMC.

    • 12 months ago

      it has more in common with genshin impact than it does with DMC

      • 12 months ago

        I remember saying that when the previews dropped and people were mad at me.

    • 12 months ago


      It has literal reskins of DMC5 moves, you have no idea what you're talking about.

      * It has DMC5's way of running, you keep holding forward until the character starts running fast
      * You can cancel moves
      * You have reskinned Stinger moves, Garuda's Deadly Embrace is Nero's wire Hook, DMC5 V's Shadow is literally fricking Torgal. Just how fricking moronic are you not to see how all these movesets and 'skill features' are literal DMC5 tools?

      It even has a fricking Bloody Palace mode in it and it has DMC5/Bayonetta style 'intros' for hunt enemies. Take the fricking hint already. It's Final Fantasy Devil May Cry 6

      • 12 months ago

        >It has literal reskins of DMC5 moves
        So does Genshin Impact.

      • 12 months ago

        Damn, no game has had running and cancelling moves before DMC!

        • 12 months ago

          I can't think of a 3D action game that did, maybe Rygar? DMC at least popularized it

    • 12 months ago

      it has more in common with genshin impact than it does with DMC

      nta but you're nuts if you think it has nothing to do with DMC (haven't played genshin impact though)
      - it has the following "styles": trickster, devil bringer, royal guard, maybe more?
      - it has devil trigger
      - it has cancelling and most importantly jump cancelling
      - it has exceed (though a bit clunkier)
      - it has perfect dodge -> witch time (bayo, but same genre)
      - as a bonus it has parry -> witch time as well

      I'm not sure how you can actually play the game and think its not hugely borrowing from DMC and other games in the genre. The only problem so far for me is that there are no pause combos and I would've preferred L-stick inputs for certain moves like Stinger/Hightime instead of pressing two buttons. Surprisingly the lock-on is also very good.

      • 12 months ago

        that's like saying megaman x is a street fighter game because you can hadouken in it.

        • 12 months ago

          I'm not saying its on the level of DMC or Bayo, but the combat system is basically DMC for a broader audience. Have you actually played the game? Have you pulled off a jump cancel combo? There's a free demo so you can confirm everything I'm saying yourself.

          • 12 months ago

            >bro you have a helm breaker bro you can do AIR JUGGLES
            that describes literally every kuso chink action game from the past 20 years
            level and enemy design are what defines devil may cry and sets it apart from those games that literally no one gives a shit about. running around fields and spamming aerial raves on trash mobs is much closer to pso2 than cuhrayzee

            • 12 months ago

              > level and enemy design are what defines devil may cry

              level design? DMC since 3 has been a literal corridor beat 'em up game. what level design? its literal hallways and styling on enemies.

              the only one with a semblance of level design was DMC1 and that is because it was a failed RE4 prototype.

              DMC/Bayonetta are modern day beat em ups, they dont need or want level design, you proceed to the next hallway to style on and kill more enemies. rinse repeat.

              • 12 months ago

                >beat em ups don't have level design

              • 12 months ago

                Dmc5 does not have level design, no. Its hallway after hallway

            • 12 months ago

              its not just air juggles you frick there is literally jump cancelling, ie you can do 10 helm breakers in a row with the right timing, what generic kusoge allows that?

              • 12 months ago

                no you cant, you get limited stomps

      • 12 months ago


        idk if that helps, also yeah you can't juggle stunned bosses - but you can't really do that in DMC anyways outside DMC5 Vergil and maybe Credo

        >- it has exceed (though a bit clunkier)
        No it doesn't, that's a bringer knuckle if anything. As far as I know the hit>spell thing the MC of 16 has doesn't trigger any special porperties into his normal moveset nor does it fill a gauge with levels.
        >- it has cancelling and most importantly jump cancelling
        My man a shitton of ARPGs/Action games feature animation or jump cancels, it's not exclusive to DMC nor is it exclusive to XVI.
        >- it has perfect dodge -> witch time (bayo, but same genre)
        Read above.
        >- it has devil trigger
        I don't think this is true but substantiate your claims, does the MC of 16 turn into his Eikons mid-combat? Because from what I've seen that's entirely a different combat system. So if anything it's probably a soft-devil trigger where your moves are amplified.
        >trickster, devil bringer, royal guard
        It's simplified versions of those if anything, the FFXVI Trickster doesn't have Sky Star or Trick Down/Up, the Devil bringer is just the 4 one nor can it hold things in place like in 5 or have access to another snatch, and the Royal Guard I guess is the Titan parry but I don't know if it has Royal Release or Royal Parry.

        • 12 months ago

          hit-spell is bringer knuckle, there's a separate "exceed" mechanic where you can hold the attack button on every hit and it'll charge your next move with a unique version with flames, this applies to stinger/high-time/helm-breaker and normal moves, the clunkiness comes from the need to hold the attack button rather than having a trigger to fire it up, it has the potential to frick up some combos

          as for the rest, I didn't say it was exact 1:1, I said its DMC with "broader appeal" (for morons) and simplified controls

          • 12 months ago

            >- it has exceed (though a bit clunkier)
            No it doesn't, that's a bringer knuckle if anything. As far as I know the hit>spell thing the MC of 16 has doesn't trigger any special porperties into his normal moveset nor does it fill a gauge with levels.
            >- it has cancelling and most importantly jump cancelling
            My man a shitton of ARPGs/Action games feature animation or jump cancels, it's not exclusive to DMC nor is it exclusive to XVI.
            >- it has perfect dodge -> witch time (bayo, but same genre)
            Read above.
            >- it has devil trigger
            I don't think this is true but substantiate your claims, does the MC of 16 turn into his Eikons mid-combat? Because from what I've seen that's entirely a different combat system. So if anything it's probably a soft-devil trigger where your moves are amplified.
            >trickster, devil bringer, royal guard
            It's simplified versions of those if anything, the FFXVI Trickster doesn't have Sky Star or Trick Down/Up, the Devil bringer is just the 4 one nor can it hold things in place like in 5 or have access to another snatch, and the Royal Guard I guess is the Titan parry but I don't know if it has Royal Release or Royal Parry.

            oh, and the devil trigger is an "eikon" trigger but its not the kaiju thing, its called Limit Break in-game actually, it amplifies your speed, and attack power/radius, and heals you via a vampirism effect (I think, it wasn't very clear to me the few times I used it), covers you in ifrit's flames

          • 12 months ago

            oh, and the devil trigger is an "eikon" trigger but its not the kaiju thing, its called Limit Break in-game actually, it amplifies your speed, and attack power/radius, and heals you via a vampirism effect (I think, it wasn't very clear to me the few times I used it), covers you in ifrit's flames

            Well I'm a PConly so I'll have to wait to try it out, I'll pass better judgment on it once I can get my hands on the thing.

            • 12 months ago

              Typical pcgay

  5. 12 months ago

    It's like DMC, minus the depth, scoring system, and heavily cutscene based.

  6. 12 months ago

    it is not and it is shit

  7. 12 months ago

    You will LOVE this game if you're into character action games like Bayonetta and DMC, and if you love PlatinumGames games. Cuz they all worked on this game. And if you don't mind a DMC taken to the next level in a pseudo RPG setting with towns to explore and an actual good story, then this is your GOTY.

    If you're some boring old fart that wants to pretend like selecting Knights of the Round on random mooks for 30 hours was riveting gameplay, then this is not for you and I'm glad it isn't.

  8. 12 months ago

    didnt read
    this game is basically what happens when you admire dmc combat but want it to be accessible to people who've never played any games before and wrapped in jrpg trappings

  9. 12 months ago

    >i'm not reading anything but let me give you my opinion anyway
    Based morons.

    • 12 months ago

      kek OP the fact that none of these shitposters are willing to engage you just shows how right you are.


  10. 12 months ago

    The side quest lull for 1-2 lines of lore is unacceptable and you’re vastly over inflating the combat considering every encounter is over in one ignition besides bosses which all equate to dodge into opening and nut your abilities until stagger then chain your abilities back to back. When you get 3 eikon slots regular attacks are pointless outside bosses (filler).

    • 12 months ago

      Thing is combat has always been like this in FF games. No combat in FF has ever been amazing and you can get overlevelled very easily. FF15 case in point, the Ring trivializes everything. Noctis' free combo shit later on trivializes everything. FF7 same shit, as soon as you get summons like KotR it's over. And there's no character individuality in FF7 since every character can equip the same materia and get the same movesets.

      Combat has never been GREAT in an FF game. This is the closest it's come to having actually great combat. Yes, the cooldowns on eikons are annoying and kinda a kludge, it's not going to rival DMC5 for complexity, but it's pretty damn good for a mainstream JRPG series

      • 12 months ago

        I mean measuring action combat to turn based as a Medal of Honor just doesn’t work. Just because turnbased combat is trash doesn’t make this good. For this to be good it needs to hold a candle to heavy hitters like Bayo, DMC, and GoW (nu and old) which it falls extremely short to.

        • 12 months ago

          FF15 and FF7R are not really 'turn based' though, and they all have their own flaws and gripes.

          You have Stranger of Paradise too. It's way more complex than smth like FFXVI mechanically but it doesnt look good, it's ultimately an inferior Nioh clone, attacks dont look or feel satisfying or visceral, you just have to go in not caring the game has the budget of a shoestring and just focus on the gameplay.

          I'd say FFXVI is not mechanically 'deeper' than Stranger of Paradise but holy shit it is better in almost every other way that matters, presentation, combat animation, production values, enjoyment factor, etc.

          • 12 months ago

            >it's ultimately an inferior Nioh clone
            Based moron.

  11. 12 months ago

    kek OP the fact that none of these shitposters are willing to engage you just shows how right you are.

    • 12 months ago

      Not OP but i've been looking at the critics for days and it seems the vast majority either haven't played the game or don't even know anything about it. I don't know what's the motive tho, what are shilling for?

      • 12 months ago

        It's simple, westerners love Black folk and this game has none. This offends them so they lash out. Just look at how many prerelease articles were about how the game didn't have one Black person in it.

        • 12 months ago

          So butthurt wokegays again? I wouldn't be surprised if there is a discord behind it. Not only it seems unorganic as frick but also what i hate is that they're fricking LYING. They could at least resort to legitimate criticism (like with the performance mode) but no they have to make shit up, it's like they are talking of a different game than the one i play

          • 12 months ago

            >So butthurt wokegays again
            yes. every woke gaming site like Kotaku has had it for this game for months, ever since Yoshi said there would be no black people in the game, they've been writing stink pieces on it before it even came out, and now sites like The Verge or Eurogamer are giving it 6s citing reasons like the lack of a diverse cast "sets gaming back decades" and "makes a huge world seem small" (actual quotes) and how awful it is that the female cast takes a back seat to the main protagonists (two white males)

        • 12 months ago

          So butthurt wokegays again? I wouldn't be surprised if there is a discord behind it. Not only it seems unorganic as frick but also what i hate is that they're fricking LYING. They could at least resort to legitimate criticism (like with the performance mode) but no they have to make shit up, it's like they are talking of a different game than the one i play

          >So butthurt wokegays again
          yes. every woke gaming site like Kotaku has had it for this game for months, ever since Yoshi said there would be no black people in the game, they've been writing stink pieces on it before it even came out, and now sites like The Verge or Eurogamer are giving it 6s citing reasons like the lack of a diverse cast "sets gaming back decades" and "makes a huge world seem small" (actual quotes) and how awful it is that the female cast takes a back seat to the main protagonists (two white males)

          >if you dont like it its because you want Black folk
          Lmao what is this fricking cope. Other JP games have no issue getting universal praise without including Black folk.

          • 12 months ago

            >Other JP games have no issue getting universal praise without including Black folk.
            because they comply in other ways

  12. 12 months ago

    That's great, it really is, but can you write your own opinion on that and provide interesting, discussion cultivating examples? That's a better way of starting threads.

  13. 12 months ago

    >fully self aware cringe fest with frick ton of side content, secrets and high replayability

    >le super duper grimdark fantasy literally ripping off Game of Onions once again taking a huge shit on the name Final Fantasy by being a hallway sim with heavily watered down moron friendly parody on DD battle system

    I am sad we'll never get a good mainline FF game again. I had immense hope for XVI and but it was more and more obvious devs don't know what the frick they were doing every time they opened their mouths for another interview.
    I am sad and fricking mad.
    Frick you whoever eats this shit up.

    • 12 months ago

      >>le super duper grimdark fantasy literally ripping off Game of Onions once again

      It's not though.

      This moment happens early in the game

      So fricking "grimdark" dude. It screams Platinum goofy shit from top to bottom. Devs are having fun and not being serious. They introduce a major alien villain early in the game, shit is not even a spoiler. The only ones that think it's this 'grimdark' GoT game have not even played the game, even before the second timeskip happens it is made plainly apparent to you the GoT shit is just window dressing and this is a Final Fantasy ass Final Fantasy story. It just now has actual decent and non cringy writing and voice acting, something you dont have to feel embarrassed to go through being older than 12.

      • 12 months ago

        As soon as Cid dies, less than 6 hours into the game (at least for me), all levity goes out the window. The only other lighthearted scene afterwards and a genuine 10/10 is Clive reuniting with his uncle during the play skit. The game isn't grimdark, but it is drab, and underneath all that politicking and melancholy is nothing worth caring about.

      • 12 months ago

        What, you don't remember when jon snow started powering up and a sick ass banger started playing?

      • 12 months ago

        And then a few major fights later, big spoiler in pic related.
        It literally goes DBZ with Clive and Joshua fusing to fight in space against Golden Bahamut
        I feel like anybody that just says it's "just Game of Thrones" will never see beyond the midpoint of the game you linked, and not seeing just how full Japanese crazy anime it goes.

        • 12 months ago

          >I feel like anybody that just says it's "just Game of Thrones" will never see beyond the midpoint of the game
          Yeah duuude, just play 35 hours and then it gets good! Frick off homosexual. They made their bed by constantly quoting GoT in that asinine media tour that they now get to lie in that bed. Frick game of thrones and everyone who enjoys that bullshit.

          • 12 months ago

            >just play 35 hours and then it gets good!
            Don't put words in my mouth, I never said that.
            If you want my take, it's good from the beginning, and even then it's only like 15-20 hours for the 50% mark (the second timeskip)

          • 12 months ago

            >They made their bed by constantly quoting GoT in that asinine media tour that they now get to lie in that bed. Frick game of thrones and everyone who enjoys that bullshit.
            Hello moron, maybe you should also see when they cited a shitton of influences from Japanese media.
            >"All of that kind of focuses around the concept of the Eikon, which is one of our central themes in the game. And those Eikons, the traditional summons of the Final Fantasy series, as long as you have that and you have that main core focus, then you're going to get that Final Fantasy feel with it. And then on top of that, the inspiration came from things like Ultraman, Kamen Rider, Evangelion, Attack on Titan, that type of Japanese Tokusatsu [live action], the anime, the manga that we all grew up with is definitely an influence."
            And in general, the whole team has influences across all media and games, but it's not dictating what they want to do. They're just implementing the things they really really like
            >As for other influences, I consume so much other media that there's going to probably be a lot of things that have influenced me, but it's not like I went out of my way to say, "Okay, I really like this from this game and so I'm going to use this in the game." It's more just like I've consumed so much media that those bits that I absorb are going to come out in what I create.
            >This is probably something we've said for our whole staff. We have a lot of great people on our staff that, again, are really, really into movies and games and anime. They all have the things that they work on in the game, so you're going to see influences from lots of different things, things that they really enjoy, because that's what this kind of game is about. We wanted to make it something that we enjoyed.

        • 12 months ago

          It's worse than Game of Thrones. It's all the awful shocking things Game of Thrones had with none of the meat or the competent writing during the first bunch of seasons. Then it goes full japanese fedora cuckoldry alien sex shlock.

          • 12 months ago

            >It's all the awful shocking things Game of Thrones had with none of the meat or the competent writing during the first bunch of seasons
            I loved the game but I'm with you on this boat. There are some very well written scenes in there, like when Dion kills the Emperor or Clive and Jill's sex scene on the beach after getting BTFO by Barnabas that are so good they make the rest look so much more jarring. It's immediately evident what scenes were written by Maehiro and the ones where some random side quest writer from XIV had some vague directives from him to go on, like the cullings or the child sacrifices in the Iron Kingdom that just came off as heavy handed.

      • 12 months ago

        >It screams Platinum goofy shit from top to bottom.
        this is what's bugging me. everybody always complains about those in platinum games but seem to love them here
        >The only ones that think it's this 'grimdark' GoT game have not even played the game
        tell that to the devs?

      • 12 months ago

        This botched attempt at copying GoT is exactly what you should be ashamed of playing. Only a young teen would find this cringy shit interesting.

    • 12 months ago

      >Frick you whoever eats this shit up.
      No. Frick you cuck homosexual and frick your mother.
      No vidya will make you happy , why are you even here ? Go transition and leave us

  14. 12 months ago

    What's the point of the no advertising rule? Genuine question.

  15. 12 months ago

    Bahamut fight had me like 😮

  16. 12 months ago

    2B won

    • 12 months ago

      Her game sucks too.

      • 12 months ago

        Still more of an rpg than 16

  17. 12 months ago

    I can't believe we've come full circle and that XVI now has its own fricking Barry. The game sucks. I wasted 70 bucks on this garbage. At least PCgays will be able to pirate.

  18. 12 months ago

    DMC fan here.
    Didn't read. Commit suicide.

  19. 12 months ago

    Does it really have DMC gameplay?
    Combo stuff and shit?
    Isn't it too dumbed down?

    • 12 months ago

      Look at gameplay videos yourself, you won't get good info here

    • 12 months ago

      Nah, you can do insane combos in the game. Limit Break (read: Devil Trigger) is your friend here.

      Even smth as basic as this works fine for air combos and that's not even touching using Torgal for air juggling or using Garuda's Deadly Embrace and enemy step to go up in the air insanely high.

      When the Bloody Palace mode gets discovered you'll see ppl doing insane combo runs

      • 12 months ago

        >you'll see ppl
        Moving on to the next game because of how boring this one is in the final stretch.

      • 12 months ago

        This video isn’t pretty deceitful considering any launchable enemy dies almost instantly anyways and while “stylish” there is no benefit to air strikes. No more damage than ground (less since many abilities have no aerial).

    • 12 months ago

      Dumbed down. Regular enemies die in one ability. Larger enemies and bosses you just spam abilities. Melee combo caps at 4 and the abilities you get don’t connect in a combo method.

  20. 12 months ago

    Benedikta is so cartoonishly and over the top evil it makes her look more pathetic and non threatening if anything

  21. 12 months ago

    All the half-step action shit FF tried was bad, I dont care if its turn based or action, just pick a fricking style and stick with it. Im glad XVI finally ripped the bandage off.

  22. 12 months ago

    Why does every combo in this game look the exact fricking same? It’s launch or scoop, maybe followed by a spell to slam them back into the ground. Don't get me wrong, it looks cool, but in other action games, this would be one trick, not the only trick.

    • 12 months ago

      FF without the soul, DMC without the soul. The game will find its fanbase, like the imbeciles who pretend that FF15 was good, but that's about it. FF used to be cultural event. Now it's just a niche whatever.

    • 12 months ago

      It looks so fricking weightless also, like you're just tearing away at paper.

    • 12 months ago

      That video reminds me of the one dude having an aneurysm playing botw moving his hands all over the place trying to prove a point.

    • 12 months ago

      You only have one combo and your sword abilities (all two of them) don’t feed into the combo. All the eikon skills you get are standalone not combo extenders or creators. Games puddle deep

  23. 12 months ago

    How much does level and numbers matter in this though, I like DMC because it has almost none of that shit and is just purely skill based.

    • 12 months ago

      Its mostly that, skill based. Its why some FF gays are seething cuz they cant use their RPG clutches (as if they havent got enough rings already). They want to have stupid shit like oh ifrit fire attacks would do no damage against a fire bomb cuz of fire elemental, that kind of gay shit. Which ofc would be terrible for a character action game so they dont do it here either

      You still have rings you can use to give you some stat boost and you can reduce cooldown times for some moves. The loadout of your eikons is your job system and is your RPG.

      • 12 months ago

        The Tales series maintains what little RPG elements it has, including elemental weakness/resistance and still has games with better combat systems. Making zero attempt is just laziness.

        • 12 months ago

          Wow. The gameplay must be dire if even Tales of Feces has deeper combat. YoshiP should stick to MMOs since having good gameplay doesn't matter in those games.

      • 12 months ago

        >They want to have stupid shit like oh ifrit fire attacks would do no damage against a fire bomb cuz of fire elemental, that kind of gay shit. Which ofc would be terrible for a character action game so they dont do it here either
        Except DMC already has elemental weaknesses. Bosses and enemies in DMC3 are weak against certain weapons (Cerberus hates Agni and Rudra, Agni Nevan, and Geryone are weak to Cerberus), and Pyrobats and Hellbats take less damage from Nero’s Max-Act attacks given how they’re literally made out of fire. What’s FFXVI’s excuse?

        • 12 months ago

          You forgot that DMC 1 enemies also had elemental weakness. Frost and plasma were weak to ifrit gauntlets.

  24. 12 months ago

    I've seen endless mentions of DMC in every single FF16 thread, it's so weird.

    • 12 months ago

      Its not considering character movement, abilities and even NPC companions are almost copy pasted from DMc5

      When i say its DMC6, thats not hyperbole. Thats what this is. DMC as an RPG with a final fantasy skin. Just like how stranger of paradise was dumbed down nioh with an FF skin

  25. 12 months ago

    It's more like a watered down DMC5 Nero than anything.

    • 12 months ago

      Not just nero

      Torgal is V Shadow

      Titan counter is Royal Guard

      Didnt get to the other eikons yet after titan but pretty sure i have seen judgement cut in previews too

      • 12 months ago

        >Torgal is V Shadow
        Yeah V without Griffon and Nightmare and Shadow without 50% of its moves

  26. 12 months ago

    I don't think you've played Devil May Cry.

  27. 12 months ago

    Guess fans don't have high standards if this is what can pass off as a DMC6 now.

    • 12 months ago

      Its DMC for people that haven't actually played DMC.

  28. 12 months ago

    Yeah but I want a new mainline FF not Devil may cry aping Game of Thrones as a FF for, and I quote the director, "People that grew up with call of duty and GTA". This could have been a side game, fricking it put it in the ivalice/vagrant story realm and it would have been fine.

    But as it stands it is just bait for normies to by an FF game and has 0 to do with any other games.

  29. 12 months ago

    Stranger of Paradise is the superior Action RPG.

  30. 12 months ago

    Calling it an RPG would be like calling Last of Us or Uncharted an RPG. It's a triple A cinematic action game, nothing more.

    • 12 months ago

      What defines an RPG?

    • 12 months ago

      FF games since 7 have ALWAYS been cinematic story games. Gameplay has always been this ‘thing’ you put up with.

      There was never any strategy or depth in the combat. Ppl need to stop the nostalgia gaslighting already

  31. 12 months ago

    Your game sucks, you can quit shilling it.

  32. 12 months ago

    For any, unapologetic non-shitposting action game veterans playing FF16 right now: how good is it?

    I'm experienced with DMC, Ninja Gaiden, W101, and Bayonetta. I'm a big fan of Bayo 1's combat specifically. I havent seen much FF16 gameplay, but from what little I've seen from the combat it looks fine, but not up to the standards of other prolific action games that I've listed. I'm not sure how prominent the RPG mechanics are, but from my experience RPG stat elements and pure action combat dont mix well at all, unless you're going something like the soulsborne game.

    I'm just not sure if the praise for FF16's combat is coming from RPG fans who don't play many action games at all and if they do, don't play them to the extent where they want to master the combat systems.

    • 12 months ago

      You're a fricking idiot who got gaslit by other morons if you are going into FF16 expecting it to be on the same level as real action games. That's about the nicest way I can put it for you.

      • 12 months ago

        >You're a fricking idiot
        takes one to know one

    • 12 months ago

      I am a severe DMC autist. I'm from the Devil's Lair days. It is basically a more fleshed out DMC4 Nero but with more simplified controls.


      nta but you're nuts if you think it has nothing to do with DMC (haven't played genshin impact though)
      - it has the following "styles": trickster, devil bringer, royal guard, maybe more?
      - it has devil trigger
      - it has cancelling and most importantly jump cancelling
      - it has exceed (though a bit clunkier)
      - it has perfect dodge -> witch time (bayo, but same genre)
      - as a bonus it has parry -> witch time as well

      I'm not sure how you can actually play the game and think its not hugely borrowing from DMC and other games in the genre. The only problem so far for me is that there are no pause combos and I would've preferred L-stick inputs for certain moves like Stinger/Hightime instead of pressing two buttons. Surprisingly the lock-on is also very good.

      enemies are more aggressive in FF16 than DMC4/5 though, assuming you're not playing on Story mode. Also the game is littered with QTEs and cinematic fights so if you don't like that you'll have problems I think. But it felt okay, it's basically impossible to fail the QTEs. And there are big kaiju fights which are slow and kind of clunky.

      There's also a training room if you want to go full combo autist or replay segments of the game.

      • 12 months ago

        For any, unapologetic non-shitposting action game veterans playing FF16 right now: how good is it?

        I'm experienced with DMC, Ninja Gaiden, W101, and Bayonetta. I'm a big fan of Bayo 1's combat specifically. I havent seen much FF16 gameplay, but from what little I've seen from the combat it looks fine, but not up to the standards of other prolific action games that I've listed. I'm not sure how prominent the RPG mechanics are, but from my experience RPG stat elements and pure action combat dont mix well at all, unless you're going something like the soulsborne game.

        I'm just not sure if the praise for FF16's combat is coming from RPG fans who don't play many action games at all and if they do, don't play them to the extent where they want to master the combat systems.

        also the side quests are fricking garbage, just skip them and keep going forward with the main story if you play the game

    • 12 months ago

      It looks very good, the videos make it looks a bit more floary than it actually feels. You lack a lot of self expression though, the combos are very basic and the eikon skills don't extend combos/open new combos up. Also the stagger system just feels bad to play with at times.

  33. 12 months ago

    >game sales have already been topped by the preorders for Mario RPG, a remake of a game that is literally 3 homies in a row
    You lost.

    • 12 months ago

      > kiddie trash for nintendie manchildren sells better

      No shit. Mcdonalds also sells more than regular restaurants

      Mario RPG btw is a complete garbage rpg. It was known back in the day as squares second worst game after final fantasy mystic quest. Watch tendies big up this trash now though lol

      • 12 months ago

        at least it's an RPG

        • 12 months ago

          again what do you think defines an RPG? selecting attack from a menu? selecting magic from a menu? is that it?

          cuz there are no real 'decisions' to be made. you just select whatever armor has the highest defense, whatever weapon has the highest number, there you go, i've described 99.99% of Square's turn based 'role playing games'. also all the characters are pre-existing and you just give them a name in most cases but the story plays out the exact same, so again, zero role playing there either.

          • 12 months ago

            FFXVI isn't an RPG.

        • 12 months ago

          here's an oldgay review from 2004

          > Perhaps the only good to have come out of this game is that it proved Americans aren't that stupid - Mystic Quest did dismally both with sales and with critics. Square appears to have learned from the experience, for the next time it dared venture into the kiddie pool it was with an excellent game, Super Mario RPG, which was both simplistic enough for someone new to pick up and play, and original enough to please an experienced player.

          Mystic Quest and Super Mario RPG have ALWAYS been known as literal baby games, introductions to children so that they might want to check out a REAL RPG like Final Fantasy or Chrono Trigger next. They were never seen or regarded as real 'RPGs', but were used as the butt of a joke

          God Nintendies' standards are so low it's almost laughable. No wonder they elevate a literal party game as if it's a real fighting game

          • 12 months ago

            >They were never seen or regarded as real 'RPGs', but were used as the butt of a joke
            One of these games is getting a remake, and it's not the one with "Final Fantasy" in its title. THAT sounds like the butt of a joke to me.

            • 12 months ago

              Cuz Nintendie has given up making new games with actual budgets and now just resorts to remaking old licensed games Square made for them.

              They cant even make a new Zelda anymore in 6 years, they have to resort to rechristening a DLC as a 'new sequel'.

              They know you will buy it anyway

      • 12 months ago

        Hello mr redditspacer. I want to let you know that Mystic Quest, while being a simple game, is perhaps the greatest "babys first jrpg" ever created. Everything just fits and works. Having encounters represented on the map and being able to instantly retry a lost fight make for an excellent smooth experience not many othe rjrpgs came close to.
        Its biggest flaw, if you want to note one, would be that it was birthed from the GameBoy SaGa trillogy and with that the loss of difficulty and customization options can be quite irritating for fans of those games.

  34. 12 months ago

    it should've cut all the bloat chores from being mandatory

  35. 12 months ago

    Everything Ive seen of this game reminds me more of MGR or old God of War than DMC. Simpler more accessible action gameplay but carried by the cinematic spectacle instead.

    • 12 months ago

      The Eikon fights are MGR/old God of War.

      The rest is DMC

  36. 12 months ago

    I saw a bunch of morons telling me to play Asura's Wrath because it was better, I'm currently playing it and FFXVI is just better and more fun despite Asura being a good show
    I'll finish it tomorrow then go back to XVI to tell people they were wrong

  37. 12 months ago

    I find it so funny that the doomies that were running rampart the previous few days are now getting overwhelmed because the people that were busy actually playing the game are now here to shed some truth

    • 12 months ago

      What truth? Everything people assumed happened: Cinematic action game, very little in common with older FFs going by the song of ice and fire playbook. The only new snoy cope is that "It totally becomes a FF game after the mid point!" which should be a really bad thing because people shilling for XVI were pretty adamant that they hated older FF games. Honestly it seems to me that this game is out to please no one fully.

      • 12 months ago

        I for one am fully pleased

  38. 12 months ago

    it's similar to hifi-rush not dmc.


    • 12 months ago

      you're mediocre

      • 12 months ago

        Why are you attacking me?

        • 12 months ago

          for your mediocrity

        • 12 months ago

          nta but some people just hate mediocre people for being mediocre, I can relate

          • 12 months ago

            Must be hard to look at the mirror

            • 12 months ago

              Alphas don't need mirrors, they know they are superior and flawless, you on the other need mirrors all the time to see if HRT works and if you look like a cute anime girl yet, kek

  39. 12 months ago

    it's a fetch quest simulator with MMORPG dialogues for like 70% of the game, the other 15% is basically a big offline quest from FF14, I mean...the FF14 vibes were strong even in the demo, the remaining 15% is bosses from souls-likes and they play like a souls game

  40. 12 months ago

    I finally realized why this game feels so similar. It feels just like a Witcher game. The aesthetic feels very similar, with a pseudo medieval fantasy feel, and the main characters kind of have the same aesthetic too, with the leather armor and the long sword on the back. All the NPC’s looks kind of generic and like they were made in character creator. The way the camera takes a very specific angle when talking to NPC’s. The way Clive talks to himself as he travels. And even the voice sounds the same. When I met the Dame, I had a deja vu moment of the first time I visited the brothel in Wither 3. Even the empire’s armies gives off wild hunt vines with the corners on the captains armors. Alternating between attack and magic feels similar too. The game is a Japanese Witcher.

    • 12 months ago

      boss baby syndrome, play more vidya

  41. 12 months ago

    Didn't read + homosexual pozzed game

    • 12 months ago

      Storm of loyalty is more of a man than you will ever be goon

      • 12 months ago

        >Storm of sodomy
        >Storm of homosexualry

        • 12 months ago

          why do homosexuals live rent free in your head?

    • 12 months ago

      You’re gonna go play the next Fire Emblem and GTAs, you probably played Signalis too

  42. 12 months ago

    Loving the game, never played a dmc though, might have to try one

  43. 12 months ago

    What’s the best way to use limit break in boss fights. Should I be using it to stagger them or save it for when their down then pop it?

    • 12 months ago

      its pretty easy to stagger, I'd pop it for extra damage once they're already there

  44. 12 months ago

    I feel like the dodge is too good and you can even make it better

  45. 12 months ago

    More like DMC 2-2

  46. 12 months ago

    "We have Devil May Cry at home" edition fricking kek

  47. 12 months ago

    i would've unironically rather played a single player mmo with xiv fights than watered down genshit combat

    • 12 months ago

      does genshin actually have legit DMC-style jump-cancelling or am I just getting memed on? because if so I'd better pick it up

  48. 12 months ago

    >morons out themselves as trash dmc players by comparing this offline mmo slop to it

  49. 12 months ago

    >Yes, it's DMC6. That's why it's great

    • 12 months ago

      this seems like a bug, they were pretty aggressive when I fought them. Titan's guard also breaks against bosses like Beneditka if your timing is bad

      • 12 months ago

        >Yes, it's DMC6. That's why it's great

        I guess its possible this is journo mode too though

        • 12 months ago

          it's not

          • 12 months ago

            it is, and how would you know you moron, the filename outs you as having downloaded from here, you haven't even played the game

    • 12 months ago

      choosing the flaming homosexual easy mode says more about you than it does about the game

  50. 12 months ago

    DMC had more rpg elements in it since elements actually did shit.

  51. 12 months ago

    >Hey guys lets give Bahamut an incredible fight to hype the player for his moveset
    >And then let's make Bahamut's abilities absolute TRASH lmao
    For real, is this a prank? Flare Breath is horrendous and Gigaflare is shit too. I will admit Megaflare is absurd though. Shiva and Odin better be good or I'm gonna be pissed

  52. 12 months ago

    >Yes, it's DMC6. That's why it's great.

    • 12 months ago

      uhh this is with the accessories that literally play the game for you, there's no way yolu can do all this with just tapping one button

  53. 12 months ago

    >better action combat and more rpg elements than final fantasy

    sakunnychads won

  54. 12 months ago

    correct. shit is straight up fantastic and the best game square have done since I don't know, possibly ever.

  55. 12 months ago

    >I saw nobody b***hing about Stranger of Paradise being a blatant Nioh reskin
    Spinoff so nobody cares. The game was pretty bad but nothing wrong with taking risks on a spinoff series.

  56. 12 months ago

    >It's DMC6
    Obviously I can't attest to it myself because I can only watch others play it, but it doesn't seem to be the case. Outside of eikon abilities, it seems all you can really do is the same attack chain over and over and a magic bolt finisher at any point in the chain. I also don't like how you seemingly can't lift staggered bosses into the air to juggle them or slam them into the ground.
    Maybe it picks up once you have more eikons to rotate through, but the early game at least seems to be quite a slog.

    • 12 months ago


      its not just air juggles you frick there is literally jump cancelling, ie you can do 10 helm breakers in a row with the right timing, what generic kusoge allows that?

      nta but you're nuts if you think it has nothing to do with DMC (haven't played genshin impact though)
      - it has the following "styles": trickster, devil bringer, royal guard, maybe more?
      - it has devil trigger
      - it has cancelling and most importantly jump cancelling
      - it has exceed (though a bit clunkier)
      - it has perfect dodge -> witch time (bayo, but same genre)
      - as a bonus it has parry -> witch time as well

      I'm not sure how you can actually play the game and think its not hugely borrowing from DMC and other games in the genre. The only problem so far for me is that there are no pause combos and I would've preferred L-stick inputs for certain moves like Stinger/Hightime instead of pressing two buttons. Surprisingly the lock-on is also very good.

      I am a severe DMC autist. I'm from the Devil's Lair days. It is basically a more fleshed out DMC4 Nero but with more simplified controls.

      see [...]

      enemies are more aggressive in FF16 than DMC4/5 though, assuming you're not playing on Story mode. Also the game is littered with QTEs and cinematic fights so if you don't like that you'll have problems I think. But it felt okay, it's basically impossible to fail the QTEs. And there are big kaiju fights which are slow and kind of clunky.

      There's also a training room if you want to go full combo autist or replay segments of the game.

      idk if that helps, also yeah you can't juggle stunned bosses - but you can't really do that in DMC anyways outside DMC5 Vergil and maybe Credo

      • 12 months ago

        It definitely makes me wonder if the people I've watched just haven't been playing "correctly" or maybe it's stuff you unlock later. I'm certainly interested, but I'm PConry so I'll have to get fricked for now.

        • 12 months ago

          the game has a lot of options for casualization, one is journo mode, and on top of that you can equip 3 accessories that just play the game for you (automatic mode basically, and it even turns every near-hit into a QTE for an auto-dodge). I'd say unless the streamer is aware of it and an action game fan, their playthrough is probably not worth much. It's also possible, in my estimation, to finish the game with the base moveset without any upgrades or swaps - I didn't realize I had points to spend until much later. Jump-cancel for example is an ability you have to unlock, like it is in DMC4/5

      • 12 months ago

        DMC5 Vergil also just says frick you if you try to combo him too long and gets out.

        >- it has exceed (though a bit clunkier)
        No it doesn't, that's a bringer knuckle if anything. As far as I know the hit>spell thing the MC of 16 has doesn't trigger any special porperties into his normal moveset nor does it fill a gauge with levels.
        >- it has cancelling and most importantly jump cancelling
        My man a shitton of ARPGs/Action games feature animation or jump cancels, it's not exclusive to DMC nor is it exclusive to XVI.
        >- it has perfect dodge -> witch time (bayo, but same genre)
        Read above.
        >- it has devil trigger
        I don't think this is true but substantiate your claims, does the MC of 16 turn into his Eikons mid-combat? Because from what I've seen that's entirely a different combat system. So if anything it's probably a soft-devil trigger where your moves are amplified.
        >trickster, devil bringer, royal guard
        It's simplified versions of those if anything, the FFXVI Trickster doesn't have Sky Star or Trick Down/Up, the Devil bringer is just the 4 one nor can it hold things in place like in 5 or have access to another snatch, and the Royal Guard I guess is the Titan parry but I don't know if it has Royal Release or Royal Parry.

        oh, and the devil trigger is an "eikon" trigger but its not the kaiju thing, its called Limit Break in-game actually, it amplifies your speed, and attack power/radius, and heals you via a vampirism effect (I think, it wasn't very clear to me the few times I used it), covers you in ifrit's flames

        Limit Break also speeds up your cooldowns it feels like. It charges much quicker than Devil Trigger or Limit Breaks in old games too. If someone feels like the combat is a slog, they aren't using LB that often.

  57. 12 months ago

    It takes a long fricking time but once you get Bahamut you can go full Black Mage and just spam ranged spells for the most part. Seems like Ramuh/Shiva/Bahamut is the black mage setup and throw Heatwave in there too. I'm glad they included this even if most people are just gonna punch shit with Titan. Why the FRICK is Windup so goddamn strong

    • 12 months ago

      >Strong range

      Sounds like it would break the already simple fights

      • 12 months ago

        Yeah, imagine that clip but instead of mashing triangle you just hold circle and do a few perfect dodges and then do a billion damage and then spam cooldowns. A level 4 megaflare just deletes health bars.

  58. 12 months ago

    The difference between XVI threads and Dragon's Dogma 2 threads is hilarious. When people criticize Dragon's Dogma the fans all go "ye" and agree with the criticisms. They then start talking about how fun the game is and then share builds pawns. Everyone ends up having a good time. If you say you don't like XVI you get called Barry and are thrown paragraphs of false equivalences desperately arguing how how it's just like every other FF. At least OP is now embracing the criticisms I guess

    • 12 months ago

      OP exposed himself of having never played DMC by making this thread, more like.

    • 12 months ago

      >When people criticize Dragon's Dogma the fans all go "ye" and agree with the criticisms.
      A couple of years ago, sure. But that's not the case anymore

  59. 12 months ago

    Bros help I can't stop spamming titanic parry I haven't used the other eikons in hours

  60. 12 months ago

    I'm about 40 hours in and still enjoying it a lot. Can't wait for NG+, but I don't want to rush my first playthrough either.

    • 12 months ago

      >40 hours in
      >not rushing it
      >dogshit blogpost

      why did your kind felt welcomed here sister?

      • 12 months ago

        go be a sperg somewhere else ESL

    • 12 months ago

      >don’t want to rush
      >40 hours in
      >games only been out for 60 hours

      • 12 months ago

        its been out for about 4 days in Aus/NZ moron

        • 12 months ago

          Right, because 40 hours spent of 80 hours isn’t rushing it.

          • 12 months ago

            do you know what rushing it means
            if they had said "I finished it in 30 hours" that's rushing it

          • 12 months ago

            are you moronic?

    • 12 months ago

      >That sinergy with Ramuh's landmine and Bahamut's lightbeam
      I think I'm gonna steal this.

  61. 12 months ago

    Nobody even fricking knows what an RPG is anymore anyway.

    They need to attach a bunch of subgenres to it like JRPG, WRPG, CRPG, SRPG, ARPG etc. Because the term "RPG" by itself means nothing. Ive literally met a guy who called any game that wasnt an FPS, Driving, Sports or puzzle/card game an "RPG", any game that had you playing as a character with a story was an RPG in his eyes. Thats how pointless this genre name is now.

  62. 12 months ago

    Is the berseker ring worth using? Idk what to press after i dodge

    • 12 months ago

      iirc dodges do stack the att boost
      it turns basic attacks into fire ones

    • 12 months ago

      I wanted to use it, but I had to take it off because it removes my Precision shots. It's pretty cool tho.

  63. 12 months ago

    ok cool it's DMC6, so how has it improved on DMC5?
    5 had 3 playable characters and 16 has...oh one? just one? ok
    Well maybe concentrating on one character means he has lots of different weapons that all play differently?
    Oh no.
    Well surely at least being this limited means it has a vast array of branching combos and combo extenders?

    • 12 months ago


      sister... your hrt

      • 12 months ago

        >redditspacing in a post accusing a post without redditspacing of redditspacing
        Well it's a better plot twist than anything in 16

  64. 12 months ago

    So why can Clive use a bunch of Eikon abilities if he's the dominant for Ifrit, is he rogue from X-men or something.

  65. 12 months ago

    This game is a joke in high level DMC circles

    • 12 months ago

      >high level DMC circles

    • 12 months ago

      anon devil's lair hasn't been a thing for years

  66. 12 months ago

    >watch someone just mash square and die
    >they call the game a button masher and quit

    • 12 months ago

      Normalgays need extreme negative feedback in games to understand that theyre playing wrong. If theres nothing like a stamina meter or color coded enemies they'll just keep playing like morons.

  67. 12 months ago

    Can i upgrade torgal?

  68. 12 months ago

    Wait is it linear like FF13?
    I hoped it was at least something like FF12.

    • 12 months ago

      you really don't want to do the side quests, they're shit and feel like they're out of an MMO or worse, literally the first side quest is walk 2 doors down, grab some wood, and come back

      they should've gone even MORE linear because this shit was shoe-horned in and takes away from the game

    • 12 months ago

      you really don't want to do the side quests, they're shit and feel like they're out of an MMO or worse, literally the first side quest is walk 2 doors down, grab some wood, and come back

      they should've gone even MORE linear because this shit was shoe-horned in and takes away from the game

      You do the side quests for the writing. Which is to say don't do them.

    • 12 months ago

      >I hoped it was at least something like FF12
      it is, don't let these homosexuals lie to you

  69. 12 months ago

    >Yes, it's DMC6. That's why it's great

    • 12 months ago

      "Morbol Slain" is the worst part of this webm

      • 12 months ago

        who the frick is malboro

    • 12 months ago

      >outed himself as never having actually played DMC
      You can also do this in DMC moron
      he isn't even trying to play the right way

    • 12 months ago

      Devil may cry 5 was a button masher dude

  70. 12 months ago

    >A lot of inspiration from Witcher 3 and Nier Automata
    I fricking wish this had Witcher 3's sidequests. It's shitty fetch quests. This "fleshing out the world" shit is such cope.
    >Combat is amazing in this game and ppl who say it's shit or dumbed down have no idea what they are talking about and they likely suck at any DMC game.
    Combat is decent but has some pretty serious flaws. The control scheme also actively brings it down
    >when almost everyone universally agreed this game was terrible and an unfinished clusterfrick.
    It was, but at least it still had controllable party members (even if that was added in post launch) and some level of RPG mechanics like status effects and shit

  71. 12 months ago

    Is the combat worse than KH2 or better?

    • 12 months ago

      ehh I'd give it to KH2 because KH2 handles the RPG side of things better, but FFXVI is pretty good for a DMC-lite. I just haven't got to a point where magic feels good, whereas in KH2 its pretty important and readily available even without factoring in forms

      • 12 months ago

        All the good "magic" abilties are locked to Ramuh Bahamut and Shiva, Bahamut's eikon feat lets you go full spellcaster and not really bother with melee combos.

        • 12 months ago

          Ramuh's only good skill is Judgment Bolt.

    • 12 months ago

      >Is the combat worse than KH2 or better?
      deeper maybe but less fun IMO.
      >there's not even a hard mode. regular enemies are no threat whatsoever.
      >bosses and minibosses mainly consist of depleting their stagger bar with eikonic abilities. then limit breaking and spamming more eikonic abilities when they're staggered.
      >eikonic abilities and limit break conjure a ton of particle effects and that plus motion blur that you can't turn off makes it hard to see what the enemy is doing. Especially bad as minibosses and bosses don't get interrupted, not even humanoid ones. They just hyperarmor through everything.
      >torgal and items being both on the dpad except you cycle between them with left face button basically makes it inevitable that you will accidentally use an item when you meant to use the dog
      >similar shit with the eikons. You cycle through them but this forces you to look at the menu to see which one you're on. You will inevitably do shit thinking you're on one eikon when you're actually on a different one.

      • 12 months ago

        KH2’s ability synergy is nuts even to this day. Where’s the equivalent to that in FFXVI?

  72. 12 months ago

    I was expecting the Eikon fights to be gimmicks and they ended up being some of the best shit in the game.
    Just bear Titan Lost a few minutes ago, holy shit.

    • 12 months ago

      You haven’t seen anything. You thought that was the best thing yet? Think again.

  73. 12 months ago

    >Yes, it's DMC6. That's why it's great.

  74. 12 months ago

    Everything from entering Sanbreque onwards is absolutely fricking bananas, but in an incredibly fun and insane way.

    • 12 months ago

      I'm just about to enter that part I think, Sneak into the Oriflamme? I'm hyped now anon

      • 12 months ago

        get out of here to avoid spoilers, go play it, it's pure kino

        • 12 months ago

          will do - thanks, brother

    • 12 months ago

      IMO the game just keeps getting better. I haven't reached a part yet where I've felt bored. This cannot be said for my experienced with 13 or 15. Bahamut's bit is actually insane too.

      • 12 months ago

        I feel bored inbetween the main story shit. It's always "do some menial shit to win the favor of one of cid's allies so they can give you a special badge." If you could just skip that bullshit the pacing would be a lot better.

        • 12 months ago

          yeah that shit is mind-numbingly boring, its basically side-quest tier in any other RPG (here the actual side-quests are even worse)

  75. 12 months ago

    So what's the name of this track? I've been waiting years to hear the full version


  76. 12 months ago

    It just shows that you give us good gameplay and we will like your game.

    Something SE didn't learn with FFXV and Forspoken

    • 12 months ago

      at least the dissolved that shitty team
      too bad they didn't do it right after booting tabata's useless ass

  77. 12 months ago

    >6 xvi threads
    >none of them are actually talking about the game

    • 12 months ago

      what is there to talk about, game is shit

    • 12 months ago

      >6 shitpost threads up
      >people busy playing the game

      • 12 months ago

        i wanna talk about the game tho
        i am enjoying it

        • 12 months ago

          >talk about game

  78. 12 months ago

    Did you actually compare the sidequests to Witcher 3? lmao

  79. 12 months ago

    Didn't read your post. Didn't read replies. Here's the objective truth:

    Final Fantasy 16 has some of the best boss fights I have ever played against in a video game, and I have played almost every high profile action game in the genre. No, FF16 is not an RPG. Who gives a shit if the series hasn't been an RPG for over a decade now? The IP finally got a good single player entry, which is a dramatic step up from where it previously sat.

    Anyone who says combat is shallow is an idiot. Anyone who says enemies are damage sponges are bad at the game, and are an idiot. Anyone who says the game running less than 1080p 60fps is okay, is an idiot. Anyone who says the game can't be improved by keeping some more traditional franchise norms, is an idiot. Anyone who says the game is a Game of Thrones wannabe is an idiot, and anyone who points put the lead dev made the team watch Game of Thrones to draw some inspirations for the game (despite the entire plot being Godzilla murdering other Kaiju in a revenge plot), is an idiot.

    FF16 is great, if a little underbaked. Anyone who says otherwise wither has zero taste, is actively shitposting, or is an objective idiot. Full stop.

    • 12 months ago

      I just beat garuda and i am surprised at how varied her attacks were. most ff enemies are pushovers until the last 2 or 3 fights or until the super speshul secret boss

    • 12 months ago

      FFs been a RPG for 25 years decades and 13 main numbered entries.

      FFs been a mediocre action rpg for 1 decade and 3 main numbered entries

      • 12 months ago

        Final Fantasy has maybe 4 games in the entire franchise that can sincerely be called RPGs. 4 homies in a row that take turns slapping each other with zero decision making, multiple ways to solve the game, or ability to make a specific build is not a fricking Role-Playing Game; it's a turn based adventure game aping an RPG because it shows numbers on a stat sheet you have almost no control over.

        • 12 months ago

          >multiple ways to solve the game, or ability to make a specific build is not a fricking Role-Playing Game
          Yes it is moron. Jrpgs are not about "role playing", they're about options, builds and numbers combined with nice aesthetics generally.

          • 12 months ago

            And FF has none of that outside of maybe 4 titles, as I previously stated. Even FF5's job system is borderline pushing it, but barely makes the cut.

  80. 12 months ago

    I can't parry for shit bros...

    • 12 months ago

      use the stinger move tbh, its just a long thrust forward so it has the most likelihood of parrying most oncoming attacks (just like in DMC aside from prop-shredder or revolver)

    • 12 months ago

      this is a disengenious pro-shitgameplay post. The parry has 2 seconds of leniency

  81. 12 months ago

    the forest bgm is too frickin good i'm subconciously whistling it

  82. 12 months ago

    Type B lads, where we at?

    • 12 months ago

      Type-C is my preference. I don't know how people hold triangle to charge magic while attacking with square, Triangle is so much better suited to eikon changing,

      • 12 months ago

        For me I can't have R1 be the dodge button, too whack

        • 12 months ago


          • 12 months ago

            Name an action game with R1 dodge

            • 12 months ago

              Final Fantasy 16

  83. 12 months ago

    The games problem is the story after the 2nd timeskip a lack of good side content like super bosses or dungeons like the Research Facility in FF8.

    Literally at no point did I think to myself that what FF16 lacked was braindead elemental weaknesses or status ailments that never mattered on your first playthrough anyways because they missed 80% of the time and bosses were immune to just about anything unless you were reading a strategy guide to find out the 1 or 2 cases where you could cheese a something because by the time you'd had your 10th immune any reasonable player just stopped trying

    This is why the series has no future, because all the most common complaints cited are JRPG boomer takes who just want the series to basically be a higher production turn based mobile gacha game with rock paper scissors gameplay and pornbrain anime waifus. Sort of like how people complained that Fallout 4 didnt have the vault boy everywhere when that was literally the least of the games frickups. Alk the real problems get ignored and never iterated on in favor of fanboys who aesthetically stuck in their teens

    • 12 months ago

      Good post.

    • 12 months ago

      Bad post.

    • 12 months ago

      Average post

  84. 12 months ago

    The combat feels good but it lacks variety
    i do not like they put a dedicated launch attack on the dpad with torgal instead of the face buttons and i do not like how you have no incentive to change pre stagger moves up because it will always be best to use the best stagger moves which is mostly garuda for most of the game untill lategame.

    • 12 months ago

      I'm still early in the game but I feel like 2 abilities per eikon will get old fast

      • 12 months ago

        i now have three and you can switch between all three so that is 6 don't know if ill have even more when i get eikon4/5/6

      • 12 months ago

        One of my major complaints is that when you hold R2 to open the Eikon Cooldown prompt is that O stays the same passive Eikon ability instead of being a mappable slot for any cooldown ability you achieved Mastery of (because as of right now, I have no idea why people would waste Ability points mastering Eikon attacks for no bonus other than being able to shift them around). Having access to 3/5 attacks per Eikon equipped dramatically opens up your move pool, but I can also see how it could completely break the damage output for bosses and make Normal attacks basically useless at that point.

    • 12 months ago

      Torgal is another thing that was purely included by committee. He is completely pointless and adds nothing to the game except for making dumb people clap because the camera focussed on le best friend doggo again.

  85. 12 months ago

    FFXVI-2 soon.

    • 12 months ago

      I'm nowhere near beating 16 yet Just barely Accepted the Truth but I can already see a direct sequel using a 3 man party.

  86. 12 months ago

    making basic enemies absolutely braindead punching bags with no hp was a mistake

    • 12 months ago

      i thought enemies were damage sponges
      which one is it doomsposters

      • 12 months ago

        basic enemies are made of paper, mid bosses are made of titanium

        only "full" bosses feel properly tuned length wise

        • 12 months ago

          It's actually shocking how badly the kill points flow given how basic the RPG systems are in it

      • 12 months ago

        There are literally both types of enemies throughout the game.

        • 12 months ago

          the only game with damage sponge enemies is god of war on give me god of war difficulty
          everything else is child's play

  87. 12 months ago

    you are a dumb homosexual
    >nooo mashing x and then hitting a cooldown is not simplistic okay!!!! what's simplistic is your combat where you just select an option for a menu but you're controlling 3-5 party members at once and you have to actually equip them, build them, choose their magic and not just auto equip your newest green up arrow item
    get fricked you brainlet action gays
    nobody cares about "styling" on anything, they care about efficiency, min maxing and simply overcoming an encounter. the level of style is fricking irrelevant and is a massive MASSIVE fricking cope that people only bring up in games that are brainless and have no difficulty. it's the same as "yeah but just dont level up and just dont equip new items and just impose 500 artificial rules upon yourself because the game is designed like shit" lol

    • 12 months ago

      Bro there is no interesting gameplay at all in hastaga -> strongest attack unless heal necessary. Thats literally as complex as it got except for some superbosses where you also had to cast shell and protect

  88. 12 months ago

    >I saw nobody b***hing about Stranger of Paradise being a blatant Nioh reskin. This was part of the understanding.
    Because it wasn't a numbered entry.
    Spinoffs can be whatever genre they want to be.
    This is like if F-Zero became a Smash clone with zero racing in it

    • 12 months ago

      They told everyone that FF16 went in a different direction with that beforehand. You can say you dont like it, but reviewbombing a game for something that was explicitely stated as a particular aspect of the game is moronic. You may as well be complaining that Halo isnt a WW2 shooter at that point.

      I am disappointed with the game and think its being dragged down by the story after Cid dies and lack of meaningful side content because it was reasonable to expect this game to have a good story and well written side quests that build out the characters and world from how the game was promoted. Review bomb the game about those things, not literal boomer shit behavior where you write bad reviews because it doesnt have a classic FF party composition

      • 12 months ago

        >they told everyone it was shit so it's ok

        • 12 months ago

          If they told you what theyre advertising is shit and you buy it then yeah, marking it down for being what they said would be dumb. But you understand this already and just refuse to be a reasonable person because you wanted a Persona highschool waifu wish fulfillment dating simulator

  89. 12 months ago

    I'm enjoying the game a lot, but I feel they should've taken more from Dragon's Dogma than DMC. Could've had jobs like vocations, and pawns with actual decent AI who don't just stand around doing frick-all. Climbing mechanic in a game about huge summons would've been cool.

    • 12 months ago

      The AI deals a ton of damage when off-screen, it's one of those games that's sort of insulting to play when you realize how shallow everything is but morons (that's you) love it.

      • 12 months ago

        >The AI deals a ton of damage when off-screen

        no it fricking doesn't
        the only time this is ever the case if it's a set fighting between you and a partner against 2 enemies and the ai says i'll handle this dude you handle the other
        otherwise ai is fricking useless in general

      • 12 months ago

        >The AI deals a ton of damage when off-screen

        lol no

  90. 12 months ago

    Stranger of Paradise got dumped on plenty and wasn’t even a numbered Final Fantasy game.

    • 12 months ago

      its a shame because its one of the few post PS2 era SE games that's actually good aside from WoFF

  91. 12 months ago

    It's DMC without the good combat, cool characters, and none of the charm or soul.

    • 12 months ago

      FF16's high points hit WAY fricking harder than any anything in the entire DMC series, Anon. I mean that sincerely. Not counting even numbered entries, DMC just happens to (generally) be a more consistently polished experience from start to finish.

      • 12 months ago

        what high points? everything FF16 does is shallow as frick whether it's the gameplay or the story
        they can't even be bothered to make different soundtracks for each boss, you hear the same boss music again and again which just cheapens the experience even further

  92. 12 months ago

    I thought the hooded homie was going to be a ghost in clive's mind. Surprised he's real and everyone can see him

    • 12 months ago

      There's 2

  93. 12 months ago

    Clive feels great to control on the ground but i highly prefer how nero feels in the air doing air combos

    • 12 months ago

      I feel like air combo controls aren't very intuitive.

    • 12 months ago

      i hope you use Torgal to extend air combos

    • 12 months ago

      Because Nero is braindead to control in the air. Clive can stay airborn forever, but requires perfect timing and the right setup to achieve.

    • 12 months ago

      I feel like air combo controls aren't very intuitive.


  94. 12 months ago

    Saboteurs? It says the Metacritic archives have been compromised.

  95. 12 months ago

    For me? It's Gigaflare.

    • 12 months ago

      we get giga flare?

      • 12 months ago

        Yeah, it's not the strongest super move but the cooldown is pretty short so you get to do it more often.

        • 12 months ago

          frick i wanna see it but i don't wanna spoil myself

          • 12 months ago

            If you played DMC5 it's a lot like Nero's gerbera beam

  96. 12 months ago

    holy reddit COPE
    mmo devs = mmo quality = do not play

  97. 12 months ago

    >just beat titan lost
    I hope the eikons yet to come are this kino

    • 12 months ago

      Bahamut is mega ultra kino

  98. 12 months ago

    >hdr on
    >the random white screens almost give me an epilepsy every time

  99. 12 months ago

    easy and repetitive
    cringy GoT wannabe turns into regular JRPG moronation
    >everything else
    there is nothing else to this game

    truly for the GTA and CoD audience. gotta support stuff like this!

    • 12 months ago

      >it's bad because it's bad
      Keep us posted

  100. 12 months ago

    Does anyone have that gif of Vegil telling Barry it's past his bedtime?

    • 12 months ago
  101. 12 months ago

    also i am impressed at how polished this game is
    most japanese shit is buggy on launch

    • 12 months ago

      yeah, 720p at 40fps screams polish

      • 12 months ago

        that's literally every game on this shit console
        out of all of the shit, it's the least shitty. happy now homosexual?

        • 12 months ago

          >muh other games suck too
          not an excuse

    • 12 months ago

      game was done a year ago, they used the time solely for polishing

      and still fricked up the framerate outside of combat

  102. 12 months ago

    >Clive vs Garuda
    >Ifrit vs Garuda
    >Elsewhere, ODIN vs BAHAMUT

    Yeah, I don't care, this game fricking rocks.

    • 12 months ago

      People literally will not understand until they play it, but will instead cuck themselves by watching a Streamer have fun with it instead, then pretend like it wasn't good.

    • 12 months ago

      I know sister, the cinematic are out of this world!!!!! Gameplay? WHO CARES CONSOOM

  103. 12 months ago

    These threads may be divisive, but we can all agree that Uncle Byron is the best character in the franchise right?

  104. 12 months ago

    my main gripe with this game is that benny dies way too early

  105. 12 months ago

    >I saw nobody b***hing about Stranger of Paradise being a blatant Nioh reskin
    No one did because it was a FF spinoff. FF spinoffs always experimented changing genres. Now when The new main entry of single player FF is a DMC ripoff then you have to be autistic not to notice whats the issue.
    Finally, given that I like DMC I would love to play a 40 hours long DMC, sadly the combat doesnt hold a candle to it. And its nothing like DMC at all. More like 40 hours of ps3 Castlevania stupidity

  106. 12 months ago

    is this what xiv story is like? i might give it another try unironically. i've tried to get through the first area like 30 times now but i always fall asleep at my desk
    also do not try to shill me your troony game
    be honest or i will ignore you

    • 12 months ago

      14's story only gets bearable in the first expansion. The entire base game is worldbuilding and setting up plot points that pay off hundreds of hours later.

    • 12 months ago

      FF14 was largely considered the best FF story in the franchise since at least the PS1 days for a reason, Anon. The problem is that it's an MMO, and that means there is a metric frickload of filler around the absolute kino moments that carry the game.

    • 12 months ago

      ffxiv doesnt really have any climactic payoff until like the end of the base game

    • 12 months ago

      I will be 100% honest with you
      A realm reborn exists purely for worldbuilding and is a sour apple to get through, heavensward feels like ff16 100% and is kino, stormblood story is cringe untill you go to not-asia, shadowbringers is the best final fantasy has been in more than a decade and kino of the highest order, endwalker is hit or miss depending on how open you are to the villain being a philosophical concept, i personally thought it was amazing though with bad pacing at times.

  107. 12 months ago


  108. 12 months ago

    >armored knights taken out by convenience tomahawks from common bandits

  109. 12 months ago

    It's been amazing so far, and the Medieval-flavored worldbuilding is the best I've seen since FF10.

  110. 12 months ago

    I love gta and call of duty is this game specifically created for me?

    • 12 months ago

      No, that other Anon is a fricking idiot.

  111. 12 months ago

    Is Jill really a non-character?

    • 12 months ago

      she gets her one shining moment and is then nothing but a plant.

    • 12 months ago

      She bounces off Cid and Gav well but when she's just with Clive all they do is amplify each other's brooding. If she had spent more time with the other characters she'd have been better.

  112. 12 months ago

    I think I'm about to get to my second Eikon fight and it's been pretty good so far. Finally glad it's letting me roam around and fight random enemies and treasure. Kinda wish some areas like Greatwood were left open to pass through instead of being locked behind Stage Replay + lower EXP/Gil for non-boss enemies. It breaks the immersion for me a little bit when wanting to backtrack to Cid's Hideout.

  113. 12 months ago

    i bought a fancy ass mini led monitor and some speakers and idk this game is hittin different
    it's like a full experience if you get what i'm sayin

  114. 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      >he doesn't know

  115. 12 months ago

    you know what i've noticed? the NPCS don't look like they're in the wrong game like every other FF

    • 12 months ago

      Yeah there's a consistent look to everyone except Clive once he gets the second outfit. I liked the first better.

    • 12 months ago

      >like every other FF

      you mean 15 and 7R which use same shit malaysian studio to make the god awful NPCs?

      • 12 months ago

        and all the 13 games
        i guess the last one that had ok npcs was 10

        • 12 months ago

          the 13 trilogy's npcs all looked in place though

          • 12 months ago


            • 12 months ago

              they all worse moronic sci-fi gear
              main characters and npcs

      • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago

        Unironically soulless also I laughed ff7Black folk defend this

        • 12 months ago

          no one defended that Barry. That was one of the few things everyone universally agreed upon besides the music being the best thing about the game.

    • 12 months ago

      Yeah, it's definitely much better than VIIR. That got so bad in some places it was a detractor. Sector 7 Slums was like watching Cloud and Tifa walk around 1930s New York City

  116. 12 months ago

    the absolute cope when yoshida resigns will be very funny

    • 12 months ago

      Yeah, resigns from his position as producer and takes the CEO position kek

      • 12 months ago

        >Still the best reviewing FF mainline title in like 17 years
        Yeah. Yoshida is finished.

        Its not that good. Better than anything 12 onwards (except 14) but its not really signalling the new golden age of FF that I thought it would prior to release. Just the truth.

        • 12 months ago

          japanese studios will never be that big again. unless they larp as western studios

          • 12 months ago

            No, I think if the story after the 2nd timeskip had remained solid and there had been less "please look for this missing random friend of mine who will never show up again before I help you with your resistance fight" and used that time to have cheeky personal moments between Jill and Clive so that they actually feel like a mature couple with sexual tension and casual flirtatiousness you occasionally do in a relationship, then the game could have made an enormous impact through word of mouth

            Also the entire Clive monologue to Ultima at the end should have been set up more thematically? Its like all the music and pathos is there but its just not earned emotionally. Clive tells Ultima about the similarities and differences of what made humans strong compared to Ultimas race but there was no such dynamic or parralel ever hinted at before the literal final exposition dump right the trio confronts him. Its just so badly jumbled man I really wanted this game to be something I could unequivocally recommend as GOTY contender

            • 12 months ago

              i will let you in on a secret. story is not what sells games. none of what you said matters at all

              • 12 months ago

                A great story with decent enough gameplay is what makes games punch way above their weight and if big budgetted become a phenomenon

                You vastly overestimate the extent to which normies care about pure arcade infinitely scaling time trial gameplay loops

    • 12 months ago

      >Still the best reviewing FF mainline title in like 17 years
      Yeah. Yoshida is finished.

      • 12 months ago

        spending all the extra money on those reviews and then selling this poorly is hardly a good thing

  117. 12 months ago

    >get rammed by all of typhon's demon wall
    God I suck

    • 12 months ago

      learn 2 iceskate

  118. 12 months ago

    this feels like a full game so far..but so did 15 until chapter 8 or 9 i forget

    • 12 months ago

      It's the opposite of 15. It's actually at its worst at the start and only ramps up later.

      • 12 months ago

        i hope you mean there are a shit ton of post game activities. i'm talkin kh3 remind tier

        • 12 months ago

          Lategame S tier marks are pretty good but I didn't play KH so can't compare

  119. 12 months ago

    why didn't they just make it an original IP

  120. 12 months ago

    Do you think Jill stayed a virgin those 13 years?

    • 12 months ago

      Yes. She even goes out of her way to tell Clive she was never raped because the Iron Kingdom saw her as tainted due to being a dominant.

      • 12 months ago

        Now that's hot.

  121. 12 months ago

    Mfw zettaflare

    • 12 months ago


  122. 12 months ago

    gonna be honest fellas, it's hard to appreciate the scenery at 60 fps. pc gaming has ruined my eyes

    • 12 months ago

      i mean 30

  123. 12 months ago

    speaking of npcs I appreciate the sheer amount of cute short haired girls

  124. 12 months ago

    Now this will shut up the anti xvi schizos for good.


    • 12 months ago

      Resetera desperately wants this game to fail

      • 12 months ago

        well yeah, though luck
        metacritic is already deleting bullshit 0 score reviews

        they failed with hogwart's, they'll fail here as well

      • 12 months ago

        Why? Because no niggs?

        • 12 months ago

          too many whites
          muh female abuse
          muh slavery is le bad

          • 12 months ago

            Why? Because no niggs?

            to be honest it's a little weird that literally every character is white. idk maybe the "woke propaganda" is finally getting to me but you'd think there's at least one dark skinned person somewhere in this universe

            • 12 months ago

              there are plenty of brown people in the game

              • 12 months ago

                oh i haven't gotten there yet.

        • 12 months ago

          Because if the branded were black then Yoshida would have a true fricking shitshow on his hands.

  125. 12 months ago

    Dion deserved to win

  126. 12 months ago

    >Bahamut's fight and theme song

  127. 12 months ago

    >Bahamut wings of light Zettaflare

  128. 12 months ago

    Barna-who? Frick him, and frick Odin.

  129. 12 months ago

    man, that typhon fight
    that fricking music
    this fricking game

    • 12 months ago

      I remember when liquid flame's fight hit ign and all the morons were saying the music was bad and it was ign's music overlayed over the "real" music

      fricking idiots lmao - the song slapped

    • 12 months ago

      The game is about to make a nosedive for you. That and the "Accept the Truth" were my favourite moments

      • 12 months ago


        worthless europoor opinion discarded

    • 12 months ago

      Bahamut is the best shit in the game, and Odin is great too. Don't listen this moron

      The game is about to make a nosedive for you. That and the "Accept the Truth" were my favourite moments

      • 12 months ago

        This. Final boss is sick too. Bahamut is the coolest boss fight in the genre.

        • 12 months ago

          i haven't finished the game but titan was cool too
          that guy saying the game takes a nosedive is trolling

          • 12 months ago

            Wasn't too crazy about Titan but it was still fantastic, probably the best finisher in the game.

            Bahamut is XV Leviathan all over again. Its a bunch of cool shit happening but it doesnt have any weight storywise for why its happening or why a character Clive has never even talked to or seen most likely needs such an earth shattering dramatic battle of the fates

            That's fair

          • 12 months ago

            >that guy saying the game takes a nosedive is trolling
            Yes, Lost Titan is great
            Can't wait to pirate the OST

        • 12 months ago

          Bahamut is XV Leviathan all over again. Its a bunch of cool shit happening but it doesnt have any weight storywise for why its happening or why a character Clive has never even talked to or seen most likely needs such an earth shattering dramatic battle of the fates

  130. 12 months ago

    How did Barnabas become a mega ultra coomer?

  131. 12 months ago

    >yes, it's shit. That's why it's great

  132. 12 months ago

    l o l

    • 12 months ago

      it is worse than GoW

  133. 12 months ago

    am i a fool for maxing all the phoenix stuff first? also why doesn't clive have any ifrit abilities? is the answer to that a spoiler?

    • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago

        yes to which part

        • 12 months ago

          Why Clive doesn't have Ifrit's powers yet

    • 12 months ago

      it doesn't matter since you can full respec at no cost at any time and yes spoilers but not that far into the game

  134. 12 months ago

    DMC tutorial is harder than anything in any FF game

    • 12 months ago

      kingdom hearts is harder than any dmc game

  135. 12 months ago


  136. 12 months ago

    The people who are the most asspained over FFXVI are the ones who can't stand the fact that some people just want FF to be a RPG.

  137. 12 months ago

    >Dion's stride during the Bahamut vs Odin cutscene

    i like the subtle hint of gay and his boyfriend having a lip

  138. 12 months ago

    how far into the game for odin's scythe shit?

  139. 12 months ago

    I need a Cid and Gav prequel.

  140. 12 months ago

    I like the stagger mechanic, and I'm grateful to FF13 for pioneering it, but I think it's time to move on and try different stuff.

    • 12 months ago

      It's more like Stagger actually made sense in FFXII and XVII which were proper RPGS where switching from offensive to defensive strategies matter. It doesn't really make sense in a character action game.

      • 12 months ago

        XIII not XII

  141. 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      Even with that, They still end up being one of the more affectionate FF couples.

  142. 12 months ago

    Clive's black armor was so much better looking than the shitty cosplay he gets from Murdoch's wife.

  143. 12 months ago

    >Yes, it's DMC6
    It's not. The combat is too stiff and Clive lacks a lot of depth.

  144. 12 months ago

    >in lv.30 area
    >loot is 2 gil

    • 12 months ago

      >Cid lights a cig
      >puts it out in two pulls every time

  145. 12 months ago
  146. 12 months ago

    >will have finished the game by the time the option to turn motion blur off is patched in

    • 12 months ago

      by then dlc will be out 🙂

  147. 12 months ago

    >coping hard on Ganker instead of playing the game
    Must be a pretty fun game.

  148. 12 months ago
  149. 12 months ago


  150. 12 months ago

    Odin porn when

    • 12 months ago


  151. 12 months ago

    blah blah blah
    when is PC versions releasing?
    this shit stuck at 20fps on gaystation 5 might as well not exist

  152. 12 months ago

    i do not like the damage font in this game
    ff7r does a better job there

    • 12 months ago

      >a fair criticism
      Rare post.

      • 12 months ago

        >it’s only fair because I agree
        Broaden your horizons

        • 12 months ago

          I don't agree, is the thing. I think the damage font looks fine but can see anon's issue. Take your own advice, bud.

  153. 12 months ago
  154. 12 months ago

    >with Final Fantasy towns and sidequests
    That's why its shit

  155. 12 months ago

    >see that city
    >you can't explore it

    I hate this trend in modern FF.
    Imagine if you can't explore Junon in 7Re.

    • 12 months ago

      What the frick do you actually not go there? I remember this city being in one of the reveal artworks.

  156. 12 months ago

    I wanted to play an FF game, not a DMC game

  157. 12 months ago

    martha is hotter than jill

  158. 12 months ago
    • 12 months ago

      meanwhile gaymors

  159. 12 months ago

    >Fight Titan lost
    >Sonic music starts playing
    I kneeled in real life.

  160. 12 months ago

    cid has so many death flags i feel like it's a misdirect

  161. 12 months ago

    >I rill destroyu ff from the inside fufufu....then everyone will play the last remnant.....

    • 12 months ago

      last remnant was a great pleb filter

  162. 12 months ago

    Okay, the doomers were right, but for the wrong reasons
    This WILL be the last Final Fantasy. I doubt any other team would want to go after XVI.
    After the Phoenix vs Bahamut fight, I pity the disgraced team that attempts to develop the next FF. Yes, that includes CBU3

  163. 12 months ago

    >clive remembers what some random cloaked homie mouthed 13 years ago
    >remembers he burned rodney to a crisp
    >remembers he killed josua
    i can't even remember what i ate for breakfast yesterday
    *ba dum tiss*
    i'll be here all weekend everybody

  164. 12 months ago

    >a v neck that extends down to his fricking chest
    who designed clive's outfit
    gayest protag costume in any ff

  165. 12 months ago

    There is some combo of 7R and 16's combat system that would be the peak for these action RPGs. Controllable party members through a pause, cooldowns you can speed up through melee combos, an alright core basic combos and aerial combos. Like frick Torgal right off, and use the dpad for stuff

    • 12 months ago

      ehh, even if se made the perfect action game you'd get autists yelling about how it's the shittest shit to ever come out of their anus or something. tldr you can't win when your playerbase is so varied

  166. 12 months ago

    XVI is a true example of what Yoshida and CBU3 are capable of:
    >literal nothing sidequests that exist to be sidequests because I dunno they have to be in
    >Yoshida forcefully assuming people don't want to worry about elemental/RPG elements in an action game like how he assumes people don't like complexity in XIV even though most players just play the story and dip without thinking about what they press
    >cooldowns in an action game that stop time because it's important to make players feel strong and give them cool effects for free instead of earning them (see the difference between ShB and EW Sonic Thrust on DRG for a quick example) The same goes for the stagger mechanic
    >many "cutscenes" of characters in engine just standing in fromt of each other and emoting at each other doing nothing but wasting the player's time instead of making the conversation quick and/or interesting
    Yoshida is the world's best producer when it comes to doing anything to avoid having to innovate or give the players lots of options
    His smugness about things like the day 1 patch, lack of RPG mechanics, saying FF is just about the superficial shit like moogles, and pandering to the west really gets my goat
    This and XIV could have easily been so much more if they weren't so risk averse

  167. 12 months ago

    >spend all that time ugprading my gear
    >i get a bunch of new broken shit as the story progresses invalidating all of my efforts
    uh ok

  168. 12 months ago

    >as a non-mission based linear game,
    Arcade Mode

  169. 12 months ago

    normalgays who thought this would be 100% GoT got btfo right here

    • 12 months ago

      most doomposters went silent
      guess they watched a full playthrough to meme about and realized they couldn't meme anymore

    • 12 months ago

      The whole game should have had this more anime vibe, not sure why the intro had to be so grounded and muh dark westoid fantasy when the anime action like this is 10x better. Guess they wanted to pull the normalgays.

      • 12 months ago

        because tales of the abyss came out just a few years ago and is the same story

        • 12 months ago

          Tales of the Abyss came out like 15 years ago and the overall aesthetic of that game has nothing to do with what XVI is going for.

          • 12 months ago

            ugh brain fart, I meant Arise, it's literally the same story

            • 12 months ago

              Yeah but Tales of Arise is anime as frick.

    • 12 months ago

      I hope this fight is just faster on hard mode, there is alot of cool fights that are just a bit too easy.

    • 12 months ago

      this fight is the first time after the demo where I died (I died a lot to Bendickta in the demo as I didn't understand the mechanics)

  170. 12 months ago

    >all xvi threads have slowed to a crawl
    I think this game is actually good

    • 12 months ago

      still playing it
      took a day off to laugh at the metacritic nonsense

      • 12 months ago

        The low fps and motion blur gives me a headache but I’m enjoying it regardless

  171. 12 months ago


  172. 12 months ago


  173. 12 months ago

    I don't have a PS5 but I got to play the demo at a friends house. There was too much exposition but combat seemed fun once they finally let me play it. I liked Titan the most with the focus on timed blocks and it clearly was the royal guard equivalent. Bird c**t was pretty fun to fight so the demo ended on a high note. I may or may not pick this up once I do get a PS5, we'll see.

    • 12 months ago

      It's a pretty decent movie with good to great combat. If you were able to play as Cid and Jill with fully separated skill trees it'd be amazing. If you buy a PS5 it's a must play regardless.

  174. 12 months ago


    >only one combo
    >1 weapon
    >most enemies that matter cannot be juggled or combo'd

    • 12 months ago

      >only one combo
      but but but but but *bunch of words explaining how it's still less deep than DMC*

      • 12 months ago

        Anyone that tries to compare it to DMC should be slapped. It's a repackaged Asura's Wrath. That's fine if people want over the top cinematic stuff, but the gameplay is as deep as a puddle and anyone that pretends otherwise should be forced to play Hi-Fi Rush.

        • 12 months ago

          it plays more like DMC than Hi-Fi Rush. The Asura's Wrath comparison is weird, the cinematic parts aren't that common

          • 12 months ago

            No it doesn't. Again, there are no combo variations, the game does not give any reason to actually be stylish and the actual mechanical depth is low.

            It's Asura's Wrath because that's literally how the fights that matter occur. Boss fights are all about dodging moves and spamming cooldowns when they're staggered. That's it. All of the mechanical stuff gets thrown out the window.

            • 12 months ago

              >Boss fights are all about dodging moves and spamming cooldowns when they're staggered. That's it. All of the mechanical stuff gets thrown out the window.
              bosses will go down a lot faster if you jump-cancel exceeded helmbreakers, it melts the stagger bar
              its vergil vs killer bee all over again

              also just because there's only one main ground combo and one main air combo doesn't mean you can't make your own combos with all the other moves like this game's versions of stinger/high-time/helm-breaker/devil bringer etc etc anyways, the variant combos like the pause combos in DMC are nice but the fun mostly comes from stringing together moves rather than relying on the built-in chains

              This is like the first game where the gameplay seemlessly switches into cinematics

              power of the SSD baybee

              • 12 months ago

                >also just because there's only one main ground combo and one main air combo doesn't mean you can't make your own combos with all the other moves like this game's versions of stinger/high-time/helm-breaker/devil bringer etc etc anyways, the variant combos like the pause combos in DMC are nice but the fun mostly comes from stringing together moves rather than relying on the built-in chains

                Are you moronic or something? DMC had everything you mentioned and more. DMC3, a game released more than 15 years ago has far more combat variety than this game. Just because it takes shit from DMC doesn't actually make it like DMC because every shit action game will pull stinger / helmbreaker etc.

                The important thing is that this game has no variety. At all. Even Dragon's Dogma, the game that is directly closest to the skill system in this game has more variety in its combat.

              • 12 months ago

                no one's claiming it's exactly like DMC, it's just closer to DMC than Hi-Fi Rush and Asura's Wrath, it has way more blatantly borrowed mechanics from DMC than those two

              • 12 months ago

                No it's not. Go play DMC or Hi-Fi Rush again moron, you type like someone that's pretending.

              • 12 months ago

                pfft I've been playing DMC since the series began, last I checked Clive has as big of a toolkit as DMC4 Nero if not more, he's somewhere between 4 and 5 Nero
                Hi-Fi Rush I haven't finished, I put it down after getting Korsica

              • 12 months ago

                No he doesn't. Again, Clive has ONE combo. That's it. Nero has four different combo routes, two different aerial combos, enemy specific grab combos, multiple exceed finishers, devil trigger and a bunch of mechanical additions.

                Clive has one combo (which can be revved), a set of abilities (which you can only have 6 at a time), a worse blue rose and a limit break which changes his default combo. Then he has some additional stolen stuff from DMC like enemy step but which are heavily limited and restricted.

                Calling him a more complex Nero is objectively incorrect.

                A Fighter/Warrior/Strider individually have even less combos than Clive does. A basic 3 hit light attack, with a heavy that is the same everytime with no finisher variation. You don't really have launches or air combos, your moves might not have cooldowns but are generally way less impactful than stuff here. Dogma definitely has more of an RPG feel to it but I would desperately hope they tune the core combat to be more fun. If you just play a Strider the whole game, you don't really evolve or change at all.

                You do have launchers and aerial combos, that's where abilities come in. There's also grab moves, multiple weapon sets that you can swap between and more. Obviously no one thinks it's a DMC-like because it's not, it's more of an RPG and too basic to be like that. And yet on many levels XVI is even more basic than Dragon's Dogma.

              • 12 months ago

                >weapon sets
                Its been a long time but I don't remember weapons withing a type having unique moves. Okay you are a Fighter with a shield ,you aren't really swapping around to a new weapon that changes your combat at all. You are also using limited slots on stuff Clive has built in. In totality, yeah adding up different vocations together does beat one character. Its easy to see how they can change it up, for instance actually making Heavy attack finishers be modified based on how many light attacks were used ala any 3D brawler like Yakuza or Dynasty Warriors. Or let you hold Square/Triangle like Clive can charged his shit for built in launchers, or X+Square moves etc. I think Dogma 2 will built upon its based alot, but Dogma 1 does not feel better to play than this.

                What the frick do you actually not go there? I remember this city being in one of the reveal artworks.

                >see that city
                >you can't explore it

                I hate this trend in modern FF.
                Imagine if you can't explore Junon in 7Re.

                You go around a few small villages and grain fields outside of it, then infiltrate below it. Also Junon is a tiny village below that is a hallway and a beach, then Junon itself is like 5 hallways of marching.

              • 12 months ago

                A Fighter/Warrior/Strider individually have even less combos than Clive does. A basic 3 hit light attack, with a heavy that is the same everytime with no finisher variation. You don't really have launches or air combos, your moves might not have cooldowns but are generally way less impactful than stuff here. Dogma definitely has more of an RPG feel to it but I would desperately hope they tune the core combat to be more fun. If you just play a Strider the whole game, you don't really evolve or change at all.

  175. 12 months ago


    >time skip joshua
    I should’ve known I’d get spoiled in a xvi thread but it’s ok. I’m only here for the combat anyway

  176. 12 months ago

    This game fricking sucks
    99% cutscenes, 1% scripted lazy fighting gameplay
    Worst dialogue ive ever had to endure

    • 12 months ago

      yeah I know, but at least its still way better than FF15

      • 12 months ago

        Id rather play neither. Square has fallen so hard it just makes no sense why they keep failing, like theyre being sabotaged internally

  177. 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      good luck
      also woah you upgraded that LB gauge quick

  178. 12 months ago

    Speaking of which, is Dragon's Dogma particularly downgraded on the Switch?

  179. 12 months ago

    This is like the first game where the gameplay seemlessly switches into cinematics

  180. 12 months ago

    20 hours in, just reached the second timeskip. Drake's Head was fun all the way through (Typhon fight was cool, and Ultima was expected but it was a cool exchange with Joshua too), and Im excited fir whats to come, but its a shame Cid went so quickly. I know Jill will be also underdeveloped at this point, but it would've been nice to have them both (and Torgal) in the party for a couple of dungeons. Also, the second hideaway theme is amazing, lots of SOUL.

  181. 12 months ago

    did dante ever have to find a prostitute for another prostitute

  182. 12 months ago

    >Fight Titan
    >Fight huge Titan
    >Fight Titan again
    Holy shit they dragged out this boring fricking slog of a fight. The fight itself wasn't even that interesting Clive just does some anime "Ifrit and Titan are the same kind of Eikon???" then copies the same shit Titan is doing to win

    • 12 months ago

      need fanart of Titan and Ifrit with the "oh, you're approaching me?" scene

  183. 12 months ago

    I only just got through the pheonix gate section, the kino levels keep escalating. Haven't been this along for a ridiculous ride in a AAA for a long time. Maybe my time playing classic jrpgs is over. I just don't give a shit about picking stats, farming for equipment, or grinding random battles anymore.

  184. 12 months ago

    >tales of reigning slash
    We are talking about good games keep that game out of this thread thanks

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