Zoomer here, why are these games hated compared to the GBA and DS games?

Zoomer here, why are these games hated compared to the GBA and DS games? I played ORAS first so I can't see past nostalgia. I felt XY was better though and overall is the best looking game with 3D on (still pissed the later games disabled it when it was in the demos). Is it just because they were easier? I don't want to grind like it's final fantasy, just collect creatures, explore the region and battle trainers.

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  1. 4 months ago

    as for XY:
    shitty plot
    easy as frick
    boring rivals
    ugly tiny new dex
    bad pacing
    fairy type
    3D models look like shit when idle

    • 4 months ago

      > why are these games hated compared to the GBA and DS games?
      Inconsistent standards.

      Case in point who proceeds to list a bunch of “problems” that already exist in the GBA and DS games.

      • 4 months ago

        GBA and DS games had shitty mega gimmicks, fairies and ugly 3d models?

        • 4 months ago

          >GBA and DS games had shitty mega gimmicks
          >ugly 3d models
          >fairy type
          no, they just have dragon and steel type being moronicly broken instead.

          • 4 months ago

            Kek steel became OP due to countering fairies you little moron

            • 4 months ago

              Thanks for letting us know you don’t play the game.

          • 4 months ago

            Offensive so based
            Weak to common offensive types and immune to stall shit like toxic so based
            Water is a bigger problem than those, has been since gen 1 and was never nerfed for some stupid reason

      • 4 months ago

        So if two things share flaws they're the exact same?

        • 4 months ago

          Why can't our witty friend answer ?

      • 4 months ago

        >ugly tiny new dex
        >134 < 71
        >106 < 71
        >156 < 71

        • 4 months ago

          I agree, BW2 is bad because it has 0 new Pokemon.

          • 4 months ago

            >BW2 is bad because it has 0 new Pokemon.
            I'm glad you agree that Emerald is also shit for not introducing new Pokemon

            • 4 months ago


        • 4 months ago

          And none of those 71 are good

      • 4 months ago

        >shitty plot
        worse in XY
        >easy as frick
        worse in XY
        >boring rivals
        The rivals in XY are aggressively boring and take up more of your time, and there's 4 of them.
        >ugly tiny new dex
        Not the case for those games, only XY.
        >bad pacing
        Only XY.
        >fairy type
        >3D models look like shit when idle
        Congrats, you tried.

        • 4 months ago

          >it’s worse because uhhh it just is ok?
          Congrats, you tried.

      • 4 months ago

        >Kyurem’s complete form still not existing 14 years later and every team plasma admin being a literal who that does nothing the whole game is perfectly fine though BW is a masterpiece 🙂
        Yep. was right.

        • 4 months ago

          >not a new IP
          >Kyurem’s complete form
          KEK. Why do Kalosperms love embarassing themselves so much? I bet it's the same reason they put a wig on and call themselves women

        • 4 months ago

          also it took until PLA for the genies to get their lore expanded properly

          gen 5 was so rushed and unfinished lmao

      • 4 months ago


        • 4 months ago

          How many posts itt is just you replying to yourself?

          • 4 months ago

            How many posts itt is just you coping over not finding any flaws that started in XY?

            • 4 months ago

              Pardon? We were asked:
              >why are these games hated compared to the GBA and DS games?
              What part of that implies the only thing we can post is flaws that originated with XY? You are asking for something different. Maybe XY isn't the first game with a bad rival, but if I think XY's rival is worse than the ones in previous games then I'm allowed to say it. Stop with these tricks of yours.

              • 4 months ago

                >the rivals are worse because uhhhh they just are ok? it’s totally fine that may and wally are complete non-characters who barely even do anything in the game
                >the rivals are a relevant part of the game’s quality definitely not because I’m desperate to find anything to cry about in XY!!

              • 4 months ago

                >>the rivals are worse because uhhhh they just are ok? it’s totally fine that may and wally are complete non-characters who barely even do anything in the game
                I didn't say this.
                >>the rivals are a relevant part of the game’s quality definitely not because I’m desperate to find anything to cry about in XY!!
                I didn't say any of this either. Are you ok?

              • 4 months ago

                >I didn’t say any problems in XY
                Yes. That’s my point.

              • 4 months ago

                >>I didn’t say any problems in XY
                You seem to talk with yourself more than other people.

              • 4 months ago

                You seem to make schizo shitposts more than actually find problems with the games you dislike.

              • 4 months ago

                Well I said rivals as an example and then you had a small meltdown over how I'm not allowed to say rivals. So clearly what you want is for me to find problems by your standards and not problems in general. Can you say what these standards of yours are?

    • 4 months ago

      This plus the region is basically a "remember the good ol' days" circlejerk.

    • 4 months ago

      It's also the last gen that had:
      -Grid map design and movement
      -All pokemon included
      -Last "normal" bad guys (big evil plan vs local delinquents)
      -Fairy was a good addition, dragon needed another weakness

      So yes it's the worst gen of 1-6, but still way better than 7-8-9.

      • 4 months ago

        Gen 7 is better than 6 in every way

        • 4 months ago

          no it isn't. all it has over 6 is difficulty

          • 4 months ago

            Visual wise 7 blows 6 chibi artstyle out of the window, and also blows 6 uninspired story, characters, and gym battles too. Gen 7 stuck to what made Pokemon games exciting while feeling like a natural progression from 5 story wise.

            • 4 months ago

              none of that matters. alola games are unbearable slogs

              • 4 months ago

                They're some of the most concise and well paced Pokemon games. The first playthrough is a breeze, it's only subsequent ones that become tedious.

              • 4 months ago

                no they’re boring as frick even one playthrough of that slop of a region made me want to kill myself

              • 4 months ago

                It's not the game's fault, you probably have ADD and other disorders. You can't sit through a movie without being on your phone.

        • 4 months ago

          1 thing to say. Team Skull.

          Also worst aesthetic region, who the frick cares about muh pacific tropic island.

          And top it off with the worst fricking legendaries of the whole franchise.

          • 4 months ago

            >who the frick cares about muh pacific tropic island
            Every human around the world including japs.

      • 4 months ago

        > Fairy was a good addition, dragon needed another weakness
        Ah yes, introducing a new type nerfing three of the best offensive types and being only weak to steel and poison, all the while not touching water, was totally necessary and didn’t turn the metagame into a stallfest again for the first time since the PS split
        If anything nerfing steel by making it no longer resist ghost and dark was the good thing gen 6 did for the type chart

        • 4 months ago

          Dragon is an amazing defensive type, resisting a lot of major offensive types. along with being the type with the highest average base stats. I also think the buff it gave poison was good.

          I get that there are some issues with gen 6, but in my eyes it is definitely the last "decent" pokemon game. It was going down hill since gen 3, but 4,5 and 6 were still recognisable pokemon games. Gen 7 and higher just don't feel the same.

        • 4 months ago

          > Ah yes, introducing a new type nerfing three of the best offensive types and being only weak to steel and poison, all the while not touching water, was totally necessary
          Fairy has never been as broken as Dragon and Steel and currently it’s still not even the best type in the game.

          Stop playing 6v6 garbage.

          • 4 months ago

            >stop playing the game

        • 4 months ago

          >If anything nerfing steel by making it no longer resist ghost and dark was the good thing gen 6 did for the type chart
          Except that made Ghost just as powerful as steel used to be.

          >Fairy has never been as broken as Dragon and Steel and currently it’s still not even the best type in the game.
          What planet are you living on?

          • 4 months ago

            >Except that made Ghost just as powerful as steel used to be
            woah ghost resists 2/3 of the type chart?

            >What planet are you living on?
            this one, where I actually play the game instead of being a LARPing moron

            • 4 months ago

              >rank 1 is a ghost/fairy

            • 4 months ago

              >rank 2 is ice/dark
              holy frick bros they need to nerf ice type!!!

      • 4 months ago

        Alola still had all Pokemon programmed, as well as the traces of grid map designs. Also, fairy created more problems than it solved, so I happen to consider it a net negative change.

      • 4 months ago

        >dragon needed another weakness
        >fairy was a good addition
        lmao. It's even more op than dragon was. What a terrible "fix"

  2. 4 months ago

    Cause videogames are a technologic medium so it will always be expected for them to do better and more. They don't have any excuse at all to not make better games than what they did before

  3. 4 months ago

    can't say much about oras. i don't dislike xy but what identity do the kalos games have?
    least amount of new pokemon introduced in a region as well as the game just giving you a bunch of old pokemon for free (kanto starter with mega stone, lucario with mega stone, required snorlax encounter early on and lapras) that you can easily coast by the story with. i don't mind the concept of megas but it's kind of baffling how no new 'mons got one outside of diancie, which again just erodes kalos' self identity down to "worship older games"

    • 4 months ago

      >but what identity do the kalos games have?
      what identity do the sinnoh games have?

      • 4 months ago

        Being good

      • 4 months ago

        Questions shouldn't be answered with a question.

      • 4 months ago

        are you trying to allude to gen 4 giving a number of evolutions to old pokemon that were predominately outdated or unpopular? rhyperior, gallade and dusknoir are probably the least warranted, but only an invalid would think those would be remotely comparable to blowing off more established 'mons like the kanto starters (double for charizard), pseudos like garchomp + tyranitar, lucario and mewtwo (double)

    • 4 months ago

      >what identity do the kalos games have?
      being good

  4. 4 months ago

    what do zoomers that started with the 3ds games think of the earlier gens?

    • 4 months ago

      I haven't played much of them yet, I got more interested in romhacks, Clover is very fun.

  5. 4 months ago

    Because they were massive letdowns. XY felt unfinished (mainly because it was), and ORAS wasn't Emerald. This didn't help either.

    • 4 months ago

      >mainly because it was

      • 4 months ago

        Basically all of Zygard had to be delayed to gen 7, despite him being the 3rd legendary of XY.

  6. 4 months ago

    (You) know where

    • 4 months ago

      I actually don’t, and you don’t know either since you can never actually say where it’s unfinished.

      • 4 months ago

        >development literally cut short so SM can be released on the 20th anniversary
        >multiple dropped plot hooks and the plot holes created by them
        >Lysandre's 180 and Team Flare's halfassedness in general
        >the rawness of everything beyond the 3rd Gym
        >Zygrade's lore and relevance being pushed into SM
        >your rival's parents
        >the defenders of Kalos
        >the dropped Pokemon Contest that dancingboy was clearly meant to rival you in
        >a whole bunch of underdeveloped characters plots like Melva and Diantha
        There are so many things... They were clearly aiming for another BW but had to stop halfway through. I can only assume all passion for it got crushed under the weight of deadlines and expectations.

        • 4 months ago

          >development literally cut short so SM can be released on the 20th anniversary
          >multiple dropped
          [citation needed]

          >multiple dropped plot hooks and the plot holes created by them
          Name a single example.

          >Lysandre's 180
          He didn’t 180. His character is extremely static throughout the game. Did you pay attention?

          > and Team Flare's halfassedness in general

          >the rawness of everything beyond the 3rd Gym
          Don’t play Johto or Unova, you might start having a meltdown once you realize those regions are entirely made up of gyms that are only one route apart from one another.

          >Zygrade's lore and relevance being pushed into SM
          Its lore was already in XY. Did you pay attention to the game?

          >your rival's parents
          What about them?

          >the defenders of Kalos
          What about it?

          >the dropped Pokemon Contest that dancingboy was clearly meant to rival you in
          [citation needed]

          What about him?

          >a whole bunch of underdeveloped characters plots like Melva and Diantha
          Yes I agree every Pokemon game is shit

          Really anon? This is the best you could do?

  7. 4 months ago

    For X&Y the rivals were miserable, picrel.
    For ORAS: it’s a bad omen for “shitty remakes” trend, in addition they cut off many shit from Emrald to be “faithful” to R&S yet they added new mega and changed the Rayquaza plot line… also Zinnia is an insufferable c**t

    • 4 months ago

      >they cut off many shit from Emrald to be “faithful” to R&S

      • 4 months ago

        Also like half the team hideouts.

        • 4 months ago

          the magma hideout didn't need to exist because ORAS only had one team each. this is a complete non-issue and people only bring it up to pad out their complaints when they really only care about muh battle frontier

  8. 4 months ago

    I like how we’re pretending the gen 3 and 5 rivals aren’t total dogshit

  9. 4 months ago

    I don't really get it either, especially for ORAS. It is my favorite remake and Gen3 games are the ones I feel most attached to, so it would've been easy to disappoint me.

    I think, when it comes to ORAS, many people didn't like how it gave you Lati@s during the adventure (personally, I didn't mind, but I boxed it right away), how the plot was rewritten to accomodate the Mega gimmick (I, on the other hand, think they did a great job with rewriting the characters and story, it felt a lot more bland in Gen3 and I say this despite loving RSE) and how they got rid of the Sky Pillar puzzle.
    ... Oh, and obviously the lack of Battle Frontier, which I personally do not care about but I get the complaint.

    As for XY, it definitely felt too easy and some choices like the E4 not even having 5 Pokémon each was definitely stupid.
    The pacing of the plot was a little weird and the eastern part of the region doesn't make much sense geographically speaking, the different biomes seem to change too drastically between the routes.
    Some things truly make no sense, like having an extremely snowy route lead to Anistar City, which is followed by one route, one town and another route with zero snow ... Which finally connects to Snowbelle City, a town completely immersed in snow. And Snowbelle, once again, connects to routes that have no snow. It makes zero sense, geographically speaking.
    Some places being very pretty and interesting but fundamentally empty, with nothing or very little to do (especially once they served their plot purpose), definitely feel unfinished at best and lazy at worst.

    Which is a real shame, because despite everything I did enjoy Gen6 as a whole, including XY, and despite the pet peeve I have with some parts of its map, I really like Kalos as a region and it's probably my favorite after Hoenn and Johto.

  10. 4 months ago

    I don't think anyone sincerely hates on omega ruby/alpha sapphire. I think they're generally well received upgrades.
    >Faithful remake
    >Lati flying is decent
    >Post game legendary hunt is a thrill for people who've never been able to catch them before
    >Makes ok use of DS Tech.
    >Origin formes are kino, particularly mega rayquaza.

  11. 4 months ago

    I stopped play oras because
    >shitty new exp share without balancing for it
    >less content than emerald
    >gifts lati@s for free, when they used to be some of the hardest to catch mons

    • 4 months ago

      >shitty new exp share without balancing for it
      You could turn it off
      >less content than emerald
      Fair, if you refer to the Battle Frontier
      >gifts lati@s for free, when they used to be some of the hardest to catch mons
      You can box Lati@s.
      Also, Roaming Legendaries have always been a frustrating and shitty mechanic, they're only cool the first time you find them because it's exciting, but then it becomes a stupid and tedious battle against RNG. Ditching Roaming Legendaries is one of the good things new generations did. At least Galarian Birds and the Genies in PLA are a bit more interesting to hunt down instead of constantly having to reload the same map and check the Dex/Pokétch in the hopes that the stars aligned properly.

      • 4 months ago

        Roamers were good in DPPt. You could see them on the map at all times without checking their dex entries (not to mention they don’t even register in the dex before you meet them the first time on gens 2 and 3)

        • 4 months ago

          I agree that Roamers in DPPt were better planned, but it is still a kind of encounter I've never enjoyed, personally.

      • 4 months ago

        >You could turn it off
        >You can box Lati@s
        Yes, but when I'm playing the game for the first time I don't know that making it remotely engaging requires a challenge run.
        >Fair, if you refer to the Battle Frontier
        I turned the game off and never turned it on again after getting Latias, so I only got to like 5 badges, but at that point that's how it was.
        >Roaming Legendaries have always been a frustrating and shitty mechanic, they're only cool the first time you find them because it's exciting, but then it becomes a stupid and tedious battle against RNG
        You could say that about catching any Pokemon. I think roaming legendaries are kinda cool, but it's not a hill I'm gonna die on. Still there are a lot of steps in between being a roaming legendary and gifting you the pokemon for free. Getting hard to catch legendaries is one of the more rewarding things when playing casually.

        • 4 months ago

          >making it remotely engaging requires a challenge run
          6 gens and like 10 games later you werent already tipped off?

          • 4 months ago

            Nah it started in Gen 6, where playing the normie way still made it easy.

            • 4 months ago

              Damn thats crazy. I knew it since Hoenn and then after people said Sinnoh was hard i thought to myself that being hyper intelligent (105iq) i was way above most Pokemon players.

              • 4 months ago

                What did he mean by this

              • 4 months ago

                I know that Surf does more damage than Water Gun so Pokemon games arent hard for me.

        • 4 months ago

          Agreed that the Exp Share could've been gifted to the player turned off as default.
          As for Lati@s, dunno, I just box most gift Pokemon I'm given because I don't like to change my team and I tend to be picky with the Balls they're caught in.

          As for Roaming Legendaries, yes indeed there are better solutions than gifting the mon to you (I like what they did with Cresselia in BW2 for instance, and as I already mentioned I think Galarian Birds and PLA Genies were a cool replwcement for the roaming mechanic), but I can personally excuse ORAS for it considering you still must catch all others and they thankfully didn't get rid of the Regi puzzles.

        • 4 months ago

          >I don't know that making it remotely engaging requires a challenge run.
          This was already a problem in the GBA and DS games.

  12. 4 months ago

    Let'a not forget there are STILL UNRELEASED gen 6 pokemonlike the Floet with its signature move

  13. 4 months ago

    >Casualized shiny odds
    >Casualized EVs
    >Casualized IVs and natures, making breeding useless
    >Removed battle facilities which were previously the only legitimate challenge the games had
    >Spammed legendaries and started giving them guaranteed IVs
    Basically too much fan service and the games giving you for free stuff that you used to need to work for, effectively lowering the value of shinies, competitive mons and legendaries that were obtained in the first 5 gens. Oh also
    >paywalled transfer

    • 4 months ago

      >lowering the value of shinies
      haha yeah its not like i could get box full of shinies in an hour using radar in gen 4 haha lolz

      • 4 months ago

        You can’t. Radar takes skill (and luck). It’s not nearly as broken as modern shit

        • 4 months ago

          It is broken and lowered the value of shinies.

          • 4 months ago

            At least shiny odds were still all the way down in old games. The only thing lowering the value of shinies is the rarity of shinies actually being objectively lower.

            • 4 months ago

              >a-at l-least
              Holy cope. Gen 4 totally killed shiny values. Stop defending shit games.

              It’s not broken at all, back then there were entire forums with people discussing strats to try and get the chains to not break, if anything it turned it from something that is purely RNG to something that also takes skill to accomplish.

              It is broken and killed shiny values. You could argue it started with odd egg in gen 2 but breeding took more time and people didnt know it back then.

              • 4 months ago

                If anything masuda method was a problem but you could tell when a pokemon was potentially obtained from it because you could tell it was hatched.
                Shinies still very much had value in gens 4 and 5. The only problem was hacked mons.

              • 4 months ago

                Masuda takes way more time to get a shiny while with radar you can keep getting same shiny like 6 times with 40 or if you just want 1 you take 19 chain and keep resetting the radar. Its much faster and broken. Completely killing the shiny values.

              • 4 months ago

                Yet shinies obtained through the radar were always seen as valuable. They aren’t free at all

                >Because you were born with it.
                No, I was born much earlier (plus I'm not OP), my first game was gen2 and my second one was gen1.
                I've never been a hardcore player, that much is true, but I played them all at the time of release with a few exceptions for Gen6+ games.
                Yet there are things in gen6+ games I like better, while other things I prefer how they used to be.

                If you didn’t invest yourself in gens 1-5 as much as most people I can understand since you wouldn’t have any of those mons that were hard to get but no longer are.

              • 4 months ago

                Yeah getting 6 shiny Ponytas with radar just like candy from candy factory were real valuable. Free as the oxygen we breathe.

              • 4 months ago

                >If I repeat the same thing over and over again it will become true

                >If you didn’t invest yourself in gens 1-5 as much as most people I can understand since you wouldn’t have any of those mons that were hard to get but no longer are.
                Could you give any example on which mons you refer to, please?
                I'm genuinely curious on how my experience might differ despite having been into Pokemon since basically the start. I did notice my opinions tend to clash both with people who blindly praise/excuse everything GF does, and people who are very critical of Gen6+.
                It's quite interesting.

                Legendaries were harder to catch and usually obtainable in a single game or two
                Getting good IVs and natures required breeding
                Getting good EVs required manually training your mons
                Even some event only moves like extreme speed zigzagoon are spoonfed now

              • 4 months ago

                I mean sure you can go breed for 24 hours and i radar for 24 hours and lets see how many shinies you get.

              • 4 months ago

                >Legendaries were harder to catch and usually obtainable in a single game or two
                I caught all available Legendaries in the games I owned (started to slack off a bit with it in Gen6+ though), minus the Legendary beasts in FRLG because as I already mentioned I hate roaming Legendaries and those in particular were kinda broken.

                >Getting good IVs and natures required breeding
                >Getting good EVs required manually training your mons
                Eh, that's probably where my experience differs most, I never cared about IVs in gen2~5 games and only partially cared about natures.
                I did attempt EV training at some point during Gen4 times, but I didn't really see the point since the games can be beaten regardless and I didn't play competitive.
                So the QoL in this field felt great to me.

              • 4 months ago

                > but I didn't really see the point since the games can be beaten regardless and I didn't play competitive
                That’s where battle facilities come into play

              • 4 months ago

                Yeah, never been a fan of them.
                I had fun with Battle Factory, especially in Emerald, but that's the only Symbol I've ever gotten for obvious reasons.
                I've never been that big into battles, I get bored after a while. Even moreso in old Gens where npcs clearly had a big advantage on you since getting resources to build competitive Pokemon was a lot harder, especially prior to Gen5.

              • 4 months ago

                >If you didn’t invest yourself in gens 1-5 as much as most people I can understand since you wouldn’t have any of those mons that were hard to get but no longer are.
                Could you give any example on which mons you refer to, please?
                I'm genuinely curious on how my experience might differ despite having been into Pokemon since basically the start. I did notice my opinions tend to clash both with people who blindly praise/excuse everything GF does, and people who are very critical of Gen6+.
                It's quite interesting.

          • 4 months ago

            It’s not broken at all, back then there were entire forums with people discussing strats to try and get the chains to not break, if anything it turned it from something that is purely RNG to something that also takes skill to accomplish.

        • 4 months ago

          Radar is an easier method to do in gen 4 than it is in gen 6, funnily enough.

    • 4 months ago

      >Casualized shiny odds
      I see why some people would dislike it, but not really a problem.
      >Casualized EVs
      >Casualized IVs and natures, making breeding useless
      Opposite of a problem, it just helped making competitive less of an elite thing, which is good because the real and time-consuming challenge should be learning how to use the competitive Pokemon effectively, not creating them.
      >Removed battle facilities which were previously the only legitimate challenge the games had
      Battle Facilities besides the Battle Tower (Battle Subway in Gen5) had always been a third game exclusive. They don't exist in RS nor in DP nor in BW. They exist in HGSS just because its Battle Frontier was copy-pasted from Platinum, the same way the Battle Maison was copy-pasted into ORAS from XY.
      >Spammed legendaries and started giving them guaranteed IVs
      I think Gen5 was the first to spam Legendaries, especially BW2. Them having guaranteed IVs is, again, the opposite of a problem and only makes them less tedious to SR.

      • 4 months ago

        Rebranding casualisation as "quality of life" and "less tedious" doesn’t make it not casualisation.

        • 4 months ago

          I do not think casualization is inherently a bad thing, though.

          • 4 months ago

            Because you were born with it. We weren’t.
            You asked why we don’t like gens 6+, that’s your answer. I’m just glad you can’t import gens 6+ mons into gens 1-5, that way we can keep our mons valuable by leaving them in the actually good games.

            • 4 months ago

              >Because you were born with it.
              No, I was born much earlier (plus I'm not OP), my first game was gen2 and my second one was gen1.
              I've never been a hardcore player, that much is true, but I played them all at the time of release with a few exceptions for Gen6+ games.
              Yet there are things in gen6+ games I like better, while other things I prefer how they used to be.

    • 4 months ago

      >lowering the value of competitive mons
      compgays deserve all the misery they get

    • 4 months ago

      It's fricking Pokémon.

  14. 4 months ago

    >planets-worth if objective criticism

  15. 4 months ago

    >2013: XY
    >2014: ORAS
    >2015: Nothing
    >2016: SM
    Are there any other years like 2015 where there was no new mainline game at all? Why wasn’t Z or Ultra XY released then?

    • 4 months ago

      Because sometime in 2015 Z and Sun/Moon were both unfinished and they were asked to abandon Z to rush the production of Sun/Moon in order for it to release by the end of 2016 on time for the 20th Anniversary.

      • 4 months ago

        Speaking of anniversaries, 2025 should be the start of the next gen going by the 3 year cycles, but 2026 is the 30th anniversary, will they actually hold back gen 10 all the way until 2026? Or will Gen 10 just end up as a single set of games in 2025 before they start gen 11 in 2026?

    • 4 months ago

      XY was too good so they didnt need to make a cashgrab "new" version of it to fix it.

    • 4 months ago

      You got Pokemon Go in 2015

    • 4 months ago

      >>2015: Nothing
      >SM was still rushed as shit, arguably even more than XY

  16. 4 months ago

    Also zoomer here
    I played HGSS first so these games seemed shit to me

  17. 4 months ago

    Taken as a set, XY and ORAS might be the best generation:

    All non-mythical Pokémon are catchable between the four games up to the full generation 6 national dex.

    Mechanics have been optimized with a huge amount of player freedom:

    Set mode
    Optional Exp Share
    Huge variety of Pokémon for team building
    Even the speed run of XY is designed around multiple Pokémon.
    Berry farming is great
    Music is great
    3D effect is great
    Character customization on XY is great
    Post game challenge modes are great
    Looker mission story is great

    Overall, I think generation 6 will be the most comfortable and relaxing Pokémon experience for years to come, a true deep dive into the Pokémon world. Get two 3DS’s and all four games. You won’t regret it.

    • 4 months ago

      I tried playing both XY and ORAS recently and after 2 hours I just had to put them down. Went back to gen 4 and 5 instead.

    • 4 months ago

      >All non-mythical Pokémon are catchable between the four games up to the full generation 6 national dex.
      same with rby+gsc, rse+frlg and dppt+hgss

      >Set mode
      every game has this
      >Optional Exp Share
      >Huge variety of Pokémon for team building
      >Even the speed run of XY is designed around multiple Pokémon.
      >Berry farming is great
      >Music is great
      its shitty
      >3D effect is great
      its ugly
      >Character customization on XY is great
      that gay
      >Post game challenge modes are great
      >Looker mission story is great
      its gay

    • 4 months ago

      No, it’s horse shit that ruined the lore and game balance with muh mega powercreep

      • 4 months ago

        they 100% utterly destroyed the entire Pokemon timeline up to that point. Like ORAS is supposed to be an alternate timeline in the year 1996.

      • 4 months ago

        they 100% utterly destroyed the entire Pokemon timeline up to that point. Like ORAS is supposed to be an alternate timeline in the year 1996.

        Oh no. Anyway.

        • 4 months ago

          >objective shit is acceptable because other shit has always existed

          • 4 months ago

            Oh no. Anyway.

            • 4 months ago

              >why yes, I guzzle dev wiener and memes all day

              • 4 months ago

                >schizo ramblings
                Good post.

              • 4 months ago

                >psycho shitposts
                Everyone’s laughing at you.

    • 4 months ago

      trainer customization ruined the series and I'm tired of it not getting shit on. Seeing this waste of dev time on BDSP's shitty chibis was the final nail in the coffin for me.

      At the VERY least, it should have played a bigger role in XY as wearing more expensive clothing gets you noticed or whatever, and then dropped off and forgotten as that region's gimmick.

  18. 4 months ago

    >Is it just because they were easier? I don't want to grind like it's final fantasy, just collect creatures, explore the region and battle trainers.
    Yes. That's the worst thing about the games but I understand young people don't actually like playing the game or challenges, they just want to see all the content and get to the end. That's how I see kids playing and it's different from older people who want more of a challenge and to "grind" or as we call it "play the game". Other than that the games are not too dissimilar from the games that came before.

  19. 4 months ago

    This shitty, ugly dog with his weird fleshy tentacle ribbon thingies singlehandedly ruined the entire game.

  20. 4 months ago

    >I played ORAS first so I can't see past nostalgia.
    If you don't remember what the franchise was like before, then you'll never understand. You can replay the old games as much as you want, but you'll never know what it was like to be a pokemon fan back then.

    • 4 months ago

      Not that anon but I did
      BW forever changed the franchise and 6 was more of the same

  21. 4 months ago

    XY: bad story, bad villian, burger king kids club of rivals are shit, the game wants you to use megas, while no pokemon from gen 6 can mega evolve, so the new pokemon are shafted. Fairy type became gen 1 psychic 2.0, 3d models were so generic, and desaturated they are bland.

    ORAS: as a gen 3 fan, I really disliked Mauville being a building. And the modern bit of being handed a Lati-x-s is eyerolling when you can't use the fly gimmick until after you beat kyogre/groudon, so why give us a legendary for any reason other than to steamroll the game? I do think it is an alright remake, but this was also the game where Masuda came out in an interview that rubbed I and others the wrong way

    >Q:We noticed ORAS had a lower difficulty level compared to previous Pokemon games. What bought you to this decision? Any chance that future games will have the possibility to adjust difficulty level as seen in Black and White 2?
    >A:(stupid quip) We created a "balanced" game that was suited for our time and age, where everyone is very busy and young people have various means of entertainment. Using smartphones and other devices they can access a great number of games, so the time they dedicate to a single game is less than in the past. The player can choose to keep on playing after the main story and continue to the post-game, where the difficulty rises and there are much more difficult Trainers and challenges to overcome.
    >Q:Why wasn't the Battle Frontier in the remakes?
    >A:This question is connected with my previous answer. We didn't put the BF in ORAS for this very reason. Interviewer's note: In short he means that they didn't include the BF because only a very small part of the players would have fully appreciated and made use of this feature; nowadays players get bored and frustrated more easily and they aren't interested in things that are so demanding/challenging.

    Had to shorten a response for character limit. But the game were appealing to mobile game audiences.

    • 4 months ago

      none of this explains why the games are less liked than the GBA or DS games.

      • 4 months ago

        it was the beginning of gimmicks and cut content, in the false pretense of better things being added at the sacrifice of quality. Reminder that XY was the FIRST time a game had to be patched because there was a game breaking corrupted save occurring in the main bell and whistle city. (which thinking back on now means that if someone buyst a used copy now can't get the patch to fix anymore now that the shop is gone....)

        • 4 months ago

          It would have to be a launch copy more or less. It was added to the later physical releases.

        • 4 months ago

          >it was the beginning of gimmicks
          Define “gimmick”

          >and cut content
          Bizarre take. Gen 6 objectively cut less content than Gen 5 did and it even brought back a bunch of things Gen 5 removed.
          >berry farming brought back
          >contests brought back
          >secret bases brought back
          >ribbons brought back
          >pokeradar brought back
          meanwhile what did it remove? uh…seasons?

          > Reminder that XY was the FIRST time a game had to be patched
          Every single previous gen either had patches between the Japanese and English release or bug fixes acquired through connecting to other games, e.g. the berry glitch in gen 3, you moron. Gen 6 was just the first time it was possible to actually distribute patches online.

          > which thinking back on now means that if someone buyst a used copy now can't get the patch to fix anymore
          Any current copy of the game has the patch preinstalled, dumbfrick. And it’s not even a game breaking glitch. You can reverse it yourself even without patching.

          • 4 months ago

            >Define “gimmick”
            "a trick or device intended to attract attention, publicity, or business."

            >berry farming brought back
            >contests brought back
            >secret bases brought back
            >ribbons brought back
            >pokeradar brought back
            contests removed, bases removed, and radar removed for a far worse variant in gen 7's QR scans, as to why I stated THE BEGINNING OF, but I guess I should have clarified the cut content being between generations thereafter, so I guess that's on me.

            >Every single previous gen either had patches between the Japanese and English release or bug fixes acquired through connecting to other games, e.g. the berry glitch in gen 3, you moron. Gen 6 was just the first time it was possible to actually distribute patches online.
            Correct, however said bug wasn't discovered or patched until after release, and by the time that it was made available or fixes were discovered, many players just reset their games anyways... so while correct, that isn't an end all be all.

            Any current copy of the game has the patch preinstalled, dumbfrick. And it’s not even a game breaking glitch. You can reverse it yourself even without patching.
            >there are still launch copies that exist that don't, so while later ones do have it preloaded, it STILL can be an issue.

            • 4 months ago

              damn it fricked the last one, should be reversed.

            • 4 months ago


              • 4 months ago

                ORAS brought back secret bases, which is gen 6, and in a manner that was pretty well liked by players, where you could make a base and fill it with trainers. Especially when players made blissey farms, where you could farm lvl 100 blissey mons that wouldn't fight back and you could power level pokemon in the end game, if you knew how to do it.
                To then be removed after

              • 4 months ago

                Also Secret Bases are unlocked when you reach a certain point in the story where it's a mandatory cutscene and you're forced to have one. It also provides you with a bed that's not in RSE to heal your Pokemon. Convenience or another part of ORAS's easy mode casualization, you decide.

              • 4 months ago

                Not sure why I forgot ORAS was Gen 6.

            • 4 months ago

              > contests removed, bases removed, and radar removed for a far worse variant in gen 7's QR scans
              What does this have to do with Gen 6?

  22. 4 months ago


  23. 4 months ago

    Why so hyperbolic?

  24. 4 months ago

    I think XY is one of the best Pokemon games up until you beat Gym 2 in terms of pacing . The game after that feels very rushed.
    I like the Rogue/Knight/Mage theme for the starters, the box legends actually look really good imho, slick designs that are not nearly as busy as Gen3/4/5. Other mon designs are pretty hit or miss, there are some really nice ones (Aegislash, Dragalgae) but also some absolute stinkers (Slurpuff off the top of my head).
    I think Megas were a cool gimmick. I like that the game has a huge dex but no route feels too crowded with different mons - 300 to 450 seems like a sweet spot (BW2 and XY have the best regional dex in the series imho)
    The Kanto pandering was a bit annoying but it was at least somewhat subtler than in Gen7

  25. 4 months ago

    Too easy
    Not enough added in/changed for me to justify buying for me when I have emerald version

    • 4 months ago

      >Too easy
      So were the previous games.

      • 4 months ago

        Why do you think so? Because gen 5 doesn't hold your hand like gen 6 does

        • 4 months ago

          >Because gen 5 doesn't hold your hand like gen 6 does
          This is the funniest bait I’ve seen all week. Bravo.

          • 4 months ago

            >Nurses placed on long routes is handholding

            Nice b8

            • 4 months ago

              >handholding is handholding
              That tends to be how it works, yes.

          • 4 months ago

            That's not handholding, yawngay.
            This is game designers not wanting to fill up the map with Pokemon Centers the way Scarlet and Violet do.

            • 4 months ago

              >it’s not handholding because another game holds your hand in a different way
              Not an argument.

              • 4 months ago

                Do you think that flying back to a Pokemon Center is good level design then? Or just forcing the player to use a bunch of healing items, something you can easily stockpile on at a mart?
                The heal spots don't break the immersion and they don't break/trivialize the game either.

              • 4 months ago

                > Do you think that flying back to a Pokemon Center is good level design then?
                Do you think that exp share not working on your entire party thus making using more than one party member entirely pointless is good game design then?

                > they don't break/trivialize the game
                Yeah, because gen 5 is so insultingly easy you don’t need them to begin with.

                It's not handholding, yawngay.
                Those doctor and nurse characters would only appear if there wasn't a Pokemon Center nearby. Not only that, but you would have to battle them first in order to get healed.
                Most RPGs give you a place to heal when in dungeons or faraway places like that. Calling it handholding is moron, as moronic as being a dedicated shitposter from discord.

                >other games have the same handholding so it’s not handholding
                Not an argument.

              • 4 months ago

                >thus [headcanon]
                Moot point
                >Gen 5 is easy
                What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence.
                >it not fitting the definition of handholding is not an argument

              • 4 months ago

                Ah I see you’ve already been cornered to the “NUH UH” defense of gen 5. Concession accepted.

                I don't understand why you replied to a point about healspots not being handhding/gamebreaking with something completely unrelated (the exp share).

                >handholding isn’t related to handholding

              • 4 months ago

                >Ah I see you correctly pointed out my baseless claims are baseless to begin with

              • 4 months ago

                >it’s baseless because ummm I said so

              • 4 months ago

                >Ah I see you correctly pointed out my baseless claims are baseless to begin with

                Ah I see you’ve already been cornered to the “NUH UH” defense of gen 5. Concession accepted.

                >handholding isn’t related to handholding

                I don't understand why you replied to a point about healspots not being handhding/gamebreaking with something completely unrelated (the exp share).

                >thus [headcanon]
                Moot point
                >Gen 5 is easy
                What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence.
                >it not fitting the definition of handholding is not an argument

                Instead of LARPing as human beings, why don't you morons go back to lebbit? You're already at that point that you out yourselves as morons (by assuming) shit about each other.

              • 4 months ago

                >it's baseless because I never substantiated it
                Yes. Explain what your image remotely implies.

              • 4 months ago

                the game is easy

              • 4 months ago

                I don't understand why you replied to a point about healspots not being handhding/gamebreaking with something completely unrelated (the exp share).

              • 4 months ago

                It's not handholding, yawngay.
                Those doctor and nurse characters would only appear if there wasn't a Pokemon Center nearby. Not only that, but you would have to battle them first in order to get healed.
                Most RPGs give you a place to heal when in dungeons or faraway places like that. Calling it handholding is moron, as moronic as being a dedicated shitposter from discord.

              • 4 months ago

                If the healing spot in Kanto's Pokemon Tower was replaced with a Nurse trainer, would people complain?

              • 4 months ago

                Don't be fooled into thinking the healing NPCs are complaints, it's just one of yawngay's moronic meme arguments.

              • 4 months ago

                Don't be fooled into thinking forced exp share is a complaint, it's just one of DSgay's moronic meme arguments.

              • 4 months ago

                parroting is an admission of defeat

  26. 4 months ago

    I think that lower difficulty does play a role but it doesn't tell you the whole story.
    Pokémon as a series went from "barely any story, except the one that you create through your gameplay" to "it's all story and gameplay is subservient to it".
    That was gradual and overall harmful for the series because it doesn't play well with the main strength of the franchise (its universe), and leads to that "they're interrupting gameplay AGAIN for the sake of the plot" feeling.
    The main "flip" happens around Gen 5~7. So a lot of people hate Gen7, plenty hate Gen6, and quite a few hate Gen5.
    There's also the "more of the same" effect; Pokémon is a stagnant franchise, and around Gen5~7 they gave up trying to improve its core, opting instead for flashy but ultimately superficial gimmick mechanics.

    • 4 months ago

      Legends Arceus feels like a genuine attempt at making the games actually engaging again. A bit too handholdy and the plot is definitely in your face/gets in the way a lot but exploring feels like a lot of fun. I really hope we get a new Legends game that is a bit more polished.

  27. 4 months ago

    Rivals are literallywho nobodies that are completely forgettable
    Game gives you a KANTOOOOOOO Starter 5 seconds after you start so you have zero reason to use the new pokemon.
    First route is also all old gen pokemon so you have no reason to use the shitty numons
    Gimmick lead to one of the most broken pokemon ever (Mega Rayquayza)
    Entire region is forgettable
    The parts that I do remember are either tied to off model r34 (Hex Maniac) or KANTOOOOOOOOOOOOOO (Mewtwo).
    The evil team has (somehow) got even LESS of a reasonable motivation for what they do than Galactic.

    ORAS is only whined about by contrarian gigahomosexuals who are upset there's no buttsex gaytier so they can pretend they're good at pokemon compshittery because they struggled with it as a 5 year old and can't accept ORAS is the definitive way to play Hoenn.

    • 4 months ago

      ok but why should I dislike XY if I like pokemon

      • 4 months ago

        Because it throws you onto storyshit railroad like every game after Gen 2 does. Instead of an adventure, you're in a curated movie that forces you down one specific path with no choice, nothing interesting, and only one way to succeed.

  28. 4 months ago

    I always felt that the hate on XY was undeserved. They were the 3DS games to introduce the most features so the lack of post game was forgivable. Had there been an enhanced version of the game, it would have been up there with Platinum, HGSS, and BW2.

    ORAS casualized the Hoenn games to an awful degree. They warp you across the map to make things easier, and hand you a free legendary that can Mega Evolve soon after.
    Then ORAS removed everything from Emerald, making it so Emerald ends up being the definitive Hoenn experience due to features and story.
    Finally, recycling the Battle Maison was the worst part of the remake. This was the second game in a row with no postgame. It came off as lazy.

  29. 4 months ago

    Other Pokemon games are just too easy. I'm glad XY doesn't hold your hand.

  30. 4 months ago

    >I played ORAS first so I can't see past nostalgia. I felt XY was better though...
    because it literally is

  31. 4 months ago

    frontier homosexuals just malding over their rng facility not being added it it's going to be 10 years now in November and the seething continues to this day

  32. 4 months ago

    >Wally overcomes his illness, grows during his journey, and challenges you as an equal at the Victory Road
    >Barry gets revenge on a Galactic admin after failing to protect a legendary and keeps training to defeat his master trainer father
    >Serena is just there the whole game and gets depressed

    >Maxie/Archie learn the error of their ways after almost destroying the world and make up
    >Cyrus commits real terrorism by blowing up a lake, needs legendaries to stop him, and even after losing swears never to quit
    >Lysandre kills himself



    XY is just homosexual overall, rarely does XY ever come out looking the coolest when you do comparisons like this.

    • 4 months ago

      >grows during his journey
      he literally shows up only 2 times in the entire game after the tutorial lmao

      you may as well say serena "grows" during her journey because she becomes more and more depressed over repeatedly losing

      • 4 months ago

        >he literally shows up only 2 times in the entire game after the tutorial lmao
        The contradiction being?
        >you may as well say serena "grows" during her journey because she becomes more and more depressed over repeatedly losing
        And that's some homosexual shit if the post wasn't clear.

  33. 4 months ago

    >maybe if I lie people will believe my bait!
    also kys disgusting iToddler

    • 4 months ago

      Castelia City, Camphrier Town, and Ambrette Town are between gym 1 and 2 of XY
      Geosenge Town is between gym 2 and 3 of XY
      Dendemille Town is between gym 6 and 7 of XY
      Couriway Town is between gym 7 and 9 of XY

      Meanwhile in both Johto and Unova after the starting town and tutorial town every single town/city in the game has a gym. In Johto you can literally do gyms 5, 6, and 7 back to back within minutes.

      • 4 months ago

        oh you're that moron from the other day saying you can complete gs in 45 minutes
        honestly just have a nice day at this point m8 lmao

      • 4 months ago

        >Castelia in XY
        Why should I entertain any post suspected to have been posted by (You) any longer?

        You seem to make schizo shitposts more than actually find problems with the games you dislike.


        • 4 months ago

          >it’s shittier but I can’t actually say why it’s shittier

          • 4 months ago

            XY's pacing is objectively more inconsistent than previous games anon. There's no way for that to be demonstrated other than you booting up your game. The rivals as well. Their arcs are shittier whith respect to previous friends. "Dude I dance lmao" is pretty fricking weak

            • 4 months ago

              > XY's pacing is objectively more inconsistent than previous games anon
              It’s only more “inconsistent” than slop like Unova where they rush you through the gyms. It’s the same otherwise.

              > "Dude I dance lmao" is pretty fricking weak
              Yes just like “dude I’m sick” and “dude I’m a moron who’s always in a rush” and “dude I want to be strong but I use route 1 shitmons and don’t even build a full team the whole game” are pretty fricking weak.

              • 4 months ago

                >It’s only more “inconsistent” than slop like [game with more total locations and a more consistent gym campaign]
                >"dude I'm sick"
                allowed for an actual arc unlike dancing
                >"always in a rush"
                on top of, you know, doing other rival things like aspiring to be more like Palmer
                >pokemon selection
                Gameplay. Not character argument.

              • 4 months ago

                To be fair, you can use gameplay to set up character arcs. It's a shame that Pokemon games don't do this fairly often, ironically XY does this well with Lysandre and Team Flare using a lot of Pokemon that can Mega Evolve. Shame everything else about Team Flare is garbage and also that element isn't really brought up in any meaningful way.

              • 4 months ago

                Fair point, I'll actually concede and agree here. But in this particular case of rivals choosing their mons, almost all of them are similarly chosen among early game mons for like half of the team at least.

              • 4 months ago

                > allowed for an actual arc
                bro he shows up two times in the entire game, there is no “arc”.

                >H-HE ASPIRES TO BE STRONGER!
                every rival does that

                >Not character argument.
                The Pokemon he uses is part of his character.

              • 4 months ago

                >bro he shows up two times in the entire game
                That's a good thing, and there is an arc. He overcame his sickness and became a strong trainer. How did Tierno and Trevor become any different by the end of XY's story?
                >every rival does that
                Not Tierno and Trevor lmao. Even still, Barry did it for personal reasons that were unique and motivated him differently.
                >the Pokemon he uses is part of his Character
                So tel me one non-champion rival that has a good team by your standards.

          • 4 months ago

            Alright, Tierno and Trevor don't really justify their presence in the game with any meaningful interactions with you or the plot, nor do they set up anything interesting by their existence. In comparison, using the examples of May/Brendan and Wally from the Hoenn titles, May/Brenden show up for enough of the game to make you think they're the real rival, only for Wally (who you might have forgotten about by that point) shows up as a twist. I'd argue that the two of them combined are more effective than Silver's nothing story, although Blue as a rival is pretty solid. Even comparing to some games fairly near XY, Bianca in BW has a fully realized character arc and Cheren is reasonably close, and USUM Hau is a solid inversion of the Red/Blue rivalry. Yeah you've got some duds like Hugh's motivation not really landing and SM Hau missing enough character development to make almost every scene with him a waste of fricking time, but XY has two characters that are arguably worse than SM Hau. At least Calem/Serena have their whole shtick with wanting to be the ones who get to use Megas, and Shauna is a cute girl (which is arguably done better in the Ohmori titles but whatever).

            • 4 months ago

              > Tierno and Trevor don't really justify their presence in the game with any meaningful interactions with you or the plot
              Neither do May/Brendan/Wally. Or Cheren/Bianca for that matter. All of those characters could be deleted from the game and the plot would literally be the same.

              • 4 months ago

                Except no. They actually have their own sub-plots. Tierno and Trevor are just friends that tag along for the lulz.

              • 4 months ago

                > They actually have their own sub-plots
                So do Tierno and Trevor. Tierno wants to collect dancing Pokemon and Trevor wants to travel the world because his parents left him.

              • 4 months ago

                Those are present in the beginning and do not change whatsoever by. the end. That's not an arc. That's literal random NPC tier shit.

  34. 4 months ago

    >I want to become strong
    >wait there’s more to life than being strong?
    >hurrr ok I’ll just…become stronger
    wow what an amazing deep and interesting character. Truly leaps and bounds above XY in quality.

    • 4 months ago

      Well no, Alder asking him "why" led him to ponder what it actually means to be strong, not whether or not he should be strong. It's obvious you're a boomer or a speedreader. Or a chronic Youtube Shorts addict.

    • 4 months ago

      That's not even a correct description of the character lol.
      It's hilarious how hard you try to look smart just to write some moronation.

  35. 4 months ago

    >the rival learned what a word means
    wow what an amazing deep and interesting character. Truly leaps and bounds above XY in quality.

    • 4 months ago

      Well no, he learned what it meant to be strong within the context of being a Pokemon Trainer. And that's not just in titles. He then became a teacher and gym leader to encourage other trainers to improve their Pokemon-people bond and now is more anti-crime, fighting team plasma more directly. It also leads to a visual makeover with him looking less nerdy. Everything you need for a solid character arc is there anon. It is truly leaps and bounds above XY in quality, where all you get is "LMAO I LOVE DANCING" at the beginning of your journey and "LMAO I LOVE DANCING" at the end.

      • 4 months ago

        >Well no, he learned what the word means
        >being strong is…stepping aside to be a cuck and teaching other people to be strong
        wow what an amazing deep and interesting character. Truly leaps and bounds above XY in quality.

        • 4 months ago

          >Well no, he learned what the word means in the context of the game and that changed his fundamental philosophy about what's right and wrong and his new place in society
          >being strong is not measured in trophy accomplishments the /vp/ man child would have wanted but rather making a difference in the lives of as many pokemon and people around you as you can, therefore having true strength and influence as a positive force for good
          Seems Alder didn't get to you in that moment. Cheren is truly leaps and bounds above XY in quality, especially when there's nothing more to Tierno than fricking dancing no matter what stage of the journey you are on.

          • 4 months ago

            >and that changed his fundamental philosophy about what's right and wrong
            yeah he changed his fundamental philosophy from being strong to....being strong. wow what an amazing deep and interesting character. Truly leaps and bounds above XY in quality.

            • 4 months ago

              >yeah he changed his fundamental philosophy from being strong in an empty sense of a trophy seeker to being strong in a fulfilling sense of making a difference in the lives of as many pokemon and people around you as you can, therefore having true strength and influence as a positive force for good
              Indeed, Cheren was truly leaps and bounds above XY in quality, especially when there's nothing more to Tierno than DANCING LMAO no matter what stage of the journey you are on.

              • 4 months ago

                >seeking trophies isn't fulfilling because...uh....it just isn't
                wow what an amazing deep and interesting character. Truly leaps and bounds above XY in quality.

              • 4 months ago

                >having a meaningless life and selling your soul and only existing for a title isn't fullfilling
                Yes. Glad you agree Cheren was truly leaps and bounds above XY in quality, especially when there's nothing more to Tierno than DANCING LMAO no matter what stage of the journey you are on.

  36. 4 months ago

    >Zoomer here, why are these games hated compared to the GBA and DS games?
    XY aren't hated except by Gen V zoomers.
    ORAS is hated because they did nothing better than Emerald.
    XY is/was received more favorably than BW. But it's unfinished/rushed and has a tiny dex with little stand-outs.

    • 4 months ago

      Where are you getting that from? Across the internet people typically agree XY is crappy.

  37. 4 months ago

    I'm playing through Y atm for the first time and I am enjoying it quite a bit

    Pros: I think the new Pokemon are really cool some really fun designs and typings
    I do like the concept of the friends each going for their own thing with Pokemon
    The map is quite cool it's nice and sprawling with varied locations
    Introduced fairy type which was much needed as a proper answer for dark type and for an additional dragon weakness
    Cons: Flare just straight up suck although I think the reason might be that they knew they would ever be able to top N and any game released after gen V would have comparisons between N and the other villians so they bothered not trying
    while the concept of the friends is interesting things have gotten repetitive with Calem being like "battle me" every time we entered a new town
    Mega evos are probably the worst battle gimmick introduced. Terastallization is so vastly superior
    The game is a bit too easy
    Everything is a straight up downgrade from gen V

    • 4 months ago

      Most ambiguous genwargay.

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