>Casually dismantles worldbuilding to make a shitty joke

>Casually dismantles worldbuilding to make a shitty joke
Good job Emil

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago

      Well? Why are people still lugging around bottle caps 200 years later?

      • 2 months ago

        I'm quoting that guy
        He literally calls the player a moron if I remember right

        • 2 months ago

          Yeah he does, no matter if you fall to his scam or not.

          • 2 months ago

            well he's 2 for 2 then. One of the better fallout characters i've seen

      • 2 months ago

        Because the israelites blow up the world with their mercantilism so money is considered HARAM like AI in Dune.

  2. 2 months ago

    Never played fallout but I'm guessing the problem is that it wasn't actually 200 years ago?
    You're fricking moronic, characters can say things that aren't true

    • 2 months ago

      No moron, it's that bottle caps have an actual lore reason why they are used but nu-bethesda fallout fans don't know it because it's never actually explained and to be honest it doesn't actually make sense for societies on the East Coast to even be using them so bottle caps have just become a meme currency.

      • 2 months ago

        Bottlecaps were just used to barter and round up the price in Fallout 1.-

        • 2 months ago


        • 2 months ago

          This. Bottlecaps made more sense when they're just a means of rounding value in barter. They were never supposed to be in place of fiat currency, e.g., you get 2000 bottlecaps and buy everything with them.

      • 2 months ago

        The fact that this went under the radar because of kid in the fridge, and fallout 4 being shit in general...

        I don't get it, how is this in any way lorebreaking?
        He's just poking fun at the fact they use bottlecaps as currency.

        • 2 months ago

          It isn't lorebreaking. The whole point is that it draws acute attention to something that actually is lorebreaking (the inexplicable continued use of bottlecaps on the East Coast), then proceeds to play it as a joke when it is a legitimate question about the setting. There absolutely should be people seriously saying "why the frick are we using bottlecaps".

          • 2 months ago

            >why the frick are we using bottlecaps?
            Large in quantity due to Nuka Cola's pre-war popularity, small enough to work as a coin and, due to Bethesda's decision to use it for Fallout 3 and Obsidian's decision to use them in NV, universally accepted everywhere in the US.

            • 2 months ago

              >so TL;DR: we use it again because they used it again in the past so we use it again now, again
              *bites lore* AAAAAck *dies*

            • 2 months ago

              t. has no idea how money works

              • 2 months ago

                >Rare but not too rare
                >Doesn't take up much space
                >Doesn't decay
                >Isn't usable for anything else
                It fits all the criteria for a good currency

              • 2 months ago

                Besides not decaying, none of those things are relevant to a currency. And the untarnishable aspect of caps is suspect as well.

              • 2 months ago

                One thing which I haven't seen mentioned is that bottle caps are typically made from aluminium which no one in the wasteland could actually produce due to the prohibitive energy costs. In some sense it would then be a precious metal.

            • 2 months ago

              >Large in quantity due to Nuka Cola's pre-war popularity
              So hundreds of other things like, for example, ammunition. Unlike ammunition, bottlecaps carry absolutely no inherent value. You can't use them for anything, they can't be consumed. They would only be valuable as a currency in themselves as opposed to a non-durable bartering good. Essentially, an abstraction as a store of value. Something which would be subject to supply and demand as well, you would need an organized force to regulate supply and uphold demand with a guarantee. In which case:
              > small enough to work as a coin
              Why not literally just use coins. I don't know if you have every held a bottlecap, but they are incredibly flimsy. You can bend one in half with your hand with little effort. Not to mention, they are susceptible to rust. If they issue was "we need something light weight to work as a coin", I could think of plenty other better options. Like minting literal fricking coins, because if there is an organized force capable of regulating the fricking bottlecap market, then it surely has the capacity to run a mint.

              So either the Commonwealth is a shithole, in which case people would be using non-durable goods which have inherent value (like alcohol, cigarettes, and ammo) to trade. Or at some point (or currently) there exists an organization within the Commonwealth that could regulate a currency, in which case.... they should use a currency. Bottlecaps were only used in Fallout 1 because the Wasteland was in an incredibly unique situation where the barter economy was dominant but a massive monopoly could guarantee a currency

              As for:
              >due to Bethesda's decision to use it for Fallout 3 and Obsidian's decision to use them in NV
              These were both shit decisions. New Vegas was born out of not wanting to make things too complicated from Fallout 3, but I still disagree with the call even if I understand it. Also, this is a meta reason for why bottlecaps are used, not a proper in-universe reason.

              • 2 months ago

                The Water Merchants were not a proper government that had to spend through inflation. They used real assets to maintain their power and pay for shit, ie their monopoly on water, and everyone answered to them as a result. Bottlecaps were used as proof of work and could be exchanged for some water with the merchants, and this existed because it is easier to carry around a cap than a thing of water and it's not like caravanners needed all of their promised water immediately. The bottlecap was directly fixed in value to a quantity of water and was more an item of convenience that became a currency than an intentional form of currency itself. And the actual economy itself is still built on barter, these caps are really only used to round out transactions as opposed to buying and selling things wholesale entirely with caps.

                caps in new vegas are backed by the hub merchants, specifically the crimson caravan, which makes sense because they'd be one of the first organized groups to venture out to vegas
                the NCR dollar still exists, but is not actually backed by anything because the BoS depleted the NCR's gold reserves, which is why some npcs accuse it of being worthless (not payable in specie)
                Legion currency also exists, and is pressed from precious metal much like the original NCR dollar was

                caps are basically a gameplay convenience because it would be annoying for the player to deal in 2-3 different currencies, including whatever an independent vegas would use otherwise. however, obsidian still bothered to implement 3 competing currencies and provide rational explanations for their presence and relative worth.

                you're just parroting bethesda's explanation, which is that the physical characteristics of caps are what caused people to use them. gold may be just a pretty metal (at least traditionally), but it requires industrial / machining capacity to mine and process - a point that fallout 2 makes by having only the NCR trade in processed ore, while redding and new reno use the ore itself.

                shit's all gay and moronic

                They aren't establishing caps as a currency, that was entirely an unintended side effect of what was really meant to just be an IOU system from a group that had monopolized the water supply. Like I said, caps are directly fixed to an amount of water. The initial intent of the cap was literally "it is lighter to carry this around instead of your water". Most people still stuck to a barter economy, but they realized "oh shit these Water Merchant IOU's are actually a pretty good way to round out a transaction". Caps becoming a currency in Fallout 1 is similar to something like cigarettes becoming a currency in collapsed economies. It has a fairly inflexible demand, someone will always want them for consumption, but they are still a pretty small unit of value while also not being stupidly bulky. It's not like the Water Merchants saw that they needed to build the roads, necessitating a need for spending through inflation. If they want something done, they can just pay directly with their real assets. It just so happens that their real assets aren't comfortable to carry around, so they hand you a cap instead and you can feel free to swing by for a swig of water in exchange for it whenever you please.

                What he is saying is that water formed a reserve currency and caps acted as bank notes which can be made and traded without a government and are not fiat. Still moronic though, the british in the dark ages just used sticks for the same purpose and talley sticks would work better than caps not even sure how caps would work

                Caps were a short term measure that came about organically. There was little thought put into, it was literally "oh shit what do we have laying around that we can give you so we know we owe you water... oh well we have a big pile of bottle caps and I don't many of this are still around the Wasteland today". It is a notably inefficient system, and one that isn't really built to last (which is why you'll notice that "wealthy" characters like Gizmo also have very clear assets where most of their wealth actually is, instead of just sitting on piles of bottlecaps)The actual economy itself still largely operates on barter, people trading commodities for other commodities, and caps are only there to round it out, being the equivalent of physically putting water on the table in a trade. Once humanity moved beyond trading guns for cans of beans and actually needed a proper currency in Fallout 2 instead of just bartering like cavemen, they actually started printing money or used gold to trade.

                you must get no pussy to care about this shit

              • 2 months ago

                Do you have any fricking idea where you are right now?

              • 2 months ago

                You're not a virgin? Get the frick out of here and go live a normal life and have sex while we argue over a fictional worlds currency you loser!

              • 2 months ago

                the lucky ones then
                pussy is worth staggeringly less than the child it concieves

              • 2 months ago

                Not an argument

              • 2 months ago

                stayed in the thread just to say: I've fricked women that are several times out of your league, and you're a fricking dweeb.

              • 2 months ago

                barter system sucks balls which is why a medium of exchange is used. your gay argument is destroyed by this

              • 2 months ago

                >Why not literally just use coins.
                they are effectively coins. they are already minted. why not use them?
                >you would need an organized force to regulate supply
                no you don't, nobody's printing them anymore

            • 2 months ago

              caps in new vegas are backed by the hub merchants, specifically the crimson caravan, which makes sense because they'd be one of the first organized groups to venture out to vegas
              the NCR dollar still exists, but is not actually backed by anything because the BoS depleted the NCR's gold reserves, which is why some NPCs accuse it of being worthless (not payable in specie)
              Legion currency also exists, and is pressed from precious metal much like the original NCR dollar was

              caps are basically a gameplay convenience because it would be annoying for the player to deal in 2-3 different currencies, including whatever an independent vegas would use otherwise. however, obsidian still bothered to implement 3 competing currencies and provide rational explanations for their presence and relative worth.

              you're just parroting bethesda's explanation, which is that the physical characteristics of caps are what caused people to use them. gold may be just a pretty metal (at least traditionally), but it requires industrial / machining capacity to mine and process - a point that fallout 2 makes by having only the NCR trade in processed ore, while redding and new reno use the ore itself.

              shit's all gay and moronic

              • 2 months ago

                >gold may be just a pretty metal
                It also very importantly never deteriorates unless exposed to certain materials

            • 2 months ago

              >Large in quantity due to Nuka Cola's pre-war popularity
              that makes them the opposite of desirable.

            • 2 months ago

              Like pre-war money?

          • 2 months ago

            Why do they still use them in New Vegas?
            What reason do they have?

            Fricking idiot.

            • 2 months ago

              I don't like the use of caps in New Vegas either moron.

            • 2 months ago

              I don't like the use of caps in New Vegas either moron.

              use stick

              • 2 months ago


              • 2 months ago

                >Explain to Ceaser how he can save loads of recources on getting slaves to mint his metal currency with European history and sticks.
                >He's in shock at first at your insane stupid idea, then disbelief as he realizes what you're saying is true.
                >His ego's huge so you have to walk him through each step by step system of how the "currency" works and how he could control it while using almost no effort.
                >With high enough barter and INT you can convince him to use sticks.
                >By doing this the legion get a few new roles around camp shifting to production and tallying of these sticks while all the metal is now being made into bullets spears ect boosting their war economy massively.

              • 2 months ago

                For a faction so obsessed with book-keeping, I am honestly kind of surprised that they didn't have a similar system in place already.

              • 2 months ago

                Because Ceaser is an educated idiot mimicking the roman empire, he just never learned about european history so he couldn't employ a better system for the wasteland.
                He is literally just larping as the romans.

              • 2 months ago

                >Caesar gives his long winded rundown of his ideology, babbling on about thesis and antithesis, seething at the NCR
                >"okay but what is your policy on sticks?"

              • 2 months ago

                >[Speech 90] You're right, individually the currency is as weak as a twig.
                >[Barter 100] But as a united currency, we form a MIGHT homosexual.

              • 2 months ago

                i forgot the shoes idc i spent way too much time on that

              • 2 months ago


              • 2 months ago

                You're a fricking legend

          • 2 months ago

            Bro there's people IRL right now asking 'why are we using fiat, this is stupid'

            • 2 months ago

              Yes. And there is an explanation for why we are using fiat. Is there a good explanation for why the Commonwealth is using bottlecaps when clearly superior options exist?

              • 2 months ago

                Shifting a whole region from one currency to another is a bother?

              • 2 months ago

                Why was the Commonwealth using bottlecaps in the first place? And how are bottlecaps in themselves not already a massive enough bother to justify using anything else?

              • 2 months ago

                >Why was the Commonwealth using bottlecaps in the first place?
                Because Nuka Cola was consumed that much across the country pre-war. That's the whole point of bottlecap currency in the setting in the first place, it's fricking everywhere and has no use besides to be a bottlecap. Sticks can be used for kindling or to make weapons, tools, structures, etc.

              • 2 months ago

                >That's the whole point of bottlecap currency in the setting in the first place
                Non-isometric player detected, opinion invalidated. And lmao at arguing against sticks.

              • 2 months ago

                The frick you talking about moron? NCR dollars in Fallout 2 were also coins. Shiny and minted, but still coins.

              • 2 months ago

                Bottlecaps weren't used in Fallout 1 because of nuka cola. Go play the isometrics moron

              • 2 months ago

                ?? You can clearly see Nuka cola written on the caps.

              • 2 months ago

                Black person, bottlecaps were not used in the isometrics because "Nuka Cola was common" and "they were just bottlecaps". They were used because the water merchants use their monopoly to create a fixed rate of exchange between water and bottlecaps. Last I checked, there is no water merchant fixing these rates in Fallout 4, or any Fallout after Fallout 1. It makes zero sense to use fricking bottlecaps because "hurr durr there's alot of them!"

              • 2 months ago

                >Last I checked, there is no water merchant fixing these rates in Fallout 4, or any Fallout after Fallout 1
                NTA but Fallout 3 is literally about your dad going up against big water.

              • 2 months ago

                >going against big water
                The Enclave isn't fixing the value of bottlecaps to a set amount of water.

              • 2 months ago

                Yeah but water vendors will be out of a job if free water is around for everyone. You think the enclave was the man behind the curtains, but there was an even shadowier man behind the man behind the curtains.

              • 2 months ago

                >, but there was an even shadowier man behind the man behind the curtains.

              • 2 months ago

                >know the blade runner pistol is in 1
                >Maltese Falcon?
                >time to get myself that gun
                >bust down his door
                >cap his ass, not without great fricking difficulty
                >rifle through his pockets
                >all he fricking has is throwing knives
                >the gun is a reward from some fricking bum down the street who won't even give it to you until you're an arbitrary level

              • 2 months ago

                Yeah but at least you saved Daren Hightower('s bottom line and monopoly over the most important resource in the Hub)

              • 2 months ago

                >accidentally saved Hightower
                >never even met him because his doorman told me to frick off

              • 2 months ago

                You can peak through his window and kill him with a rocket launcher

              • 2 months ago

                >that image
                I like how the show manages to perfectly capture the fallout games in that the main story is absolutely shit but the world and sidequests are entertaining.

              • 2 months ago

                >tfw the Enclave's plan all along was to nationalize DC's supply of clean water and let anyone who is a citizen of This Great United State live without bending to the ((water merchant)) or the "charitable" Brotherhood water rationers

              • 2 months ago

                Oy vey, we are the Hubs chosen people! We brought order to the West Coast!

              • 2 months ago

                Actual American currency would also be everywhere though
                Why not just keep using that?

              • 2 months ago

                Because pre-war currency comes in varying states of disrepair.

              • 2 months ago

                And bottlecaps don't? Have you held a bottlecap?

              • 2 months ago

                >Currency can be found anywhere
                >Has a more valuable form (bones) rather than sticks.
                >Is easily identifiable to the person and given the worth the person issuing it gives
                >Can also be used by larger groups with ease if they have anyone who knows how to work with wood or carve things.
                We need a fallout 4 stick mod immediately

        • 2 months ago

          Caps were used in Fallout 1 because the place was an arid wasteland and the people who controlled the economy, the water merchants, had the idea to use bottle caps as currency because it was tied to bottled water and backed by it.
          Now caps are used in newer games because... because they ran out of ideas.

        • 2 months ago

          fallout fans are highly autistic
          back when fallout 3 was revealed NMA was frothing because the vault door didn't have the "correct" number of spokes
          it has only gotten worse now with trannies who only consume youtube videos thinking that the series took itself very seriously or had any consistency

          • 2 months ago

            >why yes, I enjoy eating todd's shit, how can you tell?

            • 2 months ago

              You are a black gorilla man.

              • 2 months ago

                >You are a black gorilla man.
                Stop projecting your fantasies, shit-eater

              • 2 months ago

                Oh you’re on of those “never seen a white person” type of third world monkey.

          • 2 months ago

            >muh NMA boogeyman

        • 2 months ago

          It isnt.
          It is just New Vegas tards b***hing about random shit because they hate Fallout 4.

          Nothing new. They have been getting even more desperate since everybody started shitting on them for being such insufferable morons.

      • 2 months ago

        Bottlecaps were only in F1 and were basically a form of Fiat currency as they were difficult to replicate, easy to carry, and limited in supply

        In f2 everyone is using Gold, in NV the brotherhood had nuked the gold mines and destroyed the NCR gold reserves so their money became worthless, yet they still used paper money, only the people in Vegas were using caps because it was a neutral currency.

        • 2 months ago

          >were basically a form of Fiat currency as they were difficult to replicate, easy to carry, and limited in supply
          They were backed by the merchants in the Hub with water

        • 2 months ago

          ncr currency backed by gold was dumb... it still relied on pre-war understandings of currency to hold value. the places that have high amounts of pre-war money? those would have gold in vaults too. banks and such. rich estates. some junkie raider could look through the rubble of a rich man's estate and find a bar of gold and get rich.
          what use is gold in the post-war apocalypse? nobody can even mine it any more

          • 2 months ago

            >what use is gold in the post-war apocalypse? nobody can even mine it any more
            Secondaries should stop posting about Fallout

            • 2 months ago

              >nobody can even mine it any more
              bethesdrone secondary detected

              redding was a town in 2 where people mined gold

              tell me you didn't play classic fallout without telling me you didn't play classic fallout challenge: [SUCCESS]

              doesn't change the fact that gold is useless. now stop samegayging

              • 2 months ago

                Anon you could make the same argument about how gold is useless now.

              • 2 months ago

                >doesn't change the fact that gold is useless
                it's useless in the real world too but that doesnt stop rich people from hoarding it

                think Black person think

              • 2 months ago

                so why are bottlecaps a problem

          • 2 months ago

            >nobody can even mine it any more
            bethesdrone secondary detected

            redding was a town in 2 where people mined gold

          • 2 months ago

            tell me you didn't play classic fallout without telling me you didn't play classic fallout challenge: [SUCCESS]

            • 2 months ago

              Not even classic Fallout, New Vegas has a massive quarry. Frick I think even Fallout 3 had a mine.

              doesn't change the fact that gold is useless. now stop samegayging

              >he doesn't even know about the post cooldown

        • 2 months ago

          >NV the brotherhood had nuked the gold mines
          why do that?

      • 2 months ago

        >"When I was a kid, before the bombs dropped, you could go to the corner store and trade five bottle caps for a soda pop. There's not much cash around these days...but I see a whole lot of bottle caps..."

      • 2 months ago

        >bottle caps have an actual lore reason why they are used
        No they don't.

        • 2 months ago

          Yes they do

        • 2 months ago

          4 posts up

  3. 2 months ago

    the east coast using bottle caps never made sense anyway

    • 2 months ago

      What do they spend over there? Precious metals?

  4. 2 months ago

    >Fallout 1: water merchants back the bottlecap due to it being limited in quantity, 1 cap = 1 unit of water
    >Fallout 2: they move onto paper money backed by the NCR
    >everything since: bottlecaps because Fallout 1 did it

    • 2 months ago

      who's gonna spend NCR dollars on the east coast??

      • 2 months ago

        >The only two options are bottle caps and ncr bucks.

        • 2 months ago

          It makes more sense water merchants travelled across the US and took the bottlecap currency with them especially since the NCR never managed to gain a foothold outside of the West coast.

          • 2 months ago

            Neither explanation makes sense, luckily these options are not the only ones available. I mean surely somebody would start trading with a commodity that has inherent value, or an organized group would collaborate to create an actual proper currency that won't rust away in your pockets and weigh you down. Because bottlecaps are seriously fricking stupid, and fricksake honestly even NCR bux would make more sense on the East Coast. Bottlecaps were only valuable because of very specific circumstances.

          • 2 months ago

            Not sure if you missed his point on purpose or you truly have the 'tism

      • 2 months ago

        Who the frick is going to spend west coast water cartel liters on the east coast?

      • 2 months ago

        Who gives a shit about the east coast??

        • 2 months ago

          Fallout can't just be the west coast forever!!!! AAArrrgh!!! We need Fallout Texas for frick sake!

    • 2 months ago

      whats going against the possibility of merchants backing bottlecaps on the east cost? you're not being told in game because bethesda don't care about this sort of details so why even care in the first place if they don't but i don't see how its impossible
      bethesda should stop advertising their shit as RPG or story driven or some shit and just accept they're into quirky funny looter-shooters

      • 2 months ago

        The inconvenience of lugging around literal bottle caps that can be inflated at any bottle press factory?

        • 2 months ago

          Not to mention that bottlecaps are not particularly durable. For the weight, flimsiness, and potential for sudden collapse; you really might as well just use ammo as currency (which is pretty much how it works in Fallout 1, as caps are more so designed to cover the difference in barter transactions)

      • 2 months ago

        It is a really shitty currency that only made sense in Fallout 1, where the Water Merchants held a monopoly over the most valuable resource in the Wastes and thus had the authority to guarantee bottlecaps as a proof of work, which even then were only a small portion of what was mostly a barter economy built on trading commodities.

      • 2 months ago

        >whats going against the possibility of merchants backing bottlecaps on the east cost?
        The fact that there is no organized body of merchants on the east coast to back them as a currency. They just accept bottlecaps because Bethesda are fricking hacks.

        • 2 months ago

          There is one in 3

          • 2 months ago

            Okay, I'll bite

        • 2 months ago

          There were no israeli people around who cared.

      • 2 months ago

        If only this was implied in any way other than a terminal entry saying
        >We picked up the habit from merchants passing through

        You know, worldbuilding

    • 2 months ago

      This is also moronic btw, the only impetus to create a fiat currency is to have the ability to print it so it makes more sense they would have chosen something potentially unlimited in quantity like paper money.

      • 2 months ago

        The Water Merchants were not a proper government that had to spend through inflation. They used real assets to maintain their power and pay for shit, ie their monopoly on water, and everyone answered to them as a result. Bottlecaps were used as proof of work and could be exchanged for some water with the merchants, and this existed because it is easier to carry around a cap than a thing of water and it's not like caravanners needed all of their promised water immediately. The bottlecap was directly fixed in value to a quantity of water and was more an item of convenience that became a currency than an intentional form of currency itself. And the actual economy itself is still built on barter, these caps are really only used to round out transactions as opposed to buying and selling things wholesale entirely with caps.

        • 2 months ago

          Ok but that is not my point, there is no reason for them to establish caps because of their limited quantity. Forming a fiat currency because of limited quantity defeats the entire point of forming a fiat currency. Caps make no sense no matter which fallout.

          • 2 months ago

            They aren't establishing caps as a currency, that was entirely an unintended side effect of what was really meant to just be an IOU system from a group that had monopolized the water supply. Like I said, caps are directly fixed to an amount of water. The initial intent of the cap was literally "it is lighter to carry this around instead of your water". Most people still stuck to a barter economy, but they realized "oh shit these Water Merchant IOU's are actually a pretty good way to round out a transaction". Caps becoming a currency in Fallout 1 is similar to something like cigarettes becoming a currency in collapsed economies. It has a fairly inflexible demand, someone will always want them for consumption, but they are still a pretty small unit of value while also not being stupidly bulky. It's not like the Water Merchants saw that they needed to build the roads, necessitating a need for spending through inflation. If they want something done, they can just pay directly with their real assets. It just so happens that their real assets aren't comfortable to carry around, so they hand you a cap instead and you can feel free to swing by for a swig of water in exchange for it whenever you please.

          • 2 months ago

            What he is saying is that water formed a reserve currency and caps acted as bank notes which can be made and traded without a government and are not fiat. Still moronic though, the british in the dark ages just used sticks for the same purpose and talley sticks would work better than caps not even sure how caps would work

            • 2 months ago

              Caps were a short term measure that came about organically. There was little thought put into, it was literally "oh shit what do we have laying around that we can give you so we know we owe you water... oh well we have a big pile of bottle caps and I don't many of this are still around the Wasteland today". It is a notably inefficient system, and one that isn't really built to last (which is why you'll notice that "wealthy" characters like Gizmo also have very clear assets where most of their wealth actually is, instead of just sitting on piles of bottlecaps)The actual economy itself still largely operates on barter, people trading commodities for other commodities, and caps are only there to round it out, being the equivalent of physically putting water on the table in a trade. Once humanity moved beyond trading guns for cans of beans and actually needed a proper currency in Fallout 2 instead of just bartering like cavemen, they actually started printing money or used gold to trade.

            • 2 months ago

              One thing worth mentioning about the sticks is that they were cracked into two pieces with one half being issued as currency and the other kept by the issuer, so you could check if someone's stick is authentic by seeing if it fits flush with the half that you (presumably the local king) kept.

              • 2 months ago

                who cares

              • 2 months ago

                Everyone cared. Next time think before you post

              • 2 months ago

                That system seems way to easy to game on the issuers part. Could literally just snip off a bit more of the stick and bye-bye guarantee. I know that the feudal system rested alot on mutual trust, so people weren't so keen on getting a reputation as a scam artist, but that still just seems like a really easily gamed system, or even a system susceptible to accidents.

                who cares

                I care anon.

              • 2 months ago

                That's why only those with power issued them. The way you made sure people wanted your sticks is by collecting taxes in the form of sticks so that there would always be demand for more sticks by the public.

              • 2 months ago

                You are fricking with me, right? This is a shitpost or I am just incredibly confused. They were not fricking tithing sticks in order to reduce the supply of sticks in the stick market.

              • 2 months ago

                That's how medieval English economy worked, and incidentally most modern currencies.

              • 2 months ago

                You know, I never read up that much on how Medieval contracts were upheld, I guess I just assumed that they used their fancy signet rings to stamp wax seals as a method to verify contracts and things like that. I am convinced this stick thing had to be a fairly niche that was prevalent in tiny part of Ingerland for a couple years, because it just seems like such an absurd system.

              • 2 months ago

                Nope, the sticks were an incredibly common form of currency referenced in the founding of the Bank of England and also the Napoleonic code.

              • 2 months ago

                considering there's an entire industry dedicated to helping people store their sticks off-shore so that the government can't take them
                not that crazy

              • 2 months ago

                I am happy he's not lying.

              • 2 months ago

                >The split tally of the Exchequer remained in continuous use in England until 1826, when the conditions required for activation of the Receipt of the Exchequer Act 1783 (23 Geo. 3. c. 82), the death of the last Exchequer Chamberlain, came about.[13] In 1834, following the passing of 4 Will. 4. c .15, tally sticks representing six centuries' worth of financial records were ordered to be burned in two furnaces in the Houses of Parliament.[14] The resulting fire set the chimney ablaze and then spread until most of the building was destroyed.[8]
                I am going to have a fricking aneurysm. Frick new earth creationism, I am a tally stick denier. This is looney toons ass shit.

              • 2 months ago

                >4 Will. 4. c .15,
                OK I admit I'm a brainlet: what does this mean? Is this someone's name? Is it a number?

              • 2 months ago

                >For will, for you see, check this 15.
                he was trying to predict his post number and failed sadly, just like the NCR.

              • 2 months ago

                I think it is the code for the law itself

              • 2 months ago

                The forth session of Parliament under King William the forth, chapter 15.
                >4 (forth) Will(iam).IV c(hapter) 15

              • 2 months ago

                Why didn‘t Aragorn introduce tally sticks as part of his tax reforms?

              • 2 months ago

                >One of the refinements was to make the two halves of the stick of different lengths. The longer part was called stock and was given to the party which had advanced money (or other items) to the receiver. The shorter portion of the stick was called foil and was given to the party which had received the funds or goods.
                >stocks are fricking sticks
                No fricking way. Nuhuh. Not biting this bait.

              • 2 months ago

                It's a solid way to keep a record of transactions. The anon is presenting it in a weird way to use it as a metaphor for modern day fiat currencies.
                A stick saying "I promise to pay the bearer on demand the sum of x pounds" was used like a currency because in practice it's no different to a modern banknote.

              • 2 months ago

                You just went full David Graeber, never go full David Graeber

              • 2 months ago

                It actually worked well enough for the king to start collecting them for taxes, at any rate trust is the foundation for trade at all, nobody would break a stick with a Black person

              • 2 months ago

                Also apparently the Brits managed to burn down their parliament when they finally decided to get rid of their stick collection in the 19th century.

              • 2 months ago

                >nobody would break a stick with a Black person
                Yeah but the Black person only needs to win once and you are shit out of luck. I mean, I know that in Medieval times people got flayed alive for that shit; but still, it just seems like such an easily gamed system.

              • 2 months ago

                Maybe if you are some commie gay that thinks society fundamentally doesn’t work without some overbearing authority figure. Good business is the best business.

              • 2 months ago

                The tally stick system operated because of the Exchequers though, it was a system enforced by an authority figure

              • 2 months ago

                They would often have multiple safeguards like a signature or stamp mark across the break.
                This is still how it is done in 3rdie countries where they don’t use computers for their contracts.
                They will have to notarize and stamp every single thing and make sure the stamp is across both parties copy.

              • 2 months ago

                First world still uses stamps, champ.

              • 2 months ago

                >tfw you are the designated keeper of the sticks for the local lord
                >someone disputes something
                >have to spend all week going through the hoard of broken popsicle sticks

              • 2 months ago

                Iirc they were typically given a "serial number" to make matching easier.

              • 2 months ago

                >Be me, Stick Keeper
                >Working for my lord who's at war with some other fricking dickhead lord for control of england while the welsh occasionally come by to litter our town and castle with arrows.
                >I hate this fricking job but it's better than working the fields and I can't just say no to my lord.
                >Some dumbass comes in and demands his pay (more sticks) while also asking me to verify a stick he got from someone else.
                >Frick I have to spend hours searching through our fricking COLLECTION OF STICKS TO FIND THE ONE THAT FITS.
                >Suddenly get brilliant idea when issuing out the sticks I'm supposed to manage.
                >"Oi, sir? I'm going to need to carve a number in that."
                >Guy looks confused, explain to him how I plan on carving a number onto his stick, then the other half of the stick so I can more easily search for them if anyone comes to verify the stick.
                >He's confused but agrees.
                >Begin carving numbers into more sticks, along with other random symbols.
                >People begin getting antsy, ask me to "verify" their sticks by carving into them.
                >They're fricking counterfit sticks.
                >Turns out like half the town were using counterfit sticks and inflating our currencies value
                >Bust a massive counterfitting group completely by accident, guards take them to the lords dungeons.
                >Get a promotion, since the lord is so happy with my work.
                >Even more fricking wood carving and now I have to train a bunch of people he pulled from the fields to help carve the sticks.
                Anons if he wins this war we better start using metal currency.

              • 2 months ago

                I just skimmed the wiki page on these tally sticks. Holy fricking shit what the frick am I reading there is absolutely no fricking way. I am falling for a meme, historians and archeologists are tricking me. I refuse to accept that THEY WERE INSTRUMENTAL IN FORMING THE BANK OF ENGLAND

      • 2 months ago

        Medieval china had paper currency

    • 2 months ago

      Beshitsda has flanderized the series to death.

    • 2 months ago

      >Fallout Tactics uses printed money backed by BOS
      >some settlements don't accept it and use ring pull due to it being rare in Fallout Universe

    • 2 months ago

      New Vegas having multiple currencies was based

      • 2 months ago

        It's a shame they didn't go all in on it.

        • 2 months ago

          there were people who got filtered by new vegas because it was orange instead of green. if different currency types actually mattered, there'd be riots on reddit.

        • 2 months ago

          I have a feeling engine limitations prevented it. It was also a pain in the ass scrolling down the list just to sell some legion coins.

  5. 2 months ago

    >seething about fallout lore

  6. 2 months ago

    Emil used all his brain cells for this dialogue and nothing ramained for the rest of the game

  7. 2 months ago


  8. 2 months ago

    Emil was going for that Marvel style humor, problem is it doesn't work as Fallout has its own tone. I don't think Emil gets the tone of Fallout quite right.

  9. 2 months ago

    not exactly related, but why do ghouls go around being miserable all the time, when they are basically immortal

    • 2 months ago

      apparently they stink and don't feel very good

    • 2 months ago

      They look ugly, treated as monsters by most normal people and can randomly turn feral one day without any notice.

      • 2 months ago

        Just deink ghoul juice and you wont go feral
        Didnt you watch the canon show?

        • 2 months ago

          inb4 the "vials" of anti-feral juice are actually FEV

    • 2 months ago

      You will know when you get older

    • 2 months ago

      the fear of death is actually the fear of eternally not being in control and that's what feral ghouls are except it's a tangible thing not just a philosophical concept in your head

    • 2 months ago

      1: You look like a hideous monster and people hate you for it
      2: All your joints stiffen up and weaken, you can't really run anymore, just shamble around
      3: You smell really bad, all the time
      Being a ghoul sucks, you do not want to become a ghoul.

      • 2 months ago

        >2: All your joints stiffen up and weaken, you can't really run anymore, just shamble around
        Tell that to feral ghouls. They really shouldn't be "shambling" that fast when they catch a whiff of vault dweller.

        • 2 months ago

          Presumably ferals don't care about pain or long-term bodily function. Unlike with normal ghouls, ferals don't care if they shred what is left of their joints to kill something.

      • 2 months ago

        >die at age 60-70
        >potentially live until year 2277, 200 years after the bombs fell, and still do some cool ass living and breathing shit like Raul Tejada and Dean Domino
        idk being a ghoul sounds kinda based

        • 2 months ago

          Yeah sure you live for 200 years, but you're so decrepit that you can barely do physical tasks. NV ghouls aren't very canonical.

          • 2 months ago

            >NV ghouls aren't very canonical.

            • 2 months ago

              As of FO1-2 canon, ghouls cannot run.
              NV ghouls can run.
              Ergo NV ghouls are inconsistent.

              • 2 months ago


      • 2 months ago

        >1: You look like a hideous monster and people hate you for it
        I honestly started reading this post thinking you were calling him a troony.
        I need to get out of this place.

        • 2 months ago

          besides the joints, I guess it still holds up

        • 2 months ago

          Luckily the shartposters are currently preoccupied in their bait threads, so discussion in this one has been extremely civil



          • 2 months ago

            If I take off that vault suit, will you quit the game?

  10. 2 months ago

    The fact that this went under the radar because of kid in the fridge, and fallout 4 being shit in general...

    • 2 months ago

      This game continues to astound me on my current playthrough.

    • 2 months ago

      Economics just wasn't interesting until the left went and ruined everyones lives

    • 2 months ago

      Kid in the fridge doesn’t get brought up nearly enough. There’s absolutely no excuse for how fricking embarrassing that shit is. It’s like they asked a kid with Down’s syndrome to write a quest for them.

  11. 2 months ago

    honestly pre-war money not being worthless in Fallout 3 or NV invalidates the reason people are supposed to be using caps
    you can get 10k pre-war cash in one of the NV DLCs and that's a minimum 50k in caps if you have shit barter, or 100k if you can trade them for full price

  12. 2 months ago

    >Enclave dismantled completely on West and East coasts
    >Series dropping hints at them for next season
    Anything to know about the Chicago branch of Enclave? Do they like deep dish pizza? Put a whole ass pickle on a hotdog?

    • 2 months ago

      The Enclave are back in California, there's no way that the doctor walked very far from whatever Enclave base he was at

  13. 2 months ago

    >yeah that'll be uhh.. 5,294 caps for that oozi nine millameta
    >*has to count out 5,294 bottlecaps just for one transaction*

    • 2 months ago

      >a 10mm Pistol?
      >that'll be 6 million NCR dollars, sir!

      • 2 months ago

        But NCR dallars are quiet valuebl
        before their gold reserves were destroyed, at least

      • 2 months ago

        In New Vegas, the exchange rate is 40 caps to a hundred dollar NCR bill.
        That would mean it's a modest 13,235 in NCR dollars, and you could carry that easily with hunneds or the cut $500 NCR bill.

    • 2 months ago

      How about a phased plasma rifle in the 40 watt range?

      • 2 months ago

        hey, just what you see, pal

    • 2 months ago

      If only there was some kind of place people could store their bottlecaps, and then get notes representing large amount of battlecaps that could be traded more conveniently..
      People might even go for prolonged periods without ever even handling bottlecaps, since the notes would be considered just as good...Hmm...

  14. 2 months ago

    >Casually dismantles worldbuilding to make a shitty joke

    • 2 months ago

      I believe you mean
      >casually dismantles worldbuilding to reference a notoriously dumb scene from the indiana jones movie that no one likes
      Was it worth it?

      • 2 months ago

        The indiana jones scene was a reference to the original script of Back to the Future where the time machine is a refrigerator and the only way to get 1.21 jiggawatts is to get nuked. Spielberg was obsessed with the idea.

        • 2 months ago

          it's references all the way down

    • 2 months ago

      I believe you mean
      >casually dismantles worldbuilding to reference a notoriously dumb scene from the indiana jones movie that no one likes
      Was it worth it?

      Fallout 2 did it first.

      • 2 months ago

        and it was a mistake then too. one of the biggest decisions you make in fallout 1 is whether to steal necropolis's water chip without fixing their water pump, which the ghouls beg you not to do.

        >NV makes fun of it if you have Wild Wasteland trait
        Meanwhile Bethesda was like: yo I think these Indiana Jones guys were onto something

        the kicker is that it's a major part of one of the fallout show's characters.

        • 2 months ago

          >"The new games just did what the old games did."
          Why are you people like this?

          • 2 months ago

            use your big boy words instead of pressing caps lock

          • 2 months ago

            it's almost like things are capable of having both good and bad aspects, and there are parts of fallout 2 that are widely criticized despite the improvements it made in other areas

            • 2 months ago

              NTA but thanks for the new House reaction pic.

      • 2 months ago

        Don't bother, anon. Fallout fans on Ganker loathe everything after 1, even if the OG devs made them.

        • 2 months ago

          the OG devs didnt make fallout 2, they all quit half way through

        • 2 months ago

          >Fallout fans on Ganker loathe everything after 1
          Ironic since Tim Cain went on twitter to express how much he hates FO1 loregays.
          After reading that I became desensitized. If the original team does not care why should I? For me NV was the end of the series, everything after that is like watching The Simpsons after season 12.

    • 2 months ago

      >NV makes fun of it if you have Wild Wasteland trait
      Meanwhile Bethesda was like: yo I think these Indiana Jones guys were onto something

    • 2 months ago

      It's really dumb when in the same game there are 2 other instances of "ghouls being imprisoned and only kept alive by being fed by a third party" but this kid for some reason doesn't need to eat at all despite being trapped in the fridge for 200 years.

      • 2 months ago

        the fridge was stocked up beforehand.

        • 2 months ago

          Enough to feed someone for 200 years?

          • 2 months ago

            i mean it was empty when he came out didnt he?

    • 2 months ago

      It's a vault-tec fridge.

  15. 2 months ago

    shit there was this medieval european custom of signing a document in duplicate or triplicate on the same piece of paper and then cutting it up in weird ways to make sure the edges only fit together from the originals, does anyone remember what that was called?

    • 2 months ago


  16. 2 months ago

    The Fallout franchise, shall forever be the vidya equivalent of the Boss's will

  17. 2 months ago

    This thread went from a dogshit fallout bait thread to a discussion about medieval currency and it has gotten way fricking better

  18. 2 months ago

    do you accept your payment in homosexuals?

    • 2 months ago

      Sorry mate, this homosexuals too large, it doesn't line up with me hole. I'll have you whipped for trying to scam me.

  19. 2 months ago

    I completely change my mind about Fallout 4. They should not be using bottlecaps. They should not be using minted currency either. Apparently, they should have been using sticks the entire time.

    • 2 months ago

      Incredible thread

    • 2 months ago

      There are no trees in FO3 and I don't think there were many sticks lying around in 1 or 2. I suppose they could have used animal (and human) bones instead.

      • 2 months ago

        If the Wasteland known as Bongistan had enough sticks to build the Bank of England, then surely a less hostile environment would have enough sticks laying around.

  20. 2 months ago

    people also used to barter with little clay tokens in antiquity.
    a farmer might offer to trade you a bushel of what for your services, but that won't do you any good if his harvest isn't until next year, so he might give you a clay token to exchange either with himself later or with a central storage facility in town.

    obviously anyone can just make a clay token so they would hide little security figures inside the token. you would break the token on exchange and if the token was fake then they would break you.

  21. 2 months ago

    >worth 10.5k caps
    >most merchants can't afford one
    >difficult to offload as a result

    • 2 months ago

      >anon discovers the entire point of Dead Money

      • 2 months ago

        The point of Dead Money is that old people are moronic.

    • 2 months ago

      barter me boy, take one to the gun runners and pick out a shiny new gun

    • 2 months ago

      I WILL give my entire gold to the NCR to reintroduce NCR dollars as the MAIN currency just as it was meant to be in Fallout 2 and I WILL side with Caesar anyways.

      • 2 months ago

        Why give the gold to CURRENT NCR? Current NCR would just use your gold to fund more expansions while the cattle barons rub their hands.

        • 2 months ago

          note my last point
          >and I WILL side with Caesar anyways.
          I fricking HATE j- I mean Brahmin Barons!!

          • 2 months ago

            >he's a deranged buffed NCR loses CLgay
            based bloodluster

    • 2 months ago

      Like the anon before me said I headcanon handing over all the gold to the NCR just to stick it to the Botherhood.

    • 2 months ago

      And this is why all of the Sierra Madre gold canonically ended up in the Courier's bathtub in a Novac motel room

    • 2 months ago

      >point of Dead Money is to let go and puts a massive amount of wealth in front of you that you aren't supposed to be able to carry
      >you can shift all of the gold bars for very little effort by just shifting the camera a little

  22. 2 months ago

    Bottle cap is use because its hard to replicated at the time. Dollars, coins, and casino chips are being use later on in the west coast after a few decades. It just seem odd that the East Coast, after many decades, would still use bottlecaps, or uplift themselves to being a post apoc society. F3 made it seem like everyone there are moronic and F4 had an excuse that the Institute murder anyone when anyone tries to form a civilization

  23. 2 months ago

    >This just in on NCR News Radio
    >The commonwealth is being explored, the frontier is dangerous, full of raiders bandits all juiced up on the large amount of chems produced in the area.
    >The strangest discovery found our exploration and diplomatic teams however, was the local currency...
    >At some point in time it was clearly caps judging from what the locals say, most likely spreading there through word of mouth and ease of use.
    >However... Recently, they've switched to an entirely new form of currency.
    >Issued by the leading group in control of the area, the "minutemen" issue out broken sticks to various groups and settlements to be cashed in for protection food and more.
    >Because of this, these broken sticks were immediately adopted as the new form of currency, as they have actual value behind them backed by the small group.
    >Soldiers report being mugged not for their NCR dollars, but for any... Sticks they may have.
    >As hilarious as this sounds, we recommend staying far away from any of these sticks if you visit the commonwealth due to the large amount of raiders willing to kill you over them!

    • 2 months ago

      >Mfw the BoS shows up to burn my stick pile
      Don't let anyone know. As long as they think I can verify their sticks the sticks will still have value.

    • 2 months ago

      >Go East to the Commonwealth from Arizona to escape the Legion since I am a jet addict
      >find a local dealer in an old gas station
      >it is absolutely filled to the brim with skeletons
      >why the frick hasn't this b***h cleaned up
      >she pulls out a few inhalers of jet
      >I reach into my pouch and toss some caps onto the table
      >she laughs
      >as I tell her that I don't have any Legion denarii, she snaps the femur of one of the nearby skeletons
      >hands me a piece of it
      >"one day I will call in this debt."
      >she pushes me out the door with a bag of jet and half a femur
      What the actual frick is wrong with this place

    • 2 months ago

      >people are now calling sticks staps now as a cope

  24. 2 months ago

    Which one's more dangerous as a whole?
    Appalachia is disqualified because those guys have giant pre-war magical monsters, too unfair.

    • 2 months ago

      Big MT is easily one of the most dangerous forces in the series so far, and by a large margin.

    • 2 months ago

      California, considering I had to savescum my way past super mutant patrols that would reduce all of my companions to bloody stumps in 1 round of combat

      • 2 months ago

        This. And the Enclave patrols later are even worse.

      • 2 months ago

        Just stay out of Mariposa and know your place, humie

        • 2 months ago

          >savescums past your patrols
          >bypasses your perimeter with a cheap piece of plastic
          >picks a random code on the vat control terminal
          >blows up your base
          haha oops

    • 2 months ago

      Boston. You can't go more than half a block without someone trying to kill you and themselves and everyone in the surrounding area.

      • 2 months ago

        Whoever decided to teach supermutants what mini-nukes are deserves to die if he hasn't already.

    • 2 months ago

      D.C. with Boston being a close second. D.C. is outright anarchy in a concrete jungle while Boston just had an attempted government dissolve and one of the largest factions present fracture.

    • 2 months ago

      I can't be a contrarian to this post anymore because there's currently a 4 way tie and I refuse to contribute

    • 2 months ago

      California, Super Mutant patrols in 1, Enclave patrols in 2, and random Deathclaw encounters in both games easily shit on anything that can be randomly encountered in the others
      of course, after Fallout 2 California basically just becomes a modern first world nation so from that point onwards its probably the safest location in the world

  25. 2 months ago

    bros i was selling a mini nuke (my most prized possession) to that moronic vault dweller up from Concord and he gave me a fricking stick are you serious I never would've supported to Minutemen I miss my caps being worth anything

  26. 2 months ago

    I guess we figured out why people in fallout games keep skeletons in their houses.

    • 2 months ago

      Holy shit

    • 2 months ago

      >you never get sticks because everyone can see you'll do anything you're told to do for the most minimal of rewards

      • 2 months ago

        Canonically the Courier said "a homosexual for the homosexual" one too many times, so now everybody refuses to pay him properly.

      • 2 months ago

        literally the NCR's wet dream. Why haven't they adopted this yet?

        • 2 months ago

          >The Courier, fair and even-handed in his dealings throughout the Wasteland, was honored by the NCR for his support of the military at Hoover Dam. He was presented with the Golden Branch, the highest civilian decoration given by the Republic."

          • 2 months ago

            OH N-

          • 2 months ago

            They gave him a fricking stick painted piss yellow for winning the entire war for them lmfao

            • 2 months ago

              Hey that stick could be worth THOUSANDS.. maybe.

            • 2 months ago

              >*redeemable for one free tax break

            • 2 months ago

              >And you know what they did? Can you believe it? They gave him a piss stick!

      • 2 months ago

        >Oh uh here take this stick thanks for helping me out dude
        >"Don't you guys use caps?"
        >"...No? We just break off bones or sticks and cash them in as debts or favors y'know? Like caps were used a while ago because of some merchants peddling it but apparently they changed to paper currency a while ago so it lost its value. We use broken bones from the skeletons people keep around or just sticks to mark debts. Word of advice? Broken bones are worth way more than sticks survivor."
        >"Wait, wait- Everyone's been paying me in caps."
        >"You seriously thought caps had value dude? I hate to break it to you but you were being duped. I mean, you're from the past aren't you? Did you seriously think we'd just use caps for no reason and just give it value out of nothing dude? The sticks act as a way to mark debt or a service owed, like the one I gave you."
        >"Our pre-war currency didn't have any backing."
        >"Frick, that's rough mate."
        >Piper shoots stick-bro.
        >Nate proceeds to go full scorched earth on anyone who gave him caps while stealing everyones bones and sticks, demanding proper payment.

        • 2 months ago

          >Hey Nate Fallout, someone stole my stick that I kept as debt in exchange for freeing a synth, I need your help to get it back!
          >No (Yes)
          >Quest Added: Stick It To Him

        • 2 months ago

          now nate has a vendetta against leafs and sticks. who knew

          • 2 months ago

            >Nate rakes the leaf
            >Now he snaps the homosexuals
            When will this menace be stopped?

        • 2 months ago

          You know what's really impossible to replicate? A broken bottle. Smash a bottle nice and good and you've got a completely unique set of pieces that go back together with no other bottle. Think about it. Great proof of contract.
          Actually I'm just pretending because the idea of being the guy who has to reassemble broken bottles as proof of transactions is funny.

          • 2 months ago

            >back into the glass pit, bottler

  27. 2 months ago

    Why does Fallout 2 have an actual GHOST in the 3rd settlement?

  28. 2 months ago

    The real question is why the frick do the Vault Dwellers in 76 use caps?
    >inb4 Whitespring Nuka-Cola promotion
    pure coincidence for gameplay sake and is a late game location

    • 2 months ago

      >thinking literally anything in 76 makes any sense at all or is worth caring about

      • 2 months ago

        >is worth caring about
        I unironically liked 76 when it came out.

        • 2 months ago

          I'm not responsible for your utter lack of taste.

    • 2 months ago

      Simulation of currency to create an economy without needing to mint coins?

    • 2 months ago

      Wasn't it because the automated factory in the north of the map churned them out at a steady rate?

  29. 2 months ago


  30. 2 months ago

    I fricking hate stick users, stickers as I like to call em.

    • 2 months ago

      >he invested in bottlecaps
      >literal fricking bottlecaps
      >bought high, still HODLing
      >meanwhile stickbros are going to the moon

      • 2 months ago

        >*breaks your sticks*
        >caps are still UNBROKEN
        Wait.. No..

        • 2 months ago

          >break stick in half
          >give half a stick to someone else
          >then break the stick in half again so I can extend more loans with the same stick
          Congrats, you just invented fractional reserve banking

          • 2 months ago

            Sticks were the best option.. I just never... sticked to it...

            • 2 months ago

              You should have thought more about your actions, now you are in a sticky situation

  31. 2 months ago

    >NCR in 2281 if they used sticks instead of dollars

    • 2 months ago

      >burns your homosexuals

  32. 2 months ago

    >These fricking commonwealth stick using savages aren't human I tell you, they ain't human ladies and gentlemen!
    >That's right as you've most likely heard these "STICKERS" are in the commonwealth and I say we wipe 'em out, a bunch of JUNKIES do we need more of that in our democracy, in our great nation?
    >No we do NOT, we do NOT need that! We need workers, do not need raiders, we do not need "PEOPLE" who use STICKS as a currency!
    >I say I say we go up to these stick loving freaks and snap their twigs in half, give 'em half an end of a stick and tell them that it's worth a lot and they'll give you anything!
    >These people are idiots, treat them like idiots and do NOT let them into our great nation!
    Someone tries scamming a commonwealth immigrant by giving them a fake stick and they immediately get killed by them.

    • 2 months ago

      You'd think the NCR wouldn't pass up on the opportunity to get (technically) free labor

      • 2 months ago

        As the NCR dollar collapses, only the stick remains.

  33. 2 months ago

    Thanks, friendo!

  34. 2 months ago

    Name a weapon more sexier than this

    • 2 months ago

      Literally anything else

    • 2 months ago

      To keep with the theme of the thread

      • 2 months ago

        Behold, the most boring person of all time

    • 2 months ago
      • 2 months ago

        as a kid me and my friends we used to poke tree branches into dog shit and beat each other with them
        oh so fun it was, the golden days

        • 2 months ago

          The war was decades ago Nguyen.

      • 2 months ago

        >let's have a unique weapon that instant kills the weakest enemy in the game
        thanks bethesda

    • 2 months ago
      • 2 months ago


        • 2 months ago
  35. 2 months ago

    how many Enclave vaults are there?

    • 2 months ago

      What do you mean? Like which vaults were under US/Enclave control then basically all of them. If you mean where Enclave personnel survived I.E. the Oil Rig then that's up for debate.

      • 2 months ago

        there had to be way more than just the Oil Rig and Navarro, I'm just real curious on how the Enclave civilians lived. It has to be like Vault Dwellers but with way less wacky behavioral shit

        • 2 months ago

          I think that the Oil Rig had the same provisions that the Vaults did. Water chip and everything. Just with an extra helping of military and propaganda. Part of me feels conflicted on The Enclave appearing again beyond the Oil Rig. Obviously it's a big country and government was everywhere. But to me The Enclave feels like a fringe offshoot of the US government, like the CIA can't be everywhere. right?

          • 2 months ago

            Fallout FROST did something really cool if you've played it.
            Essentially the military remnants are hanging around fortifying certain locations and receiving "orders" from the "higher ups" who survived. It's implied they're forming the enclave essentially, with promises of extraction ect as long as they keep the area secured.
            They shoot on sight because most people in Frosts world are insane or willing to do anything for a bite to eat or better equipment.

  36. 2 months ago

    >Have you seen those merchants from Hammerfell? They have curved sticks! CURVED STICKS!

  37. 2 months ago

    >Emil's stupidity made Nate based
    Now his stupidity made talking about wooden sticks fun

  38. 2 months ago

    This has been the only good Fallout thread I've seen on this board in like two years, good work lads.

    • 2 months ago

      It's proof that no thread is truly bait, we just aren't taking the bait hard enough

    • 2 months ago

      That's because this is the only thread without a deranged indian spamming trannies in two years.

      • 2 months ago

        Good lord you're right

  39. 2 months ago

    Okay but what happens if the Institute replaces the Commonwealth Exchequer with a synth and manipulates the economy? Huh gaygays, got an answer for that?

    • 2 months ago

      >Synth bones become extremely valuble, used for very large deals rather than just getting a load of human skeletons to show how much of something someone owes you or you owe them.

      • 2 months ago

        >due to inflation, synth bones are now used for the majority of day to day trades
        >traders have had to use increasingly rare materials to make 'bones', like copper, silver, and gold
        >the most expensive transactions are not only conducted through broken 'gold' sticks but to represent the sheer value of items/services traded, traders now use multiple broken gold sticks

        • 2 months ago

          >automated stick breaking and reassembling algorithms run the economy

  40. 2 months ago

    We need to abolish our current form of currency and use sticks, it's a lot easier to keep track of and we'd be able to keep track of debts easier.

    • 2 months ago

      I've been saying this for years and nobody listened

  41. 2 months ago

    >"You hear about that jackass, what's his face... Nate?"
    >"Yeah, the pre-war guy who came out of a vault?"
    >"He has no idea our currency is sticks."
    >"What, seriously? He thinks we're using his old-world cash or something?"
    >"No, no... He thinks we're using... Caps..."
    >"What? Nobody's used that shit in forever!"
    >"Yeah but some guy decided to try pulling a fast one on him and now he thinks those worthless bottlecaps mean something! Don't blow this dumbass, we can get him to do fricking anything for caps! He asks for more and you just hand 'em over 'cause they're WORTHLESS!"
    >"How's he buying all that equipment, boss?"
    >"Eh, people are just giving it to him either out of guilt or to better equip him to take care of their problems. The guy's like a communal mercenary for the whole community.
    Everyone just acts real fricking weird when Nate asks them why they have skeletons everywhere.

    • 2 months ago

      I like the idea of caps being a real currency, but it's exclusively Nate-specific, serving as an IOU for Nate doing his thing as an unstoppable unkillable murder machine mercenary. Natecaps, the value of 1 cap is the equivalent of one Nate's worth of his labor. So they're worthless to everyone but Nate, that everyone still collects to pay Nate because Nate is just worth it. He uses those caps to get better weapons, armor, and ammo, and they'll give the caps back to Nate in exchange for him taking care of more problems.

      • 2 months ago

        >currency backed by one guy
        Still more reliable than fricking dollar

  42. 2 months ago
    • 2 months ago

      >1 5 8 9

  43. 2 months ago

    When you think about it, blockchains are merely sticks of code

    • 2 months ago

      Sticks are the fiat currency
      Stones are the unreliable crytpo currency nobody trust because they do not see the potential of a big rock.

  44. 2 months ago

    The institute realizes they have accidently become the banking system of the wasteland completely on accident.
    They begin giving out bones for favors, even higher-class bones to manipulate factions ect to better "guide" the wasteland to their vision of restoration.
    In his office Father contemplates killing himself as he realizes that he's wasted his entire life developing synths when he could've just manipulated the economy for total control of the wasteland.
    People now openly make deals with the institute and store their sticks safely with them since they keep their sticks nice and safe in their bunker, essentially becoming a literal bank for the entire wasteland and the various settlements in it.
    The NCR is amazed at how such a stupid system can be so advanced.

    • 2 months ago

      >Nate breaks into the Institute, finds Sean much older now, drinking in his chair
      >"I bet you have alot of questions for me, Father, well go ahead and ask"
      >he asks about the fricking sticks
      >Sean takes a long, slow sip of his drink, lays his head back on the chair, and sighs
      >"You wouldn't understand..."

  45. 2 months ago

    new vegas chads live rent free in Emil Pagliacci and his simps heads.

  46. 2 months ago

    Well this was truly the greatest bait thread of all time

  47. 2 months ago

    the currency should've been bullet casings.

    • 2 months ago

      spent bullet casings? why not just bullets
      >buy bullets with casings
      >shoot your bullets
      >get more casings to buy bullets

  48. 2 months ago

    Why is society still in shambles after 200 years anyway?

  49. 2 months ago


  50. 2 months ago

    Bottle caps as currency never made any sense to me. All it'll take is for somebody to get any bottling plant up and running again, start punching out new caps, and such persons will be drowning in caps. They'll have truckloads of them and quickly devalue caps to rightfully being worthless. At the very least, they should be using bullets as currency and ideally silver/gold.

    • 2 months ago

      You might as well argue that stick currency doesn't make sense because all it takes is pic related to cripple the economy.

      • 2 months ago

        >he doesn't know

      • 2 months ago

        >buy and own home with tons of equity
        >one little fire breaks out
        >lose all my home and my equity
        fricking bullshit, I should've bought gold

    • 2 months ago

      Yes, that is why they stopped using caps in Fallout 2. And in Fallout New Vegas, they specifically highlighted that caps can be counterfeited and the merchant houses have to ruthlessly track down any illegal bottlecap presses.

    • 2 months ago

      >At the very least, they should be using bullets as currency and ideally silver/gold.
      Who let the Metrogays in? But yeah bottle caps are silly but I didn't mind too much in F1 since the backing of the water merchants made enough sense and by the time new caps could be "printed" the NCR had actual gold backed currency. Plus F1 has a goofy side too.

    • 2 months ago

      When The Hub started issuing bottlecaps, nobody had the know-how to even keep a basic water purifier running let alone running and supplying a bottlecap smelting machine. Sabotaging a still-salvageable Sunset Sarsparilla bottling plant is literally one of the quests you do for the Crimson Caravan in New Vegas.

      Bullets are actually pretty shit as currency, since their value is highly flexible (a city-slicker needs to shoot less than a frontier hunter), and it isn't a good store of value (bullets go bad and are dangerous to store). They barely worked in Metro because the tools used to make milspec ammunition don't exist anymore, which means that every bullet that gets fired, cooks off in storage, or gets waterlogged is an irreversible deflation of the currency.

    • 2 months ago

      And getting a printing press up and running is the first step to having a counterfeit money operation, what's the point of these hypotheticals?

    • 2 months ago

      >All it'll take is for somebody to get any bottling plant up and running again, start punching out new caps

      • 2 months ago

        and https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Pressing_Matters
        You know New Vegas actually cares about its setting / worldbuilding because it has both a location dedicated to a piss-poor counterfeit operation and a side quest dedicated to a proper one.

        • 2 months ago

          I wish they let you run the press yourself

          • 2 months ago

            >run the press
            >Crimson Caravan finds out
            >Courier canonically gets raped to death by Gun Runner-supplied death squads with anti-materiel rifles and fat men, backed by the Caravan

  51. 2 months ago

    Enclave heavy infantry, plasma rifle, or gatling laser?

  52. 2 months ago

    Is there a game that uses sticks as a currency?

    • 2 months ago

      Any multiplayer sandbox survival game that lets you harvest wood.

      • 2 months ago

        you can harvest wood in 76..

    • 2 months ago

      Yes, my game as of this moment, because I have become stickpilled

      • 2 months ago

        Based, if I knew how to make a game the economy would be based on sticks

    • 2 months ago

      Runescape has trading sticks as the currency in Tai Bwo Wannai village

      • 2 months ago

        Does it work like the tally stick?

  53. 2 months ago

    >in bethesda fallouts

    there is no "worldbuilding" in these shit games

    its just a bunch of people in 50s clothes squatting in trash filled ruins 200 years after the apocalypse, nobody knows what a broom or tools are, yet they dress in perfect 1950's clothing, it's laughably moronic

  54. 2 months ago

    Why didn't they use ammunition as currency instead of bottle caps?
    >has the single greatest value in a post apocalypse setting
    >most people won't know how to make more meaning whoever can produce it controls the wasteland

    • 2 months ago

      One, because in Fallout, people actually do know how to manufacture ammunition and weapons. Two, because bottlecaps were specifically backed by the Water Merchants. They were essentially IOUs that people discovered were good for rounding out transactions (see the entire stick conversation as to why sticks are the blatantly superior option here).

      • 2 months ago

        >people actually do know how to manufacture ammunition and weapons
        What was the point in the stealing the gunrunners schematics in new vegas then?

        • 2 months ago

          That's a big rat. Looks like prime Klamath food.

        • 2 months ago

          You are aware that the Gun Runners know how to manufacture that ammunition as far back as Fallout 1. Along with organizations that had existed (and were destroyed) prior to Fallout 1, like the United Atomic Workers. The BoS is also a major player in the weapons market in Fallout 1. You steal the Gun Runner schematics because something something they have a better production method, I don't remember. It's not like the schematic is necessary to do something as reload ammunition.

          • 2 months ago

            You're wrong and only the Gun Runners actually produce new weaponry, but even so, there is a world of difference between
            >properly rifling a barrel
            >stamping a functional lower receiver
            >threading, sights, etc. that must be extremely precise (not even getting into glass)
            >bubba fricking around with powder to produce hot loads
            my nogunz-having friend. If we were discussing mere shotguns like that piece of shit Rose of Sharon Cassidy carries around and nothing else you'd be less wrong, but even realistic stuff like the Marksman Rifle would be extremely easy to frick up without schematics. Never mind complete fiction like whatever is making a Winchester plasma caster function, a minigun, etc., where it's all so complex that it becomes rapidly becomes clear why the NCR just tries to forage for everything, or purchases it from dedicated contractors like the Gun Runners or Van Graffs.

            A better question for this thread would be why the NCR decided to just unga bunga execute all the Enclave, who had things like an R&D department and pre-war records, rather than actually employ some of them to solve some of the mysteries of the old world.

            • 2 months ago

              >A better question for this thread would be why the NCR decided to just unga bunga execute all the Enclave, who had things like an R&D department and pre-war records, rather than actually employ some of them to solve some of the mysteries of the old world.
              I know one of the ending slides for the NCR in Fallout 2 has them integrate a bunch of surviving Enclave members into their society, isn't what what canonically happened? It's what i got on every playthrough

              • 2 months ago

                No, every character you ask (including old Enclave remnants) tell you the NCR just killed every man, woman and child who was ever part of the Enclave.

            • 2 months ago

              Anon, I am fairly certain the Crimson Caravan already has the capacity to manufacture their own weapons. The point is that there are multiple groups in the Fallout setting more than capable of manufacturing firearms and especially ammunition. But in Fallout 1, there is only ONE group that controls the water in the Hub. After Fallout 1, yeah bottlecaps no longer make sense; but neither does using ammunition or anything else.

              • 2 months ago

                >I am fairly certain the Crimson Caravan already has the capacity to manufacture their own weapons
                Well you would be wrong because the Gun Runners and New Canaanites do that, Crimson Caravan specializes in caravans and logistics. Van Graffs may or may not produce energy weapons. I'm leaning toward "do not" because their stock is really low durability and Gloria expresses interest in where Mr. House stores his robots.

              • 2 months ago

                The Van Graffs do manufacture their energy weapons. The Crimson Caravan is also trying to put a tariff on the Gun Runner's equipment, and the exact words used in the quest are
                >The quality of the Gun Runners' armaments is due to their manufacturing process
                Which seems to imply that the edge the Gun Runners have is based on quality, not the total inability to manufacture weapons on part of the Crimson Caravan. Especially since the moment you steal the holotape, Alice says they are going to manufacture their own weapons immediately, which also indicates they already have the facilities set up.

    • 2 months ago

      Because ammunition is not currency. It's a perishable object of practical use. But you can trade with ammunition. You can trade with anything that has value. Basically, you're an idiot.

  55. 2 months ago

    all of these fricking morons ITT pretending this type of character wouldn't absolutely fit in fallout 2 and 1. Fallout 2 in particular is flooded with pop culture shit like Parker. Also, it doesn't damage worldbuilding at all. he's supposed to be a scam artist. Holy shit, there is so much you can criticize about Fallout 4's dogshit worldbuilding and you cherry picked this? noose your Black person neck NOW

    • 2 months ago

      You are a secondary, and a moron as well.

      • 2 months ago

        you can't even read. i wouldn't trust you to boil water without fricking it up, incompetent monkey.

  56. 2 months ago

    >15 year old F3 critique still encapsulates everything wrong with Bethesda Fallout including the show

    Fallout is an especially ironic IP to turn into a consumerist theme park franchise, like making a Brave New World park in Disney World

    Vault Boy became the very thing he was supposed to satirize, worst of all people actually prefer the corporate take

    • 2 months ago
    • 2 months ago

      Bethesda Fallout is simply moronic which is why being contrarian in its favor is such reliable trolling.

      • 2 months ago

        >baits people effortlessly
        >specifically baits people with an irrepressible desire to correct people / nitpick
        >can use actual bethesdrones for camouflage / plausible deniability

      • 2 months ago

        >water just flows out into the ocean once purified
        kek I forgot about this

  57. 2 months ago

    there should be a "Bottlecap Knuckles" unarmed weapon, that's just some bottlecaps welded to brass knuckles. It would hurt.

  58. 2 months ago

    The real question is why are bottlecaps being used in Fallout NV when NCR dollars/bucks are still around?

    • 2 months ago

      The Fall of Shady Sands devalued the NCR dollar
      Then it got nuked after NV

    • 2 months ago

      What ENB?

    • 2 months ago

      the NCR is only moving into Vegas now and its currency isn't trusted or highly valued by the locals, so they value the bottle cap more because its what they were already using
      it's the same reason denarii aren't super commonly used
      that said, caps in New Vegas don't have the same Water Merchant backing as they did in Fallout 1 but it could just be that merchants from the west had visited the tribes in Vegas in the past and the currency just stuck with them, due to shit like how there are still cap presses in and around Vegas so it's a convenient currency to use

      • 2 months ago

        >caps in New Vegas don't have the same Water Merchant backing as they did in Fallout 1
        New Vegas is the crown israeliteel of that shithole desert and House probably just made the primary currency bottle caps because it made trading with existing groups easier.

      • 2 months ago

        The reason why caps were used in F1 was because water was so valued in the now-even-shittier California wasteland desert, real life Nevada shouldn't even need nuking to know the value of water today

    • 2 months ago

      Because New Vegas isn't actually NCR territory? It's occupied according to a treaty. Would you rather trade in the currency that the merchant caravans use, or a piece of paper from a weak-ass occupying power that even has "not payable in specie" printed on it. The Families and House will take your dollar, but they don't believe in it.

  59. 2 months ago

    bottlecaps make sense theme wise, something as worthless and mass produced in 50s consoomer minded america is literally money now, dying over a few bottlecaps is the kind of silly edgy vibe bethesda is going for
    their writing is quite uninspired but it's stupid to get worked over hard lore details when they obviously have a more fairytale-like approach to the setting, think back to the kids cave back in Fallout 3, they were never about 'what do they eat' worldbuilding type

    • 2 months ago

      >they were never about 'what do they eat' worldbuilding type
      I actually disagree with this. Bethesda has this approach with Fallout, but not with TES. Despite its flaws, Skyrim does actually make an effort to explain the economy of the world to a reasonable extent, and it plays a noticeable factor in the setting. Like the Black-Briars having so much influence over Riften because they have a big frick-off meadery, or Solitude being pro-Empire because they have so much trade from them. Skyrim still has its flaws, obviously, like the fact that half the population works in the banditry industry, but Bethesda is capable of designing a functional world. But they genuinely don't care about doing that for Fallout. They should, because the core ethos of Fallout has always been
      >to explore more of the ethics and society of a post-nuclear world, not to make a better plasma gun

  60. 2 months ago

    >muh lore.
    who cares. Lore is reddit.

  61. 2 months ago

    Did Bethesda contribute a single iconic thing to the Fallout IP?

    It's really funny how Black Isle/Interplay made all the main elements like the Power Armor, vaults, Vault Boy, Pip Boys, bottle caps, super mutants, deathclaws, the Master etc for F1 and instead of just rehashing them they still found it necessary to make the APA, the Enclave, the GECK, Frank, NCR for F2. Then Bethesda couldn't do shit but rehash those for F3, even the main armor being just a more tacticool take on the original Power Armor.

    Then immediately afterwards Obsidian shows them how it's done again with New Vegas and New Vegas itself, Mr House, Legion (reused from Van Buren but still the point stands), the unique Ranger armor, Securitrons, cazadors etc. Then Bethesda tries and embarrasses themselves with synths in F4 with the only takeaway anyone had being "wtf none of this makes any sense why are they doing this".

    Truly legendary levels of ineptitude at Bethesda.

    • 2 months ago

      >Did Bethesda contribute a single iconic thing to the Fallout IP?
      Liberty Prime

      • 2 months ago

        Liberty Prime is one of the most embarassing examples of why Bethesda doesn't 'get' Fallout and never will

        • 2 months ago

          Wrong. It's exactly in line with the portrayal of pre-war America from prior Fallout games and you don't 'get' Fallout and never will if you believe otherwise.

          • 2 months ago

            >It's exactly in line with the portrayal of pre-war America from prior Fallout games
            No it's not purely due to the stupid retro mech factor, real Fallout games would've made it a small terminator army or something. The Fallout world was still supposed to be somewhat feasible and not ACTUALLY something from the Jetsons-like media they had.

            • 2 months ago

              >The Fallout world was still supposed to be somewhat feasible
              You can't be serious...

              • 2 months ago

                Liberty Prime is something you'd find in a pre-war patriotic movie in the Fallout universe, not something the government itself would develop.

              • 2 months ago

                What exactly is feasible about Mr. Handy? Those things use up an absurd amount of fuel floating around.

          • 2 months ago

            >Wrong. It's exactly in line with the portrayal of pre-war America
            And this is the perfect example of why Bethesda doesn't "get" Fallout

            • 2 months ago

              You still believe the "Fallout is serious business, guiz" nonsense. It's a completely farcical cartoon universe and anyone who claims otherwise doesn't get it.

              • 2 months ago

                Fallout was not farcical, it was a depressing and brutal adventure through a cautionary and ultimately hopeless tale. Fallout 2 is where the farce began to kick in. New Vegas is significantly less silly than 2.

              • 2 months ago

                Liberty Prime is something you'd find in a pre-war patriotic movie in the Fallout universe, not something the government itself would develop.

                >American soldier shooting a POW in the head and waving to the camera while his buddies laugh is not farcical
                >FEV experimentation to create a super-soldier that makes the subject totally moronic is not farcical

              • 2 months ago

                >American soldier shooting a POW in the head and waving to the camera while his buddies laugh is not farcical
                there is a small mountain of liveleak videos demonstrating this is neither unrealistic nor farcical
                >muh mutants
                go back to the toll booth, mr. hines

              • 2 months ago

                >there is a small mountain of liveleak videos demonstrating this is neither unrealistic nor farcical
                And those aren't broadcasted on live television, moron.
                You also have no argument for the mutants.

              • 2 months ago

                go back to the toll booth, mr. hines

              • 2 months ago

                >And those aren't broadcasted on live television, moron

              • 2 months ago

                >And those aren't broadcasted on live television, moron.
                They would be in a Third World War situation, remember how Captain America and Donald Duck used to beat up Japanese caricatures, western mainstream media celebrates drone footage from the Ukraine war etc
                >You also have no argument for the mutants.
                It's literally shit America tried to do IRL

                >there is a small mountain of liveleak videos demonstrating this is neither unrealistic nor farcical
                And those aren't broadcasted on live television, moron.
                You also have no argument for the mutants.

                The First World has never broadcast a prisoner getting their head blown off. It's farcical for Fallout to portray America to do such.

              • 2 months ago

                the first world showed saddam hussein being hanged

              • 2 months ago

                >well that isnt identical to a man being shot despite being the literal same thing otherwise so it doesnt count

              • 2 months ago

                Did Bush's finest soldier do a fist pump right after and tell you to buy war bands NOW?

              • 2 months ago

                yes, the press and pundits and everyone in between were told by the dubya administration to celebrate
                to imply something like "the western world would never glorify cold-blooded murder on television" makes you either a disingenuous fricktard baiting for replies at 5AM or such a brainless fricking moron that you probably paid money for fallout 4

              • 2 months ago

                Did Fallout shoot the prime minister of Canada or didn't they just shoot a random mook prisoner of war? Why would the world of Fallout celebrate the death of a single soldier, if it were not a farcical game?

              • 2 months ago

                Black person if you split that hair any more desperately you're going to set off an atomic explosion

              • 2 months ago

                >And those aren't broadcasted on live television, moron.
                They would be in a Third World War situation, remember how Captain America and Donald Duck used to beat up Japanese caricatures, western mainstream media celebrates drone footage from the Ukraine war etc
                >You also have no argument for the mutants.
                It's literally shit America tried to do IRL

              • 2 months ago

                >And those aren't broadcasted on live television, moron.
                few years ago president of serbia broadcasted tortured corpses of people killed by some crime group. It's not that far fetched

              • 2 months ago

                Both of these are played completely straight within the setting, though. The mutants are a legitimate threat to both the player and every settlement in Fallout 1.

              • 2 months ago

                You clearly don't understand, if a story contains something that doesn't exist in real life then the tone defaults to wacky and silly. It's a farce and must not be taken seriously or attributed any weight whatsoever. This is the actual thought process Bethesda executives have by the way.

                The Van Graffs do manufacture their energy weapons. The Crimson Caravan is also trying to put a tariff on the Gun Runner's equipment, and the exact words used in the quest are
                >The quality of the Gun Runners' armaments is due to their manufacturing process
                Which seems to imply that the edge the Gun Runners have is based on quality, not the total inability to manufacture weapons on part of the Crimson Caravan. Especially since the moment you steal the holotape, Alice says they are going to manufacture their own weapons immediately, which also indicates they already have the facilities set up.

                >Especially since the moment you steal the holotape, Alice says they are going to manufacture their own weapons immediately, which also indicates they already have the facilities set up
                It seems more like the Crimson Caravan would be willing to divert funds to some kind of gun manufacturing process now that they have proven schematics. Also everything you buy from the Gun Runners is in top condition alongside whatever unique weapons they offer, which is something only they offer, and thus a hint that only they are actually producing guns. What else would differentiate them from Crimson Caravan if Alice, etc. were already making guns? Not using pig iron?

              • 2 months ago
              • 2 months ago

                >What else would differentiate them from Crimson Caravan if Alice, etc. were already making guns? Not using pig iron?
                Well, presumably their production process which leads to higher quality firearms. Just because Norinco can build a gun doesn't mean that gun is as good as the alternatives. Which is why McLafferty wants the process. Also the Gun Runners are highly decentralized. Their factory is directly in New Vegas, which probably keeps costs down.

              • 2 months ago

                I think you are plainly implying Crimson Caravan manufactures guns when there's no evidence of that whatsoever. Their business is based on consolidating caravan companies to move goods in a post-war environment full of monsters, mutants, heavily irradiated zones, etc. and I'll assume they do a decent job since they're wealthy. Alice wouldn't have you breaking into a competitor's manufacturing plant to steal schematics if they already had an idea on how to produce a gun from scratch. Producing guns is also not a simple process, especially not if you want to make something like a functional anti-materiel rifle.

              • 2 months ago

                That's why I said I am fairly certain. And I laid out my evidence
                >Crimson Caravan actively wants to tariff the Gun Runners specifically
                >Crimson Caravan is able to "immediately" begin using the Gun Runner's process when you steal it, implying that they already had the facilities set up
                >McLafferty specifically mentions the reason to spy on the Gun Runners is specifically because they manufacture higher quality weapons, as opposed to her simply saying "we need to know how to manufacture weapons at all"
                As for what you said:
                >Alice wouldn't have you breaking into a competitor's manufacturing plant to steal schematics if they already had an idea on how to produce a gun from scratch
                That's the whole point going back to the quality thing. Just because you know how to manufacture something does not mean you understand the most efficient processes for its manufacture. To me, it seems like the Crimson Caravan is able to manufacture weapons, but they are of lower quality as a result of a worse manufacturing process. Otherwise they wouldn't be able to immediately start producing using the Gun Runner's process, as they would still need to get their own infrastructure in place to manufacture if none existed in the first place.
                >Producing guns is also not a simple process, especially not if you want to make something like a functional anti-materiel rifle.
                The NCR is a fairly functional state, there is an educated class of engineers and scientists within the NCR. It's not like the expertise doesn't exist.

              • 2 months ago

                >The NCR is a fairly functional state, there is an educated class of engineers and scientists within the NCR
                If you mean guys like Hildern he mentions the OSI are a pretty new phenomenon, not even a full 10 years before New Vegas started. Then in Sloan you have guys using pre-war quarry equipment because the NCR doesn't know how to produce that. Then the NCR president is flying around in an Enclave vertibird with a bear painted on the side, protected by guys who wear power armor plating without servos because nobody understands how to produce that either.

                The running theme is very clearly "California isn't very advanced", with small groups like the Gun Runners being the chief reason why they're doing well at all.

                >McLafferty specifically mentions the reason to spy on the Gun Runners is specifically because they manufacture higher quality weapons, as opposed to her simply saying "we need to know how to manufacture weapons at all"
                She doesn't say that, she talks about schematics. Gun Runners only produce one single product (guns) so there's nothing they could offer you, other than guns or knowledge on how to create guns. This once again plays into the game's theme where NCR is a conglomerate of bureaucrats relying on a few pockets of actually skilled individuals, with Crimson Caravan being one of the more obvious examples of this.

                The quest is not
                >go buy these specific advanced weapons from the Gun Runners in 100% condition so we can reverse engineer them
                The quest is
                >go get schematics from the gun-making guys that tell them how to make guns
                On behalf of some b***h who doesn't seem to know how to do anything other than shake hands, offer people money to solve her problems and consolidate the task of walking really far with some cargo. They're not making guns the same way the NCR isn't making vertibirds. They're leeches. Even Caesar's Legion actually invents shit, like healing powder.

              • 2 months ago

                >Even Caesar's Legion actually invents shit, like healing powder.
                braindead tribal morons had healing powder in 2 using the exact same recipe, the legion didn't invent shit

              • 2 months ago

                Legion invented bitter drink tho

              • 2 months ago

                >If you mean guys like Hildern he mentions the OSI are a pretty new phenomenon
                I mean just in general. For as far back as before Fallout 1, almost a century and a half before the events of New Vegas, you had the United Atomic Workers, the Gun Runners, and the Brotherhood manufacturing weapons. There are alot of people with the expertise and knowledge to manufacture firearms.
                >She doesn't say that, she talks about schematics.
                >"The quality of the Gun Runners' armaments is due to their manufacturing process. They craft all weapons on-site. I want to know the secrets of their manufacturing process, which means you'll need to find some way to get inside their heavily-guarded factory."

                And like I said, Alice McLafferty further goes on to say:
                >I hear it's business as usual at the Gun Runners, as if nothing unusual happened. Excellent work. We'll be able to use the schematics you acquired to begin manufacturing our own weapons immediately. We'll provide some to you at a discount
                Keyword being immediately. Now I will say that this isn't certain. Because she also says "begin manufacturing our own weapons", but that is couched in stealing the methods of their manufacturing process. To me, it is a toss-up between "we will begin manufacturing weapons" as an absolute thing or "we will begin manufacturing weapons [with this process]". Personally, because she says immediately, I am inclined to believe that the Crimson Caravan already had a weapons manufacturing division, otherwise it would take time for them to put together the infrastructure for that manufacturing.

              • 2 months ago

                The most telling quests in NV are in Camp Forlorn Hope
                >NCR uses pre-war radio encryption
                >Caesar cracks those encryptions
                >the guys in skirts who forbid using technology cracked radio encryption
                >they then proceed to make new radio encryption
                >NCR cannot crack it because they just used old methods
                >cant make new ones
                >faction that is forbidden from even using radios invents better encryption than faction who relies on radios

              • 2 months ago

                None of that makes sense considering how much the game tells you that Legion forbids any technology at all, so much to the point that Caesar has to ask you pretty-fricking-please to step into a bunker owned by House just to destroy shit. And he won't even step one legionary foot inside to make sure you did, so you can literally turn on a robot factory underneath his camp and he'll believe it was destroyed just because the ground shook.
                Man that's dumb. And I'm supposed to believe the NCR doesn't have people who understand radio, and the Legion does? I would roll my eyes at that shit if I saw it ingame.

              • 2 months ago

                Alright, I just went ahead and wiki'd it:
                >Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p.306: "[2.09] Crimson Caravan Company
                >The Crimson Caravan Company is the largest supplier to the NCR of military-grade weaponry, and an assortment of provisions and other equipment types. Their base of operations is a highly fortified walled base just east of the main Freeside and Strip area, alarmingly close to their rivals; the Gun Runners. There are two entrances to this location (east and west)."

              • 2 months ago

                Anon, the first game starts off right off the bat with a silly cartoon followed by a comical execution.

              • 2 months ago

                >American soldier shooting a POW in the head and waving to the camera while his buddies laugh is not farcical
                >FEV experimentation to create a super-soldier that makes the subject totally moronic is not farcical

                Fallout is meant to be American Mad Max with more satire and not Borderlands, I have no idea why Bethdrones have such a hard time grasping that

              • 2 months ago

                What is that image supposed to prove? All he says is "We wanted to make another RPG but not another sequel to A Bard's Tale and so I made something that ripped off a movie and an RPG." That's got nothing to do with what we are talking about.

              • 2 months ago

                Read the post moron, we're talking about the intended tone of the IP and we have a quote from the creator the inspiration was Mad Max

              • 2 months ago

                And? That still doesn't say anything about tone. What does say something about tone is the content of the game which is frequently silly and light-hearted. The very first thing you see is silly and light-hearted.

              • 2 months ago

                >And? That still doesn't say anything about tone.
                If Mad Max is cited as the inspiration then we can confidently say the tone is meant to be more like Mad Max than Borderlands
                >What does say something about tone is the content of the game which is frequently silly and light-hearted.
                I don't think there's anything in real Fallout I'd describe as light-hearted, even the naive media is only used to contrast with the brutal wasteland
                >The very first thing you see is silly and light-hearted.
                A POW execution is silly and light-hearted? Anon the fact you're a sociopath doesn't mean the game is, you're supposed to find it grim. Satire of war and other brutal human conditions can be funny without being a joke.

              • 2 months ago

                Nah, just that the weird obsession with pre-War America is the evidence for why Bethesda doesn't "get" Fallout

      • 2 months ago

        Liberty Prime. Checkmate.

        >main sticking point is the fact that it was supposed to be a critique of blind patriotism but it was so clumsy everyone thought it was earnestly patriotic and cheered alongside it
        Still funny

        • 2 months ago

          >main sticking point is the fact that it was supposed to be a critique of blind patriotism but it was so clumsy everyone thought it was earnestly patriotic and cheered alongside it

    • 2 months ago

      Liberty Prime. Checkmate.

    • 2 months ago

      >Did Bethesda contribute a single iconic thing to the Fallout IP?

      >Did Bethesda contribute a single iconic thing to the Fallout IP?
      Liberty Prime

      is right, but a better question to ask is if they contributed a single good thing to the Fallout IP
      and the answer is no

    • 2 months ago

      Mini nukes

    • 2 months ago

      Bethesda commodified the daddy issue plot device.

    • 2 months ago

      Liberty Prime
      All the random brands introduced in Fallout 3, like sugar bombs or Blamco

      The actual answer is that the addition of the Pip-Boy radio is actually a genius game design decision that did a lot to align the tone of Fallout's gameplay with Bethesda's version of its setting

      • 2 months ago

        >The actual answer is that the addition of the Pip-Boy radio is actually a genius game design decision that did a lot to align the tone of Fallout's gameplay with Bethesda's version of its setting
        The issue with the radio is that it completely destroys the tone the games used to have, one of my favorite moments in NV was just wandering the desert with the radio off and hearing a Mark Morgan ambient track, whereas with the radio there's never any reason to hear anything but a ranting announcer or a gay tune. It'd be nice occasionally but it just dominates too much of the gameplay.

        • 2 months ago

          I mean, I also tend to turn it off in New Vegas for similar reasons. The fact that NV has a lot of classic Fallout tracks helps establish the tone. I'm just saying that it's very effective, just in the complete opposite tonal and thematic direction of Fallout 1.

          Coincidentally, if you go back to the E3 2008 trailer for Fallout 3, it's telling that they mimicked the introduction of Fallout 1 after their fake Vault-Tec commercial, but then continue playing the music over the subsequent game footage of the player character shooting, and shooting, and shooting, and...

          It really misses the point of what makes the Fallout 1 intro so memorable. The moment when the TV turns off and all you're left with is the sound of the wind through the skeletons of skyscrapers before Ron Perlman's narration starts

          • 2 months ago

            Just look at the guns too. Shit, Fallout 1 has a Desert Eagle. A lot of guns looked modern and Fallout 2 goes even harder with that. Bethesda's guns are ugly and lame in comparison.

            • 2 months ago

              Despite their shitty guns locking down hardcore in F4 and Starfield, Fallout 3 assault rifle and Fallout 3 chinese assault rifle were sorely missing from New Vegas.

    • 2 months ago

      Well to be fair The NCR, GECK, and The Highwayman were also F1. Just mainly the slides or a manual joke, F2 would go on to develop the concepts. F2 still did introduce Vault City, New Reno, The Shi, Hubologist (which Beth would also borrow), Tribals, Jet which NV itself would build off of.

      • 2 months ago

        >The Highwayman
        This reminds me of how woefully unused it went after 2, maybe with F5 being 15 years away Bethesda manages to develop car tech so they can use it as the big selling point in the promotional material

        • 2 months ago

          That was one of the highlights of F2 was cruising around with the gang going 4x speed on the worldmap passing Enclave fricktards. If Beth can't do a Highwayman I'd take a motorcycle stand-in.

          • 2 months ago

            The best I can do is four fast travel screens between empty hubworlds

    • 2 months ago

      i hate bethesda, but the world is better with assaultrons in it

    • 2 months ago

      Eye bots are so kino, Obsidian used two for the same character

      • 2 months ago

        Eye bots were in the first two games

        • 2 months ago

          And Obsidian would never have used them if they used the old model. Because it's shit. Bethesda fixed it and added a radio to 'em.

    • 2 months ago

      I'm not a bethesda-drone but the radio broadcasts and the cinematic VATS aim for a FPS shooter were well implemented.

    • 2 months ago

      Unironically, the arm mounted pip-boy. Other than that, nothing.

    • 2 months ago

      >Did Bethesda contribute a single iconic thing to the Fallout IP?
      Depends I guess. Does pasta count?

  62. 2 months ago

    >casually dismantles your post-apocalyptic republic

  63. 2 months ago

    How do you destroy gold reserves
    Just smelt them back into ingots, idiot

    • 2 months ago

      dilute the gold into a heavily poor alloy

  64. 2 months ago

    Oh yeah, Liberty Prime existed. I feel like even if you completely ignore Fallout lore and go for rule of cool that Liberty Prime is lame and forgetful. Something about this design just feels uninspired to me. Couldn't Bethesda take cues from either their power armor design philosopy or other mecha franchises. I feel like an Iron Giant-esque design would work.

    • 2 months ago

      Found the commie in the thread.

    • 2 months ago

      Throwing nukes was cool. You might have memory issues.

    • 2 months ago

      i liked the part of fallout 3 where i felt like an irrelevant side character in the climax of the main quest

      until it was my destiny to die, that is

      • 2 months ago

        >i liked the part of fallout 3 where i felt like an irrelevant side character in the climax of the main quest
        Truly it was Oblivion with guns

      • 2 months ago

        Honestly I liked that in Oblivion. Then every Skyrim-like afterward has to have you be given the power fantasy tools right from the get-go.

    • 2 months ago

      They had mountains of good shit from Adam and ignored most of it, what little they used they mangled, like usual

  65. 2 months ago

    There were a lot of actual coins before the war and they're very durable. Why not use them? What happened to all the pre-war coins?

  66. 2 months ago

    lore is totally optional and not needed to make a story good. not everything needs and explanation and in some cases better off not having one.

    • 2 months ago

      a good story is determined by an author writing 100% of it, then only sharing about 20% with the audience
      things make sense internally and the audience gets hints of that, but they dont know how, and that captivates them

      • 2 months ago

        And you can use fans' theorizing as a way to fix and polish your lore. Wrecking the lore because fans guessed some secret correctly is moronic.

        • 2 months ago

          >wrecking the lore because fans guessed some secret correctly is moronic
          this feels like a relevant time to mention that the fallout show was created by the same person who did westworld

          • 2 months ago

            Never watched those, so I don't know what are getting at.

            • 2 months ago

              S1 was good but Nolan got mad fans picked up on all the foreshadowing and guessed the twist beforehand so he turned S2, S3, and S4 into a stupid incomprehensible mess that means nothing and leads nowhere simply so no one could guess what happens

              • 2 months ago

                I see. I wonder if people actually want to figure out what's going to happen. The shows seems to have good score. Could be good special effects making idiots go wow, tho.

              • 2 months ago

                >The shows seems to have good score.
                So does Rings of Power, The Witcher, Invinicble, Hazbin Hotel etc

              • 2 months ago

                Point taken.
                Good, normalgays are so hopeless.

              • 2 months ago


              • 2 months ago

                The frick do you mean?
                A quick browse of metacritic for those titles and Rings of Power has a mid critic score of 71 and piss poor user score of 2.8. Invincible season 1 is also mid critic score of 73, high user score of 8.1. Season 2 is an average critic score of 82 and a worse user score of 5.9.
                Good score my ass.

    • 2 months ago

      You would be right if you were discussing another franchise. The core goal of the isometric Fallouts was to explore the functions and ethics of a post-nuclear society; and the games were very good as a result of this. To strip away this goal to pursue something else, especially something as asinine as Fallout 3 and 4's main plots, would be a massive waste of the IP.

    • 2 months ago

      So lets just rape and gut it because frick you? Internal consitancy and even the simple concept of caring about anything seems like complete poison to casual morons like you for some reason.

      • 2 months ago

        >So lets just rape and gut it because frick you?
        Why not? America does it all the time when they knock off Seven Samurai.

      • 2 months ago

        The Fallout setting was a complete goldmine for Bethesda. Should they just not buy the IP and make a hallmark best seller video game series because >muh integrity? >muh lore?

  67. 2 months ago

    Cartridge casings would probably make a more believeable currency.
    Not cartridges themselves, but the casings.

    • 2 months ago

      >buy ammo
      >shoot ammo
      >get more money to buy ammo

      • 2 months ago

        Yeah, ofc the cartridges would cost more casings.
        It's not like 1 cartridge=1 casing. This creates an economy where people keeps reusing casings since metal and ammunition is a rare yet a very important resource.

        >every body on all four looking for the casings after any gun fight
        kek thats the worse idea itt

        >brass goblins exist both IRL and in Fallout
        Yeah frick that

        In a post apocalyptic scenerio, people would be doing that anyways. Not everyone would be able to make more ammo from those casings. But there definitely would be people doing that and even selling those ammo.
        At the very least, people would be using the metal from those casings for making tiny knives or whatever.

        >pay for the labour of creating a functional bullet with the case, a portion of the material needed to create the bullet
        Using a bullet increases its value? Or do cases have a fraction of the value of the bullets?

        ammo would obviously be mroe expensive than the cartridges themselves.
        And I suppose bullets themselves would be slightly more expensive.

        • 2 months ago

          >ammo would obviously be mroe expensive than the cartridges themselves.
          So like how a coke can can be taken to the right place and I get 5 cents back on it.

          • 2 months ago

            More like how glass coke bottles were recycled. Or like how certain raw materials are used to print paper, how metals are used to make israeliteellery that is sold for far more, etc.
            In the wasteland where everyone needs to be armed, this makes sense.
            Some apocalyptic scenerios already have ammo based econo;y but it isnt as realistic,
            They just say everyone barters with bullets,

    • 2 months ago

      >every body on all four looking for the casings after any gun fight
      kek thats the worse idea itt

      • 2 months ago

        kek that would happen regardless of if it was the defacto currency you silly billy

    • 2 months ago

      Yeah, except have you considered sticks?

    • 2 months ago

      >pay for the labour of creating a functional bullet with the case, a portion of the material needed to create the bullet
      Using a bullet increases its value? Or do cases have a fraction of the value of the bullets?

    • 2 months ago

      >brass goblins exist both IRL and in Fallout
      Yeah frick that

  68. 2 months ago

    Fun gaming fact: Emil wrote and voice-acted specifically so he gets to call the player character a moron.

  69. 2 months ago

    i dont know why people care about the "worldbuilding" in bethesda fallout
    bethesda certainly doesn't

  70. 2 months ago

    >Casually dismantles worldbuilding to make a shitty joke

    • 2 months ago

      free motion sensor :))

    • 2 months ago

      That's just a special encounter. What you really should bring up are the talking racoon logs in The Glow or what Bobs prime cuts are made out of.

    • 2 months ago

      Don't forget the super fricking gay Monty Python reference that gives you good early game armor. Fallout 1 is the only good one.

      • 2 months ago

        That is Fallout 1 tard.

        • 2 months ago


      • 2 months ago

        That's Ian

    • 2 months ago

      >Theres litereally nothing different between a one off easter egg you can randomly stumble upon and an entire quest to dedicated to bullshit played off as not a joke but something your meant to accept as happening within the internal logistics of the setting
      Why are you people so moronic.

      • 2 months ago

        >Mods game to replace bottlecaps with "Brotherhood Bucks"
        wow game is fixed, and now no nerd complaints about muh bottlecaps

        • 2 months ago

          >wow game is fixed
          Black person please, do you honestly think adding third party content to a game actually changes anything, are you actually this stupid?

          • 2 months ago

            The point is it's about as meaningful to the enjoyment of your game as a Tardis in a random special encounter.
            Just mentally filter those bottlecaps into Wasteland Dollarydoos. Problem solved. You ignored the problem as easily as ignoring the existence of the Tardis in the Fallout-verse.

  71. 2 months ago

    lore is reddit

  72. 2 months ago

    It's called lampshading, and lampshading your own dumb ass writing is called being moronic.

  73. 2 months ago

    I’ll be honest Ganker. Im going to confess.
    Ive never played Fallout 1 or 2.
    My first fallout was 3 for Xbox360 back in the 00’s

    • 2 months ago

      you should play them, they're good

      • 2 months ago

        >try to play the game
        >walk out of starting cave
        >encounter scorpions
        >miss miss miss miss
        >same thing happens over and over.
        Great game tbh.

        • 2 months ago

          Tag the skills you use to fight enemies with
          so for example if you want to shoot enemies with guns, put points in your small gun skill

          • 2 months ago

            when i made my character, their unarmed skill was the strongest no matter what I did stats wise. So I just decided to play unarmed. Then when I actually play the game unarmed attacks do like 1 damage.

    • 2 months ago

      Cool, least your honest unlike anons that talk about games they've never played. If you want to ever try them grab Fixt/Et Tu for F1 and the Unofficial Patch for F2. Then set combat speed to max and turn always running on. They're great games.

    • 2 months ago

      I was like you once. Started with 3 as well because I didn't game on PC growing up. You should play them, they're good fun. Get past Shady Sands and Junktown and let the fun begin.
      About to finish another playthrough.

  74. 2 months ago

    Is that the character voiced by Emil who calls the player a moron no matter what?

  75. 2 months ago

    Alright, good thread guys.

  76. 2 months ago

    People who take everything in Fallout seriously don't understand that it's meant to be full of jokes. It's a part of what makes it work, why it's popular.

    • 2 months ago


      >And? That still doesn't say anything about tone.
      If Mad Max is cited as the inspiration then we can confidently say the tone is meant to be more like Mad Max than Borderlands
      >What does say something about tone is the content of the game which is frequently silly and light-hearted.
      I don't think there's anything in real Fallout I'd describe as light-hearted, even the naive media is only used to contrast with the brutal wasteland
      >The very first thing you see is silly and light-hearted.
      A POW execution is silly and light-hearted? Anon the fact you're a sociopath doesn't mean the game is, you're supposed to find it grim. Satire of war and other brutal human conditions can be funny without being a joke.

  77. 2 months ago

    Emil derangement syndrome.

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