>7 hours

48 posts · 3 years ago

You agree?

24 posts · 3 years ago

Is this perfection or hell?

20 posts · 3 years ago

Put 'em up

50 posts · 3 years ago

Simply put... a Masterpiece.

45 posts · 3 years ago

>bad guys were aliens all along

45 posts · 3 years ago

it's 89 now

44 posts · 3 years ago

Stealing is.... LE BAD!

40 posts · 3 years ago

it's not that good

48 posts · 3 years ago

is this good or what

46 posts · 3 years ago

what is the peak of indie vidya?

22 posts · 3 years ago

Hack your OLED, anon.

45 posts · 3 years ago