>you can have this onions food

85 posts · Misc · 2 years ago

How do I get into Genshin Impact?

492 posts · Misc · 2 years ago


30 posts · Misc · 2 years ago

Last of Us Remake leak

37 posts · Misc · 2 years ago

What the frick?

19 posts · Misc · 2 years ago

Bisharp chads finally win

49 posts · Pokémon · 2 years ago

what is this class called?

22 posts · Misc · 2 years ago


35 posts · Misc · 2 years ago

Why is it ok when Valve does it?

23 posts · Misc · 2 years ago

What are some good?

24 posts · Retro games · 2 years ago

Why are gimmicks bad?

21 posts · Pokémon · 2 years ago

Ocarina of Time

68 posts · Misc · 2 years ago


76 posts · Misc · 2 years ago

Sell me on this game

33 posts · Misc · 2 years ago

Kino or shit?

44 posts · Misc · 2 years ago

Gamedev thread

534 posts · Misc · 2 years ago

>Video game tie-in becomes canon

44 posts · Misc · 2 years ago

Boycott. Russian. Games.

46 posts · Misc · 2 years ago

Baldur's Gate Thread

520 posts · RPGs · 2 years ago

5 minutes is up

101 posts · Pokémon · 2 years ago


43 posts · RPGs · 2 years ago

It's true

302 posts · Misc · 2 years ago