Modern graphics sucks

142 posts · Misc · 5 months ago

Dragon's Dogma 2 only 30 fps

506 posts · Misc · 5 months ago

Say something nice to make her happy!

32 posts · Misc · 5 months ago

Play PSO with?

42 posts · Retro games · 5 months ago


41 posts · Misc · 5 months ago

Anyone else like Chesnaught?

19 posts · Pokémon · 5 months ago

Best vidya OST

33 posts · Misc · 5 months ago


518 posts · Misc · 5 months ago

You didn't beat the level.

165 posts · Misc · 5 months ago

>He linked the fire

121 posts · Misc · 5 months ago

Hopes and fears?

49 posts · Misc · 5 months ago

how did we go from this

47 posts · Pokémon · 5 months ago

>"This will be the new Civilization !!"

108 posts · Misc · 5 months ago


259 posts · Misc · 5 months ago

It has Palworld energy.

65 posts · Misc · 5 months ago

Did Armored Core 6 Fail Commercially?

51 posts · Misc · 5 months ago

Play Pokemon?

276 posts · Pokémon · 5 months ago

Square Enix has bent the knee

256 posts · Misc · 5 months ago

Kinos for this feeling?

77 posts · Misc · 5 months ago


29 posts · Misc · 5 months ago