theres no point anymore

23 posts · Pokémon · 2 years ago

What's his name?

32 posts · Misc · 2 years ago

regional forms

24 posts · Pokémon · 2 years ago


28 posts · Misc · 2 years ago

oh no?

70 posts · Misc · 2 years ago

Post games that have silencers.

44 posts · Misc · 2 years ago

It's time

124 posts · Misc · 2 years ago


76 posts · Tabletop & board games · 2 years ago

FINALLY. Thank you Blizzard

45 posts · Misc · 2 years ago

E.Y.E Divine Cybermancy

65 posts · Misc · 2 years ago


41 posts · Misc · 2 years ago

Altissia - Final Fantasy XV

111 posts · Misc · 2 years ago

Cyberpunk 2077

228 posts · Misc · 2 years ago

So why does it get so much hate?

27 posts · Pokémon · 2 years ago