Today is the day

48 posts · 3 years ago

Unironically too hard.

43 posts · 3 years ago

What the frick.

48 posts · 3 years ago


48 posts · 3 years ago

This is peak FPS.

50 posts · 3 years ago

What game Ganker?

21 posts · 3 years ago


46 posts · 3 years ago

Why do you hate it?

22 posts · 3 years ago

What am I in for?

18 posts · 3 years ago

>this kills the bing bing wahoo

48 posts · 3 years ago


43 posts · 3 years ago

please play sims

49 posts · 3 years ago

Is Halo back?

20 posts · 3 years ago

Is this any good?

23 posts · 3 years ago

what am i in for?

19 posts · 3 years ago

>He uses a wired mouse

45 posts · 3 years ago

>put dragon in game

50 posts · 3 years ago

>$70 is too much for a video game

40 posts · 3 years ago

>le many words "game"

46 posts · 3 years ago

>Metroid Dread is like 7-8 hours

51 posts · 3 years ago