Games with the best OFFICIAL art?

15 posts · Misc · 3 years ago

Are healers fun?

17 posts · Misc · 3 years ago

Post you're toons.

26 posts · Misc · 3 years ago


24 posts · Misc · 3 years ago

Why do people like Jack so much?

19 posts · Misc · 3 years ago

>Switch has no gam-

27 posts · Misc · 3 years ago

what went wrong?

15 posts · Misc · 3 years ago

Why did score attack games die out?

18 posts · Misc · 3 years ago


24 posts · Misc · 3 years ago

Nier Thread

22 posts · Misc · 3 years ago

I'm glad we agree

24 posts · Misc · 3 years ago


23 posts · Misc · 3 years ago

Which version of MGS1 should I play?

18 posts · Misc · 3 years ago

>get one shot at being an NPC

26 posts · Misc · 3 years ago

>hums in your path

24 posts · Misc · 3 years ago

>Great story

27 posts · Misc · 3 years ago

>Religion is...LE BAD!

26 posts · Misc · 3 years ago

Play Pokemon Masters EX.

26 posts · Misc · 3 years ago

ITT: video game butts

69 posts · Misc · 3 years ago

who else excited?

18 posts · Misc · 3 years ago