>Play any game on this laptop

40 posts · Misc · 3 years ago

So I finished Dread.

49 posts · Misc · 3 years ago

>remaking a game from 2013

40 posts · Misc · 3 years ago

>16:9 widescreen

46 posts · Misc · 3 years ago


43 posts · Misc · 3 years ago

So why did he turn evil again?

22 posts · Misc · 3 years ago

I always play on Easy Mode.

48 posts · Misc · 3 years ago

Hows your game coming along, Ganker?

18 posts · Misc · 3 years ago

Hows your game coming along, Ganker?

21 posts · Misc · 3 years ago


44 posts · Misc · 3 years ago

The Switch can't run PS2 games

42 posts · Misc · 3 years ago


45 posts · Misc · 3 years ago

Video games used to be fun.

39 posts · Misc · 3 years ago

Well, Ganker?

20 posts · Misc · 3 years ago

why dont you own a ps5 yet?

19 posts · Misc · 3 years ago

It's almost here. How hyped are you?

21 posts · Misc · 3 years ago

The ending infuriated me

40 posts · Misc · 3 years ago

>over 500mb

44 posts · Misc · 3 years ago

yni^& Angelic CuteMagical Party

51 posts · Misc · 3 years ago

What if Dead Space....was a girl?

20 posts · Misc · 3 years ago

The frick

41 posts · Misc · 3 years ago

Great game

46 posts · Misc · 3 years ago

It happened...

38 posts · Misc · 3 years ago

look at these funny monkeys

43 posts · Misc · 3 years ago

The soul, The good times

50 posts · Misc · 3 years ago


41 posts · Misc · 3 years ago

Is pokemon dead now?

23 posts · Misc · 3 years ago

Was the ending rushed or what?

21 posts · Misc · 3 years ago