Every single JRPG plot

39 posts · Misc · 3 years ago


23 posts · Misc · 3 years ago

Now i will buy your VR headset

39 posts · Misc · 3 years ago

Do you play Turkish games?

19 posts · Misc · 3 years ago

But yeah, great work ethic

42 posts · Misc · 3 years ago

That will be $60 plus tip

37 posts · Misc · 3 years ago

Vidya tits thread

42 posts · Misc · 3 years ago

ITT: frick you, I liked it

48 posts · Misc · 3 years ago

>server rules: don't be a bitch

38 posts · Misc · 3 years ago


44 posts · Misc · 3 years ago


47 posts · Misc · 3 years ago

>Generic Anime Weebshit

40 posts · Misc · 3 years ago

>enemy can paralyze you indefinitely

46 posts · Misc · 3 years ago